There is also The Martian Investigations, which is a sci fi variant that I'm the designer of. I was really pumped to see a big group playing this on youtube recently.
Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack is a tabletop strategy game in a similar vein to Warhammer, using custom-made, modular Lego mecha and terrain so that units can lose parts and cover can be destroyed mid-game. The rules are found on the linked website, completely free of charge - the rulebook contains some example frames as well.
There is also a space battle version called Intercept Orbit, with different rules but a similar concept, equally free.
One more game has been made in the universe of Mobile Frame Zero, known as Firebrands, which is only tangentially related (and not free), but it's pretty neat - it's a joint storytelling tabletop game.
This subreddit focuses mainly on Rapid Attack, though it's much more on the side of "share cool Lego robots" than anything particularly game specific.
Most of the time, you should consider a PNP to be a demo of the game, so I think 1 and 3 would be totally unethical - they should be for personal use.
As for 2, I think it depends. If you want to demo a game, then that's cool. But if you want to just have the Archer version of Spyfall, then it's probably only right that you have the original copy - then again, that's just between you and your conscience.
I think some exceptions are when PNPs are the only form of the game, and there isn't a print version. I sell some of my PNPs, with some success. I'm sure there are others like me who would be willing to partner with a printing service. You'd have to show what you offer that's different from DriveThruCards, The Game Crafter, et al.
At a minimum, you should look into some Powered by the Apocalypse games, like Dungeon World, where the GM is constantly asking the players for details about the world.
You could try multi-game campaigns, e.g. do a game of Firebrands or Follow that sets the stage for a game of Quiet Year that builds the foundations for a game of Dungeon World. These could give a sense of advancement, or at least time passing and the world changing, without a dedicated GM for a while, and even after a GM takes over they'd all have taken major charge of some part of the world.
> Dashing to the sideline and then sliding across that clay surface
that I love to play on so dearly, reaching the ball just in time
for an iconic backhand smash, and then celebrating as I clinch
the final point of the French Open. The only thing I can think
of that matches that feeling is a single, perfectly executed shine
turnaround back-air while playing a friendly in a basement
filled with vape smoke, surrounded by weird teenagers. Both of
those things are good, to me.
- Rafael Nadal, tennis player
A former redditor, /u/fanofpawl wrote an e-book about flexible dieting, and (I believe) her experience living with and overcoming orthorexia. Here is her instagram, I highly recommend you check it out. Here is her ebook (for $1, the minimum price allowed by the distribution website lol). It sounds like you are exactly the person she wrote this book for.
It's not a traditional RPG but they may be interested in Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands. Rather than playing out freeform actions and rolling when necessary, the game is a series of tightly-framed scenes, like minigames. But it's intended to play a very Gundam-like story, with giant robots, politics, and personal drama. "Fight with your friends. Ally with your rivals. Fall in love with your enemies."
[](Murderous Ghosts) by Vincent Baker.
Is a 2 player rpg where one player takes the role of a person lost in some spooky place and the other player takes the role of the GM and characterizes the ghosts that inhabit the place. The goal of the player is to escape and the goal of the GM is to be scary and murderous. It uses a deck of poker cards for mechanic resolution which makes it very interesting.
Definitely give it a try. I played it with my wife and we had a lot of fun.
Look into the game Soth, which is a game about cultists in small town America trying to summon the dark lord Soth. It’s a great game and the GM, while not a PC has a very controlled role using built up suspicion points in order to make actions behind the scenes with the NPCs.
Note: The Soth I linked to above is the first edition only available as a PDF and it’s getting a new version with a kickstarter for a print version soon. You can sign up for an announcement when that happens here:
I've been watching since 2013. It's a fantastic product.
Their standard format (outside of the G1) is to run tours. You'll get two weeks worth of relatively inconsequential house shows (between 1-3 will air on NJPW World, generally the one from Korakuen Hall) and then they'll finish it with a PPV (NJPW World ).
If you're watching other products, or don't have the time - you can easily get by with just the PPVs. NJPW World has a schedule of everything that will air for the month so it's easy to keep track and websites like and are helpful to keep track of what's on each show.
I'm in the right time zone and primarily watch NJPW so I'll watch most of the house shows that air.
It is a better in-ring product than most worldwide but what is often forgotten are the characters and stories. Stories are a lot simpler and you don't really need translation to figure out what's going on (though some Twitter accounts do translate the important stuff as it happens).
I'd recommend starting with the G1 final (August 14) if you don't want to invest a lot of time into it and then just watching the big shows for a while to see how you go with it.
r/squaredcircle live event threads generally have streaming links, but NJPW World is a great and relatively cheap service. Doesn't hurt to try it out to see if you like it first.
To familiarise yourself with the product I highly recommend Voices of Wrestling's 2015 NJPW Year in Review ebook.
If you're into detective fiction, there's a very cool genre of detective book that gives you a map, a phone book, a newspaper, and then complete freedom to visit wherever you like in that map - you just open the page to the map reference and are given a scene where the lead investigator interviews whoever is in that location. Over time, you gather your clues and and try to solve the book.
Even better, these books can be done alone or in groups. Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective is what revived this genre most recently. If you want to try the genre out, I wrote my own case, with a science fiction setting, called The Martian Investigations.
this zine called FUCKING TRANS WOMEN by miranda bellwether is amazing and totally worth $5, i highly recommend
link to download:
awesome review + interview with author:
Orioto got around to finishing the third and final part of his Final Fantasy VI frescoes, this one covering the World of Ruin portion of the game.
Wallpapers for free (donation encouraged) here
If you're interested you can buy all three parts from him here before they're gone forever in a couple weeks.
I haven't got an instruction manual for you but I do have a cookbook
You can read about it here:
You can read more about it here:
You can download it here:
Have you tried our lord and savior Blades in the Dark?
But seriously, if Blades sounds at all interesting from the thousands of rec posts on this sub about it, there are a couple pirate hacks. There's Sea of Dead Men, which is straight up Age of Sail piracy. I've had a ton of fun with it. Disclaimer: It's not my game, but I'm pretty heavily involved with the design and playtesting. About to start up a game of it in a few weeks, in fact.
There's also Tides of Gold which has a kind of weird Iron Age meets Age of Sail setting. Does its own thing with the genre rather than playing it straight like Sea of Dead Men, but it looks pretty neat.
Plus Scum and Villainy if you want space piracy, but that probably isn't what you want.
In terms of non-Blades games, If you want really a really grimy pirate game about how violence begets violence, check out Poison'd by Vincent Baker. Really not to everybody's taste, but can be good with the right group.
I've also heard good things about Seventh Sea, Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (although that's airships), and Honor and Intrigue, although I haven't played or read any of them so I can't personally recommend them. 3.5 has sailing mechanics in one of the supplements, but having run a pirates game in 3.5, I can't really recommend it.
In a Wicked Age by Vincent Baker is not exactly GMless, however it encourages switching GMs and depending on the number of players and what exactly the oracle comes up with being the GM doesn't even feel all that different from being a player.
While it may be only adjacent to one of the aspects you're looking for, it is very much campaign focused and it's also a great game that more people should be aware of.
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands to play Gundam:
Humanity has spread through the Milky way, using interstellar transit gate technology to colonize the galaxy. Mobile frames are the hard-working, hard-fighting combat- and labor mecha they’ve brought with them.
You are romantic ace mobile frame pilots, caught up in an undeclared war for the future of the Bantral system.
Fight with your friends. Ally with your rivals. Fall in love with your enemies.
Dog Bear to play Metal Gear Solid:
In the future, or possibly in the past, or maybe right now, we're not entirely sure, the nationless soldiers of non-government entities engage in the covert wars that have defined our future while we use the power of memes to infiltrate the highest levels of something, we're also again, not entirely sure. You are those soldiers, sitting down after a mission, playing poker, and explaining how the mess of a mission somehow resolved itself.
Designed to evoke the ridiculous plots of tropey, melodramatic modern military stealth and covert operation games, DOG BEAR is a game where you get a code name and a handful of quirks and play out a single session of lighthearted roleplay while trying to save, kill, trade or negotiate with enemies like Eco-Terrorists and Bitcoin Thieves.
Stay Ready, Soldier - and don't forget your CQC.
Neither game requires knowledge of those inspirations, they're just a good reference for what you're getting into.
Sells them through this site:
Is a pay what you want thing though, definitely worth donating a little for them imo.
Edit: Changed link to one of all his current wallpapers
It's a hack of Apocalypse World, and so you'd likely need a copy of that game to understand how to play The Regiment. The good news is that Apocalypse World is awesome. You can get the PDF here.
Yea, that's my comic, and when my site got re-designed awhile back all the links were changed. You can get the comic here, it's ROAD CREW:For Sale.
Feel free to enter in zero as price and download.
Hi everyone! I finally released the Tomnooki Sweater pattern! Reddit's support through this process has really meant the world to me, and I love that I have been able to connect with so many of you all as I went through this design process!
You can check out the sweater pattern on Ravelry or Payhip!
You can get the pattern 15% off using code TOMNOOKI15 on both sites until Monday, September 21st at 11:59PM EST.
Your pattern purchase comes with the pattern of course, as well as all of the KAL information (lots of events, a live discord channel for immediate pattern support, and lots of giveaways), as well as a Tester Gallery which features the FO of some of my testers so you can read about mods they made and what they think of overall fit, as well as look at different color combos and fiber!
If you would like to see more information including links to the KAL information and the tester gallery, and videos I made both about the KAL and the overall fit of the sweater on my body you can check that out via my Instagram @chaseharpole.
for a while I lived in an RV on ~$500/mo from drop-shipping. I'm not sure if the method I used will be able to make that much anymore, but I think at least half that is doable. Once you get some semi-consistent money doing that, I recommend hitting thrift stores if within biking distance and searching for profitable books, checking textbooks first, then nonfiction. use the free amazon app to scan the barcodes, and if the price is good, type the ISBN into to make sure it's actually selling (decent sales rank, jumps in the sales rank chart mark a sale). also a lot of good stuff around to sell on ebay. if no thrifts within range, try facebook and craigslist.
here's a free guide for the drop-shipping method I used:
Arkham Investigator has been renamed to Mythos Tales to avoid copyright issues and is currently Kickstarting a physical boardgame edition. I've played the first case, it's pretty good. If you like SHCP, you should back it.
There also a scifi version of SHCP being written called The Martian Investigations. There are currently two cases out and if you want even more SHCP fun you should buy them. Disclosure: I helped the author playtest them.
Have you ever checked out Fucking Trans Women? I found it helpful (links are to buy, which is worth it, you can probably find ungated versions too):
Also sex as a woman is so much more a mental thing. It's counter-intuitive but if you convince yourself you can't enjoy it, your chances of enjoying it are low. You really have to just kind of let go of expectations and spend some time exploring.
Also, I can't think of my parts down there as being a penis, that triggers me bad. It's an exceptionally large clitoris, which from my brain's perspective, is at this point basically true.
For a minor investment, I suggest getting the LA Clarinet Institute Trombone Archive. It contains hundreds of pieces of music, etudes, study books, etc. You can just pick something and sight read it. Being able to just pull out something I've never seen before and go for it has really helped my sight reading, especially in alto and tenor clef.
***Weekly Designer Promo***
Hi Everyone! I have a fun Farmhouse Stocking available in my Payhip store.
Perfect for Christmas in July projects! They work up quickly in Tunisian simple stitch with only 1 seam to sew. Use your favorite color combination for a bright & cheery holiday.
If it's going to be used on Facebook and craigslist, I think it could be worth getting in on. Listia is by far the smallest of these three but is still pretty significant, and something I've been using for years. It's been on a decline due to credit inflation, but Ink might turn this around. If anyone's interested in accumulating a shitload of credits quickly to later turn into Ink, I recommend drop-shipping. You'll easily get hundreds of thousands for a $1 item sourced from china. I've got a free guide you can download here. While it is geared toward making USD on inflated shipping costs, you can ignore than and price your items in credits with free shipping instead.
What you're describing is similar to a suggested variant of Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands. Firebrands is all about the interpersonal drama part of Gundam, and it's based on the setting of the (lego-based) wargame Mobile Frame Zero. One suggestion in the RPG is to alternate full games of Firebrands and MF0, continuing the same characters and story.
As for a smooth transition whenever combat starts, I don't have any examples, but I imagine the only problem would be to make sure you're not creating too much work by having two separate character sheets to maintain, two different rules systems to remember, etc.
I enjoyed Mythos Tales more that SH:CD - the narratives were much more engaging, despite the errors. Let's not forget that SH:CD has a stack of errors in it too! You can also try The Martian Investigations, which is a sci-fi game with the same central mechanic.
By the way, if you are a fan of learning new RPGs or exploring systems, I can't recommend that series enough. They try out so many cool systems throughout the series and always integrate them into their over-arching series. For instance, in the Counterweight series, they play Mechnoir (and then later The Sprawl) as the "ground game" (i.e. the core group/arc). They play the SWN faction turn blended with scenes from Microscope between missions to flesh out the sector and over-arching plot. At one point the PCs break into a game of Kingdom (via Virtual Reality) to more deeply explore a critical event that happened leading up to the game. Eventually, they end the series with a game of Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands which acts as a really really good end-cap or epilogue to the season.
They do a similar type of thing with their Dungeon World and Blades in the Dark series, interspersing in special episodes where they play all kinds of interesting games and use them to flesh out the setting. Probably the most interesting one they do is that they will periodically run a game using a modified version of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective to play out in-game mysteries.
Amazons is about two sword & sorcery amazons, like a buddy movie. Two players play the Amazons and the rest - at least two - play the GMs. It handles the co-GMing in a way that'll be familiar to Apocalypse World players, very conversationally. It's not a game that will ever take the world by storm, you know, but I enjoy playing it a ton.
Firebrands is a pure roleplaying party game about the messy lives and relationships of anime giant robot pilots. Instead of a GM it has turn-taking and minigames, so it's pretty far out from usual RPGs.
You can find Amazons in Worlds Without Master issue 11 and Firebrands at my Payhip store.
No problem. I finally found the link when I realised I had got the name wrong: I found it really good: it was basically an evening's entertainment for me. If you like it, you'll know there's a good chance you'll like SH:CD. If you don't like it, then I doubt very much you'll like SH:CD, unless it's very specifically the theme you didn't like.
I don't make the kind of money he's talking about, but my method is a relatively simple one. I make around $500/mo and spend 30-60 mins a day on it. As I am directly increasing competition for myself, I charge $15 for my guide, which can be found here:
Here's a shot of my paypal from August showing some incoming product sale payments:
There are a couple of issues like that, but they're not game-breaking. You can also try Mythos Tales, which is excellent and has a Lovecraft theme. I also wrote the Martian Investigations, which is sci-fi themed.
First: Yes, hypnosis is incredibly effective to help people stop smoking. I've helped about 120 people quit in the past year alone. It is very complex to do, and many hypnotists have not targeted it enough to be effective. Choose not by their marketing, but by how much you trust that person! Trust is essential!
Second: Do YOU really want to quit? Or, are other people wanting you to quit, do you think it's just time, etc? If so, please go download my Smoke-free report here. You will learn why you MUST quit.
It's totally free. Why? Because I want every smoker to quit, I don't care how! My mom died of tobacco-caused cancer when I was 19.
If you are totally ready, go ahead and find out more here:
And find out what other people said here:
From another thread: Car Wars is your answer if you say I need the game to replicate the slam-bang pacing of a high-octane action movie, but I also need the game to require six minutes to resolve a thirty-degree vehicle turn.
No, what you need is Apocalypse World. (Buy it here. Just ten bucks.) It's fast, does that "slam-bang pacing of a high-octane action movie" that got you excited when watching Fury Road. It's damn near perfect for a Mad Max game.
You're probably planning to run this in an existing system, but there's a fun little indie roleplaying game called Community Radio that plays off WtNV - worth checking out for inspiration for sure.
Sure do! Here ya go:
The side two are from the Nintendo pack, the others are singles on that page. Free to download. Don't even need to put in your real email address. Comes in 16:9 and 16:10 has a pay what you want option and allows you to upload any format. It is completely free and simple, the only downside is that there isn't any sort of search platform like Amazon or BnN (you have to promote it yourself). It is kind of like having your own book's mini website. It allows you to set up the Google Analytic stuff, as well as track your own sales on-site, add custom CSS, and offer coupons and discounts too. I love it.
This booklet, Fucking Trans Women by Mira Bellwether. It has everything you could ever want to know on the subject. If you're less than scrupulous I know for a fact you can find it somewhere online for free, but it's only $5 and the author really deserves the support! It gives a lot of great places to start, but remember above all else that you need to be prepared to explore your partner slowly and methodically to find what works and what doesn't. There is no end-all-be-all 'this is how to sex a trans'
It was a small short project, so I did not make much money. I made 6 dollars minus some fees on the giveaway and my grand total is $8.40 minus some fees. Total profit a little over $5. I got around 2% of people that looked at it after the giveaway to buy it. Two percent is a pretty good conversion rate. If I would of spent more time on it I would of made more money. In case you are curious about the eBook here is a link: Right now I am focusing on creating another eBook.
Follow puro_yottsume on Twitter. He translates a lot of the promos and stuff like that via Twitter and Youtube.
Voices of Wrestling just came out with an ebook dissecting NJPW in 2014...I think that's the best thing to do. Download it. It's free (you name your price), but it's really good so if you have a few bucks throw it there way. It's really a great guide.
I usually share the file when I post the build video which will take some time. However you can check out my page here with my other part files and the most recent one was of Zoro
I made my own layout! I based my Polaroid photos off u/Lindaeve’s block here but mine are larger.
The camera in the middle, I purchased this pattern here (Pattern designed by Kristy @ Quiet Play) and scaled up about 300%, so it wasn’t a 10” block but about 30” LOL
Hey babes!
So Only Fans has made it HARD/impossible to post x-rated content with other partners (especially Grindr strangers) without proper id's (and that is impossible since my hookups are 100% discreet and anonymous):
To see HUNDRES of HOURS of ALL my x-rated porn, you can view it all in ONE big mega gallery here:
Thanks for all the love!
xoxo Mikah
The book/zine Fucking Trans Women is like ten years old but has some good stuff in it. Something I really liked was that the author shows a diagram of different genital nerves and basically points out that stimulating any of them can feel good, however you do it.
Also (I can't remember if this is in that book or not), you can indirectly stimulate the prostate from the outside by putting pressure on the perineum.
Got the patterns here: I just assigned random colours using the scraps I had from the quilt. I didn't use a pattern for the pillow, there are tutorials on YouTube though. I quilted the block after piecing. It has batting and backing. It is more of a pillowcase, the pillow is removable for easier washing. So I sewed the square to the overlapping flaps on the back and then bound it the same as I would a quilt.
Thank you for advertising my books for me! =D
You can now buy my book as pdf as well:
My Sexual Submission to White Power Volume II: Asian Women in Love by Claire Liu & Michelle Liu:
My Sexual Submission to White Power by Claire Liu: The Diary of an Ordinary Chinese Woman's Transformation from an Obedient Asian Wife to a Masochistic Chink Slut:
Thank you so much for your comment. I feel really pleased to know my writing had actually an impact on others, cause that's the primary reason I write. This was actually only one story from my near-death experience collections, all of them are true stories. It's a 64 pages Ebook and I put it on sale for 0.99$. If you are interested you can access my book through the following link: <strong></strong>
A fused glass tutorial about GAP:
No basic glass cuting or fusing knowledge are required. The single tool you need is a kiln and a few materials. In this book I show how to create different pieces and how to create your own design.
In this tutorial you will find 48 pictures regarding 6 projects, 1 Video - how to - firing schedules for System 96, informations how to do your own project. Those who have difficulty understanding the tutorial can send me an e-amil or contact me at the messanger.
In addition to the other options suggested, there's a game made for one-shots called Mobile Game Zero: Firebrands, which focuses on the interpersonal drama between pilots, with combat and politics as secondary focuses.
"Fight with your friends. Ally with your rivals. Fall in love with your enemies."
First things first? Put that idea into a GDD or Game Design Document. It's a skeleton for game or app ideas and adds form to how the game would be.
As for unity, it's not a cure all for game development. It's great sure, but it is best to build up from something else. So I'd recommend trying out GameMaker or something else that's really better for an intro.
It takes time to make a game, and game ideas are a dime a dozen. It's not to burst your bubble or anything, but in my experience of making games you get a lot more failures than successes. It's kind of like how people tend to think they have a million dollar idea. It's work that takes an idea there.
Here's a link to a GDD that I built several years ago. I edited it a while back to include a guide so people can learn how to build their game ideas better:
Anyhow, best of luck. Do a GDD first. Then find someone who knows the technical side (students for instance or friends) and work with them on it. Cheers!
Check out 52 to a New You by Lissa's Raw Food Romance. She has a companion eBook: Raw Vegan Transition Guidebook
As far as mythic and epic- You could try Firebrands, The Sundered Land, or Microscope, kingdom, or follow. The Tower explicitly requires you to be one prophet and one god, but its rules aren't firmly finalized yet. Any of these allow you to flash back to some past age of mighty kings and queens consorting with still-young gods.
What scale do you want the players to exist at- mythic heroes clashing against impossible monsters, high-strung settlers building a life in the craters those heroes leave behind, or monarchs building a civilization in defiance of callous gods?
Fiasco might also work for the setting you're trying for, but I'm not familiar enough with it to advise how to create a proper scene. It also seems to incentivize breaknech pace and high-strung silliness.
I'd say Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective style games. If you get <strong>The Martian Investigations</strong> or Mythos Tales, you can play them as PDF files on a tablet or phone. (I actually can't find the Mythos Tales PDF any more - the first case used to be available for free...)
Friday is also a very good, compact solo game.
EDIT: How could I forget my new favourite solo game?! Oh My Goods has an expansion that adds a solo campaign to it. It's a very cool experience.
Your suggested frequency is fine. Legs twice a week is plenty and 3 times a week provides good frequency. Similar to what I suggest in the Bodyweight Warrior eBook in the skills program :)
Much appreciated bro as always. I am busy currently but will have space in the next couple of weeks :)
Alternatively you could just give my free program a go and see how you find it,
Probably the absolute best resource for trans women is this zine:
It's not free, but it includes really good detailed descriptions of sex acts that a lot of people aren't even aware of (such as muffing) from a trans perspective.
League of Legends is by the far the worst gaming community I have ever encountered. It's worse than MW2 for XBL on release. The obvious answer is to mute people, but I understand your 'need' to see what other people are saying about you. I wrote a short google doc on this subject which might help your ability to deal with these people a little better. Here's the link if you are interested:
OK :) Here is the link where you can get the menu planner, where you can find nut and seed yogurt recipe and lots of tasty recipes with it: it's by donation, the minimum donation is 5 euros. But if somebody feel that it's too high, please let me know. Although for over the 100 recipes and nice menu system, I think it's quite a low price already :) What do you think?
Also, here is the link to my old version of cheese recipe for free :)
And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Enjoy your day! :)
> Over the Edge or Kult
Those both sound pretty good. I haven't played them. I'll check them out. Thanks!
Left Coast and Itras By also sound pretty good.
Hello, I made a cooking eBook and am looking for someone to interview me for their website or blog. You get the eBook for free if you interview me. Here is the eBook I made: Also I would like any other ideas people have to promote my eBook.
>This booklet, Fucking Trans Women by Mira Bellwether. It has everything you could ever want to know on the subject. If you're less than scrupulous I know for a fact you can find it somewhere online for free, but it's only $5 and the author really deserves the support! It gives a lot of great places to start, but remember above all else that you need to be prepared to explore your partner slowly and methodically to find what works and what doesn't. There is no end-all-be-all 'this is how to sex a trans'
(with thanks to /u/cloverfuchs for the link :* )
You should track down a power user and get them to submit it. You can sort users by votes and followers here -
Also, this may be of some help, it was #1 on Product Hunt a few days ago -
I would recommend reading this interview with the creator of this zine which is a fucking revolution in 80 pages. I only started reading it a few hours ago but I think I've just had my transition and idea of what it means to be a trans woman flipped on its head. It's only $5 so I would recommend any trans woman or anyone interested in getting busy with a trans woman or anyone period should read this thing. I want it offered in Sex Ed classes because the vision it paints for the exploration of human sexuality is beyond glorious.
Alright then.
My friend released several short stories. My personal favorites are Sofia and Warning:
And I have a novella and novelette of my own, with a 3rd book about to be completed by March. This series will have 5-6 books in all: (the first book is even free) :)
That I do. The first story is even free :)
Do note: I started with writing an anthology of novellas and novelettes that take place before the novels I plan to write later. The third book in this anthology is nearly completed, and there will be 6 in total for just this series. There is a lot more to come.
Edit: typo
Trying to make money from home, but not knowing where to start is frustrating. 🙃 These information sheets give you a list of websites that you can earn money from home with royalties, ad programs, affiliate programs and influencer programs. Get it here 👉
Hi! I published this short story a time ago (free code inside if you want to read it)...what's your opinion? on the cover, blurb, all...I am all ears
Note. I published in payhip platform because of the less censorship than in amazon but freedom's price is high: very few sales
finished some new bases! (will be making more, i take requests)
(art by me) Consider joining my public discord server!
Bases for sale on my payhip
Consider joining my Patreon!
Hi everyone, I own a digital printable store that is centered around productivity and management for small business owners. Check out my inventory planner👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
I commented earlier suggesting Benjamin Matthew’s hats. He has his patterns on payhip, if that helps.
At this point I should add that I’m not him nor associated with him in anyway other than having made a bunch of his hats lol.
It's not without its rewards, for sure. And you have the right attitude, you're much likely to excel at something you are passionate about.
I think the sweet spot is to have a 20-30hr/week job that pays the rent and gives you insurance, then you are free to do lutherie 2-3 days a week.
My friend Nigel has this ebook about how to make a living as a full-time luthier, well worth a read:
Well it's something that i love actually and i enjoy designing them too , so i will look more into it and try to change other things and hopefully i can get some orders 😊 and i will appreciate it if u can see my store and give me any advices on it 🙏 my store
Pattern credit: I used Paintbox yarn, cotton DK for the doll and Loops & Thread super bulky (6) yarn in burnt copper for her hair. Hook size 2.5 for the doll and I think size 8 for her hair.
Base is here
My Insta is NotOnTheBurritos and the adopt will be posted there as well
Includes ref sheet (in a color of your choice) and more accessories if the buyer wants them
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Hi everyone, I hope your week is going well! I am new to Reddit and thought I should share my latest knitting pattern with you. The Bracuhy top is a collaboration with Miss Babs yarns and it was inspired in the marina of the same name where I used to go with my best friend as a child. The pattern is available on Ravelry , LoveCrafts and PayHip in English and Portuguese.
It is a boxy slightly cropped fingering weight top, worked bottom up with a lace panel on the front. Sizes range from a 30 to a 64”/ 75 to 165 cm bust, with a finished circumference of 39 (43.5, 47) [51.25, 55, 58.75] {63.25, 67.5, 71.25}”/97.5 (109, 117.5) [128, 137.5, 147] {158, 169, 178} cm around the chest. The pattern was designed to be worn with 8 to 12”/20 to 30 cm of positive ease around the chest and 1.5 to 3”/4 to 7 cm of positive ease around the biceps.
I hope you like it! ❤️❤️
with a finished circumference of 39 (43.5, 47) [51.25, 55, 58.75] {63.25, 67.5, 71.25}”/97.5 (109, 117.5) [128, 137.5, 147] {158, 169, 178} cm around the chest.
The pattern was designed and developed to be worn with 8 to 12”/20 to 30 cm of positive ease around the chest and 1.5 to 3”/4 to 7 cm of positive ease around the biceps.
Ps: I don’t know how to post a photo of it using the app 😅
About this Book
818 Page
484,382 Total words
48 Hour
A Simple way to find topics such as fasting prayer in the Holy Quran
By Abdul Noori
This book is basically the Holy Quran, the verses are grouped together based on topics. For example, the Fasting Prayer Zakat, Hajj, Jihad, Paradise, Hell, etc in one place. The mullahs use this method too. They have memorized all the verses that are about.
It is a book of Arabic text with translation into Persian and English.
This book helps Muslims non-Muslims to be fully aware of Islam For more convenience, divide the book into two parts: Rules and Prophets. In the Rules section, you will find all the information about Fasting, Zakat, Hajj, etc.
In the section of Prophets, you can find about Mohammed, Yousef, Moses, Jesus etc. This book is in fact the key to Islam .
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Pre-Order for my EXCLUSIVE *and life changing* E-Book "Mikah Doll's Ultimate Sissy Guide" is NOW AVAILABLE Here:👉👉👉
In this IN-DEPTH E-Book I share 7 Lessons as my journey from novice to FAMOUS Adult Star!
❤️ xoxo Mikah Doll
Bonjour, je voudrais vous proposer mon application. Sur cette app vous pouvez:
-Lire des livres (romance, sci-fi, thriller, fantasy....), poèmes
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L'app est à 3 € , et:
-Pas de chapitres payants, tout est gratuit
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Plus de détails ici ;)
Hey guys, It is difficult to get more followers these days. I've tried everything -Follow-unfollow, but it's really time-consuming. At last, I've learned something valuable from an ebook that I got from my ex-bf. Implementing these methods helped me a lot and I'm getting more followers and engagements day by day (around 30). What else I can do?
hey i just want just to share my story with those who are reading this.
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always dreamed of traveling and discovering the world, but as I grew up, I realized how work, debts, bills and all the different kinds of problems that we all have when we grow up prevented me from realizing my dream.
I never liked working for someone I always wanted to be my own boss... to be able to organize when I want, earn a lot and be able to work even while I was traveling.
I started my research in the online business and I tried and tried again.. I researched research by buying books that I didn’t use in the end... Everyone advised me the same thing about online business but none of the fava really had an effective guide that would bring me results... I was desperate but I continued to persist and thank God that I continued.
One day as I was browsing through various articles I found this ebook that saved me... changed my life and I’m too happy... taught me that something extra that others never managed to give me and now I’m slowly making my first money... for about 1700 dollars a month I know I’m not rich but they’re growing more and more and in a while I’ll be able to leave my job to travel and work while I travel. I know it seems too good to be true and for this I want to share my story because I hope it will help you if there is someone who really wants to change his life or try to create more revenue…
I'm not promoting it because nobody is giving me a single dollar for this… I just want to share with you my happiness and hope to be helpful.
the ebook:
Name: The Productivity Bar
I create and sell digital printables especially for students. I have pretty affordable products in my shop ($1)
It's a small business, so I would appreciate if you check it out
You might really like Dogs in the Vineyard. Unfortunately, it is hard to find. You can get a setting-agnostic version of the rules in DOGS, but it is not quite the same.
I suspect that In A Wicked Age… might scratch the itch you are talking about, also.
Download :
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Chinese herbs have been used for approximately 2500 years to treat a wide array of health problems. Herbal medicines may enhance fertility by supporting the natural functions of the ovulation and fertility process.
Hey, I got an 890 in DM and I think I can probably help. When I started practising, I was initially getting like 500-600s ish and then after a ton of practising on medify I'd be getting like 750. BUT when I got to the official mocks I'd be back to 600. A lot of my friends didn't even look at the official mocks, and saw like a 150 point drop in DM alone compared to Medify. The biggest thing I realised is that most prep resources get the DM definitions wrong. Like, you've probably already heard of how inconsistently the word "some" is used but like there's also stuff like "except", "only if", "most" and heaps more that just directly contradict the way Medify uses them. I made a compilation of all of these phrases used in various different contexts, with the CORRECT answers and full explanations (written by myself). I've checked all of the definitions by emailing UCAT and can thus, guarantee their accuracy. I honestly think it was this extra effort I made that led to my score. If anyone's interested, I'm selling it for 7 pounds (cheap coz I know y'all just kids haha but I promise it's worth way more!) + I stuck my AR notes on as well if ur is interested (got 870):
Hey guys! My buddy who does the sound for all of my films (and of course does an amazing job) has released a sound pack with all sorts of horror ambient noises and stuff like that. I believe the pack is somewhere around $10 for everything but I also think he's trying to get his name out there as much as possible so I know he has some codes to to unlock it for free. All I can say is he does amazing work and I love working with him and I want to see his stuff spread as widely as possible. If you're making any sort of horror thriller movie I don't think you can do much better than this especially for the price.
The link to the site is in the description of the video, or you can just click here:
Hey, I got an 890 in DM and I think I can probably help. When I started practising, I was initially getting like 500-600s ish and then after a ton of practising on medify I'd be getting like 750. BUT when I got to the official mocks I'd be back to 600. A lot of my friends didn't even look at the official mocks, and saw like a 150 point drop in DM alone compared to Medify. The biggest thing I realised is that most prep resources get the DM definitions wrong. Like, you've probably already heard of how inconsistently the word "some" is used but like there's also stuff like "except", "only if", "most" and heaps more that just directly contradict the way Medify uses them. I made a compilation of all of these phrases used in various different contexts, with the CORRECT answers and full explanations (written by myself). I've checked all of the definitions by emailing UCAT and can thus, guarantee their accuracy. I honestly think it was this extra effort I made that led to my score. If anyone's interested, I'm selling it for 7 pounds (cheap coz I know y'all just kids haha but I promise it's worth way more!) + I stuck my AR notes on as well if anyone is interested (got 870):
Hey, I got an 890 in DM and I think I can probably help. When I started practising, I was initially getting like 500-600s ish and then after a ton of practising on medify I'd be getting like 750. BUT when I got to the official mocks I'd be back to 600. A lot of my friends didn't even look at the official mocks, and saw like a 150 point drop in DM alone compared to Medify. The biggest thing I realised is that most prep resources get the DM definitions wrong. Like, you've probably already heard of how inconsistently the word "some" is used but like there's also stuff like "except", "only if", "most" and heaps more that just directly contradict the way Medify uses them. I made a compilation of all of these phrases used in various different contexts, with the CORRECT answers and full explanations (written by myself). I've checked all of the definitions by emailing UCAT and can thus, guarantee their accuracy. I honestly think it was this extra effort I made that led to my score. If anyone's interested, I'm selling it for 7 pounds (cheap coz I know y'all just kids haha but I promise it's worth way more!) + I stuck my AR notes on as well if anyone is interested (got 870):
Hey, I got an 890 in DM and I think I can probably help. When I started practising, I was initially getting like 500-600s ish and then after a ton of practising on medify I'd be getting like 750. BUT when I got to the official mocks I'd be back to 600. A lot of my friends didn't even look at the official mocks, and saw like a 150 point drop in DM alone compared to Medify. The biggest thing I realised is that most prep resources get the DM definitions wrong. Like, you've probably already heard of how inconsistently the word "some" is used but like there's also stuff like "except", "only if", "most" and heaps more that just directly contradict the way Medify uses them. I made a compilation of all of these phrases used in various different contexts, with the CORRECT answers and full explanations (written by myself). I've checked all of the definitions by emailing UCAT and can thus, guarantee their accuracy. I honestly think it was this extra effort I made that led to my score. If anyone's interested, I'm selling it for 7 pounds (cheap coz I know y'all just kids haha but I promise it's worth way more!) + I stuck my AR notes on as well if anyone is interested (got 870):