We warned people that this would happen, but they didn't listen. And now, its satisfying to sit back and watch this mess unfold, from the sanctity of a different platform.
I personally hope that Microsoft continues to push things further and further until the breaking point (public decides they've had enough). The greed and shady behavior that infests big business, is perfectly exemplified by the way that Microsoft labeled the GWX (Get Windows 10 app), as an update that fixes issues in Windows, in order to sneak it onto peoples' machines. I mean, if Microsoft told you that they were going to turn your computer into an advertising platform and start imposing unwanted changes on you in the future, you probably wouldn't have installed this! https://content.invisioncic.com/Meset/post-3952-0-96878900-1428318020.png
And just in case you were part of the six percent who knows how to track down and uninstall rogue patches with obfuscated payloads like KB3035583, Microsoft continuously rammed this patch in over and over again, even if you selected the option in Windows Update to hide this particular patch, which traditionally means "don't offer or install again". http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/you-need-to-stop-kb-3035583-from-installing-again/
There is too much going on here to know what you find wrong.
I highly recommend a readthru of this rather thorough article.
Though it mostly deals with the search function / voice command tips, essentially that's where you'll get the most use of google now. Search more and you end up doing much less.
Right click start button select "Windows Powershell (Admin)"
Pick one of the following - I chose the last one
Remove all Modern UI apps from the system account:
Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online
Remove all Modern UI apps from the currently signed in account:
Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage
Remove all Modern UI apps from a specific user account:
Get-AppXPackage -User <username> | Remove-AppxPackage
Remove all Metro UI apps installed for all users:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
Some will be left alone ,(xbox) the rest will be gone.
Also if you want to remove onenote you can do this
> If you're looking to remove OneDrive permanently, do the following:
> Create a text file by opening Notepad
> Go on the following link and copy/paste the code into the text file: http://pastebin.com/zw70xK8e#
> Then save as RemoveOneDrive.bat and exit
> Run the script with admin rights and One Drive will be gone
> Let me know if it worked for you.
Thanks to /u/irQubn
or this
If people actually wanted this thing, Microsoft wouldn't have had to bury the GWX notifications into a Trojan horse update which was described as "resolving issues in Windows". http://noel.prodigitalsoftware.com/ForumPosts/Win81/KB3035583InImportantUpdates.png
What would happen to me if I started distributing a program which I claimed would speed up your PC, but which really collects and sends me a bunch of personal information about you? Actually, if you don't know, Windows 10 does send Microsoft a bunch of personal information by default, most alarming being your web browsing data. https://jonathan.porta.codes/images/posts/2015/07/window-10-privacy-settings-3.png
This company regularly lies to people. They lied about the above update, and they lie every time one of their employees claims that they respect user choice, as is also clearly demonstrated here. http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/you-need-to-stop-kb-3035583-from-installing-again/
I'm hoping that Microsoft's admission of crossing the line makes it easier for people to now bring cases against them for unwanted installations.
79 frames * 1000 = 79,000 words although I'd pay more since it is a nice gif.
Hopefully the pushier Microsoft gets, the more people will say "no". Enough is enough.
We fucking know Windows 10 exists. If we didn't see the television ads promoting it, we saw the KB3035583 update that was pushed out under the disguise of a traditional bug-fix patch. And just in case Martians somehow hacked the computers and deleted KB3035583 (while setting it to not show again), Microsoft went ahead and installed it a second time, bypassing user preferences to not see it again.
--Proof of what I'm talking about: https://forum.eset.com/uploads/post-3952-0-96878900-1428318020.png
Found an article about how to disable SuperFetch in Windows 8, so it is still in Windows 8.
Memory used by SuperFetch is not included in Windows 7 or 8's memory footprint; if a different program requests the memory occupied by a SuperFetched application, it's freed and given with no questions asked.
I Ctrl+F'd and you're the top one that shows up. For anyone that wants to know:
What a piece of shit, you have to do disk cleanup twice before it even shows up!
Does that chip run fairly hot? It's possible it managed to desolder itself, and pressing on it reconnects those solder points. One of the options to fix it is sticking it in an oven, which was a common fix back in the day for Geforce 8600 GPU's.
I've been using Clover for a few weeks now. Seems to get the job done pretty well.
Here's a review of it.
Um, what? That piece of shit app really didn't invent that. The idea is at least 5 years old. See: http://www.addictivetips.com/ios/camera-plus-for-ios-updated-with-front-flash-horizon-level-live-exposure/
They don't. It's just the kool-aid talking.
On a quick look, it appears all the 'customization's' are similar to Windows customization's, in that they are ini/xml/whatever tweaks that alter some form of functionality.
However, I don't know for certain, but I will assume there is also a similar program for OSX as there is for Windows called Rainmeter... However, to argue an OS family with less than 10% market share somehow has greater customization abilities than an OS family that has 80%+ market share is ludicrous.
Edit: However, if you're curious, apparently something called GeekTool is similar to Rainmeter.
Some notes:
This works for Android 2.3 and up - ignore what the guide says with respect to this.
This used to be limited to WiFi only, but since Android 4.0, this works over your mobile data connection as well.
Turning on the receive calls option is necessary to both make and receive calls. Like it says in the settings, it does reduce battery life, but if you have it on while on Airplane Mode, then it won't affect the battery.
If you're moving around while making internet calls, you will run into issues. On your mobile data connection, internet calling doesn't work very well when you have only 1 bar of service or less (as any normal call), but if your phone switches towers before you lose service, you won't have an issue. On WiFi, your phone will switch routers as you move around (assuming we're not talking about your home router since you most likely only have one), but not as quickly. Theoretically you shouldn't lose WiFi as long as the routers are properly placed, but since the phone doesn't switch routers as fast, your call will most likely be dropped. So in either case, it's best if you're not moving around - as in walking from starting point A to destination B, but walking around within one room, for example, is fine.
Microsoft passed out a Trojan-horse update whose description read that it resolves issues in Windows, when it actually installed nagware which would pester you daily about upgrading and be pretty much impossible for most users to find and get rid of due to the description and the name. It was only called KB3035583, and not something sane like "Windows 10 Upgrade Offer", which would have given the average Joe a fighting chance of figuring out how to uninstall it. I'm talking about the millions of people who just read what the dialogues on the computer tell them, and who don't go investigating things on the Internet.
Not only did Microsoft conceal what this update was actually going to do, but they would continuously install it again even if you opted to hide the update, out-right disregarding your user-set choice.
This nag utility also didn't feature any kind of "stop bugging me" button or even a "no thanks" button, up until the very end, when it did actually start to land Microsoft in trouble, not with the government though.
Then there was the time that Microsoft presented only two options on the dialogue box; "Upgrade Now and "Upgrade Tonight". The only way to back out was to click the red X at the top. But then they took the liberty of automatically scheduling people, meaning that if you did click the red X as you had been doing for months already, without taking the time to change it, you were going to get upgraded.
RCA in? What is this, 1986?
[edit] I was just joking around (well sorta) but to redeem myself I would like to add another pro-tip for those people who are sick of having to open and enable the EQ each and every time they use VLC (I know I had an issue with the show Dexter being too quiet on my laptop and would be required to enable it just to hear the thing in my hotel room). Here is a quick and easy way to make sure your EQ settings do save and stay saved when you close out and open it again. Enjoy!
Your phone hardware does support N, but it's disabled in software. If you follow these instructions or find a ROM that supports it, you will have N.
Here is mine. I really am loving the nice simple look. http://i.imgur.com/g6G7U.png
Edit- A bit more info on how I did this 1. WP clock live wall paper 2. Stock launcher with her icons made using desktop visualizer and metro station - metro station to make the icons I wanted then I used desktop visualizer to make a widget that would open the desired program. 3. To remove the search bar - http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/remove-search-bar-in-ics-on-google-nexus-enable-4x5-portrait-grid/ 4. Picture found on /r/redwall
It's not very magical. Apple doesn't provide installable Windows drivers. There's a minimalist driver available in the boot camp tools for the sake of those using boot camp on a Mac.
That being said, this is all you need to know:
[something something techy techy] makes it easier to theme custom roms [techy techy something something]
I used to overheat any time I would stream video for more than 20 or 30 minutes...especially live sporting events. Dusting out your fan is the obvious answer, but if you have a PC there's another method that has prevented my machine from overheating once in the year since I made the change: drop the maximum processor state in your power options. It's magical.
Download the 64bit version from here:
If you have spare flashdrive you can install to that using unetbootin. The installation is pretty simple.
Boot from that and you can try out Ubuntu without installing to make sure all your hardware works.
On stock devices:
2) The iOS 5 Mail app lets you compose emails with rich text.
14) You can turn off WiFi network popups: Settings -> WiFi -> Ask to Join Networks.
On jailbroken devices:
6) AttachmentSaver can save any type of email attachment, although it hasn't been updated for iOS 5 yet.
9) WeatherIcon displays the actual weather on the weather app icon.
15) Safari Upload Enabler does this.
Your graphics card is having issues. It's any of the following, but considering you are running XP I am going to assume it's option 4:
1.) Overheating: Clean the card of dust
2.) Overclocked: It's not stable anymore, decrease your overclock, increase your voltage. Something along those lines.
3.) Not fully seated: Remove the card and re-seat it. (Not very likely unless you moved it, or kicked your computer or something along those lines)
4.) Card's going bad (Capacitors are aging, soldered points have hairline fractures in them due to stress and age. Something along those lines.) A possible fix ( I suggest a new card, however if it's the solder that's giving on something like one of the on-board memory contacts) is preforming a reflow
I was wondering the same thing. PowerShell is already pretty cool.
But I actually found the result depressing:
> Opacity
> This one is an oddball.
> ...
> As translucency increases, text readability decreases, so it's not immediately clear who would ever use this. But it's a neat technical demo and nods at the Windows enthusiast crowd that has undoubtly been asking for this for years.
Linux and OS X have had this for years -- type "terminal opacity" into Google Image Search and you get a very visual example of tons of Linux terminals doing this.
So this means either the author was lazy, or they use Bing, which for some reason returns only pictures of... train stations, I guess? A search for "console opacity" turned up exactly one image, which turns out to be some third-party, open-source code for Windows.
Granted, it's a minor feature, but the oddball for me is that for once Linux and OS X have been not just more functional in this area, but prettier, for years.
And since this is clearly just a look-and-feel thing, it's also surprising that this is the one thing that the author didn't take a screenshot of. Which would've been nice, because it'd hopefully show whether it's just opacity or opacity-plus-blur. For me, straight opacity looks cool but is unreadable, but with just the right opacity and blur, the window looks every bit as cool as you'd think and it's actually readable.
But really, the depressing part to me is that the author is blissfully unaware of all of this. No comparison is made even to other Windows terminals, let alone proper Unix systems. I guess that makes sense, since he's a self-described "Microsoft Enthusiast", but it's a little sad.
MS makes it much simpler if you know it is an image size issue compress pictures
Also there is always the print to XPS and then print the resulting file trick. Which is my go to for one offs as it is much easier than trying to roll out a new printer driver (especially with the way HP does things)
howdy IWishItWouldSnow,
this covers changing from CMD.exe to powershell.exe, but i presume one could use the ISE executable instead.
Replace Command Prompt With PowerShell On Power User Menu In Windows 10
- http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/replace-command-prompt-with-powershell-on-power-user-menu-in-windows-10/
take care,
Lots of changes. Odex and deodex. "Debloat" (get rid of unnecessary apps, etc.) Lots of them increase the amount of time wifi scans, to save battery, among many other things...
Maybe this helps: http://www.andromint.com/advantages-disadvantages-using-custom-roms-for-android/
Its not a question of why, the answer is in plain sight.
Windows 10 is adware http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/turn-off-the-get-office-notifications-in-windows-10/
By running Windows 10, you are agreeing to any changes that Microsoft pushes out in the future, too.
Had to use this method today on a family members computer. http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-reset-windows-8-password/ same idea different method. Makes me laugh that there is still such an easy way to get into an account without specialized programs. I believe older kernels had a way of getting in using the help menu and then a variety of actions. edit encrypted part was already mentioned.
You purchased it, with your money, as an adult. You're 22. You really are not required to tell him where you are at. But maybe you're living with him and he can kick you out as punishment for not doing as he says.
In any case, did you know you could spoof your iPhone/iPad's location? There are a lot of tools that let you "lie" to your electronics, and tell it that you are in lower Slobbovia instead of at your SO's house. Here's one such app, and there are others if you just Google "Location spoofing".
True, but it depends how much resources it would take to make that a plausible solution. You can already get programs which can do just that. Which would also solve his issue of watching LCS ect. He implies the whole map be recoloured (at it's core) otherwise he would still have the issue of the LCS and streams being a different colour.
Glasses and/or software for his own personal use would be more useful than a full SR recolour or a changeable palette which he wouldn't be able to edit when watching a stream.
I just rooted my G2 not even 10 minutes ago without ADB. I haven't flashed any ROMs or anything special because I'm still debating whether or not I want to or just enjoy superuser permissions, but from what I understand if you follow that same basic guide you should just be able to backup your current ROM, format, and flash a new ROM.
On a different note, why are you, or anyone for else for that matter, thinking about or have already switched to cyanogen? I haven't done much research but I'd like to know your guys' reasons. I hope this helps!
Wait for the Note 8 to release, this will probably trigger nice savings on the S8. As for the bixby button, you can reprogram it without root access with apps. All in One Gesture works: http://www.addictivetips.com/android/remap-the-bixby-button-samsung-galaxy-s8-no-root/
For android 7.0+ users, enable notification levels on your phone.
Here's the guide: http://www.addictivetips.com/android/how-to-enable-and-set-power-notification-control-levels-for-apps-in-android-7-0/
Basically, whenever I see a notification from an app that I think is inappropriate, these notification levels allow you to control what notifications are able to display (like no peek, no sound, no vibration or just completely disable). I have most apps completely disabled, but the more spammy ones that I am interested in, I disable peeking/sound so it just has the blinking LED only.
Hmmm.. Try this:
1) https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc958122.aspx 2) In Device Manager, click on View ->Show Hidden Devices. 3) Uninstall every device that is named Lumia 930 or whatever your phone is called according to Device Manager. 4) Replug device. 5) If it's still not able to be detected, Try steps 17-19 of this (minus the clicking of the Reset button): (http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-phone/how-to-unbrick-nokia-lumia-920-by-flashing-new-firmware/)
> included with Windows XP
Windows 7 and 8 info: Create Custom Symbols In Windows With Private Character Editor
There are a few work arounds already.
Still though, I don't think we should have to use a third party piece of software to disable the "metro ui".
I had the same question a while ago, and here are the best two I found:
locate only searches filenames, grep wont work on anything other than plan text files and doesn't index
here's a couple of recoll reviews:
I'm a linux guy, but here's your windows solution (ewww...)
It's not quite what you asked for, it doesn't slow down the cursor, just forces a delay before switching active displays.
I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it when it ships with adware out of the box. (http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/turn-off-the-get-office-notifications-in-windows-10/)
This sort of thing is not appropriate in paid software, period. I do not care if you can turn it off. Its not appropriate and if you allow it, they will just push this concept further.
"Do not want" translates into "not now, ask again next week"
EDIT: This Windows 10 tablet just showed me a notification telling me to get office. What the fuck? Windows is shovelware now, I feel sorry for people who pay for this software. You're getting ripped off. As always, proof of my claims:
No, jumping through hoops to switch it off is not a "solution".
If you do this, don't forget to export your customizations, because when you/someone else upgrades your OS or hardware or whatever, you're going to lose all of these sweet settings changes you have been depending on.
How so?
6GB Download (C:\$WINDOWS.~BT Folder) was present on a Windows 8.1 System with Windows Update set to "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them".
on a system set to "Download updates, but let me choose when to install them" It wasn't present.
On neither system can I identify a KB update that would correspond to the download. The only difference appears to be that I removed and hid the KB3035583 update from the latter system early on, and never bothered with the former.
I've just remembered I have an older laptop also running 8.1, which I seldom use, but leave powered on. Checking that as well for another Data Point, it has the $WINDOWS.~BT folder, and is set to the same "Check for updates, but let me choose when to download and install them". As with the other system which has it, there is no KB entry which corresponds directly to a 6GB download.
The only consistency between the systems which have the $WINDOWS.~BT folder seems to be which systems have KB3035583 installed, and appears to have nothing to do with Windows Update options.
Other articles and posts I can find seem to corroborate this theory, such as this one.
> It’s worth mentioning here that if you have the KB3035583 update installed, files for upgrading to Windows 10 will download to your hard drive and this folder will be created.
In which way are my observations- and those of that and other articles- wrong? Do you have a more reliable source of information that we can use to evaluate the validity of my observations?
~~Everyone's phone has a boot animation, a boot animation is the thing you see on your phone when it's booting up. We're gonna need more context. What do you mean when you say you want to make your phone more "android-like"? Do you not have an Android phone? Do you have an iPhone? Context, we need it.~~
Okay guys I get it, I misinterpreted what OP was asking for, cool it with the downvotes.
Anyway, here's a couple of guides:
ok well lets start
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=180 pm.sleep_mode=1 ro.ril.disable.power.collapse=0 this sets longer delays between wifi scans, resulting in better battery life.
ro.lge.proximity.delay=25 mot.proximity.delay=25 this removes the black screen after a call (not every phone is affected)
net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960 net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
this enhances network speed (rough said)
debug.sf.hw=1 this enables gpu rendering (which increases battery life)
and so on.
if you are sceptical about something, a quick google research would help you. there are lots of these fixes, this are the ones i pulled from here
Android boot animations are pretty straightforward actually, it's just the seperate frames saved as .PNG (I believe :JPG is fine too) in the appropriate resolution saved as a .zip file called bootanimation.zip.
Inside that zip must be at least one folder called part0 containing all the images numerically ordered (like 0000.PNG 0001.PNG and so on) and a file called desc.txt containing some simple information about the animation like the size and framerate.
There is a pretty good guide here, but for you the only important information would be that the frames need to be saved as seperate images.
This bothers me a lot too.. There is a tweak which enables you to "drag to hide" the keyboard, called Pull to Dismiss. I tried it about a year ago and it wasn't perfect, but definitely did the job. Apparently, the ipad has a "dismiss keyboard" button, it would be great it that could be made available on the iphone!
That's pretty much exactly what it is. All the image files are displayed in a slideshow at the speeds specified in the .txt file.
EDIT: helpful guide
Here's your wish granted Sir, Please check this out; a comprehensive review of your app covered at AddictiveTips a couple of months ago. I reviewed the app myself, and would be awaiting your reply about it. Here is the link of the review: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/lapse-it-for-android-capture-share-time-lapse-videos-on-the-go/ Regards.
Test your RAM for faults (always a good idea if you're getting unusual crashing). http://www.memtest.org/
Try disabling Data Execution Prevention for TF2. I assume you're running 64bit Vista, so you'll be running an OptOut policy on DEP. It's possible TF2 doesn't like this. http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/what-is-data-execution-prevention-dep-and-how-to-disable-it-in-windows-vista/
You can set your microphone to play through your speakers. Here is a tutorial. (It works for Windows 10 too.)
A little late to the party, but if you're feeling crafty, you can enable Power Notifications in the System UI Tuner to force apps to "peek" (which is the term you're looking for here—displaying notifications as a banner at the top of the screen).
After it's enabled, you'll notice that the Notifications setting changes in behavior a bit. You'll be able to choose 5 different levels of importance for each app instead of just 'do or don't display notifications'.
By default, the app developer chooses how important certain notifications are (A=Automatic) when the screen is on or off. For example, the Phone app will take up the full screen when the screen is off, but only show a banner at the top when the screen is on and you're busy browsing Facebook.
Level 4 forces peeking for every notification from that particular app. Level 5 allows full screen interruption for apps that have it set up (such as the Phone app taking up the entire screen). Some apps you may want to set to Level 3 or lower, or keep as Automatic (such as for the Camera app, so you don't always get a banner for its "processing HDR+..." notifications).
The Mouth is done talking now. Hopefully this helps a bit before the patch!
Why are you using a different FQDN for internal connections? Is this name on the certificate as well? I highly recommend to use split-DNS and use the same names internal and external.
Your test with browser seems to be successful, an 600 Invalid Request is the expected result.
How did you configure the InternalURL and ExternalURL values for the virtual directories?
And please run this test with Outlook: http://www.addictivetips.com/microsoft-office/outlook-2010-test-email-auto-configuration/ Create a POP/IMAP SMTP with fake server details to load Outlook, then use the process described in the article to verify AutoDiscover.
My only possible guess at what they were thinking:
"We want to get NEW players interested in the game. They launch the game and see a list of Pokemon nearby, but they need to use google to figure out how to find them since we don't explain how the nearby works. I know...let's make it so you can just tap on the pokemon and it will show you where they are on the map! That'd be easy for new players! But how can we show them the place on the map? Our game only knows about gyms and stops as landmarks? Well...I guess we'll only direct them to the ones near stops I guess."
Or something like that. It's not very good reasoning, and ffs just show everything and use the GPS coordinates to show where they are when you click, stop or not.
Or they could have added a screen that explained how the old nearby works. Sheesh...something like the picture at the bottom of this page -> http://www.addictivetips.com/ios/how-to-use-the-nearby-bar-to-track-pokemon-in-pokemon-go/
There are keyboard shortcuts you can use to force any bit rate you like up to the maximum you pay for
Try entering your music lists into one of these music search engines:
These use algorithms to train on your likes and dislikes and can make suggestions for you.
This is not a built-in Windows feature, you had some 3rd party program installed to allow this. Refer to Google for your options such as this one.
My input ~
Should be:
Clear those 3 things off your desktop or at least get rid of the text.
And just click the start menu or Cortana and start typing, get rid of that huge search box - right click taskbar > Cortana > Show Cortana Icon
Nice background tho, 1 image with surround on or 2/3?
"Ya' know, you really should give Office 365 a try."
"Would you like to try Office 365?"
"Please give Office 365 a free test run today!"
"Office 365 is the exciting new way to pay lots of money for an office suite, when all you likely need is basic functionality, but we'll continue showing you these pop-ups until you figure out how to dislodge them."
I'm not exaggerating, either. This thing will continuously pop up until you nuke it.
I used the app described in this article to make primary display switches as easy as possible.
All you do is (after install and making a hotkey, I use ctrl x) click on the display you want as primary, hit the key, and then hit win-shift-left/right to bring the last window back onto your primary monitor. (you may have to alt tab, and then alt tab again as the computer may lose focus on the app you had open)
I like the thumbnail preview in the seek bar and borderless video options.
Chrome doesn't natively support resuming an interrupted download.
You can try enabling the experimental flag by going to your flags by copy and pasting this to your address bar:
Keep it in mind it's an experimental feature so it might not work.
There's also a method that apparently works here.
Firefox has a lot more success with download managers that can resume downloads, such as "DownThemAll". If all else fails, try that.
Well, sort of, but no.
Information on reports comes from two places, its either put there as static text- eg. a label field that you create while in design mode, which remains the same all the time (or at least until you go into design mode and edit it again) or it comes from a table or query. There isn't a way to input information onto a report itself.
The reason for this is because reports are for displaying information in a user friendly way, forms are for inputting information. Even if its once off, never used again information, its still information. Because of this you have two options,
You can create a form specifically for this field and have the user enter their information before the report is generated (so maybe on the navigation page where the report is listed, you have a text box next to it for 'Special Instructions' or something like that)
Or, and what I'd probably do is to create a printable form. This would allow you to have an unbound text box, which the user could fill in but the information wouldn't be saved. You could turn off editing and adding data for the form, so it would essentially work like a report, but you could print properly and save a PDF. The link below talks about saving a form as a PDF in Access 2010 or greater.
This guy explains it pretty well: http://www.reddit.com/r/LGG3/comments/2mhq9h/switched_from_dalvik_to_art_got_a_huge_bump_in/cm4be69
they're basically 2 different ways your software talks to your hardware.
Here's another, better explanation: http://www.addictivetips.com/android/art-vs-dalvik-android-runtime-environments-explained-compared/
Also try Auto Hide Desktop Icons. My icons disappear after 15 seconds of inactivity and come back with a click.
Beats me - however, I did link to this
> Now, I do NOT know how to set up these images for mobile. Someone posted a link that details this and it includes making a text file. If someone gets it to work and can share it with everyone else, I'll edit this post and include that up here. > http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/how-to-change-customize-create-android-boot-animation-guide/
I would probably start by doing just ONE Google search: "How to have complete privacy on the Internet." I know this violates your rules but it's just a single search so I think it can slide.
http://www.motherearthnews.com/nature-and-environment/guide-to-internet-privacy-zmaz00onzgoe.aspx#axzz33o2GRgFJ http://www.addictivetips.com/internet-tips/the-complete-guide-to-protecting-your-privacy-online/ http://www.ultimate-anonymity.com/
It isn't a quite as good solution, but, if you have a jailbroken device (not illegal but voids your warranty, see /r/jailbreak), you might be able to do this: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/add-any-new-search-engine-to-safari-on-your-jailbroken-iphone/
A new runtime, as opposed to Dalvik which is the current runtime. Here's a comparison and explanation of the two.
Just a quick search came up with a possible solution that I would do but don't have time to prepare myself:
Use Local Security Policy (The last response)
Here are the local security policies for shutdown and log off and stuff.
Your request will only be thorough if users don't have admin access. Even then I'm not sure if shutdown from command line requires admin access or if local security policy stops it. You'll have to test it.
Last edit: Someone could just hit the power button/unplug it.
Also I remember using this one a while ago called Wifikill.
Here is a link to it, let me know what you think about it.
>I know that when you unlock the bootloader, everything is wiped. My understanding is that once this is done you can root/unroot all you like without having to wipe the device. Is this correct?
yes correct. also if you want to you can relock your bootloader and still have root, even flash use clockworkmod while locked. unlocking bootloader was originally supposed to be a temporary thing.
>Once rooted will I receive OTA updates if I stick with the stock ROM and recovery? I understand that I will but will have to re-root unless I have OTA Root Keeper or something like that?
I can't confirm for this device, but on my Nexus S, I still got OTA's with root
>If I do go down the route of custom ROMs, it means every ROM I flash wipes the device and I will have to restore? In regards to backups, does the nandroid backup just contain files and settings etc? i.e. can I use the same nandroid backup on different ROMs to restore my files or is the backup an image of the device including the particular ROM at the time? If I were to restore with this backup will it reinstall whatever ROM was used at the time of backup?
You can flash overtop, but it's not recommended because it breaks things. the steps to install a rom using clockworkmod recovery are as follow.
Boot into recovery
Wipe Data/Cache
Install ROM
Install optional kernel
Install Gapps
Nandroid backs up all data that IS NOT on your SDCARD, your apps will be intact, but the data for the app may not. to backup the sdcard you can use titanium. Nandroid will backup the ROM with all settings for that rom. Yes it will reinstall the ROM if you restore the nandroid.
you may want to read up on how partitions work in regard to Android here
You should be able to move it by manually editting the registry but don't do this unless you know how to backup and restore your registry settings in case something goes wrong.
This will convert your .GIF to its individual frames: http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/how-to-extract-frames-from-gif-animation-image/
It will even save them as .PNG files and you can set it to name them 0.PNG, 1.PNG, and so on.
Then you can use Irfran View to resize the images for use. I set Irfran View to resize the images to a width of 640, preserving their ratio, so they wouldn't get distorted. Then, still in Irfran View, changed the Canvas size to 640x960 so it would add black background to the unfilled parts of the screen.
Once I figured out the settings for the batch conversion in Irfran View, it was actually pretty easy to do, and very quick. Just remember to output to a different folder from your source images or the numbering of the files will get screwed up.
if you haven't set up visual voicemail (the guy at AT&T didn't even mention it to me) call your voicemail and set up a password. then go to phone swipe over to visual voicemail and enter the pass and your visual voicemail should be set up. i was so excited about this!
I think most people use nokia drive for GPS here.
Might as well download the skydrive app. you get 7GB free.
The youtube app is a link to m.youtube.com lame. i think supertube lite is the popular choice right now.
I'm using weatherview for weather. there's a lot of weather apps with live tiles though.
The ebay app is nice.
Play around with the people app if you're on FB and twitter because it's really convenient.
I'm using stickytiles to put little colorful notes on my homescreen. there's not much customization built in to WP7 :/
For games try out Feed Me Oil, IloMilo, AlterEgo and Unite
oh and this is the most important thing ever http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/how-to-add-forward-find-on-page-shortcuts-to-ie-9-in-wp-mango/
i also bookmarked a back button because sometimes the back arrow closes the browser. I'll be trying out some 3rd party browsers soon.
Thanks, I did a quick google just to try to understand the term bootloader and got this. The guide mentions it will void the warranty on the phone (Nexus One in that case) to unlock the bootloader. Does this still apply for Galaxy Nexus?
I'm fine with wiping my phone, I got all I really need stored on my google account anyway, but I'm not too keen on screwing up the warranty, since the phone is technically a work phone. There's no way to reset it later?
It's something to do with the device having correct certificates in general. Here's a site that gives an explanation:
> iTunes activates your new iPhone using your official (supported) carrier’s IMSI, taken from the SIM card. When you hacktivate the device for use with unofficial carrier, this process is bypassed by running a daemon constantly in the background, fooling iTunes into believing that the device is already activated. While there are numerous methods and tools available for hacktivation, SAM, a free package on Cydia, spoofs a fake IMSI, making iTunes believe that the device is running on an official carrier’s SIM, thus making the program generate legitimate activation certificates. While this fixes the ‘push notifications not working’ issue, on iOS 5, it also fixes FaceTime and iMessage.
Having incorrect date and time on a device can also cause certificates to not work properly.
ah ok I get ya now haha, you want to use your phone as a bluetooth module for your car. I think this is as close as I can get to being of help, I've never used it so I have no idea how well it will work, but yeah give it a shot I guess. I'm pretty sure you will still have to have the music on the droid plugged into the car.
Unless you want to re-root and unlock, you will have to flash the updated stock ROM anyway: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/update-galaxy-nexus-android-4-0-2-ics-without-loosing-root/. So far when I have flashed new ROMs, I have not lost any apps or data. This sounds like a win-win. New stock ROM, same data/apps, no need to root/unlock.
Edit: According to this discussion, the upgrade from froyo to gingerbread did not touch user apps or data. Hopefully also the case, so another possible solution to your question.
"In literal terms, bootloader is code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run. The concept of bootloaders is universal to virtually all Operating systems that inculcates operating systems on your PC, laptop, smartphones, and other such devices. Bootloaders basically package the instructions to boot operating system kernel and most of them also have their own debugging or modification environment. As the bootloader kicks off before any piece of software on your device, it makes it extremely processor specific and every motherboard has it’s own bootloader. This is one reason that all Android phones have different Custom ROMS developed due to high variance of processing hardware present on the device. The iDevices running iOS somewhat share the same hardware specs and hence you don’t see much variance in their bootloaders."
Basically, rooting enables you do more customizing of your phone's OS. Unlocking the bootloader and S-OFF are both about allowing you to completely replace the phone's OS with a new, possibly customized version (CyanogenMod, etc).
Rooting a phone means getting full permissions to all files on the phone (the administrative or superuser on a Unix system, like Android, is called "root"). Out of the box, you as the user of the phone are normally running as a "normal" user, not a root privileged user. There are many files you don't have permissions to read or write. Getting root access gives you read and write permissions to those files and lets you do lots of interesting stuff like removing the carrier/manufacture pre-loaded software, running tethering apps, etc.
Unlocking the bootloader basically lets you, on most phones, "reflash" your phone with a new, custom version of the Android OS (or potentially other OS's). Unless your phone has "S-ON" signature verification (which I think is HTC only? Not sure about that).
S-ON/S-OFF is a secondary level of restriction (or "protection" according the the manufactures and carriers) that prevents you from reflashing your phone's OS by checking the "signature" of the OS image. Here's an article with more info about it.
Well, I spent about 10 seconds on XDA and I think your version of the SGS works similar enough to mine. So, here are the 2 main posts you need to read the Bible for you phone and this all inclusive reference.
Root your phone with super one click or whatever XDA tells you to do
ODIN is software that can flash (install) bootloaders, ROMs, kernels, modems, etc... on your SGS. It's a powerful tool that recover you phone (not the data) if you "brick" it. These phones are nearly indestructible on a software level.
Clockwork recovery is similar to hitting F12 on your computer when it boots. It stops the boot and gives you options like installing a new ROM or kernel or whatever. You need to install clockwork on your rooted phone and you install it using rom manager or by booting into recovery.
Most ROMs are all inclusive. They contain a kernel, modem, stock app, etc... After you flash a ROM you can tinker with it by flashing another modem or something on top of the ROM, most people don't bother with this.
You back up everything (apps and app data) with Titanium Backup (requires root) or a nandroid backup (from rom manager) before you flash anything on your phone. After you flash, you'll lose your apps and app data, the backups can restore the apps exactly the way they were before the flash.
Like I said, I think the booloaders changed from 2.2 to 2.3, at least they did for me, so maybe you just want to mess with 2.2 ROMs until you feel comfortable flashing bootloaders (it's effectively no different though).
If none of this makes any sense, research. If that doesn't help, ask. If you still can't get it, maybe tinkering with your phone isn't for you.
Well, efficiently utilizing what you have is a good start. Install Chrome, then Ad-block Plus extension. Use the middle click to open links in new tabs. That usually saves back-forward navigation. Or you could use Opera Turbo. It compresses the images, so you can get a faster internet experience, at the cost of some low quality shit.
Taking a screen cap on Android starts with "First, you must have USB Debugging enabled. Do so by going to Settings > Applications > Development and enabling USB Debugging. Connect your device to your PC via USB cable. Go the the tools folder in Android SDK, and run the batch file titled ‘ddms’" and then takes you thorough a number of steps.
Taking a screen cap on iOS means pressing the home and power buttons simultaneously.
I'm glad you corrected me. I was using this explanation as a source, and although I was a little suspicious, I didn't look further into it.
After I wipe the egg off my face, I'm going to say it lives in non-volatile memory on the hardware?
True, a lot of the features you would have to jailbreak an iPhone 4 for are already available on Android. However, there's still a fairly large amount of things you can do with a rooted/jailbroken Android phone. Here are a bunch of reasons you would want to.
Oh yeah I got confused with the fastboot mode text. And no, it's not black BG and orange text.
Also, I've never seen this screen : http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/how-to-install-clockwork-recovery-to-your-android-phone/ before So Im afraid I don't have Clockwork recovery.
Also, at least you have the chance to get free Google navigation. Here in Europe, on the other hand...
(And I can't help but laugh that the Maps application can plan the route but can't navigate me on it. WTF?)
First, navigate to Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names. Press Menu select New APN and now enter in the following settings:
Now you're done, but remember to switch to this new Access Point and then you will have free wireless tether ability. Source, not sure if this will work on other AT&T android phones but I can verify that it works on my Atrix.
Looks like you may have unneeded services running. I would suggest running SVCHOST Viewer. This should allow you to identify what services to disable.
You can also manually do this by going into Services by right-clicking on Computer and clicking on Manage. Also, google the service name to understand what it does. By disabling services, you are reducing the functionality ("features"?) of your system. They can always be re-enabled if it's something not really affecting it, or all of a sudden, you can't access the internet.
This is the target file location of Word 2010 Starter, this seems really tough to even find out where it is actually residing.
“C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Virtualization Handler\CVH.EXE” “Microsoft Word Starter 2010 2014006604090000″
From HERE.
Alt+up does the same thing. I believe the idea is you click the segmented, or 'breadcrumb', directory buttons that appear in the address bar instead of clicking an up button.
I rarely ever use my battery on my laptop. As I'm always near electricity outlet. At home, at restaurants, at motels, at the library, at a café, at the parks, etc. My laptop bag is always with me. So all my accessories are with me. Even the plugin brick.
If your a student. Then I see you might need to use your battery, while in class.
Some people don't realize your current battery has less cells. If you buy a after market laptop battery with more cells. Then you have the battery life your are seeking.
"temporarily" je ključno, nije ti to trajno rešenje
Ako možeš da izguglaš šta se tipično kvari na kartici, tj. koji čip ili gde se nalazi kvar na kartici, onda možeš i ovako nečim samo taj deo da zagreješ http://uradi-sam.rs/proizvod/pistolj-za-vruc-vazduh-2000w/ ovo je inače i preporučeni metod za pečenje Nexus 5X-a jer se zna tačno gde je problem.
There are various articles around the web blaming the users for this. But let's not forget who disguised the payload of an update in order to sneak it past people.
Microsoft called this an "update for Windows", and the description just read that it "resolves issues in Windows". But upon installing this, you got a piece of persistent nagware, which would bug you daily, and wouldn't even offer you a "no thanks" or "go away" button up until the very end, when it started to land Microsoft in hot water. The US government was mysteriously completely silent while all of this misconduct was going on. I should also mention that if you figured out where the nags were coming from and you uninstalled the above update AND you opted to not be offered it again, Microsoft would override this and continuously install it again anyway, as described in the following article.
There is, of course, a reason for Microsoft's misbehavior. They really, really want your web browsing data, just like everybody else these days. And I'm guessing the reason that the government didn't bat an eye-lid is because of things like the Patriot Act, which allows them to acquire the information from Microsoft without a warrant. As the saying goes, the dog does not bite the hand that feeds it.