Yup, they're horrible griefers. However, I just managed to outsolo a feeding team of like 4 people and it felt freaking awesome to become #1 by my own.
EDIT: In case someone noticed: Yes I used that dubious extension back then. I only discovered today that it was considered cheating. Pls forgibe
No I mean, the game plays wonderfully. The facilities however have a lot of problems. Basically I get trapped in promotion screens. I talked with Feral about it and they said it's because my card is so old. I have zero problems in the actual gameplay part.
Here is an example. This one actually halted my progress completely, because everytime I reload the save and complete the mission it happens again: http://screencloud.net/v/EdF3 (There is no way past this dialog, feral said it's because my old GPU)
I'm using demo version of ProLighting Skies, and I rendered it in Cycles :) That's why it looks like a hdr with black backdrop xD
"Why is there literally nobody else being discussed about doing this?"
In a thread, literally, discussing exactly this. I'm sorry, but I do not prioritize giving comprehensive answers to that during what might already be the best CS series of 2015.
And how is my comment a response to someone talking about Flusha? This thread is a spearate response to a video of a pro player, not a part of the Flusha discussion above. The Flusha discussion did contain a fairly comprehensive post debunking a lot of the silly evidence against him.
A person followed up with this reply to the Flusha discussion, which I responded to: http://screencloud.net/v/BZ97
As stated, I am not in any way sure if he is cheating or not, so I am not sure why you keep emphazising that(?). The only thing I am saying is that Flusha has some shady clips, but that piling on with standard clips, similar to the one posted by OP, is silly and in no ways helps the case against him.
As much as I would love for this to be true, I can see the button in all my browsers...
Chrome http://screencloud.net/v/p2HT
IE http://screencloud.net/v/ENDM
Firefox http://screencloud.net/v/C9l6
Edit: I suppose this could be only OSX Chrome users.... can anyone else confirm?
All versions
Starting LO can be quite slow.
Fix it: Go to Options -> Advanced and turn off Use a Java runtime environment. Speeds it up enormously in my experience. http://screencloud.net/v/s1xh
And there we go http://screencloud.net/v/95xK
I'll put that mod on curseforge once I'm done making sure it's working fine
(it's the vanilla comparator by the way)
Edit: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/223246-enhanced-comparator
And yes, I ran it like 30 seconds before seeing this post.
EDIT: I also have the GNOME extension check for updates for me, it's quite awesome.
I do these little scripts all the time myself. Actually, you might be interested in hosting pytrending locally. I was monitoring reddit/github/twitter exactly for the same purpose :) Screenshot: http://screencloud.net/v/30pL
Enemy Within games are different from vanilla so you will have to start a new game. It won't affect your ongoing game though, since they have two separate launchers.
As for the two other DLC's, I would get them while they are on sale. Otherwise its a pass for me. The missions are rather hard but the customization items are nice.
Ah, thanks. As an old Sim City player I'm so used to thinking about school coverage as an absolute, circular limit. :) Are you sure though? The "happiness wave" (the wave of smileys that is generated when you plop a building that makes people happy) doesn't correspond at all with the coverage indicator (the green overlay on the roads).
I find this spell to be a pain too. Holland Doll was bizarrely (if that's even a word) easy. And then suddenly the bullet chunks appear horizontally too.
It's been ages since I've seen that spell card a lot really (until the challenge of this week), but I do enjoy it.
It really tests your positioning. You can choose between reflex dodging when you're close to the fairies (that are on about the same height as you) or more micro-ish dodging when you're going as far away from the lower fairies as possible.
However, the most important thing to do is to find the sweetspots. As far as I know from Looney, the fairies chunks move in the usual 6 symmetrical lines. The way they spawn differs each time, same for the bullets inside one "chunk".
I would not recommend going away from the fairies and micrododge it. It's really difficult, and the next group of fairies will spawn really close to you. Just stay in the middle, maybe a bit closer to the fairies, and find the spots where there won't be multiple chunks passing by at the same time. It's difficult to explain, but I hope you will find out what I mean. Using images to show how you should do it is a bit difficult too, sorry.
Shooting the fairies doesn't seem to help. They spawn their shots instantly.
Just for future reference, so you dont have to take a picture of your screen next time.. Put iracing in windowed mode, then use something likt http://screencloud.net (can upload directly to imgur) to take a screenshot
There is something like the third option: when you copy a file into another folder, you get a dialog which looks like http://screencloud.net/v/c5yo yes? Near the bottom it has "Select a new name for the destination" which allows you to pick a new name. This isn't quite as automatic as you were hoping for, but it may work for you.
Just got my GAW FURY from GAW for like 35 bucks... Might order a few more...
Hashing on GHASH's DOGE pool. 24/7 (all attached to my http server, which runs anyways soo...) ~2.23 MH/s on a good day.
Well since this is (sorta) in my scope, I decided to give it a go.
So far I have managed to get 47 cars to load so it IS possible to get more than 43 cars, however there seems to be another limit in place I haven't found yet that limits it to 47.
http://screencloud.net/v/qnVd Value set as
http://screencloud.net/v/ceWW 47 cars ingame
The track is set to a max 80 starters with 80 start positions and the roster has 82 cars active. If anyone who knows more about what might be limiting it that would be helpful.
Stuff like this always reminds me of the pre-cgi dalek from doctor who. They showed it on the episode of Confidential to go with Daleks of Manhattan... it was literally a metal cut-out of a dalek on a stick.
EDIT: Pics because it happened- http://screencloud.net/v/2tgoD
u mean like the linux version of the desktop app still being rather out of date, also the only working version is now the 64 bit one, the 32 bit version is even more out of date (back to before they had the black and green theme) and no longer works at all (just crashes on startup), heres a screenshot of the 64 bit version http://screencloud.net/v/371
run the rsu-query.exe directly (easiest would be to make a bat file and make it write the output to a file)
and show me the output from the command prompt
batfile content:
@echo off "%CD%\rsu-query.exe" > "%CD%\rsu-debug.txt"
post the output on something like pastebin and link it here and i will take a look at it tomorrow for the time beeing you can make a shortcut to the runescape.exe with these parameters in the target line
C:\path\to\rsu\runescape.exe jagex-jav://www.runescape.com/jav_config_beta.ws
it will quite literally FORCE the rsu to load said jav_config and use whatever your current prm file for runescape is
for example if i type Test. and press ctrl+space displays nothing, but if i click ctrl+space on nothing it shows this: http://screencloud.net/v/z0I7
class Test def method1() 1 end
def self.method2 2 end end
t = Test.new
I tested it with python, html, css and works good
I work in the marketing industry for my day job. I've got some extreme analytics technology on my server where I can actually measure every campaign through Google Analytics. So if they hit the website to get the GA cookie set, I then can track if they join the server. Furthurmore, I can even then track if they stay long term (5/15/30/60/90 days in). Pretty amazing data :D
Lets just say, I can back up the abysmal CTR NavarrB reports, and furthermore can report abysmal join rate, so out of the low % of people who clicked the ad, only a small % of them bothered to connect to the server.
Here is my data: http://screencloud.net/v/A13k Day 5 conversions: 5....out of 400 clicks.
And before anyone asks, no its not possible for me to share this tracking technology. Requires quite a personal integration setup and actually doesn't even involve a plugin for the game.
Works fine until someone lists by cheapest 365 No source, I saw like 50-45. the different colors may just be there to temp the pure. They're my favorite too but I only filter emulator commands http://screencloud.net/v/d3Uw We need to beat it fast We get based Beedrill on the team.
~ Skogz
^^Info ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)
I was playing Civ VI two years ago, figured out one of my old friends plays it, asked him to play with me. He said fuck Civ. Go learn Dota 2. I said what the hell is that?
Now I'm in top 250 Mirana based on Dotabuff.
No you don't. Using google authenticator has nothing to do with a phone number or texting, it runs in the browser or phone app. Simply drag the QR code into the extension or click the button saying it won't work and copy paste the secret code.
Example: http://screencloud.net/v/EP8w
I keep getting this error: http://screencloud.net/v/sPCj
I did get the STMP to work though, just not the imap. I have been migrated to GatorCloud and am no longer on the old system. Are you sure the new Office365 allows IMAP setup?
Check out http://screencloud.net It can do to an online service [like screencloud] or to your desktop, or even SFTP
I use it for SFTP to my own domain like this
Thats what I thought too but I did the nkey rollover test and it was actually 26, the keyboard is a Corsair Vengeance K90
EDIT: heres a screencap, and thats with 1 hand and me pressing alt+shift+f1 to take the screenshot, and counting it its 38 in total O_O
Mostly people replied to his application and made noise in the status updates. Plus there were some ss taken from the TS server with a lot of Fabr clan players in. Scarper made a note in the original post about it.
Edit: someone took a screenshot http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i379/SupermarioPS/FABr_zpsd91e972f.jpg or http://screencloud.net/v/wTt6
I see, I'mnot the only one who is waiting 5 days
You can say, that is only 4 ref but how many peopels waiting for items and Geel ignoring them, ignoring everybody who give him money for items.
"When you open a business, especially an online one, you check in at LEAST twice or three times a week, you don't run around playing video games and ignoring all the customers that have ALREADY PAID you in full." <- In my opinion this is what Geel must understand. I don't want know how many peopels give him money and don't receiv their items.
I thought that was what the $25 option meant. But I see now that there are some $349 and $399 options which looks even more like that's the price level where you will recieve one.
But then I'm really confused about what that $25 dollar option is supposed to mean.
I've just compiled and run the server locally and it works perfectly in Firefox (although not in Chrome for some reason, with the same error as above).
That's what consistently displays in my Chrome console whenever I try to load.
I used to love Greenshot, it was my goto screenshot application for quite some time, until I found ScreenCloud. ScreenCloud is cross platform, you can use your own server via a variety of upload methods or their own servers with an account, and it's totally free.
I use it multiple times daily with being in tech support, couldn't live without it.
I really enjoy your server. The lag situation could be improved, but I'm sure that will be fixed over time. So, on 1/31/14 I was playing on your server and I was fighting someone and then I was banned. Prior, to this two admins checked me and made sure I didn't have hacks. No offense but a lot of your people on your server can't hotkey. I used to play on eZPvP and I'm used to fighting more highly skilled people. Then, I killed one admin(he was legit pvp'ing) and he got mad. I mean it's a pvp server and I'm not going to give you any special treatment just because you're an admin. He then began flying around me while I pvp, which was highly distracting might I add; he was "watching" me. Well, then I got banned for "anti-knock".. Before, I was banned on the server I was against a wall fighting. So, I went on an alternate account to see if I could get this unfair ban removed. I figured I could explain my side of the story, he'd see his error and he would unban me. Right? No, I went on and he repeatedly told me "u where hack" and when I asked for proof "letzcraft(I think)" apparently had it. I don't know who "letzcraft" is nor did I see him on the server or get to talk to him. I asked to see the proof and so did others. I remember one user who was pro saying "if you have video evidence just show him if not he should be unbanned". Well, he just again repeated "u where hack", and none of us made any headway. While this was going on he called me insults, such as fag. Sorry, for the wall of text but I heard "a picture is worth a thousand words" so I'll let this speak for me. http://screencloud.net/v/4Qhg
E: Just got in contact with letzcraft, he had no proof.
Account: _EdwardSnowden
Best Regards,
Just over 2 weeks ago I installed Linux Mint and it's wonderful! I don't think I'll ever have the reason to switch back to Windows. I spend most of my time doing web work which Linux is capable of doing and I hardly play any games at all these days.
This is what my desktop environment looks like and it's fantastic. It looks great, it feels great, and I can only speak praise for this OS.
Go to youtube
(Chrome) Press Ctrl - Shift - J (Firefox) Ctrl - Shift - K
You should see something like this http://screencloud.net/img/screenshots/2385d0bae05a4a6ac7a2f95c0c98a46a.png
Where you see the ">", type this as it follows:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=qDpUsBNO0FY; expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2020 20:47:11 UTC"
Good thing this song gets stuck in my head the most.
We Will Rock You...
Relevant. It mentions all phases of a man's life...
Sadly, I look like this...
EDIT: You know, a guy did this a while ago and just got a bunch of people telling him to fuck off. Now a pretty girl does it and we all jump at the chance to show her what we look like...