This app was mentioned in 70 comments, with an average of 2.23 upvotes
Hey, its Zooper widget.
It's an android app that you can use to make your own widgets, modify ones others have made, or simply use what another person has made.
There are a ton of options on the play store
Have you tried out Zooper? It's fun to play around with it and you can make your phone look exactly how you want it. I normally look on /r/androidthemes for inspiration.
Its zooper widget with typography extension.
Arrow Launcher excellent choice for a first launcher. Get a great background and some great icons and you're off. The time widget thing you get is ok but if you want to spruce it up there's ZooperWidget which can let you get things like clocks that show battery or the date in words instead of numbers etc etc.
The free version has a few templates for you to play with. If you want to unlock Zooper's full potential and download more templates like Fox for Zooper you have to pay for the pro version which I think is worth it.
Cydia seems more like an unlocking tool for Apple devices- idk if they theme/customize the UI.
Xposed (requires root) has some nice mods (like an app to download YouTube vids) & a few theming apps, though the theming mods can be really complicated.
As for a dedicated theming app, I use Zooper.
The paid version has more options. Again, it's abit tricky to use but the tools are powerful enough for you to create a unique homescreen.
I do not, but I can show you how to make it.
1st: you will need Zooper Widget 2nd: Put down a zooper widget on your homescreen (make it whatever size you want) and then tap on it (where it says resize or tap to start)
3rd: Once you have tapped on that, find the option where it says "Empty"
4th: Now that you have done that, tap "Layout". Once you have done that, you will see that you have no active modules. Go ahead and click the plus sign in the top right hand corner
5th: Now tap the first option which is "Text"
6th: After that, scroll down and tap "Text Content" > then "Weather" > use the "conditions and temperature option" > then go to "Edit text manually" (you will see it right away)
7th: Now, you will see something like "#WCCOND#, #WCTEMP#", basically you just type whatever you want before those letters Ex: The Revolution Calls For: #WCCOND#, #WCTEMP#
That's pretty much it. Sorry for the long and slightly confusing tutorial on how to make it, I'm not sure how to share files with Zooper so I guess this will have to suffice.
It's a bit overkill for just this one use, but Zooper can do this.
edit: If you get Zooper, you can use it for the date and time as well.
I'll assume you have no experience with Zooper at all, I hope you don't take it as an insult.
Download and Install Zooper. Download and install Trident 3. Go to widgets, choose 4x2 a zooper widget (or whatever fits your screen) and put it in your homescreen. Click on it. Go to "Load". Click Trident 3. Choose Pixel 2 Calendar. You can ether just keep this but this will only show your reminders, not date. If you want the date go to Layout >> Rich Text >> Edit Text Manually, delete everything that's written and paste this
$#C0SRD#=0?"[tr=25]#C0TITLE#[/tr]" in$ $#C0SRD#=0 && #C0SRh#>0?#C0SRh# hrs $$#C0SRD#=0?#C0SRm# min$$#C0SRD#!=0?[sr=1.5]#DEEEE#, #DMMM# #Dd#[/sr]$
Go back. Go to Text (the third one, with the time on it), go to Edit Text Manually, delete everything and paste
#C0Shh:mm# - #C0Ehh:mm a# | #C0SMMM# #C0Sdd#
Now you just have to move them using the X and Y offset to get what I have or however you like them. Now, the widget will give the Date unless there is a reminder that day, in which case it will show the reminder. The second line will always give the date and time to the upcoming reminder.
Tell me if something doesn't look right, I might have messed up.
To apply the widgets use Zooper. I would recommend the pro version for extra customisation of the widgets.
Yes, both Zooper and Minimalistic text has support for Tasker variables.
I don't think you can. Just replace it with a widget of your clock/weather app of choice with background transparency or use one from other apps like Zooper or HD widgets.
First you need to download Zooper widget and then you download Plastix for Zooper which has a lot of premade widgets. Zooper is awesome, it allows you to create your own widgets from scratch, or to download premade widgets from the Play Store.
Made entirely with klwp and tasker. Tasker is used only to get notification count of SMS.
Klwp zip: here
Icon pack: lines free icon pack. Wallpapers are from the pack.
I really liked the third screenshot in the zooper playstore page here, so I decided to recreate it in klwp and add some animations.
Not shown in the gif is that tapping the play button changes it into a pause button and vice versa. Each tile corresponds to an app. Weather opens my weather app, clock opens clock, music opens music player, battery opens battery info.
I used Zooper Widget with an empty template and used a rich text module to display the time. Then I set the location of it to whichever city I wanted so it started showing local time of that city. Then I went into the 'edit text manually' option and added 'GMT #DZ# TXL'
"#DZ#" is variable to display difference from GMT and TXL is airport code for Berlin Tegel Airport.
Hope that helps. You can edit font and color and transparency and stuff too. Let me know if you need any help setting it up.
I set up a widget using zooper widget and display the widget on my watch using wearablewidgets
How about using ZooperWidget? You could dump your different Tasker results into Tasker-Zooper shared variables, and set up a bunch of Progress Bars in Zooper that display those variables.
Thanks! It's a samsung galaxy s4, whatever the latest android os is. I used zooper widget to create the battery, clock and info panels. The icons came from deviantart, and the wallpaper came from deviantart too I believe.
The battery gauge was done in photoshop as well, I had to create a background and an overlay with a red battery bar in zooper widget sandwiched in between.
EDIT: Also here is the battery background and overlay that I made.
So i took the 4K resolution wallpaper and turned it into a simple countdown widget. It's made in Zooper (a free customizable widget app for android). This template can be downloaded from here:
Widget: Zooper Widget Free
Icons: Whicons + Edited Click UI
P.S Clock is inspired by La Compagnie des Ombres Rainmeter
Maybe you can try downloading the free version and upgrade from an in-app purchase?
You could make an empty widget using
Good morning Reddit! For the past 5 months I've been using my last theme which I posted here, Long Boy Alolan Exeggutor. You guys seemed to enjoy that one so I figured this new one would be of interest to you all, as well. I know Halloween is past, but I still wanted to create a theme around another of my long time favorites, Gengar - the Shadow Pokemon. I really hope you all enjoy this theme nearly as much as I do and please leave any feedback you might have. Here are the resources I used. Thanks!
The wallpaper was created with custom icons embedded in it and I use a transparent Zooper Widget box placed over top with an OnTapAction set to the specific App I wish to go to. For those that wish to use their own icons I've created a version without my custom icons in it, found here.
Hi, first of thanks for the theme, it's awesome!
You didn't give the direct links to copy the theme, I managed to find them so to whoever who might need them:
Widget -> Justaddwater available here, add it via Zooper Widget
Wallpaper -> Here
First: From a Zooper widget pack called TYPOGRAPHIC
Second: From a UCCW Widget called: Simple Mini Bigger from DeviantArt member Novembr
Launcher is NOVA
If you go to the Play Store, you can download Zooper Widget and Antracit. Antracit contains some very nice material widgets, including a clock I use for my homescreen. Normally it says something about your upcoming alarm, but I changed that to display the weather.
Here is the background(sorry couldn't find the original it's just a copy of a download.)
As for the Widgets. I used Zooper Widget Here is a Link it's free for the most part. It does take some time to figure out.You will have to do a tiny bit of 'coding'(they're templates for everything so, you just have to put them together how you like). But once you do you'll probably make cooler ones than i did.
Edit:Just notice that you can't see the status bar.So i put a black box on top.Hope it helps if you got a old ass Andriod like i do.
Sadly, there's no way for me to link you to the widget, but here's the app
If anybody wants to make this, I'd recommend Zooper over what the original poster used.
The Clock widget is in the Zooper app, if you try to add a widget and scroll down you should find BlockClock
Well the clock is from the Zooper widget using the huk Zooper pack. And here's the wallpaper.
I used the Zooper Widget for the clock. Its the "Origin" one
i made something similar using Zooper.
Widget: mnml37 in the mnml UI for Zooper
Zooper -
mnml for Zooper -
Icon Package: Min Icon Pack
Basic Set Up: Change the page scroll effect to wipe, then add the widget to all pages in the same location to get the effect of only scrolling the app icons. I also made some simple modifications to the mnml37 widget so results may vary.
Have a look at the screenshot. I'm using Nova Launcher. The widget is Trident for Zooper: Trident for Zooper
The widget is from pixup for zooper which allows you to place custom widgets
Yes, this or Zooper should do the trick.
Zooper is great for this but it has a small bit of a learning curve
Link to Zooper: Zooper Widget (free version)
I made it with Zooper.
Its Zooper Widget with the visitor font and battery progress bar.
The clock widget is a theme for Zooper widget called MIN
Icon packs are called Glyphsy
Launcher is Nova launcher Prime
I used a standard google now widget and a zooper widget from the glam pack. My current Icon-Pack, which doesnt really fit to the rest, is Materialistik.
OH! haha my bad I misunderstood. I use Zooper Widget to make all my widgets. You can also use UCCW, or Minimalistic Text.
its probably the Zooper Widget App
It's probably a Zooper Widget that launches an app when tapped.
Nova settings: 8x5 with subgrid positioning, 2 pages, no width or height margins. Dock - 7 icon spaces, 3 pages, small width margin, background on.
As far as I know they don't change the lockscreen. It's a widget that lies on the lockscreen and displays the album art and equalizer on tip of your lockscreen wallpaper. I could imagine you could achieve this with Zooper or UCCW, but if I'm informed correctly you can't change lockscreen widgets in CM12 (it was definitely possible in 11), or at least I haven't found out how you do it yet.