> "Clinton special."
The IT team for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used the open source cleaning software BleachBit to wipe systems "so even God couldn’t read them," according to South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy on Fox News. His comments on the "drastic cyber-measure" were in response to the question of whether her emails were simply about "yoga and wedding plans."
For those who want a replacement for CCleaner, use Bleachbit. Open source and does what CCleaner does.
EDIT: One bit of information. If your files are on a SSD, you do not need overwrite the files to truly delete them. TRIM will actually delete the data
I've been using CCleaner since the early 2000's when it was called Crap Cleaner. Haven't updated in a few years because, why would I? The version I had did what it should. I've always been happy with it.
Then this news came along. Sure my version still works, but I no longer trust them. This after more than a decade of being a loyal user. Funny how one bit of news can sever the relationship but that's just how I feel about it.
So I've moved onto BleachBit. It's open source with pretty regular commits and works on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
Sorry, Piriform.
Bleachbit actually made their own microfibre cloth printed with HRC's face during the famous presser. I bought a handful of these during the campaign and added it to my memorabilia. See image below.
> Meuller’s indictments of 12 Russian intelligence agents prove that the Kremlin stole the election for Trump
Accusations as proof? This soviet-style propaganda would be funny if it weren't so sad...
Here, something to cheer us all up: https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something
Oh, sure, that's true. Some are more partisan than others and may conveniently disregard untruths by their preferred candidate, or go more aggressively against the other one.
That still doesn't really help Trump though, given that the overwhelming majority of fact checkers all say that he made far more false statements than Clinton did, so either they're pretty much ALL heavily biased towards her, or... he just lies a lot more.
I checked up on the MSNBC acid wash one you suggested and, well, it's a technicality.
Did Clinton erase the emails? Yes.
Did she use a process called "Acid washing"? No, that is a meaningless and made up term. It's not a thing in I.T.
So technically they're correct, but they really should have elaborated to point that out more clearly. They did at least mention that she used BleachBit, which is a tool used to erase data off computers, but they really should have been more specific. Their mentioning that does at least show that they weren't entirely trying to cover up the fact that she deleted the emails.
Edits: Added a couple lines for clarification.
Another edit: Actually, while I'm on this "acid wash" one, Trump keeps talking about what an expensive process that was and how much it cost taxpayers. In fact, BleachBit is free software.
Everything about them.
She was supposed to turn over all work-related emails, but there was no need to turn over non-work-related ones.
So how does she go about doing this?
She literally prints tens of thousands of emails and sends them on paper (!), making it a whole fucking lot harder to go through them. They have to be manually scanned and categorised. This also made searching them more difficult, because you are searching hand-scanned PDF files instead of plain digital text.
Then she SAYS these are ALL the work-related ones.
Maybe someone wanted to check if that was the case? Maybe there was a danger there were sensitive work-related emails she hadn't turned over?
Nope, after printing off and sending the mountains of documents she claimed were all the relevant ones, she DELETED all her emails and used software to PREVENT DATA RECOVERY - "Bleachbit".
In retrospect it was discovered there were a bunch of emails that WERE work related but she deleted. They were recovered through other means.
She got classified information sent to a shitty home-setup server in her basement. It would have been a prime hacking target by pretty much everyone in the world - and they would have the IP address each time she emailed from it (the recipient sees the sending IP). That's like storing classified information in a shitty home-built shack, and sending the address of it to every foreign government.
She also tried to get around restrictions on sending classified information by stripping out the part that says CLASSIFIED so that people wouldn't react to it being sent by regular fax. You are not supposed to send classified information by regular fax.
This is just Hillary's emails. The DNC emails contain a whole lot more shit.
He has such a nice smile in that picture. A genuinely happy man.
When I saw this, I knew he had, without any further doubt, won. However, it was when Florida, and then Pennsylvania went red, I had a massive grin on my face and was like 'Holy shit, they actually did it!'
He still doesnt understand what bleachbit is. Frankly Clinton would have been stupid not to use some sort of delete tool to delete any files she had on her computer. As SOS she would have been intimately aware of how stuff that gets thrown in the trash on a computer can be recovered.
Funny how they were praising him just some months ago, isn't it?
Lets wipe the whole fucking lot of them with a Cloth or Something.
These dumbarses are going to be crying on November 9th when Trump wins.
Look, if I were you, I would talk to a lawyer. If you are underage & live with mom & dad, fess up & deal with it. Do not get your parents door kicked in!!!
Now I am going to give you the best info I have at my friend!!!! I first need you to answer the questions in the box below.
1. What type of computer do you use to access the markets???
2. Can you install the OS????
Here are the links you need to look over!!!!
Here is a free space scrub you need to use at least once a week, I use this one!!!!
Here is a whole disc encryption you & everyone should have on one's laptop or computer!!!! They can not force you to give them your password. This program will turn the device it is installed on a paper weight if the correct password is not entered!!!!!!
This is more than enough info for now....any questions, PM me :-)
I'd like to point out that while the quote there is speculative, the speculative aspect was regarding motivation. BleachBit probably believes they were used because South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy went on Fox News and used that name specifically, and three times in twenty seconds. Here it is, queue'd up.
He's a former prosecutor, he was the lead of the House's special select committee to investigate Benghazi, a few other qualifications. I get why you thought this whole thing was just a marketing ploy (because it totally is a marketing ploy, and more power to 'em) but they likely didn't just insert themselves into the discussion, and since the examiner did link BleachBit's post on the issue I imagine they at least watched the relevant half-minute of the Rep's interview.
Chromium is the open source non-branded version of Chrome. Chrome is branded by Google and contains telemetry and some closed source plugins but otherwise is the same as Chrome. Google is the developer behind both Chrome/Chromium.
However, some malware installs Chromium as a bundled browser that's integrated with malicious plugins because it's easy to take the product, package it, and ship it as an infected product. You might end up with links to 'Super Browser' on your desktop that opens to an Ad/Phishing laced malware browser.
Definitely run MalwareBytes on your wife's computer. Also, CCleaner was compromised a few weeks ago and people are flocking away from it and running to BleachBit.
From the BleachBit website-
With BleachBit you can free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn't know was there.... Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster." Link
> And you can use the portable version of CCleaner which doesn't install anything
Or even better, don't support them and their scummy practices in any way and use BleachBit instead
It's normal for a program to allocate space before it begins writing information. This is to prevent the end user from filling that space before the operation is complete. In the case of ESO this is particularly inconvenient because it is a very large game. If you do not have enough disk space and do not want to remove anything from your current disk then yes, you will have to buy a new drive. You can normally get 120GB SSDs for around $40-$60 on sale, I would suggest going that route as it's fairly cost effective and will help boost your load times.
Otherwise, looking into some space saving utilities to help clean up your current disk. WinDirStat will help you see where the greatest concentrations of data are on your machine, and help you clean up efficiently. BleachBit will help to clear out junk taking up space on your PC. I recommend this over CCleaner. ESO is worth the pain of getting it installed if you're a fan of MMOs and Elder Scrolls
The bleachbit website is pure internet gold
My favorite article on their site:
I too work in IT. The bit that makes me twitch the worst is whenever he talks about Hillary's email. He consistently and repeatedly says that Hillary "acid washed" her emails. He repeated this as recently as this last week at a rally.
The whole situation with emails is complicated, but what actually happened is that Hillary's IT guy used a standard open source free secure deletion utility called BleachBit to delete her archive PST.
Fox hosts repeatedly mentioned "bleach"ing emails, so I assume Trump took this to mean she literally bleached her emails, and then changed the phrasing to "acid washed".
Bleach is a base, the literal opposite of an acid.
There's just so many levels on which he's wrong it's hard to unpack. Every time he talks about computers my head hurts.
I wouldn't recommend Ccleaner personally. Avast were caught installing malware into it a few years ago. When it was discovered they quickly withdrew it BUT they still take users system information via Active Monitoring. Ahh, but I turned that off! Maybe so, but as soon as you re-open the program it re-activates active monitoring regardless.
I used to install Ccleaner on every system I fixed until the 2017 malware incident. I recommend BleachBit for cleaning these days.
Sorry OP, but others have already suggested ShellExView which is what I'd use also
>Were the emails classified?
You mean retroactively, like Clintons? Probably not yet.
>Did she wipe the server with bleach bit?
Are you suggesting wiping files with an effective wiping program is not a good way to practice computer maintenance? Bleachbit is one of many such programs which does what it it designed.
>Did foreign adversaries have access to the emails?
Did they have access to Clinton's? Do you have documentation to prove that?
>Nobody cares if the emails weren't classified.
Except Clinton's use of private emails was not illegal at the time. It was actually common practice by people such as Colin Powell and Condolizza Rice. Ivanka's use of privatre emails is illegal.
Will you shout "Lock her up?"
Their How to Delete Secret Emails from Microsoft Exchange Server article is hillaryious: https://www.bleachbit.org/news/how-delete-secret-emails-microsoft-exchange
I would definitely buy Bleachbit if I had to wipe a server. But it's very expensive.
Hello there!
Recently people have been saying not to use CCleaner due to them being bought by Avast
While they did retract the update people were complaining about ( https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3037138/avasts-piriform-withdraws-ccleaner-update ) honestly I would use an open source alternative like bleachbit: https://www.bleachbit.org/
Use Windirstat to see what is hogging the space
Bleachbit is a great tool for wiping out temp files and such. Just make sure that you uncheck Passwords for your prefered web browser. Otherwise they will all be wiped out.
You can also use the Disk Cleanup utility instead of Bleachbit. It's not nearly as thorough but it should remove most of the unneeded temp files.
Also look at BleachBit with the winapp2.ini option (in settings)
This app really allows you to purge and refresh your windows install free of temp files. Just be REALLY careful in checkmarking stuff, as it's possible to wipe your browser passwords if you checkmark the wrong option.
Also Autoruns gives a great overview of what services/startup etc are running on your PC, with the option of disabling them.
As far as DoD standards go, I don't know. My guess is they have their own tools. The DoD is big into physical destruction of drives that have contained sensitive material. They have drive shredders that are quite impressive to watch in action. They'll take a multi-platter 5.25 and chew it up into confetti sized bits.
As far as practical use, civilian and even high level corporate, BleachBit will render any data unrecoverable, depending on the level of write/rewrite you choose. It's not a quick thing, at least on large capacity platter media in my experience. It's good enough for peace of mind if you plan on re-purposing a drive. Maybe the NSA has some kind of Voodoo that can pull coherent data off a drive that has been written over 500x, but I doubt it.
What is this "bleach" you speak of? I've never heard of this so called "chemical". Oh. Bleachbit! Well according to Trump, that software is so complex and expensive, not even the experts understand it.
2:18 >that the FBI knew that the server had been wiped clean professionally by a service called BleachBit, which means you can not resurrect it after BleachBit has been applied to it.
It's not a professional service. It's a free and open-source program. I don't know exactly how it works, but it does indeed make it much harder to recover files.
Try checking and fixing integrity of everything:
verify integrity of anything:
a) filesystem integrity: launch CMD with admin rights, run CHKDSK C: (and other disks like D: if any)
b) operating system intergrity: run CMD as admin run SFC /SCANNOW
c) Game integrity: repair game from launcher
delete temporary files and clean GPU shaders cache
a) delete temporary files with windows or download and run BleachBit portable https://www.bleachbit.org/download/windows
b) depending on your GPU (is that NVidia or Radeon) - google how to delete nvidia/radeon shaders cache - and actually follow the instructions
c) in documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live rename ShaderCache.cooked into ShaderCache.bak and let the game recreate it on next launch (might take up to 10..15 minutes and 1..3 failed logon attempts - do NOT close client inbetween or the new half-baked cache file also breaks, just retry logging in for 15 minutes)
if nothing helps try switching multi-threaded option (if it is ON switch to OFF or vice versa) selecting settings on the logon screen before logging in
Si tu as un SSD ça ne sert a rien de défragmenter. Et attention à CCleaner qui a des pratiques douteuses, préfères plutôt Bleachbit qui est libre. Par contre ce genre d’outil sert plutôt a libérer de l’espace disque, ça ne fera rien contre les lenteurs de l’ordi (sauf si la cause de ces lenteurs est que ton disque est plein).
From what I can tell, and this isn't 100%, I believe they get stored in the temp file location.
Press Windows Key + R and type %temp%. Back out of the folder and view it's properties to check how big it is. I didn't do much googling but no one was 100% on the location, but I've gathered that it gets stored in a temp location.
You should be able to use BleachBit to clean out your temp folders.
If there's only one partition then you can't do anything in disk management to get that space back. Try running windows built-in Disk Cleanup, or if you want something even more thorough use BleachBit https://www.bleachbit.org/
Open your PowerShell as a administrator which you can do by right clicking on the Windows Start button.
Run this command:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
After that command has finished running:
sfc /scannow
If you'd like to free up some disk space use (it's open source too!): https://www.bleachbit.org/
Avoid CCleaner, it has become bloated.
After clearing up some disk space, depending on what type of drive you have, defragging your disk drive might slightly improve performance.
The best way is by uninstalling it, there are alternatives that are not border-line malware like ccleaner.
I would recommend bleachbit, its free, with full functionality, open source, and works well.
I also ignore the built in one. I recommend Bleachbit as it's very customizable and easily scripted from labtech.
You have BleachBit which will help clean up various unimportant files. It doesn't specifically clean up files left from programs that were uninstalled though.
For cleaning up after programs when they uninstall you have programs like Revo Uninstaller and IObit Uninstaller. These programs are only effective when you use them to uninstall programs. If you've already uninstalled programs and want to find leftovers after the fact, then these programs won't be of much help.
Ah, well I would definitely increase your page file to the same size as your total RAM. If your paging file is on the same drive as your OS, then move it to a separate one. Even buying a little 32GB SSD to keep your paging file separate from your OS is ideal. Lastly, clean your machine regularly. https://www.bleachbit.org/
My young friend you should look over the info at the link I have posted below :-) Do you have a a SSD or HDD drive??? You need to get BleachBit, if its good enough for Hillary Clinton then its good enough for you :-)
You really should get rid of Windows 10 & go with a Linux based OS, I use Ubuntu & inside of it I run Whonix, on it now :-) MOFO is a damn solid Linux OS also :-)
Bem bizarro isso.
Antes de desinstalar o Chrome baixar o limpador BleachBit, desinstala o Chrome pelo revouninstaller; instala o BleachBit e configura e faz a limpeza. Depois instala o firefox e começa a usar o firefox pois é bem melhor. Até mais.
Para demais erros, começa a usar o Windos Update.
Backup important files before doing anything!
Many here suggest a fresh install, but if you don't learn how to maintain your PC, the same will happen after a while.
for those that don't know when Hillary was asked if she wiped her servers she responded "like with a cloth or something?".
Bleachbit (the software they used to wipe the server) pounced on Hillary's "with a cloth" statement. https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something
BleachBit seems effective as certain people have used it to save themselves from investigation : )
> reckon using an encrypted drive permanently for everything isn't going to be very performant.
Not necessarily but maybe rather the boot load time... I suggest VeraCrypt.
Joking? Maybe not joking?
Ok, I'm biting.
There was never any real chemical. Just confusion that spread like wildfire because it matched the anti-hilldog vibe.
I like their hammer better.
This 20-ounce, "drastic cyber-measure" pulverizes even the most confidential emails so that "even God can't read them."
The grip is specially designed not retain fingerprints.
Unlike software-based approaches that can take hours, now you can eliminate yoga emails in seconds.
The ambidextrous handle accommodates both right-handed and sinister individuals.
Reusable on multiple BlackBerry devices.
Guaranteed not to prove intent, or you get a full refund when you are released from prison.
Parce qu'il efface plein de fichiers à la fois ? En plus je ne pense pas qu'il y ait énormément de gens qui fasse du terminal sous windows (ce qui n'est pas spécifié dans l'article, contrairement aux spécifications du logiciel).
mmm Java doesn't optimize applications, it's necesarry to run Java applications (think of it as a DVD player, and the applications as DVDs).
If you want to optimize your windows installation (clean it), I recommend BleachBit. It won't necessarily make your PC faster, but it might help to clean it up and free space. Also WizTree to see if you have any huge files or folders to clean.
I know it's necro,but i just made a global bleach bit search here. I think it's related to something she said about it back when she was under investigation. Bleachbit even made some swag out of it.
''Clean your computer with a cloth or something?''
Political statement from that time when Ms. Hilary Clinton hosted her own email server herself and used BleachBit to shred files.
Did you see the company that made BleachBit (the software Hillary used to 'wipe' her hard drives) started selling cloths that said "cloth or something" on them?
I recommend checking out Stacer, not only is it a cache cleaner, but it's also a service manager, process/resource viewer, and a repository manager (primarily for Ubuntu-based distributions).
However, BleachBit is your best option for system cleaning. It's also cross-platform and runs natively on Debian-based distributions (e.g. Ubuntu, Linux Mint) and RPM-based distributions (e.g. CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE).
Most modern browsers come with a way to automatically clear site settings, browser history, cookies, etc.
First of all: before attempting to log in from Settings - disable the multi-threaded option (as after U32 it became ON by default, and this certain change could affect your PC
check network connectivity: ping for PC EU or ping for PC NA (well, just in case. using PingPlotter 5 Free will show which router drops too many packets).
If this does not help, the cumbersome procedures follow (they are not much dangerous, though). Try checking and fixing integrity of everything:
verify integrity of anything:
a) filesystem integrity: launch CMD with admin rights, run CHKDSK C: (and other disks like D: if any)
b) operating system integrity: run CMD as admin run SFC /SCANNOW
c) Game integrity: repair game from launcher
delete temporary files and clean GPU shaders cache:
a) delete temporary files with windows or download and run BleachBit portable https://www.bleachbit.org/download/windows
b) depending on your GPU (is that NVidia or Radeon) - google how to delete nvidia/radeon shaders cache - and actually follow the instructions
c) in documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live rename ShaderCache.cooked into ShaderCache.bak and let the game recreate it on next launch (might take up to 10..15 minutes and 1..3 failed logon attempts - do NOT close client inbetween or the new half-baked cache file also breaks, just retry logging in for 15 minutes until characters list appear (my old laptop bought in 2009 roughly fits "minimal" ESO requirements and it took like 20 minutes, my desktop is new - the same thing took like 1 minute)).
If this does not help either - contact ESO support and reply to robotic response to get in contact with human technician, maybe they could identify the source of your problems, as there are logs and collected diagnostics which might be useful for ESO support.
Durch die Updates/Upgrades kann es durchaus sein, dass das System verrückt spielt.
Ich hab mein System seit 2014 nicht mehr neu installiert (damals noch Win 7) und hab ganz ähnliche Schwierigkeiten. Ich hab aber echt kein Bock mein stark modifiziertes System neu aufzusetzen.
Ich hab mich damals entschieden, dass dies mein letztes Windows System wird und hab inzwischen einen zweiten PC der mit Linux Mint läuft (sogar zum zocken (!) - Steam Proton und Lutris sei dank, es geht inzwischen).
Aber ich kann verstehen, dass das für manche Leute keine Option ist.
Die anderen User haben schon darauf hingewiesen, dass eine saubere Neuinstallation die Probleme wahrscheinlich löst.
Inzwischen gibt es relativ große USB-Sticks relativ günstig für Backups.
Ansonsten: Antivirenprogramm, falls du eines hast mal deinstallieren, schauen was er dann macht (Win 10 hat ja eh eines eingebaut).
Mal sowas wie Bleachtbit (https://www.bleachbit.org) drüberlaufen lassen, der findet auch alte Datenreste und säubert das System.
Treiber überprüfen und notfalls auch Windows Updates manuell installieren. Ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass es ein Problem mit Windows Update gibt/gab, was der Grund für deine Probleme sein könnte.
Oh und nebenbei: Natürlich beten, dass der nächste Patchday nicht wieder alles verhaut.
Use Disk Cleanup to clear up some space. That usually helps as Windows has a habit of holding GB of backups for a period of time after patches so you can roll back if you want.
You can also use the portable version of SpaceSniffer to see how much space particular folders take up. Then you can decide if some need to go or not.
BleachBit can also help, but be careful what you delete as cookies and certain other files can reset settings in your browser.
If you encrypt the drives, you'd need to give the person the passwords or they can't use the drives...
Just use Bleachbit to wipe the freespace on whatever hard drives you have and be done with it. Or just sell the PC and keep your drives.
If you are up to the task: You can use BleachBit (open source Windows Cleaner)
Use the portable version.
Run the BleachBit
Go on "Windows Explorer"
Let off: Shellbags, Quick Acess (only if you use it)
If it not work you may find interesting to reset Windows Explorer via registry.
I know this is completely unrelated but, I came across this open source application called bleachbit. It worked like a charm and I noticed a considerable difference after using this (could be just me). Worth a try if you ask me.
The manually installed APP may have replaced a main repository package that is used as a shared dependency with a third party , other source package because its identified as a higher version. Then if you remove that "foreign" package its now a dependency of your previously installed APP(s) that you wanted to keep.. So now if you remove it you'll pull alot of other packages out with it because the 3rd party package is now a "system" dependency.
Is that what you mean?
Where using an APP like ppa-purge. ppa-purge will remove and replace(rollback) the dependencies, libs what ever that were changed when the system was updated with the new ppa was added.
DotDebs:Installs like butter but removes like broken glass. Thats a selling point of snap, flatpak, appimage apps. The dont use shared libs.
So you can use "deborphan" to remove unused packages. Theres also "aptitude" . These are cli tools.
WARNING! both need to be understood before using.
Bleachbit and Stacer are worthlooking at aswell.
BleachBit (<strong>https://www.bleachbit.org/</strong>) is open source. You can also use the winapp.ini file CCleaner uses for determining what to clean if you also used CCEnhancer to customize.
I regularly use Bleachbit to clear out any leftover gunk from old apps and files.
Just ensure it's configured to not remove anything you think you may want to keep before running.
I'll suggest this:
Bof, à la limite pour enlever des fichiers temporaires et récupérer un peu d’espace disque si t’es limite.
Pour le ce qui est de nettoyer le registre je doute que ça serve à quelque chose, quelqu’un qui connais mieux Windows pourra peut être confirmer.
Attention cependant à ccleaner qui fait des trucs louches si tu veux utiliser ce type de logiciel pour récupérer un peu d’espace disque regarde plutôt du côté de bleachbit.
All in one tools for optimizing your computer are generally a bad idea and tend to do more harm than good. Running built in tools such as "Disk Cleanup" and DISM from time to time will generally be good enough for average use. If you want something a bit more Wise Disk Cleaner (none of their other products) is good as is BleachBit. Both are free.
Her email was straight up bullshit. She broke probably multiple laws and tried to cover her tracks. Even her IT guy got busted on here (yes on reddit) trying to ask how to fraudulently alter exchange email logs and messages.
Then he destroyed evidence using bleach bit. The software still prides itself on that to this day by the way.
And she had the audacity to say “wipe it?? Like, with a cloth?”
That was some absolute bullshit.
Had to add in the Bleach Bit shop:
Where they sell “cloth or something” microfiber cloth.
I know it sounds obvious, but... have you tried cleaning her computer? I used XP for quite a while, and I can tell you that's the behaviour of a computer that never had a good cleaning and defragmentation for a while.
To clean your computer, follow these steps. To defrag your hard drive, follow these instead.
If there is way too much stuff to clean, then use this program, after you install it, click on it and then select (be careful what you choose to clean, because it might remove some files that you might want to keep) and then run it. Don't worry if it doesn't open instantly, it takes a while before the programs open.
Remember to clean then defrag your hard drive!
Hope this works!
Yes. I’d just use the cleaning options built-in to Windows 10 instead of CCleaner. There was a time it was good, but for a few years it has been getting worse. Currently it’s more problematic than helpful and I strongly recommend against it. If I absolutely needed some 3rd-party tool there’s open source BleachBit.
Check Task Manager and see what's using your CPU. Whatever you don't need, remove it. Then clean your system.
Tools I suggest looking into:
> What other software do you recommend?
Disk Cleanup as admin is your best option for system clean. Browsers have the option to clear caches and cookies. If you want to manually detail and clean the storage, WizTree and then delete what you don't want. Don't delete willy-nilly! For a more friendly approach, BleachBit
> I'd prefer something not free.
Why? Opensource software is extremely good. While wiztree isn't opensource, it is free of garbage and does one job very well.
Use bleachbit (ccleaner alternative) and select the "wipe free space" option (or something like that). It was used on Hillary Clinton's laptop which ruined an investigation. Source
> There was no decline or manage cookies button anywhere. I thought this was illegal? I live in the EU btw.
If I recall it's illegal to not mention that users are given cookies but not give the option to let users remove them?
Anyway if you want to read some news, you can read it using a different source. You can also read the website content in plaintext by looking into the HTML code by right clicking and selecting "view page source". Sometimes the article content may be hidden under some script code so if you're willing to, you can learn a little more about JavaScript and HTML to view that hidden content.
There's also the Firefox Multi-Account Containers Add-on for Firefox which can be used to control cookies.
Also if you haven't, use a file cleaner for those super cookies - Bleachbit Recommended.
Bleachbit is the most recommended here.
Easy to use interface (just check all the boxes and for updates)
Faced scrutiny against the FBI, who failed to recover information related to the Clinton administration. https://www.bleachbit.org/news/bleachbit-stifles-investigation-hillary-clinton
> Ccleaner
2017 and 2019 the tool was infected with malware / someone managed to sneak in malware into the installer/updates.
Use https://www.bleachbit.org/ instead. No ads/malware in their installer. It's open source.
Was this link posted in defense of Clinton?
>Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump falsely claimed Clinton “acid washed” 33,000 personal emails to delete them, calling it “an expensive process.” The FBI said Clinton’s tech team used BleachBit, which is a free software program. It does not use chemicals.
Ha Ha Ha! It wasn't the software program BleachBit that was expensive, it was all the lawyers she surrounded herself with to determine which emails to delete.
But because Trump said "acid-washed" instead of "BleachBit" the propaganda arm of the DNC rates this as "false". Ha Ha!
Seriously, factcheck,org reads like a parody site.
I would use BleachBit over Eraser for multiple reasons:
Make sure you get it from https://www.bleachbit.org/. Other websites that aren’t Linux repos serve malware.
Que queres formatear? Para discos rigidos no existe un formateo a bajo nivel, salvo alguna tool del fabricante. Para los SSD algunos bios tienen la opcion de hacer un reset que es como borrar todo. Si queres borrar un disco de manera segura para venderlo tenes cosas como https://www.bleachbit.org/.
Io uso questo (anche se raramente):
Dovrebbe fare tutto quello che chiedi, ma non dirti riguardo le chiavi di registro perché non uso Windows.
For PC: Bleach Bit
For Android: Cache Cleaner. You do not need it if you are on Android 6.0 or newer. Go to Settings -> Storage & USB-> Internal storage and click on Cached data in order to clear all the cache.
Windows 10 Storage Sense can free space by removing temporary files, emptying recycle bin and can be set to run automatically. Type "storage sense" in Windows Search to find it in Settings to turn it on, or to run it now.
There's Bleachbit https://www.bleachbit.org/ which is a good open source replacement for Ccleaner which removes temp files from various applications.
When you delete anything on your computing device (PC, Phone, etc.) the files is not really removed from the device but rather the OS reallocates the parts of the hard drive as available to be rewritten. These files can be recovered until it is rewritten by something else. The only ways to make data unrecoverable are to either physically destroy the hard drive or rewrite the data with garbage (using a program like BleachBit https://www.bleachbit.org/ ).
I'd rather not use CCleaner anymore since Avast, who acquired Piriform in 2017, has been caught harvesting their user's clicks and selling them to third-parties.
Use a FOSS alternative instead like BleachBit.
Exactly what u/Seloving said, it has been one nightmare after the other. I completely removed it and even after that, I still had traces of it in the system as you can see.
I switched to BleachBit.
Clinton's use of BleachBit avoided 'money trail' in email destruction
Official Press Releases on BleachBit's website
If you have no other choice than using W10, you should :
-install a LTSC version
-Say no to every thing that ask for data collection (and don't use a W10 account)
-Open the Local Group Policy Editor
Computer Configuration> Administrative Templete> Windows Component> Data Collection then double click on telemetry, enable it and change it to "0"
-use NVSlimmer if you are using a Nvidia graphic card for gaming
-install this firewall, go in setting enable it a start, and block every W10 request (svchost.exe is needed for W10 updates)
-use BleachBit sometimes
Consider trying BleachBit. It allows you to "shred" files and folders. If that doesn't work, you can try Eraser, which if I remember correctly will allow you to erase with multiple passes.
It would have been great if you provided a detailed description to what you did, the device and OS you use, and of what sites.
I would also recommend using a cleaning software - BleachBit is pretty good.
I use BleachBit on my Win10 laptop. Can empty the temp folders that get missed sometimes. Just be careful that you read up on it before you try, just in case.
Well Stonetear, I would recommend https://www.bleachbit.org
It has Hillary's seal of approval.
https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something >August 2015 Hillary Clinton was asked, "Did you wipe your email server?" and she evasively replied, "Like with a cloth or something?" A year later we found out that "cloth" was BleachBit, a software application that deletes information "so even God can't read it," as Congressman Trey Gowdy announced August 2016.
Well I don't use containers so I don't know about that..
But I know that First Party Isolation is a MUST in term of privacy :
>The feature restricts cookies, cache and other data access to the domain level so that only the domain that dropped the cookie or file on the user system can access it.
>This is a stark contrast to how cookies work normally, as marketing companies tend to drop cookies with their ads on sites, so that they may track users across all properties that the ads or scripts run on.
>With First-Party Isolation enabled, tracking ends at the domain level which means that advertisers cannot use cookies anymore to create user profiles by dropping and reading cookies across the Internet.
It's not an easy management of cookies but I use ghack user js configuration so my browser is kind of amnesic so I close and restart and a lot is cleared.
What I'm doing in addition, it's a cleaning with Bleachbit some times.
If I were you, I'd activate First Party Isolation (true) !
It was a joke on Hillary's emails. Snopes must have recently changed it but I found a quote
>The catch is, there is no such thing as acid washing emails. That's why his "sophisticated person" never heard of the practice. The reality is that Hillary used a free, widely available computer application called BleachBit to clean her devices. BleachBit is so proud of their product's ability to "stifle" officials investigating, that they boast about it on their website.
What was it that hillary used after being subpeonaed for her 33,000 "yoga and wedding plans" emails? Oh yeah BLEACHBIT.
The IT team for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used the open source cleaning software BleachBit to wipe systems "so even God couldn’t read them," according to South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy on Fox News. His comments on the "drastic cyber-measure" were in response to the question of whether her emails were simply about "yoga and wedding plans."
I had something similar happen to my Mint install. I think Mint keeps a lot of old kernels around, and also isn't that great at cleaning out temporary files.
I think I used BleachBit to fix both issues. This was last year, I don't remember the details. If BleachBit can't remove old kernels, you can install UKUU to do that.
>Hillary deleted some linkedin daily update emails
...Using a highly special and secret software, Bleachbit, which proves her maleficent purpose. I was very amused by this insistence on a "criminal" Bleachbit use, because I, a harmless retired French teacher and grandfather, have been using it for long...
You can probably run Bleachbit https://www.bleachbit.org on your Windows install to clean the files on the Win 8.1 computer. After doing that you can dual boot just fine. I believe Chris Titus may have done a video on it as I see you cross-posted there.
It's entirely possible to keep Windows installs running for years without major bloat and slowdowns. It requires some manual maintenance just like a car. Here are the utilities I use regularly to keep Windows slim:
Cleanmgr (built-in Windows utility)
And every few months I run the following commands in a batch file to compact the WinSxS folder:
[spoiler](/s"Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /SPSuperseded")
I didn't down vote you but I will say Chromes good, if you use the none google Chromium builds (have a good read of all the notes further down) - And for security apparently its the browser of choice for hackers to try and exploit because its far more of a challenge than the rest, which in the long run is good for us users. Not only do google have the biggest chaos test bench to try and break it, but most of the worlds experts on security are hardening it with their poking efforts. A lot of other browsers are now based on Chrome too, even Microsoft are changing Edge to be based on it, after de-googling it and patching in their own gathering of user data for marketing purposes.
I could have gone with Firefox, but I prefer Chromium open source builds. Only snag is no auto-updating, so in terms of security I could potentially lapse into being behind the curve occasionally, but then, the builds are usually taken from beta which is ahead of stable anyway in development.
CCleaner I kind of agree, I dumped it not long after some anti-malware firm bought it, and started introducing adverts which pop up from the sys tray. It used to be good though (apart from that one time some hackers took over the web site and introduced malware into one of the builds, it was fairly swiftly taken down and the site shored up again).
I have been using BleachBit since, no hidden agenda's, and so far Windows has left it installed.
>After you have smashed your BlackBerry, don't forget to wipe the fingerprints from your email server with this non-abrasive, soft microfiber Cloth or Something.
No. SSDs have no mechanical parts - they are all electronic and make no noise. HDDs are made of platters and a spindle, so they can click and grind sometimes.
Don't worry about the SSD needing optimization through defrag, it's best to do that using something called BleachBit.
There was an incident in which CCleaner was compromised, but it was handled properly and the damage was minimal.
To be fair that's to be expected. CCleaner is used by many users making it a valuable target for cybercriminals.
What I recommend however, is BleachBit. It's similar to CCleaner, yet it is better because it is also open source and community reviewed.
If you are a Democrat, of course it works this way. When you are Hillary and smash subpoenaed phones, laptops, etc, that is okay because laws do not apply to Democrats.
Its a Sean Hannity/Rush Limbaugh talking point... it's referring to software: https://www.bleachbit.org/ . Although, maybe you're correct in the fact that Trump thinks exactly what you described, who knows.