Zrovna skončil náš nejvýchodnější okres Frýdek<strong>≈</strong>Místek - jediný, který sousedil s Polskem i Slovenskem, a známý osobnostmi jako Petr Bezruč, Miloš Macourek nebo Jiří Drahoš.
Mám odtamtud pěknou, ale poškozenou fotku dírkovou komorou... Dokázal by ji někdo zrestaurovat?
Jako vždy smažeme okres v komentáři s nejvíce body.
You can download it or anything Czech for free here at uloz.to
I had Harry Potter audiobook CDs read by Jiří Lábus (very good Czech actor) as a kid and listened to them when I was ill and had to stay in bed.
This was taken from the Chelsea fc blue revolution doc which was a behind the scenes, amazon-like doc that was done on the club between 2004-2007. By far one of the best Chelsea docs out there. Can be downloaded in full in the 'Chelsea documentaries' file here, definitely worth a watch.
I was curious to see the old menu screens, since the screen changes with almost every major version, and I haven't found the gallery anywhere, so I downloaded the old releases and extracted the "opntitle" savegame as per these instructions. The screenshots are with OG graphic set for an extra dose of nostalgia.
Btw here is the archive of OpenTTD releases if you're curious.
If you want to explore the actual savegames instead of just screenshots, or if you want to set an older menu screen, I uploaded them here to save you the effort ;)
Which one do you like the most?
My favorite is 1.3 (reused in 1.8), and also 1.2.
Ten odkaz je rick roll. Naštěstí jsem ten textur pack našel .Tady je odkaz : https://uloz.to/file/c3355xYz53Rr/minecraft-client-rtf#!ZJD0AQR2ZJD1MTV3L2HmZmOvZQOxZaWFZmIVoyVhHRx4o2AxZt==
Mám teorie:
Každopádně Okres battle prozatím přebírám já a budu se snažit to dotáhnout do konce s vektorovým obrázkem. Kdyby se někomu nelíbil jeho (poněkud hranatý) vzhled a dokázal jej vylepšit, může si stáhnout mé zdrojové soubory, upravit a poslat zpět s navrženými změnami. K bitmapu se už ale nevracím, bylo by to moc práce.
I download from uloz.to and pretty much every movie has synopsis and reviw on CSFD.cz
If you like czech cinema, there are great movies. One of the most popular is Cesta do Praveku. For it's time it was the most scientifically accurate and one made with incredible effort. From the more modern one depicting national themes, Pelisky, U me dobry and Obsluhoval jsem anglickeho krale. Also the movie Fotograf.
I also learned English this way. Although unintentionally. I started with cartoons and worked trough youtube vlogs to movies. I guess you could go the same route. Just build a bit of vocabulary first or try to get subtitles for the cartoons. you can get bunch of movies on uloz.to not exactly legal downloads there so if they catch you we don't know each other.
I live in Canada and can't watch it until next week on HBO, but just go to uloz.to somebody always posts the full episodes on there immediately and I download them easily and can watch them on Sunday with everyone else!
there is very few anime dubbed in Czech, so, anywhere people from other countries do. Though some people prefer to pirate anime rather than get it streamed, and the most popular czech piracy sites are uloz.to or fastshare.cz
Měla i videa ale prý jí je smazali (na vimeu, nebo kde) tak jsem nahrál alespoň fotky. Vynechal jsem asi 4 fotky na kterých není nic vidět jinak je to vše z patreonu ;) https://uloz.to/file/rj85BJ4RoIIK/vila-analka-patreon-rar
I got them off here there in HD and I think the latest versions. Download the zip takes a long time then your good to go. In vlc have to change language from Czech to English
Hello u/Foxik277, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
poor quality, hope can enjoy
OK, 3.6ubuntu2 is the correct version I have the same, just checked. I think it's something with sourceforge. Either refusing your connection or they have some connecting isssues on their side.
Try to download them one by one from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/
Extract the .exe files with cabextract e.g. cabextract arial32.exe
and the TTF fonts install via your font manager etc.
Edit: Or just download this zip with all ttf Windows 10 fonts (except ttc and fon files) and install via your font manager
You can try also audiobooks. In czech audiobook = audiokniha. There are many on YouTube and ulozto.net. You can find a book available in both German and Czech which you alredy know or you can read it first in German. Than you can hear it in Czech and read the Czech text simultaneously.
Le Petit Prince / Der kleine Prinz / The Little Prince / Malý princ
pdf (in Czech)
There are few ways. Legal way is to subscribe to TV streaming service in czech (O2 TV, Kuki TV, HBO Go...)
or you can du as everyone else and stream on other platforms. YouTube has surprisingly lots of movies with czech subtitles or dubbing. You can use Uloz.to whch allows streaming or https://sledujufilmy.cz/
yep it was, not in the best quality tho.. https://uloz.to/!4Y28zooQ5CSC/2017-10-05-alligator-hour-with-joshua-homme-season-2-episode-29-mp3 I hope someone can rip it nice this time, it sucks a lot to miss these
Here's a collection with a bunch of sounds from the RSRBR mod, I don't think there is an "officially recommended" sound for each particular mod car, so you will have to experiment a bit and find sounds that you like. https://uloz.to/!F3mHTu1pk/rbr-rsrbr-2015-car-sound-rar If you install RSRBR you can copy the audio directory to another installation of RBR which will also give you files to change effects like transmission and turbo blowoff. The wiki page for installing RBRTM mod has some hints in the bottom how to get started with modding sounds.
I was trying to see if it would be feasible to write a viewer/editor for a proprietary form format. I never got anything out of it but those two prototypes. It's not much of a benchmark, but unless I screwed something up, the two programs do almost the same thing.
I've made a tarball of both. To run the python program, run ./pyedit.py NUVForm/form.fo
. To run the scala program, run cd scala; sbt "run ../NUVForm/form.fo"
. (Instructions are for a standard *NIX system.) At this scale, the difference is not noticeable on powerful computers, so you'll have to run it on slow hardware to see it. It's not a proper benchmark unfortunately, which would stress HW much more. Also, I hope I didn't put any personal information in there...
It is LibreOffice Calc format, but I have saved it as Excel file and uploaded here: https://uloz.to/file/4i9jjqA2NVRE/would-you-be-ok-with-english-xlsx try it, not sure whether the formatting will be right, but you should see links and screenshots (second sheet)
Here you can download a slightly newer live-action version. https://uloz.to/file/DPOFroHzaZwm/pernikovy-dedek-1983-mp4#!ZJSvZmR2AwZlMzMvLzRlATMuMzIuLz13JzSUMx9RJzESE2R1MD==
If you are looking for some old Czech films,books or erc. There is somethig about 80% chace, that you will find it there in Uloz.to
Well this version is 1.0.0 Motorola droid RAZR I've but sadly but other versions I've tried on my Samsung note 3 but sadly it crashed also I've given to everyone especially who has android 4.4 but still it's not working for them but honestly this version is mystery! Not also Hong Kong were existed in Asphalt 6 too also Detroit and Rio track were existed in Asphalt 6 too
https://discord.gg/PMGcDYBnum You can join this discord server for discussion and online multiplayer
This is problem with vc redist. I assume that you downloaded some bundle and install it, only for sure good bundle is here:
You can try to manually copy dll files to C:Windows/System32 and C:Windows/SysWOW64 from this archive (hit button with turtle):
Here's 800 Beatsage levels of UK rave anthems, techno, acid, house. All difficulties + standard, single and 90⁰ maps. Be selective, bmbf will crash if you have too many songs. https://uloz.to/file/f6C8IfGnHtTa/beatsaberlevels-zip
Vaši mysl těžko někdo změní. Já jsem se narodil v roce 1958, takže tohle je už moje 63. léto. Vůbec není "celé léto hnusně jak někdy na podzim". Tohle je jen jeden ze dvou základních "způsobů" léta, které se v našich končinách objevovaly dříve pravidelně. Ostatně jest zachyceno nejen v pranostikách (Medard), ale i v umění: "Tento způsob léta zdá se mi býti poněkud nešťastným". Celý film Rozmarné léto najdete na Uloz.to , Vančurovu knihu též.
60ties, 70ties cars on old Spa Belgium1966, Monza Brianza 1961, Longford1967, ksRing/Nord or Le Mans (short Bugatti) nice track too:
F1 1967 ferrari mod (perfect FFB) vs EVE F1 bot
F1 1967 McL (perfect FFB) http://www.internationalsimracing.com/forum/index.php?topic=4655.0
F1 1968 (=EVE F1 mod)
F1 1976 ligier
some pictures of this era here https://uloz.to/!yV1IcsOIyU9A/f1-1950-1979-photos-paintings-rar
there's no streaming service with a big catalogue of czech movies. Best is probably to just prepay uloz.to and download movies from there. If theres one recent tv show I can wholeheartedly recommend, it's https://uloz.to/hledej?q=pustina+2016&type=videos
Edit: For the record, I checked his link and it's indeed a good job of syncing the blu-ray video to the leaked lower quality but uncensored audio. Can't complain.
This isn't really a big deal. The uncensored video is identical to what aired. And now we have the fully uncensored audio from that crappy 720p release (even the 1080p release I've seen going around has some pretty bad compression). Put the two together and you've got the full thing. I've done this myself with my blu-ray 1080p copy.
The other thing phr0sty lacks is anything above a 4:3 480i Super Best Friends. Here's a 720p copy taken from MTV russia online (audio replaced with English) https://uloz.to/!WrVp3aQMs/03-super-best-friends-mkv
edit: Also, some fans tried to make a "truly uncensored" video that rotoscoped muhammed into 201. It's really poorly done and not how the episode was supposed to be, and has some censored audio.
They should upgrade SBF with this version.
Edit: Nevermind, all 3 there are insanely low quality. But it's nice of him to host it nonetheless.
Limited download speed, checksum ok:
since the end of czt i don't do much torrenting anymore, for cz/sk stuff use uloz.to and for games it's more convenient to just use steam/gog than to download cracked versions and trying to figure out how to make them work - i was trying to make crysis run with various versions and patches and it was a nightmare, luckily recently it was released on gog in a version that's working in win10 without any obscurities, it was like a second christmas for me
Found that, but unsure if I should get it. I found it on uloz.to Which I don't mind that site. I checked predbe.me and there isn't a new version of this software minus what's on the site which is v14.5.0.51 Should. I take a chance on this groups release? Or is it bogus still?
Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 v15.4.0.47 (x64) Pre-Cracked {CracksHash}.zip
Link provided by u/Krata666.
"Press the turtle, write the code and press the red/purple button. Wait and enjoy."
Link provided by u/Krata666 "Press the turtle, write the code and press the red/purple button. Wait and enjoy."
Here press the turtle, write the code and press the red/purple button. Wait and enjoy.
I just uploaded the 4 tracks asked for and not the album got them from (Blur - Blur The Best Of) 24bit here is the link to that if you want it
You can probably turn off cz sub off
But it works
Someone uploaded a pack of audio tracks for my gf's Czech textbook here. The letters are one of the first tracks.
https://uloz.to/file/3BrXDL6vXFBX/afflynn-zip#!ZGL3LwR2AGyuAwtlZ2D2MQAzMQp0LyuPEyuOq0p5DyunFwMzAt== tuhle sračku mužu ne? Kappa
I am also studying for FE-Civil, have not decided yet the date to take the exam. however, I found this link in another Reddit post which I found to be very useful. and it is safe to download from it. I have downloaded all books for FE-civil and am currently studying from them.
good luck!!
Odkaz v popisu nefunguje!! Zde je nový odkaz: https://uloz.to/tamhle/u0Znuzky5BoF/name/Nahrano-13-7-2021-v-16-46-41#!ZGLjBQR2AwZ4ZTD0LJDkATZ0ZJV3MRMiDwH4EHH2LII0IwN5MN==
Dívejte se do popisku!!!
Well, the basic books in Czech are Svět slovanských bohů by Váňa, Encyklopedie slovanských bohů a mýtů by Profantová and Profant. Scans of these twoo books are available on uloz.to. There is also new Czech edition of book Mytologie Slovanů by Polish author Alexander Gieysztor.
Greetings from Slovakia!
Tady je když tak uložená záloha https://uloz.to/file/OQo3m5b4Rjh8/sugardenny-zip#!ZGDlZGR2AwL4LJH1MQplLzEuBJIuAmubnyWKJTSvp3ShDmExLt==
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "b'zde'"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
Tie fľaky úplne nejde odstániť, pretože pod nimi už nie je žiadna kresba, nič. Lokálne som upravil kontrast, tak aby bol rovnaký ako okolie, je to asi najviac, čo sa s tým dá urobiť. A tiež som to desaturoval, nech nevznikajú farebné nezrovanlosti. Potom som to ešte trochu vyčistil. Pozor na odtlačky prstov, zle sa retušujú...
Hello, I have the same issue, I am searching for the episodes of the first season and I can find only second.
If you want, you can download second season in Czech here:
I hope you will understand :)
Perhaps we should battle it out in beatsaber?
If you were to install beattogether mod and if you had the pack I uploaded here https://uloz.to/file/f6C8IfGnHtTa/beatsaberlevels-zip then we could. Only 5 characters away
Čus Duke, makal som na tom dlho, dufam, ze sa paci, dajte vsetci upvote aby to Duke videl :)
LINK : https://uloz.to/file/SZvXO7vivCSR/ale-cau-apple-watch-face-clock
Ako stiahnut tento face?
Nainstaluj si appku Clockology ( appstore, google store) najlepsie podla tohoto videa : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sF2IkMPb0bE
Klikni na link a stiahni subor, watch face sa ti da automaticky do MOJE WATCH FACE
Daj WATCH SYNC otvor appku na hodinkach, sparuj a ENJOY
Hele mně to jede úplně v pohodě, zkus znovu nebo jiný prohlížeč. Kdyžtak jsem to hodil ještě na tady, heslo archivu je název tohoto subredditu, schválně jak dlouho to tam vydrží :D https://uloz.to/file/xraxQEWBKKpO/veres-zip
Look, if you are so worried about pirating then just use legal websites to download TV shows. In the Czech Republic, downloading shows is legal by the government (long story) so there are legal websites to do so. Most of the shows and movies are in English, sometimes with CZ subs.
The website is called Uloz.to
You can try here; https://uloz.to/file/rhrMjezz/chelsea-season-review-1996-97-avi
They've got a heap uploaded. Not sure how reliable they are, and it's not in English, so I can't tell you a whole heap about if you can download the files or not.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
I have downloaded the full book here, its a safe Czech server. Just click the turtle (important) and write the captchahttps://uloz.to/file/sczrvKmMlRwk/your-brain-on-by-gary-wilson-pdfBut you can find it elsewhere also.
The book is a must-read for everyone here.
Brutal Heretic mod fixes a lot of Heretic's flaws, in addition to making the game look way better. It has a simple XP based progression system which gradually unlock alt fire modes for all of the weapons, generally offering more burst damage (to deal with the spongy enemies) while dialing up difficulty in other places and making it valuable to actually kill enemies and to play secret levels. It even makes the staff good and fun to use. It is hard to find though, since it is not actively maintained any more (I uploaded it here, confirmed working with GZDoom 4.2.0).
https://uloz.to/file/3wrsGAGVRirn/underoath-define-the-great-line-2006-unmastered-rar Just switch to the english version of the page.
Do you want FREE SPAWN?
Here download
https://uloz.to/file/6eSryGPlqXGE/dark-faire-net-spawn-rar Location -1250 2000
use SEED on version 1.8 and update 1.16 and paste region easy and fast
SEED 2184007406219296148
#DarkFaire #DarkFaireMC #Dark-Faire.net #DarkFaireNet #Takatalvi
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
After the firmware update, it messed up the clock options, there are now 4 pages in the settings!
Here is the updated manual for the behringer crave (awesome synth)
Depending on where you are, I'm in Canada and I watch Czech TV on Ceskatelevize and/or iVysilani app. I love Vypravej, or Cetnicke Humoresky, Cetnici Z Lukasovic, Stazmistr Topinka - I watch them with my mom (who at her age 86 is actually forgetting English) and she enjoys it. Also Uloz.to is a good source of shows or movies. Some of the shows on Ceskatelevize are limited to the region but if you have vpn it should be ok.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
If you don't have Netflix. You can use popular sharing server in czech - here you go: https://uloz.to/file/rFfw50E9C1uI/avatar-legenda-o-aangovi-1x01-chlapec-v-ledovci-avi
Vektorizováno a zvětšeno na 20K :D pouze snížená kvalita linky, bohužel nemohu nad vektorizací strávit celý den
nie je na Slovensku HBO Go? archiv slovenskej televizie? neviem, len sa pytam. uloz.to je dobry napad.
ak mozu byt aj ceske, tak podla toho ake velke deti mas, tak ak mas FTP server, mozem tam v noci nieco natlacit, mam jeden disk, len deti rastu, tak stare premazavam. deti nad 10 si Krtka a Nopockaja nevedia uzit tak ako my pamatnici.
Here is my modpack with Courseplay included. Take a look. If this will not be working, something is wrong on your PC.
I just saw it here https://uloz.to/file/ZqRM6Rpvh9np/lindemann-platz-eins-uncensored-mp4?fbclid=IwAR2RyJMYQwvlb6guKvxThMcyUY9gnqrcSmSkLqHCpfJcoljjQilAhneuQAU.
Lol it’s nice but I do think my mans looks much nicer
Máte pravdu, místo blbejch keců jsem si to mohl dopočítat sám.
ČSSD | 55195 |
ODS | 36697 |
KDU-ČSL | 21010 |
ANO | 18678 |
nestraník | 9670 |
ODA | 6852 |
TOP09 | 5465 |
Není to tak složitý a data se dají stáhnout z wiki.
Ale stejně nekrčte rameny, ten zavádějící nadpis jste vymyslel vy ;)
not enjoying the cloud storage download experience, clicked download for each file, very slow progress, returned 12 hrs later to find both files on 98% and ......................
clicked the only button on the screen "download now" and ........ they are restarting!
gutted. never mind. looking forward to having the playlist. many thanks.
p.s. uloz.to is a great free online locker
Link na stiahnutie: Uloz.to. Velkost ikoniek: 512x512 v PNG.
Icon Pack je inspirovani Duklock subredditom a jeho popularnym obsahom postov. Idealne pouzitie mojho Icon Packu je cez alternativny launcher, kde mate moznost menit ikonky manualne, napr. z galerie, alebo z cloudu. Ja pouzivam Nova Launcher v Prime verzii. :)
Ale Cau Icon Pack pouzity na homescreene: Ale Cau Homescreen V5, Ale Cau Homescreen V4.
I hope this isn't considered piracy, since this ep (in HD) is impossible to pay for today. But Russian version was not censored and did remaster to widescreen. Someone took their picture and added original sound. Awesome
Iru al uloz.to kaj serĉu: "team esperanto". Parenteze, ili neniam kantas en Esperanto ;(. La kantisto, Pavol Habera, lernis kanti la kantojn nur fonetike. La autoro de textojn estas Stano Marček.
Are you aware that uloz.to works in SK just as well as in CZ, right? I didn't have a TV for the last 15 years and I'm happy.
Obecna skola is a love project of Sverak before he went crazy, it's about himself, it's a well made thing. However it is before the Iron curtain era.
here's a link: https://uloz.to/file/ttTZKTFLsEpD/steven-universe-the-movie-2019-mp4
(AFAIK, posting this isn't illegal where I live, only uploading it is, so I should be safe from copyright claims)
I may have a Solution brother.. I despise the 2.2 as much as you do for obvious reasons.. Try this imo best the most golden version of misery.. :)
In school (age 12/13) I used to download a lot of PSP roms from a file sharing website, it was a russian website with a purple banner. I think it was uloz.to or something along the lines of that, you can find ALOT of porn on there, and that was why I was such a degenerate at such a young age.
Guys, I recorded the Mt Eden version from George FM.
Je mala sanca ze to postavim a postnem uz postavenu verziu z mojho digitalneho navrhu, tak som vytvoril manual, pre ludi, co by chceli postavit moj dizajn Duklock-ovho studia z Lega. Nie je tam vsetko, ale vacsina postatnych veci zo studia(Video, Instagram post).
Vacsinu suciastok kupite z Lego Shopu: Pick a Brick-u. Nieco musite poriesit alternativne, ak nemate danu suciastku(nozik na policke, mikrofon, webka nad monitorom) a nieco je tam stale len na ukazku, ako by som si to prestavoval ja s mojimi suciastkami, co mam doma(zbrane).
Link: https://uloz.to/!PgVRLaM09HbL/lego-studio-building-instructions-rar a heslo je: Al3C4u. Dufam, ze sa vam bude moj dizajn pacit a budete mat s toho pekny dekoracny set na policku, popripade hranie. :)
Here is the link for one image : https://uloz.to/!8Jva2FOfH3au/2018-10-30-t21-52-33-screenshot-png
I cannot open it with any editor. Dont know what to do with screenshots.
yeah, even tried playing riffs over Last vocals/drums https://ulozto.cz/!P4xb1AXNqkPv/nin-last-drum-vocals-riff-q-mp3 and The Becoming vocal melody https://uloz.to/!wdtA9sWLxZ8Y/nin-becoming-cover-mp3
Bought some new records in Gram Records store, so why not to mix them right away..
Recorded @ Moje Múza, Prague on 29.12.2017.
Video edited at home later - all info and images used from Discogs.com.
Newcleus - Jam On Revenge (The Wikki Wikki Song) - Bronx Dogs remix - Sunnyview/Regal Rnr - Refresh Your Hair - Blind Jacks Journey Extra T's - E. T. Boogie - Juan Groove Mix - Sunnyview/Regal Funkystepz - Fuller - Hyperdub Girl Unit - Plaza - Night Slugs Girl Unit - Club Rez - Night Slugs SHDW & Obscure Shape - Wenn Die Masken Fallen (Rødhåd Version) - From Another Mind Detention - Point One (Rework by DJ Hyperactive) - Cytrax SHDW & Obscure Shape - Die Geliebte Des Anderen (Shlomo Version) - From Another Mind Tim Baker - Scorpio - Elephanthaus Tim Baker - Forgotten Frequency - Elephanthaus Sterac - Nemec - M-Plant Chizawa - Panther - R & S Records Dave Angel - Lust - R & S Records Dave Angel - Bounce Back - R & S Records L. S. G. - Into Deep (O. Lieb Club Mix 1) - Hooj Choons Gigglatron - Kromozone - Paradigm Records Patrick Pulsinger - Viagem - R & S Records / Disco B
There are some hick-ups, stereo is not always top notch, somebody also played with the computsorry for it, also the video quality sucks - used some "free" program which told me after few hours of editing, that I should buy it or else no saving, so I had to use preview grab. On my weak computer its not the best way ;-)
Have I nice new year, soundcloud and download link - https://soundcloud.com/lopikoid/muza-29-12-2017-new-batch-from-gram-records https://uloz.to/!g3ijZdvFU0L9/291217-muza-mp3
I was trying to find english version, but it seems it was screened in certain cinemas and festivals with eng subtitles. I've found only czech version at ulož.to
For those who can't access the YouTube video, you can download it here in original 2560x1440 (1440p) resolution.
If you need desktop 360 video player, this one works (tested it): "Kolor Eyes" aka "GoPro player" http://www.kolor.com/gopro-vr-player/
The video is really cool in 360.
Actually my first 360 I seen on teh internetz. It's great they keep popping up it seems. Cool 'technology'.