This app was mentioned in 99 comments, with an average of 1.45 upvotes
Best bet is to use one of several apps on the play store that can show you the space hogs. Search "storage space" on the Play Store, I have used THIS on occasion, not enough to rave or complain about it though.
Telegram? go to telegram settings>data and storage>storage usage>Clear telegram cache. You can use this tool to find more junk files ,this app help me the 32gb storage.
If you're able to free up enough space to get this app to install:
That will help you drill down to exactly where the problem is.
Remove unnecessary storage (photos?--backup to Google Photos, Dropbox, etc) and remove unnecessary/unused games (especially) and apps. Check your downloads folder and other locations, I recommend using the app called Disk Usage & Storage Analyzer (Drives) to figure out where all your space is being used if you need help locating the big files/problems.
Make sure to clear the cache of any apps that are using a lot.
If you absolutely don't want to do any of that, then your only option of increasing storage space would be to buy an SD card. I'd recommend a 64GB SD card or even as high as 128GB (the max supported). You can usually find the good ones cheap at Amazon every other month for around $20-$40 depending on the size you want, they just recently had deals on these a few weeks back.
La categoría "Otros" son los archivos que no calzan en las otras categorías. Por ejemplo, los archivos .rar, .zip, o .apk no calzan en ninguna otra categoría aún si adentro contengan imágenes, documentos, audio, o incluso una aplicación, así que el sistema los pone en "Otros".
Si quieres saber donde eliminar contenidos que ya no ocupes, instala la app Disk Storage Analyzer, es muy buena para escanear tus almacenamientos (interno o externo) y mostrarte en una gráfica que carpetas o que tipos de archivos están ocupando tu almacenamiento.
other can be deleted gallery photos in recycle bin. could be extra data you download within the apps, (an example that happened for me was that I use Tachiyomi app to read comics and mangas, and when I downloaded two mangas with huge sizes to read in offline mode, I realized the size of "other" increased, not app size), it could be thumbnails sometimes as well. I used this app to clear memory and I found even much more unwanted stuff that needed to be deleted. you can use it to see what folders are taking huge space as well.
Check out Storage Analyzer and DiskUsage
I always suggest this app if you want to check your phone for specific types of files. It's similar to WinDirStat on Windows
Download device storage analyser from playstore. It can help find and delete many junk files which are unable to get recognized by the mobile system. download
You can try Storage Analyser App. Go to file categories, open the OTHER folder & delete what you want. Sometimes this OTHER folder stores your game files like obb files, so look out for what you are deleting. I use this app to do the same, although the max I get after deleting is 2.4GB in others.
Here's the link to the app :
You can try scanning your storage with this app that's like windirstat for Windows (which shows you a visual representation of your used storage, in pie chart form showing largest folders, along with a list of largest files):
If you want a simpler approach, you can try the CCleaner app but that just scans the same main locations you've probably already gone through, like apps and cache files.
try sd maid to check what takes your space. also its possible that its hidden folder or file. so in your file explorer setting check the "show hidden files". if your file explorer doesnt support it, try solid explorer. also check this for big files.
I'm currently using Storage Analyzer & Disk Usage.
Disk Usage is another decent tool with an alternative view on finding large files.
Both have served me well.
> I like it, just got pro as I mentioned before. I've used combined with the baked in Samsung implementation of Clean Master. Do you think I should replace those with SD Maid or use them in conjunction with it?
That depends on what you use the other apps for. I don't think there is anything those apps do, that you need to do, that SD Maid can't do. SD Maid doesn't have pie charts for size display though (and likely never will)... :)
> I think a tutorial would be nice, the options were a bit disorienting at first. Had to look at the git Wiki to get a handle on things.
I find it difficult to keep the app simple for everyone, but also offer sophisticated functions for advanced users, it will always be something to improve upon. I wanted to make an introduction video for years, never seem to get around to it :(.
I like it, just got pro as I mentioned before. I've used combined with the baked in Samsung implementation of Clean Master. Do you think I should replace those with SD Maid or use them in conjunction with it? I think a tutorial would be nice, the options were a bit disorienting at first. Had to look at the git Wiki to get a handle on things.
Here's a gem of an app called Drives. It will help you analyse what is taking up space in your phone, which folder has the most size, what are the 10 biggest files, etc.
If you have doubt about if you should delete a file, you can ask it here or DM me
What do you mean that heavy/large apps are on your SD card already? Apps to SD hasn't been a thing since Android 7. You can enable the feature in the Developer settings of the phone, but it will not enforce it. If you do move an app to SD and does get moved, next time it updates, it will install itself back onto internal storage. Check your app's caches those usually have data that are taking up space that you can clear or you can ultimately delete apps you don't use to clear out storage space.
I usually can find exactly what is taking up space using this app called Staorage Analyzer & Disk Usage (I use the Pro version), it's like the app WizTree on Windows:
Free version:
Pro version:
try this Storage Analyzer didn't try it in depth but it seams to work
also you can use and ad blocker on your phone to get red of all ads i recommend blokada5 if you are intrested.
Yeah, you can use this app to find what other app is, when it was done scanning your device go to the categories and choose the other sections to find out wht is going on. The app link in Google play,
It seems like it goes by a different name but while installed, it shows "Drives" under the icon of the app.
It shows you and allows you to delete files which are taking up space. Google everything before deleting if you're not familiar with what you're doing. Never delete stuff which might be used by other apps. It might break them.
I found a way to do this. Install this app called Storage Analyser and Disk Usage. Go to the tab labelled File Categories in the side-scroll menu at the top, tap on OTHERS and delete the files.
Have you tried to look with this tool? it shows graph of big files and you can navigate there. Very convenient when I have something to remove and can't locate it.
1 - Don't be ashamed you're using an older phone. If it still works for you and your needs. I had an S8 up until last year and even then I bought a used S20 from Swappa. I haven't purchased a new phone since the S8. Probably won't ever again.
2 - Your phone should have a decent breakdown of storage usage in the settings. If not check out an app like this one. Either one should give you a good idea of what's eating up your storage.
Check this app:
It should allow you to clear some of that used space in Others, but be careful with what you delete.
Try downloading a storage analyser to get a better idea of what is taking up all the space
Use MIUI own cleaner and security app to check and clean the other files or use any third party app to analyse your storage like
Try to check your phone with this app, it will show you which files take so much space. Then you can delete them with that app or with something like Total Commander, knowing their exact location in the system
Ni Android ni iOS guardan las versiones anteriores de las aplicaciones. Hay dos casos en qué una aplicación que al actualizarse varias veces pueda dejar residuos en el almacenamiento:
1) Que la aplicación haya dejado archivos que ya no ocupa. Por ejemplo, en la versión 1.0, la aplicación guardaba las fotos en su carpeta privada, pero en la 1.5 empezó a guardar las fotos en el almacenamiento externo. Aún con ese cambio, las fotos en la carpeta privada seguirán ahí.
2) Algún caché del APK(s)/App que haya quedado mientras descargaba la actualización.
Sin embargo, en ambos casos, te resulta más fácil, sencillo, y rápido eliminar los datos de la aplicación en vez de desinstalar a cada rato. Además, en varios casos, con suerte limpias unos cuantos MBs que no alcanzan ni a ser 100.
En otras palabras: Si, pero no. Simplemente estás complicando algo que se puede hacer súper fácil y solo por unos pocos megas.
Si te estás quedando sin espacio, te recomiendo la app para Android Drive Storage Analizer (Discos) (no conozco alternativas para iOS). Esa app te analiza tu almacenamiento y te dice con un gráfico donde tienes más archivos. Incluso te lo clasifica por carpeta, cosa que es muy útil (no es lo mismo tener una carpeta de 1000 archivos de 1MB c/u, a un solo video de 100MB).
You can transfer to SD card, but performance may be a lil less optimised. Also apart from the Apps, if you have games, music files stored locally, you can shift those too.
If you use Spotify or youtube music or any streaming service in particular including youtube, downloads from them (music & video) are stored with the app. Clearing those may help, if you need to.
Secondly use this app to analyse storgae data for your internal storage
Use it before inserting the mem card. It should help you!
Doesn't one ui comes with built-in one. If you don't have one download this
Android maid is also good option.
This is worth checking out. I would plug your phone into a desktop computer via USB and set it to media transfer protocol to investigate what is up with the reported storage numbers. Alternatively you can use something like: to get an idea of what is going on in the background.
Ooooh, i see. You don't mean ram then. You mean internal storage, check with a storage analyzer what's eating up so much of your internal storage.
You could use Drives. Here's a screenshot from my podcasts directory
First of all, check in individual app settings to see if they have storage options. Not through your phone settings, but open up the apps themselves. Apps can choose to write to the phone even if they're on the SD card because it's more secure but some apps (e.g Audible and Google Play Music) let you manually pick where. They also default to the phone storage, so you have to manually select SD card inside the app even if the app itself is already on the SD card.
Here are some examples of apps that do this
Also, have a look at this app. I use it to see where the storage on my phone is going in a nice pie chart.
Next up, I've noticed that Facebook on particular doesn't use the cache but instead stores things that would usually be cached in normal files. You can clear data for the app, but this also signs you out.
Lastly, some apps will just take up whatever space they can. Adding more internal storage won't do that much to stop this (I don't think).
Download this on the play store : My Drive. After opening the app, it will run for a bit, scroll 2 tabs to the right and determine what you do not need to keep.
That is true, it only scans in folders, and doesn't come into detail in individual file sizes. Maybe this one will work better? Has top lists of largest files and shows files in the list under 'Directory files'
This app might help provide a visual representation of the data. Haven't used it personally but have used others like it, just can't remember the names of them.
Thanks for the reply. I have used it. It does not solve the problem of thumbnail data and symlinks. It still thinks the storage actually being occupied on the symlinked partition is a part of internal memory.
I have also used the following programs: (seems to have been abandoned now and no longer available on Google Play)
None of them solve these two problems.
More information is needed. Are you rooted? Have you ever done a nandroid backup? If you have a few of those, those easily would take up that much space. Otherwise an app like this may help you out:
Download this app. Go the quick search> + > select all> delete
This tool has helped me figure out what's taking up space before. I hope it helps.
Use this app, it shows you every thing which is occupying space so you can remove it
You can use these ones
Use drive analyser to check what's taking space in videos . Here the link to app
Use something like this, sometimes gives a good hint what file/thing is taking so much space.
Did the process finish? Check out storage analyzer to see where your space is being used up.
Try this app. It might be what you're looking for, it is kinda like "windirstat".
Check storage analyzer & disk usage on the store.
Use something like this to see what's taking up that space in future. Also, grab an SD if you can.
Or something like this
Try this app
I was able to clear about 50gb that was hidden, this app shows exactly what the data is
Try this app
I was able to clear about 50gb that was hidden, this app shows exactly what the data is
I use that to explore my phone storage usage.
You can also try this app
Esta app la recomendaron acá hace un tiempo. Es más exhaustiva al parecer. I suggest you use this and check "others" file tab. It could be private files or encrypted video/audio files You can use this to see in depth what storage is being used where
You can delete via this app. Try it. Good luck!
Use this to check in detail for used space.
Try this app maybe, it helped me with a similar problem on one old xiaomi phone (it was thumbnail cache files)
Use storage analysis it lower your other storage not complete but it may help you
You can try Storage Analyzer & Disk Usage.
Download this app and go to quick search> + sign at the bottom right> select all>delete
You can use this storage analyzer Yes
As you suggested :-)
You can use this app to see what is eating your storage..
Try this sometimes your internal memory is shared and you don't see full capacity.
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that -- it DOES nag about upgrades.
I haven't seen those prompts in forever; I think after X number of launches and/or some elapsed time it finally gives up. At least I don't see them anymore and I never found a way to disable them, so I think after a bit it just gives up.
But newer needs to be actually better, and not just newer. (Look at Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 GUI changes. Really? And of course Apple is a fashion statement, who'd want to be seen in public with last years old clothes?)
I know that I'm using an old version of an anime music player, a manga reader, and a few others. There IS no native upgrade, only rip and replace -- and I don't happen to like the newer ones.
Just be aware that "why settle for older apps" is pretty much a marketing trap. If you NEED new functionality, great! If things don't work or you don't like them, swap out; lots of alternatives. I occasionally look around as well, but if something meets my needs / requirements then I stay with it. (Having the OS nags gone DOES help a bit.)
[Along those lines, the weather app Dark Sky is being decommissioned, forcing an upgrade. I'm trying 6 apps and nothing is providing me all of the same info on a single screen; I can swipe and scroll but the alternatives all have bothersome GUI "fluff" I don't care about -- here's a drawing of the desert taking up half of the display. You wouldn't have known that just by reading the temperature, too much effort there. Here's the temp display taking up 50% of the display in case you can't find it. Here's a full screen picture of a frog having your weather. Really, Google?]
If you're always on the upgrade path then they've made you into a continuing market -- upgrade things (not NOT just apps) when you've outgrown them, they're unusable, or you need additional functionality -- not just because the new one is "shinier".
Good luck finding an alternative, like I said I like this one as well.
Engga kok. Setelah dicek pake storage analyzer, banyak file gede di folder trash, entah trash dari mana
I like crack on with things 😂 if you really want to find out this app is in-depth
Give Storage analyzer a try. It can give you more info than samsung's built in storage analyzer.
Download Storage Analyzer to actually see what's going on in detail.
this is the best one. gives you treesize
You can try with Drives.
Try an app like this to see more details.
Check out storage analyzer
I don't think the app DiskUsage is very useful - I am a little confused too! Try this instead:
Have you tried using a disk analysis app such as..
Regarde peut-être d'abord une appli dans ce genre?
Use this app named Drive
Last week, I was down to 1gb and was confuzzled about how I was out of memory even with 128gb SD card as all my files(music,videos,pics) are on the SD card. I checked it via app, it pointed me to 13GB worth of DNG files(RAW) sitting their in memory.