This app was mentioned in 160 comments, with an average of 2.11 upvotes
Zooper Widget hasn't been updated since 2015 but it's still a popular widget app with many 3rd party developers releasing new widget skins
you can do that using Zooper widget pro and S6 zooper widgets
The app Zooper Widget was used to add those clocks. The specific pack used in the screenshots is the Wafer Pack for Zooper
I can't tell you the specific widget but am fairly certain it's a Zooper Widget.
Not sure if that helps or you already knew that.
I'm using Zooper with a pack called mnml UI.
It has a bunch of awesome widget designs that you can modify.
With Android, I used the Zooper Widget Pro App (but I think you can do it in the free version anyway).
You can make custom widgets on for your home screen so I made one with the time and date and the word "D E T E R M I N A T I O N" right underneath it. There's a "free text" option in making the widget so that's where it came from.
I highly recommend downloading it and playing around with the app, it's pretty customizable!
Thank you. And yea, i used Zooper Widget pro for the widget manager And the pack is Glam
The widget is a Zooper Widget Pro and the clock is from the Trident Theme pack.
I used the Zooper Widget Pro as my widget client, and the design itself is in the MIN widget package.
Zooper Widget Pro is an app which lets you make widgets by making layers, just like in photoshop. With this one I have:
1 - a rich text layer used as the clock. In this layer I can choose the string (day, month, year, hours/minutes, hours/minutes/seconds etc) size, position, font and lots of other stuff like blur effects.
2 - the second layer is a shape layer. I can choose a basic shape like a line or a rectangle. I chose a line with a 4px thickness property and a certain amounth of length. I positioned this one underneath the clock.
3 - I duplicated the line layer and positioned this one above the clock.
My older home screen was similar only instead of 2 line layers I had one layer with a rectangle. The clock layer had a different font and underneath that layer I also had a date layer.
It sounds hard but all this stuff you can find when you create a layer. You don't need to manually figure out and type the strings, you just choose them from a list. Same goes for all the shapes. You can even use background image as a layer if you want to get really creative.
The entire screen is actually filled with 3 custom widgets from Zooper Widget Pro, the top one (the "statusbar" with 'Century' in it, along with battery, WiFi strength, and mobile strength), the middle (the clock and the top encrypted bar), and the bottom (everything else).
All I did was add a new rectangle, then positioned the text I wanted over it and set the draw mode to 'clear', which makes it transparent.
It's all just for show, but I like the aesthetic. :P
I used Zooper Widget Pro and MindPlay Zooper Pack. I then changed the font of the widget to Metropolis.
I forgot, you need Zooper Widget Pro. In the description of Antracit it said you need Zooper Widget Pro version 2.38 or above.
I'm sorry I didn't notice :(
The yellow part is part of my sidebar style zooper widget. The battery bar is also done in zooper widget. The toggles are from power toggle with background set to 100% transparency.
Yep, I'm on Android.
I'm use Zooper Widget Pro. I forgot how much it was, and it won't show the price since I already have it installed, but it's probably worth it considering how customizable it is. You can create widgets from scratch or download templates from the play store.
Fair warning though, the level of detail in the customization means there's a bit of a learning curve.
Look into Zooper widget pro. There are tons of free and paid themes with nice clock widgets. Plus, you can change the background for any of the widgets to be transparent.
Mnmlui widgets for the zooper widget app.
Zooper Pro (Unfortunately you do NEED the pro version in order to use the extra designs for the widgets.)
I'd like to thank this thread for bringing Zooper to my attention. I will have a lot of fun with it. My first Zooper homescreen.
Hey, thanks.
First you need Zooper Widget Pro which is a paid app.
Once you have that, you'll need mnml UI for Zooper which is a free app (but think of it more as an add-on for Zooper)
Mnml UI will give you more widget designs. So when you open Zooper Widget Pro, you can select a design from mnml UI which is called minimal 01. In there, you can make the font type and color adjustments as stated above to match what I have.
Happy cake day.
This was the first thing that really bothered me.
I used Zooper to create a widget for the home screen that changes red under 10% and green while charging. Also displays time until full when charging, and time until empty when not.
thanks! the clock is a custom widget for Zooper Pro ( and not part of the Clock presets. you can play around with the colors for the notification shade and try to match it to your wallpaper, etc. the 1st of the 4 colors is the main background color.
Sort of... you then have to start diving into the realm of widget's to get that level of customization. I keep my desktop simple with a grid so that works for me.. here's an app that can help further customize:
Zooper is crazy powerful but it takes a lot of time and effort to get it nailed down perfectly. Here's a Reddit for a community focused on further customizing the UI:
Using Zooper Pro,
And an add on called Primium
And, then I added the low and high temp of the day. It's super easy to do if you take a little time to see how to create your own widgets.
If you want an actual widget anchored to a specific homescreen that can utilize any custom icons / text / etc. just use <strong>Zooper Widget</strong>. This is pretty much the ultimate solution in terms of graphical layouts, and it can send/receive information to/from Tasker.
So you could press a button/icon in the widget, Tasker could Perform a certain Task, then send info back to Zooper so that the icon changes to something else, etc. The only caveat is that each element in Zooper must be linked to a specific Tasker Task (but Zooper doesn't have the ability to send %par1/%par2 variables).
Regarding Tasker 'widgets' - are you referring to Scenes? Tasker Scenes can use image elements from anywhere. As can Tasker's homescreen widgets. The icon for any homsecreen widget can be swapped/changed in real time using the "Widget Icon" action.
I made it using Zooper Widget Pro
If you want the template file of the widget I made, message me and I'll try to get it to you somehow.
I made it using Zooper Widget Pro
If you want the template file of the widget I made, message me and I'll try to get it to you somehow.
I made it using Zooper Widget Pro
If you want the template file of the widget I made, message me and I'll try to get it to you somehow.
It happens on nova as well, but not only from the widget. Sometimes it's random, I would be in the settings menu of AL3, press back to go on the home screen and it reboots. But with that widget, it's 100% reboot. This only happens with custom launchers.
Adding a zooper widget, then taping on it to set it. Selecting the s6 one, pressing back, when it goes home it reboots
Sadly can't get logcat since I'm not rooted and because it force reboots I doubt it would get recorded anyway
Here's the download for the zooper files for the Overwatch interface.
Install ZooperWidgetPro($2.99 I think, sorry need pro to import)
Unzip the .zw files from the download above to \ZooperWidget\Templates. This folder could be in sdcard, emulated\0\, or internal storage depending on your phone. (thanks to /u/lomermoso and /u/Hustlerbojenkins for working that one out)
Add a ZooperWidget to your homescreen, just choose the size that you want the widget to be. Dock by default is 4x2, Clock/weather is 3x2, Athena/Notifications are 1x1, Solo battery meter is 2x2.
Choose SD Card.
Choose the widget you want to add.
NAME YOUR WIDGET. By default it'll be Widget 87 or some shit and it'll be a pain to identify for settings later.
If you have a custom launcher(Apex/Nova/etc) you can resize the widgets and then launch ZooperWidget and edit the scaling of the widget to fit properly.
You'll have to change the app launch commands to match whatever apps you use personally for your weather/launcher/etc.
To do this:
Open ZooperWidget and go to Configure Widgets.
Choose whatever widget you want to change(I'll be using the clock as an example).
Choose Layout.
Choose time to select the clock portion.
Choose Module OnTap.
Swipe over to App List and pick your clock or alarm app.
Hit back until you're back to your home screen.
Widget will take a minute to update.
If you guys want different icons for your dock you'll have to make them as a community. I'll be getting the files out here this weekend but I wanted to at least get the widgets out there for people.
The circle of icons at the start is Circle Launcher Light. I used it because I could make it look like the emote ring from the game. Icons are Flight by Nate Wren
• This setup was made on my note 9, however since screener doesn't yet have that as a mockup body, the note 8 will have to do.
• No klwp for this one
• Inspired by u/neoklear and their setup "Red lyrium"
• 1+ 6 = 7
Wallpaper is a default lollipop background, all the modules are clickable to go to the respective app. The little bar to the left of the clock is battery. The circle is the hour out of the day(subject to change).
Ok hijacking this post to link to my stuff;
Sorry it took so long but I put everything into a zip for this theme. Keep in mind you will need Zooper Widget Pro and Nova Launcher Prime to get this setup. Also I am an amateur Zooper-rer at best so I can try to help if the widget build isn't working but I'm by no means an expert with the app. I also threw in some extra wallpapers and a little dumb secret thing i whipped up ;)
Hi guys. /u/Dasilvatrevor recently made an awsome lockscreen for iOS here: and I just had to make one for myself. So here it is with bonus homescreen (and instructions) ;)
I tried to make this tutorial as easy as it can be for people not familiar with Zooper Widget and Widget Locker. I hope it is :)
Zooper Widget Lockscreen:
Zooper Widget Homescreen:
Zooper Widget (pro version needed):
Nova Launcher (or other more customizable than Google Launcher):
Widget Locker:
Before start:
Install everything. Download Wallpaper (1920x1200, No text, Borderless), set it and position it right. Download and nms and move it with any file explorer to: /sdcard/ZooperWidget/Templates/
Instructions for homescreen:
Clear everything on Nova homescreen.
Nova Settings/Desktop: set Desktop Grid to 6 rows and 5 columns, set Page Indicator to 'None', set Widget Overlap and Overlap when placing to 'Enabled' (in case you want to place anything more on homescreen later)
Nova Settings/Dock: disable Dock
Nova Settings/Look and Feel set Screen Orientation to 'Force Portrait', Show Notification bar to 'Disabled'
Nova Settings/Gestures & Inputs: set Swipe down to 'Expand notifications' and Swipe down (two fingers) to 'Expand Quick Settings', set rest to 'None'or anything you like
Go back to Homescreen
Long press and add Widget -> Zooper Widget 5x1 or 5x2. When Widget shows don't click it! Long press on it, choose resize and fill whole homescreen with it. Now press back button to exit resizing and click widget once. Zooper Widget will open, choose SD Card and search for nms. Go to Layout, search for 'Text, L U C A S", 'Edit text manually', change it to your name or anything you like (remember two spaces between letters, it looks better).
If you use different Apps than me for Phone, SMS etc. you have to change Hotspots. Go back to Layout. Last 5 'Rect' are the ones you are looking for. Counting from end: 1st is App Drawer (those 2 circles), 2nd it Mail, 3rd is Messenger, 4th is SMS and 5th is Phone. If you want to change what place it links to press it, go to Module OnTap, swipe to Apps and choose appropriate one.
I guess thats all for Homescreen. Gonna add Lockscreen part soon.
Edit: Set Widget OnClick Action to Disabled after all is done.
I thought it would be neat to try out Kustom's "gyroscope" animation trigger using a modified version of the Firewatch background.
Most of the files I used can be downloaded here. Feedback is welcome; it's still a work in progress.
Created using a widget created by u/turnbelt, Fallout themed icon and wallpaper pack created by the amazing u/natewren, and zooper. Downloaded a font called Monofonto to use to create my zooper widget. PSA: You can add fonts to zooper by simply downloading them and then moving them into the zooper font folder.
I would share my zooper creation, but I'm not entirely comfortable doing that since my main resources came from some pretty neat applications that are not free. So if you like the wallpapers, be sure to snatch up the icon pack. Both the lockscreen and home screen wallpapers came from the paid icon pack. I have purchased literally everything that u/natewren has in the Play Store and I highly recommend his work.
I made sure to outline my zooper widget in pretty good detail so it should be very easy to recreate with the same resources. And if you don't mind UCCW, just use the widget from u/turnbelt. :) It's very user friendly and easy to customize. I just find it incredibly buggy compared to zooper. I don't want to steal credit for something from fellow redditors who are far more talented than me.
Widget: +
Icon Pack:
Desktop Grid: 12 x 12
Icon Layout: no label
Apps (starting from the left):
Spotify icon:
The clock was hidden using the System UI tuner (only available on Android Nougat). This was done on a Nexus 6P.
The dock was hidden using Nova Launcher and the home button action was changed so it opened the app drawer instead of showing previews.
Zooper Pro 4x3 was used for the widget with scaling set to 165.
Keep in mind that the desktop and widget settings are for 1440p displays. You might have to play around with them a bit on different resolutions.
Clock/Date widget - Zooper Pro.
Icon Pack is DarkMatter Icon Pack.
Wallpaper - Here
Also using Nova Launcher Prime.
Don't forget you also need Zooper Widget Pro
Zooper Widget Pro needed for widgets
Time and Date Widget [OC]
Search Bar Widget [OC]
Icon Pack
Clock/Date/Weather widget - Zooper Pro with Plastix
Icon Pack is DarkMatter Icon Pack.
Wallpaper is from Retrome
Also using Nova Launcher Prime.
Inspiration from a post I saw here months ago. I searched and searched but I can't find the original Zooper Pro file I used to edit the time, clock, date, and battery icons.
Launcher: Nova Launcher Prime
Icons: Tiny White Icon Pack
Wallpaper: Imgur
Weather Widget: Weather Timeline
Made with:
So basically, I'm not actually going to use this theme very much, it was just something I wanted to try out, particularly so I could practice using the advanced parameters in Zooper Widget, for various applications. For example, the circle at the top moves depending on the day, and various things appear and disappear (like the stuff on the music screen) depending on certain factors. I still like the look of it a lot though, and I think it came out really nicely. Otherwise, it's not very interesting, basically the same features and functions as my previous homescreens. The next one will likely deviate heavily from this style.
Used Zooper to create five separate tile widgets with white text headings.
Filled each zooper widget with colours from the material design colour palette using this app.
Used my widgets from my favourite apps and placed them into the corresponding tile, including Weather Timeline, Shuttle+, and Today Calendar Widget.
Used Tiny White Icons for the App tile.
Launcher is Nova Prime, with swipe up gesture to open app drawer, and swipe down gesture to open notification panel.
Also the screenshot show the calendar widget as not completely transparent, whereas on my phone it is - don't know why ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Zooper Widget Pro needed for widgets
Time and Date Widget [OC]
Search Bar Widget [OC]
Icon Pack
Look into Zooper widgets. They're the best looking and most customizable. I just discovered them recently and they are badass.
AC Display (not shown in picture)
Zooper -
Parrot -
Candycons -
Materialistik -
<strong>Zooper Widget</strong> works well with Tasker also.
There is an app called Zooper Widget Pro that you can use to create your own widgets. I used to try that, but ended up finding that other people were much better at this than I was so I started downloading widget packs that can be opened using Zooper.
This one comes from a pack called Phoenix. Other widget packs for Zooper that are great include Fox and Candy.
Another Version of the gif, should fit your screen better.
Nova Launcher Prime
Glyphs by Tokems Icon Pack
Nova Launcher Prime
Icon Pack is called Lost, but I have lost (pun intended) the link for it. I'm 90% sure it was on G+ though, which I have been on for ages looking for it, so if someone finds it, link it in the comments.
Zooper Widget Pro
Widget: MIN for Zooper pro
Icons: Quada
Zooper Widget:
Nova Launcher prime:
The dots above the mountains are actually icons edited in icon changer. :
This is the wallpaper. Widget is Zooper Pro , and plug-in is Flaterial for Zooper.
Wallpaper is a default lollipop background
Major credit goes to U/MrDrProfJeremy for giving me the inspiration with their theme "the dive" that they submitted to this sub earlier. Made using ZOOPER widget pro:
and Action Launcher 3 pro version:
I disabled the dock at the bottom and turned on the quickbar at the top to add all of those apps up there, I believe you need the pro version of action launcher 3 to do this.
Link to Zooper files:
This is my first post here so any feedback is appreciated!
Zooper widget:
Zedge ringtones and wallpapers:
Stamped Black icons:
It's from a zooper theme called Typographical.
yup, Muzei for the background!
currently using zooper widget pro for the lines and the clock
font is Oswald regular
the icon pack is min
also using nova launcher pro. the wallpaper is here
I'm glad you like it! this was my third theme after learning about /r/androidthemes
Android. No jailbreaking/bricking/or hacking. For example, here's what I used to make the Raptor one (which I made today):
Background: Link
Widget: Zooper Pro
Launcher: Nova Free
Icons: Vintage
Android. No jailbreaking/bricking/or hacking. For example, here's what I used to make the Raptor one (which I made today):
Background: Link
Widget: Zooper Pro
Launcher: Nova Free
Icons: Vintage
Clock: Zooper Widget Pro
Clock font: Signerica - Medium
List thing: Zooper Widget Pro
Headers on pg 2: Zooper Widget Pro
Icons: Earth Icon Pack with GEL Icon Pack on the last line.
Wallpaper: from the Earth icons pack
Seagull: google
I don't change my other pages often and I've posted them on here before, but I wanted to add that other page just as a reference.
The little seagull in the top corner of the home page is actually a little widget - it takes me right to the Runkeeper app. Super convenient. Plus it looks like it's flying when I scroll to the next page! I made it in Zooper from a png image.
Wallpaper: Imgur
Widget: Zooper
Quote: BrilliantQuotes
Whatsapp notification count is made in addition with Tasker
Nova Launcher, 7 x 5 with subspace grid positioning ON. Widgets and watch face made with Zooper Widget Pro and Facer, respectively.
Zooper widget file, Facer file, and wallpaper found here.
Okay, so I've had this theme for a while and have posted it here before (with a different wallpaper; changing the color of the first rectangle module allows for pretty simple customization.), but I just got a Moto 360 smartwatch yesterday and wanted to try my hand at making a face.
Zooper and Minimalistic Text both still exist.
Custom Zooper Widgets:
Icon pack:
Nova Launcher
Zooper widget pro :
MNML yellow icon pack :
Zooper files :
Info for Bear for Zooper:
Current price (USD): Free was $0.99
Developer: DevSociety
Rating: 4.6/5
Installs: 5,000+
Size: 32M
Last updated: October 15, 2016
Contains IAPs: No
Contains Ads: No
Short description: WARNING: you need Zooper Widgets Pro pack zooper for your homePolar Dashboard70 widgets50 wallpapers(add more widgets and wallpapers in future)Useful Links:Massimiliano Princiotta G+ account: Zooper su G+:
If this deal has expired, please reply to this comment with "expired". ^^^Abuse ^^^will ^^^result ^^^in ^^^a ^^^ban.
^^^Source ^^^| ^^^Suggestions?
Zooper Pro+Nova Prime Launcher
Wallpaper - Downloaded it from WallP App (Amazing high quality wallpapers) Zooper Widget Pro - Parrot for Zooper for the clock widget (ZW33) -
I'm sure you could replicate this with Zooper Widget.
Hahaha I'm glad you like it! I made the widget myself using Zooper Widget Pro beacuse I bought the pro version a long time ago, but I recommend using KWGT Kustom Widget Maker instead if you're going to make a custom widget because it's still actively developed.
As for the wallpaper, I found that in the "Cityscapes" section of the google Wallpapers app.
(Europa for Zooper)
Live wallpaper app: Gif Live Wallpaper
Icons: Lines Free
Launcher: Nova
Widgets: Zooper Pro (Lines, Xs and homescreen information)
Icons: Lines Free
Music player: KWGT; made using this tutorial
I had to manually customize it using a few apps. I used Zooper Widget to create the widgets like the status, dialogue, and item boxes. The app is REALLY customizeable, I would highly recommend. Like HP is my battery %, gold is the number of message notifs kind of customization. I installed these fonts on Zooper so I could use them. And also this font with a funny name. I set it all up manually using Zooper.
Then I customized Nova Launcher and installed 1-Bit Icon Pack.
They're great apps! Especially Zooper. I want to make Monster Hunter or Skyrim themed widgets with it next.
They're both from Fox for Zooper which needs need Zooper Widget Pro(not sure if you actually need the pro version or whether the free version is fine).
I've been using variations of this for many years:
No app drawer button, have Nova Launcher set to launch the drawer when home button is pressed.
Widget is a custom one I made in Zooper Widget.
Icon Pack is Goolors Square
The weird bar at the top is Energy Bar. I've set the colors up to show where the sweet spot for battery health is
Zooper Widget Pro. I couldn't find a quick guide that shows off its versatility, so I made one
It's a custom widget I made with Zooper Widget.
Zooper Widget Pro with Europa
I'm using Zooper pro for the widgets and earth for the icons and wallpaper.
Using Nova launcher pro
Used Zooper Pro for most of it.
Icons are Light void
Launcher is Nova
Wallpaper was googled, not sure who the original creator is.
The calendar was made with a combination of Zooper and Month Calender Widget
Oh, and also Power toggles for the bottom bar
I haven't had any issues with the lockscreen being glitchy after I turned off security. They recommend you take off all lock screen security, which I didn't really like at first, but I like this lockscreen more. I had fingerprints set for the lock screen and it went crazy.
For the widget panel I'm using the Zooper widget with the Europa addon. I didn't change anything with that widget, it was just a preloaded one under the Europa addon. I really like how it looks, but it's a bit redundant because the clock on my home screen will take me to my alarm when I click it and the date will take me to my calendar. The weather widget is from 1weather, they have a bunch of great customizable widgets
Areas with invisible buttons:
I used Zooper Widget Pro to create the invisible buttons, the Battery line underneath the date, as well as the custom Date and Time widgets.
Background consists of 3 endlessly-looping gifs, which change every minute. Made with AnimGif.
Calendar Widgets: Month and Event Flow.
Weather Widget: Weather Timeline.
Also using Nova Launcher Prime for gestures (double-tap to lock, swipe up for app drawer, down for Simplenote, two-finger down for Swarm check-in, two-finger-up for Shazam), animations etc.
Hi, this is a rather functional and minimal setup. I like a clean homescreen and therefore I set up a Zooper Widget to pop up with the help of Popup Widget. All Zooper Widgets are created by myself. In the widget you can see different task being run using Tasker.
First, I can manually change my wallpaper. It also changes every hour with the help of tasker. I've found a great collection of clean wallpapers in this Google+ Collection called Wallpapers V which I can highly recommend.
Second, I can manually toggle Twilight. Sometimes I do picture editing on my phone and therefore need to toggle off. (I also got Twilight toggled based on time). The notification at the bottom is done with Snackbar Tasker Plugin which I use quite a lot.
The icon app is called Acorn and I'm using Nova Launcher Prime.
Edit: Words
Thanks to the recommendations in here for Zooper Pro, I've updated my home screen with Fox for Zooper.
Love it!
Widget:Zooper Pro
Icons:Whicons White
Wallpaper Rotation:MultiPicture Live
Wallpapers (More than in the Gif): Album
Widget:Zooper Pro
Icons:Whicons White
Wallpaper Rotation:MultiPicture Live
Wallpapers (More than in the Gif): Album
Same. And just for convenience sake, Zooper Widget Pro
Everything is made with Zooper Pro.
Icon Pack is Tabloid Icon Pack.
Music widget is Jacks Music Widget.
Also using Nova Launcher Prime.
I just updated my home screen, what do y'all think?
Yes, I am using one of the default HTC backgrounds but it was the only one I could find that would work with my icon set. :(
The bar under my clock widget (Zooper) shows how far through the current petrol cycle it is, so I know to wait to fill up until the bar is almost full (did this using Tasker)
First custom theme ever! Very text-based because I'm just getting the hang of KLWP.
Clock: Zooper Widget built-in (tooled around with it a little bit)
Icons: Lines
Wallpaper: Cryten
Everything Else: KLWP
I use widgets to open apps and view my calendar events. I kinda feel like that's it's best use. My set up is Minarch's Zooper widget. It can be customized to show any info about your phone you want it to. Highly recommended it.
Widget - Zooper Widget Icons- whicons Wallpaper- minma wallpaper
This is all one screen. Tapping the diamond opens up my most used apps. Tapping the sun opens up a weather screen, and tapping the circle on the bottom right opens up the calendar widget.
Zooper Widget Pro for all of the app icons and sidebar.
The Weather Channel for the weather widget
Power Toggles for the WiFi and Data toggles
Pop up Widget to open the most used apps, calendar, and weather.
I used tiny white icons for icons in my most used apps, and glyph for the app drawer.
I found the wallpaper in a huge imgur wallpaper dump, so I don't have a link.
You need Zooper Widget and the clock theme is here
Of course! You need Zooper Widget Pro (I'm not sure if it can be done in the free version, but you can try). I'm not sure how advanced you are with zooper, but this tutorial explains the basics.
Here are the settings for my widget:
Clock: For the clock you need to make a rich text module and edit the text manually with the code below (or this code for am/pm clock). The tr just hides part of the text between the code tags, 0,1 hides the secnd part, 1,1 hides the first part. The font is Geosanslight.
[tr=0,1]#DHH#[/tr] [tr=1,1]#DH#[/tr] : [tr=0,1]#Dmm#[/tr] [tr=1,1]#Dmm#[/tr]
Date: Another rich text module for the date and edit text manually with code below. The tu code adds spacing. Font is Future.
[tu]#DEEEE# #DdD DDMMMM# #Dy#[/tu]
Line: Create a rect module and reduce the height to 1.
Countdown: The countdown is a richt text module, edit text manually with code below. This blog post has some better explanation on how to create this module.
[tu]#D201507172300Rd' days'# left[/tu]
Background: The background is also a rect module, with the colour set to transparent (#26FFFFFF).
Background outline: Create a rect module with outline set at 3 (or what you prefer).
These are my exact settings, but you could change them to your preference of course. Hope that explains it, let me know if you need more help :)
Apps Needed
Other Apps Shown
Android. No jailbreaking/bricking/or hacking. For example, here's what I used to make the Raptor one (which I made today):
Background: Link
Widget: Zooper Pro
Launcher: Nova Free
Icons: Vintage
I used:
Zooper Widget - for clock and weather
Popup Widget - for music player, weather and side dock
HPSTR - Wallpaper
Inspired by this theme
Clock/green lines: Zooper Widget Pro
Icons: Min
Music: Zach's Music Widget
Weather: Eye in the Sky Weather
Launcher: Nova Launcher
If you have any other questions, just comment
My setup
You'll need Zooper Widget Pro and the MKBHD Clock Widget.
Zooper Widget is a widget creation application that has Tasker integration. The playstore link. The Free/Limited version link....Please Note: I am a Bot.
By "menu", do you mean a temporary popup? This is easily doable with a scene. Simply run a data on/off task with the your buttons, and have other means of destroying the scene (X button, for example).
If you mean you want a widget for these tasks, look into Zooper Widget Pro (or the free version). With that you can create highly customizable widgets that runs tasker tasks when tapped.
Good luck.
Zooper Widget is a widget creation application that has Tasker integration. The playstore link. The Free/Limited version link....Please Note: I am a Bot.
Zooper Widget is a widget creation application that has Tasker integration. The playstore link. The Free/Limited version link....Please Note: I am a Bot.