There is also a game where you can explore and fight/trap the SCP's while finding out more secrets about the compound.
Not a game for the weak of heart.
EDIT: Found the game. Like I said before, it really isn't for the faint of heart. Fair warning.
You have been found in violation of foundation security codes 105-b, 105-c & special containment procedures of SCP-087-B.
A security officer has been dispatched to your location, remain at your station and under no circumstances continue to disclose, discuss, or disseminate any information about SCP-087 or foundation activity.
Your status as Class C personnel is suspended and your security clearance has been revoked until review by the site director.
öCT%Hf#TO*Ho#N>PG$(r (ME()ME)g#WN*(ö)Oe#EBOH*@Tt N t###h##i###s#%CO(
>SCP-087-B is a small experimental horror game
f .a .q | maybe we just need to put an ice pack on mekhane | v 0 . 31
If you liked that you can watch playthroughs of a game based on it, or play it yourself. Markiplier playthough he goes through earlier versions and keeps coming back as it improves over 2ish years.
Or you can take a scarier route and play it yourself SCP containment breach it's completely free! and scaaaaary!
The "SCP Foundation" is a collaborate creative writing project, well-known for its horror-focused SCP's, its subtle Lovecraftian theme, and its in-jokes. It has a particularly well-received horror fan-game here.
The community does a great job of regulating content to keep its quality high, and as a result, the SCP series are an addicting read.
CB is a survival horror game where you play as a D-class trying to escape an SCP facility during a containment breach. There’s the original, which is a fully completed game made in an old engine (Blitz3D iirc) and the spiritual successor, made in Unity but only with one completed area.
Secret Laboratory is essentially the same, but a multiplayer game. You spawn as either D-Class, Scientist, Guard or Chaos Insurgency and your job is to either escape or help others escape. You can also spawn as an SCP (currently 106, 939, 096, 049 or 173), and your job will be to kill as many people as possible. It’s essentially the original Containment Breach, but updated to be multiplayer.
Second, much better game. I recommend playing it in a dark room with headphones on. It's very ambient horror. The SCP Foundation website actually got a lot of exposure due to this game, since it attracted a bunch of LPers like Pewdiepie.
In the game SCP Containment Breach you have to manually control your blinking, blinking at the wrong time can get you killed because several monsters only move while your eyes are closed. - The game that made it blow up back in 2012, horror game inside the lab - This is a really famous one where people play different roles in the lab, I suggest you watch some videos of it online before trying it but it's a great multiplayer game and loads of fun. - This is a VR SCP game, haven't tried it but it looks pretty neat
It's a linear walking game (think linear RPG, or google that if you haven't heard of it). You're supposed to run to the 'end' down the stairs. The face (different from the original SCP) will appear and possibly harm you. You have to avoid it by walking away and looking/not looking a certain way. It appear very rarely. The biggest fear element is the repetitive darkness and the knowledge that there will be something unpleasant to break that repetition that you've become accustomed to.
Well basically yes. It's a collection of creepypasta-esque entries written by various writers. They range from humorous to seriously fucked up shit. There is also a game based on it.
There are several SCP games. One is mulitplayer, SCP Secret Laboratory, and another is singleplayer, SCP Containment Breach, both are ok.
I have not played it, so I don't know if it's good but someone made an SCP-087 game Also there seems to be a Russian short film about SCP-087
SCP (Secure Contain Protect) is a fan made writing website about the fictional SCP Foundation secretive organization that contains anomalous or supernatural items and entities away from the eyes of the public.
so just read the entires .
there is also fan-made game SCP contaiment breach
One of the scariest games I have played has to be 'SCP: Containment Breach'. It's a free game based off the stories on the SCP Foundation site, which is a series of Science Fiction documents on the containment of objects, creatures, and places that behave or induce strange paranormal things.
Even if you know NOTHING about the SCP Foundation, it's still a very fun survival horror game, and again, it's 100% free.
For people reading the comments and have no idea wtf "scp" is, here are more good links...
Youtube channel that has some good scp content. Has some nice videos like "24 scariest scps"
There's also an scp game as well...
Well if your up to it give the single player game a try or the recently released multiplayer game beta Both of which are free.
You should play SCP - Containment Breach
The first monster you encounter, SCP-173, works the same way, can't move while you're looking at it, but the game forces you to blink periodically. Quite fun if you like horror games.
Actually, I think the game that your interlocutor mentioned was SCP: Containment Breach (or possibly SCP: Secret Laboratory, the multiplayer remake).
If this is what your interlocutor was referencing, then they themselves are slightly mislead. You should start at the very beginning, at the SCP Wiki. The SCP Foundation is an online fandom that was created over ten years ago, and the people who know of it love it. The site currently contains four thousand separate entries, all of which are written similarly to the original post here but involve unique anomalous entities (people, objects, locations, websites, sound elements, what have you). If you’ve never heard of the SCP Foundation before, spend a week (or more) clicking the random button on that site and reading the different articles, and I promise you that you won’t ~~ever sleep again~~ be disappointed
there is a free game called: "SCP Containment Breach"
with serious effort put into recreating some of the more popular SCPs even though the graphics suck though.
in my post history I also posted a link to a very entertaining SCP-playlist if you are interested.
Did you ever see the free game SCP-087b? It has various playthroughs, notably Markiplier's Let's Play (he has a full 2-hour play), which are hilarious.
Yes, yes there was - it was a forerunner to the larger and more involved game SCP Containment Breach. All of which is based on the SCP wiki articles.
<strong>Download Link For The Game!</strong>
A mod I made based on the horror game SCP-087-B by Regalis
For being drunk, I love scary games. You should give [SCP Containment Breach]<> a run for you money. And since it's free, that should be a lot of run.
Edit: I don't know who changed the rules on how links work, but he did NOT inform me. Have your malformed satan spawn non-link.
Its a growing catalog of user submitted fictional objects that hold mysterious properties (equivalent to artifacts of Warehouse 13, but usually even weirder). The project started in 2008.
SCP stands for 'Secure, Contain, Protect', and all of these objects are given a number preceded by 'SCP'. SCP 173 is a popular example.
There is even a game based off of the foundation called SCP Containment Breach in which the player is a 'class D', a person forced to become a subject amongst the SCPs. An experiment goes terribly wrong and you have to escape the procedural generated facility with all this crazy shit on the loose wanting to kill you.
There is already an SCP-087 game that is pretty much the exact same as PT. I'll give you the SCB-087B version as I think it's the definitive version.
You know what. If you like that SCP you'll like this. I play this damn game all the time. I usually get my neck broken by 173 but it's fun as hell to crap your pants while struggling for air as you choke to death on your own heart.
Elaborate fan fiction made by hundreds of people. Some of the earliest and most known are 173 and 682. The stories got so popular that people starting creating their own SCPs. There's also a really good free survival game based on it.
Maybe Outlast, though it's a different style of gameplay, and the jumpscares are usually followed by long periods of running and hiding. Five Nights at Freddy's seems closer to some of the jump-scare flash games.
SCP Containment Breach is pretty good, too. Its focus is mostly on escaping the facility while being chased by a monster that can only move when you're not looking at it. It climbs through vents and pops up at random times, while your character can only go so long without blinking and such. It might be a bit closer to what you're looking for, and it's free!
> The fear, after all, is in the anticipation, the catastrophizing, the way you warp your own world when faced with the unknown. Show me the game that can draw that out indefinitely.
I'll show you that game.
Sure the engine is a bit dated to say the least, and it's not the most stable of games, but its randomly generated corridors never fail to fill my heart with dread. Noises, both imagined and real, make you question your surroundings at every turn. Any doorway, even ones you've walked through dozens of times, can be your last. The sense of loneliness, paranoia, and downright panic this game invokes is like no other.
Did I just hear 173 skittering in the vents, or was it my imagination?
Was that a glimpse of 372, or has the never-ending stretch of shadows started playing tricks on me?
That moment of pure relief when you find 914, only to have your heart skip a beat as you hear the fleshy sound of 108 passing through the metal walls turning your brief respite into a frantic chase through uncharted hallways and pitch-black tunnels. Is he gone? Have I lost him, only to find something much worse?
The threat of death around every randomly-generated corner has made this my all-time favorite horror game. It even comes with an awesome perma-death mode and the ability to generate your own map seeds. I heartily recommend it to any horror fan. And hey, it's free!
SCP: Containment Breach is an interesting one that seems to mostly rely on fear of the unknown and does so well with its myriad of other worldly beings that range from harmless, annoying, interesting, helpful, and deadly. It is a free game and is based on a creepypasta and it seems Frictional's new game SOMA is taking a few pages from that book from the look of it. Link to game
Or, you know... Remember the older SCP: Containment Breach? One of the main game mechanics for it was the rate of your blinking. I love the thought of my actual blinks triggering the various monsters...
Actually, I'm not sure I like that thought....
SCP started out as a creepypasta website themed as a data repository for an X-Files type organization that kept weird stuff locked away from the public.
I mean it's just the names of the games, "SCP: Containment Breach" and "SCP: Secret Laboratory." Secret Lab is on steam and Containment Breach is on its own website ( SCP itself stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect" tho
For the most part SCP is a creative writing project. You can read the stories and entries here. There is at least one game i know, its a free PC game SCP: containment breach.
Good question. Every year since 2014, the SCP Foundation staff have conducted a survey of the SCP Community. The data collected in these surveys, and used in this chart, represents the composition of the community in the stated year. (In other words, it includes people who joined in all years up to the year of the survey). The surveys are conducted around May or June of the listed year, so the 2017 survey does in fact measure the community in 2017 (this is not the type of survey where there is a year-long gap between the survey being held and published).
In regards to the YouTube vides, Markiplier, who is responsible for about half of all YouTube recruitments, primarily produces let's play of Containment Breach. In the actual survey, Markiplier is listed under the YouTube category (a decision reflected in my graph), although it would probably be more accurate to think of his channel as a hybrid game/YouTube video category since it doesn't cleanly fit into either category. I talk more about this here.
This is the only other SCP game I know of off the top of my head, although there are certainty more out there. That being said, the overwhelming majority of SCP video game recruitments come from Containment Breach.
BTW there's this great horror game called SCP Containment Breach which is awesome.
Graphically it's super outdated now. But it's still one of the best, if not the best, horror games of the era of the horror game boom.
edit: Also for you my man. /u/My_Work_Account_91
There's a pretty good amateur game made about these guys called SCP containment breach. I wish an AAA or indie studio would make a fleshed out game from SCP, so much potential for pants shitting.
I'm surprised at the lack of mentions for the SCP - Containment Breach. Plenty of jump scares, good bit of atmosphere, and procedural generation.
From their info page:
>The main antagonist of the game is SCP-173, an animate concrete sculpture that kills all living things on sight, moving toward its victims at a speed of several feet in one blink of an eye and snapping their necks with irresistible strength and lethal precision. Fortunately, SCP-173 has one key weakness: it is frozen in place as long as someone is looking at it.
>To make things more interesting, SCP - Containment Breach has a blinking mechanic that forces the character to blink regularly (which often has fatal consequences in the vicinity of SCP-173).
There's a PC game too that, much like the slenderman game, has crappy graphics but does a great job of getting some scares out of you. In the game a lot of the things escape.
Containment breach wasnt too bad, but the one where you descend the stairs scared the crap out of me. Played it in the dark with earphones on and almost had a few heart attacks.
You can have a game without the shell (narrative) but you can't have a game without the core (mechanic). For example, tic-tac-toe has no narrative wheras SCP 087 is almost nothing but narrative. (though it still has it's 'walking mechanic' through which the player interacts; thus creating gameplay.)
Even though I admit story-driven games I must say this: narrative is optional.
Try SCP Containment Breach. Free game, where lots of things chase you around. Multiple endings, and each time you play through it the map is randomized. Still in development as well, but was pretty solid last time I played it.
There's actually a free survival horror game based on the SCP Foundation called SCP Containment Breach. Just don't underestimate how scary it is. I think it's still in development, so things get added from time to time. It's scary as hell, and really difficult.
It's a collection of fake documents written by a fictional organization that's based on securing/containing/protecting supernatural/dangerous/unexplainable entities/objects. People create a background document about an object or creature and submit it as an "SCP", then the community can read and vote on them.
There's even a community game that was made, based mainly around SCP-173.
I usually read them when I run out of things to read in /r/nosleep. There are a lot of really cool backgrounds and stories, and a lot of them link together in various ways.
Hey there, the live-action promo is for the game SCP: Containment Breach, based off of the SCP Foundation Wiki
Check those links out, it'll show you what you need to know! :)
It's survival horror. The main SCP (173) will kill you if you look away from it or blink. You encounter others with unique abilities. Pretty fun for a free game, although I haven't played with any of the updates from the past year. Don't expect to win.
Edit: Also, it might not have the best graphics, but definitely can deliver some of the best jump-scares in the genre.
Yeah, I was just poking fun at you ;) I actually love horror games too, SCP Containment Breach is probably my all-time favourite so far because it's procedurally generated and the lore has some really freaky crap in it! (Check out the Document 096-1 in that link too. The worst part is, he isn't even the scariest SCP!)
I saw a playthrough of Outlast and I thought it was fantastic! Unfortunately I didn't know it was going to be that good of a game so I kind of ruined it for myself in a way. Once the element of the unknown is gone... so I avoid playthroughs of games I'm interested in now like they're the bubonic plague.
Outlast has some pretty good jumpscares in it (HELLO LITTLE PIGGY! lol) but what it really nails is the creep factor. This is something I hope Rift horror titles follow - not just loud noises and flashes of things.
Psychological horror. That does make me wonder how far is too far though. Because if Rifting really can induce lucid dreaming after a while (not saying it can't, just that I don't have a Rift) then I am not sure I want that kind of lucid dream. Still, testing testing testing as GLaDOS would say :P
I have to say that you have played almost every horror game so it is tough to find things. Perhaps The Path would interest as it is somewhat horror but it is more just creepy then anything else but if it is on sale it may be worth some time.
My main suggestion would SCP which is a pretty interesting survival horror sci fi game which a lot of people think Frictional has based their next game on. It is free so can't hurt to try. Here is the link.
Oh. I never played anything scarier in my life. The anticipation really got to me. Different tastes, I guess.
Try containment breach. I haven't played it myself. It's the same universe, only without the repetition of a staircase (you're trying to escape a facility).
Definitely add SCP - Containment Breach it's only in alpha right now but it's already the most stressful freaking game I've ever played. It's definitely a game to keep an eye out for.
It stands for secure, contain, protect, but the actual game is SCP: Containment Breach. It's based upon the SCP Wiki which is kind of a collection of fake paranormal objects and stuff like that.
The game itself is in early alpha I believe, and it features a few different SCP subjects, and has some level of random generation. I can't speak to much about it, because I only played about 30 minutes of it, but it scared the shit out of me.
Link to SCP:CB Also, if this interests you, there is a much smaller game about SCP-087 specifically. Link here. This could scare you a lot, or very little. Also, the article says it never ends, that's not true. There is a randomly generated length, but there is an end.
the texture be from horrifying abomination that is SCP - 939 from the 2012 horror game SCP containment breachSCP CB. You should also check out the official SCP page for 939.
r/scpcontainmentbreach - Posts about the SCP:CB game go here
Scp containment breach is free and so is scp secret laboratory. Those are the 2 really good ones.
Containment breach (single player)
Secret laboratory ( multi player)
Was just about to post this. There's a freeware game floating around out there too. Super fucking creepy, if anyone that reads this ever wants to give it a shot.
Here's one from a quick search, there are others, I think.
I started off playing SCP - Containment Breach This is a single player game. It revolves around you as a D-Class (Prisoners purchased by the SCP Foundation to make them as test subjects, in return for shorter sentences) attempting to escape the Foundation site, and make it out alive. There are multiple difficulties, randomly generated maps, and multiple endings.
SCP: Secret Laboratory This is a multiplayer game. There are multiple classes, each with their own goals (escape or be the last team alive). You can be randomly picked to play as, either as hostile SCPs, escaping as D-Class or scientists, or infiltrating the facility as soldiers to save D-Class or Scientists.
Both games are free to play, and have kept me interested for many, many hours. For a fun start, I recommend playing SCP: SL first, as Containment Breach can be quite boring when starting out since a lot of items in the game may not make sense, and may be harder to learn on your own
SCP stands for secure, contain, and protect and is a website dedicated to creepy stories/ monsters written in a similar fashion. This is the website if you are interested
There are two notable games around SCP one being SCP secret laboratory: a multiplayer team game, if you are interest here is a guide for the game and you can find it on steam. There is also a 3D rouge like game called SCP containment breach which can be found here.
The non-modded version of the game is 100% free and can be found here:
As for installing the Ultimate Edition (which adds some useful SCPs and items) I don't know how to help sorry.
SCP: Containment Breach. Older games like RE:2 and Silent Hill bugged me, but they never actively made me want to quit. The SCP game is fan made, I believe, but that rolling concrete sound, the instant deaths, along with the complete unknown is one of the few legitimate times I've been disturbed by media.
Part of it is getting immersed by wearing headphones, playing without distractions, etc. But I think it's a nervous experience if you like horror-related games.
Some honorable mentions that were close for PT and Outlast. I'll add another for Dying Light, specifically at night time. The game didn't disturb me in that sense, but it took me a while to feel comfortable going out and exploring at night time.
I'm surprised no one here has mentioned this, but there is a really creepy SCP fangame. You encounter several SCPs there, in a randomly generated layout of the SCP foundation. It's called "SCP containment breach"
It's a game for windows and can be found here
Title | Who is D-9341? |
Description | Game: SCP - Containment Breach Link: My first attempt at an analysis of a game (a questionable one) will be about: the one (and also nine, three and four, not in that order) the only (until you run into someone/thing) the legendary (pretty gud) D-9341... Today, I will try to investigate his past. What was this "spiral gestalt" he was researching? Did that give him his powers? How important was the secrecy of it? (Must've been up there, surely!) And on top of ... |
Length | 0:14:40 |
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This picture is based on SCP-093. It's a story in the SCP Foundation. The Foundation is a colaborative writing wiki where people can write their stories (but there is a certain format to all of them). The Foundation plot-wise is a giant agency that contains anomalous and dangerous object (tl;dr Men in Black but it's a horror)
A spin-off game titled Containment breach is currently being made.
I highly recommend you check out the wiki first, there is a lot of quality reading, and then try out the game if you wish.
I would pay some serious good money for a high-budget remake of the SCP Containment Breach game. If you haven't played it, you should go and do that now.
While the game kicks ass on it's own, imagine it with modern-era graphics..
Check out Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. Starts out like a cute joke game but genuinely gets pretty scary.
Also it's already been mentioned but despite its lackluster visuals SCP: Containment Breach is probably the scariest game I've ever played.
I think the game Damned would be good in VR
Not Multiplayer, but something I have thought about for a while. Imagine Containment Breach with a blink mechanic synced to your eyes.
I'd say the writing varies based on the individual SCP's, since they're all created by volunteers with nothing better to do then write stories on a wiki in the form of classified documents. It started off as a creepypasta on 4chan's paranormal forum, and just sorta ballooned into it's own website.
Anyone can submit writings to the site, and that's part of what makes the site interesting as the universe slowly grows with each SCP and document found on the site.
If you want a traditional story centered in the universe, there's a few fan made adaptations such as a video game called SCP containment breach.
Which is free but probably for windows only.
It's a survival horror game where you're a test subject inside the foundation when all the sudden things go insane and several SCP's escape, and you can try to fix things and/or escape. Also the level is randomly generated so no playthrough is the exact same.
It makes an already scary game more scary as SCP Containment Breach is a scary game in nature :P It adds references to SCP-087-B and some creepypasta\horror-esque material. However since I did not forget about /r/Frozen, I changed one of the SCPs to this:
Cry of Fear - it's free on Steam
Vanish - another free game, this time it's a survival horror set in the sewers. No weapons, just running for your life.
And of course, SCP Containment Breach.
I get scared at horror games easily, compared to films, so what scares me might not scare you.
Auch hier nochmal mein Vorschlag für irgendwann einmal:
SCP - Containment Breach ( )
Schönes schwieriges Indiespiel, zwar nichts für den ganzen Abend, aber gut, wenn man mal ein paar Minuten hineinschnuppern möchte.
This website is part of an open literature project. Meaning anyone can contribute (as long as it's within the guidelines, and it's written properly). All of the articles are supernatural but written realistically.
This doesn't just stop at writing, a lot of members have indepth discussions about the entries, they make games, lay easter eggs in all of society and do all sorts of cool things.
Here's their [subreddit](/r/scp)
There's SCP Containment Breach:
Not so good point and click horror game:
I personally do not like any Friday Nights at Freddy's games, but there's that.
If you upgrade your computer in the future, you should try some penumbra games as well as amnesia.
Try this one on for size - but make sure you read the red links in the order that they appear once you've reached those points.
I'm not sure if you've heard of the SCP foundation, but SCP Containment Breach does an excellent job of maintaining foundation lore while scaring you shitless. It's also completely free, so if you don't like it then you've lost nothing.
Some games I feel that way, some games even the NPC's know how fucked they are. Like SCP: containment breach. I love how the guards have a calm demeanor at the start, even talking about what's in the cafeteria. Then when shit hits the fan, there's a lot of screaming in the distance and every person you see is running or dying.
SCP Containment Breach has just crossed from v0.9.3 to v1.0 , and i think this fact chould be celebrated by the Grumps. I personally enjoy horror, but i detest the gore and shock value of today's games, which i think play too much on the horror, and not enough on the terror. Horror is a physical manifestation, whereas terror leaves you frightened of looking behind the next door. Akin to the quiet, screamy Outlast playthrough, but allowing turns between each player, with quick spooky playthroughs.
If not SCP:CB, when what spooky game would you like to see the grumps take a crack at?
I don't know if you're ever heard of it but it's called SCP - Containment Breach
A few cool things about this game.
I've played this game a few times and it scares the shit out of me each time. It's 20x more fun if you play with some friends on Skype in the middle of the night though. :)
Thanks for the giveaway.
SCP - Containment Breach is a (relatively recent?) free horror game with some really fun mechanics. The game contains randomly generated rooms where some sort of creature stalks you, but it only moves when you aren't looking at it. The biggest catch? The game features a "blink bar" where after a set amount of time you are forced to blink. You can blink prematurely using spacebar and even keep your eyes shut indefinitely by simply holding it down.
Full disclosure: I haven't played it nearly enough to make a final judgement on it, but I'm chocking that up to the fact that it's too damn scary for me to finish it!
Try this. I've beaten The Dark Descent multiple times with significant terror. I can't even fucking begin to play SCP containment breach. It is undoubtedly the most terrifying game in existence.
Oh, and read this first:
Cry of Fear is pretty fun, it's free if you own half life on steam. Condemned: Criminal Origins is pretty good too.
On the topic of Amnesia, the Penumbra games are great. Same company.
/r/gamedeals is posting a lot of horror-themed sales right now.