Hes the rundown of events.
He gets drunk on comms and says hes joining NC dot. But if he can awox Tri supers he can get into PL.
Tells corp he is leaving because his Mrs does not like him playing eve anymore and his titan is in Molden Heath LS (While we can see his location in corp window that its still in ER)
Instead of taking 1 Cyno + Gate into lowsec he moves his titan towards Curse closer and closer to PL staging.
Nothing of value was lost.
EDIT - Turns out, it was also a PL dude that lit the cyno for him. Dum Dum.
Few Screenshots. We kicked him on Dec 29th. Because reasons. We gave him a week to move his Titan + Assets out of our staging system.
Then this glorious chatlog gets given to me.
Makes me wet.
EDIT 2 -
xxxx: btw dont forget this fucking retard
xxxx :i had a sale arranged for his erebus 4 weeks ago
xxxx: but he dragged his feet about itand it's his fault he has a 108b lossmail instead of 100b in his wallet
xxxx :originally he wanted to sell the combat fit for 95b but he was scared to use chribba or grendell because he's fucking retarded
xxxx :so i told him i would get him 100b if he agreed to use chribba
1) As I've commented earlier, «Pills shows up multiple times during the game as the plot element. Also, it's the most logical reason for the Squad to exist and succeed in such hell of a fights.»
2) Yeah, it may or may not be truth. Needs to be clarified.
3) Comics. Here and in a couple of other frames. American pride marches with «AMERICA FOR AMERICANS» banners and stuff.
4) Simple. Colonel started it, and since he was mega-effective commander, a part of army, and a leader of an experimental squad, it's most likely the Government's business.
5) He had two beds in his apartment, one of which was for two persons. Beard segments chronological order may be my fault since it's late night now where I am, and I spent last hours trying to compile my thoughts in one post in a foreign language :)
It's obviously bad of course. There are so many wrong things I don't know where to start... For example - this Too short legs, arms are different length, face proportions are all messed up, strange hair etc.
It may sound harsh but it's true. Obviously it's impossible for someone who stared drawing only 2 weeks ago to be good, but now is a good opportunity to actually start learning how to draw. Not "anime style", but in general. So what I suggest is - google some tutorial videos, there are plenty of them and they are easy to find. Something like from this channel - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0373FA2B3CD4C899 etc.
And usual advice - practice more, use more references, don't be afraid to trace something you like to see how it's working etc. Find artists whose art you like and try repeat how they do things.
But first - anatomy and proportions. When you'll know how to draw proper humans - it'll be easy to simplify them into whatever style you like.
Not sure to be honest, it wasn't available at my dealership or in any of the promotional material, it's not available in the new model type either. Current selection available in the UK: http://clip2net.com/s/ja2Xxr
After looking at the US site I'm also shocked how much cheaper these are over there, my 250 cost the equivalent of $50,000 whereas C300 & C400s are $40,000 and $48,000 respectively in the US...Gutting :P
Господин дизайнер, с утра все выгрядело намного лучше, правда. Сейчас лично у меня выглядит так. Может, лучше вернуть заборчик и все такое? Было идеально, как мне кажется. Все хорошо с утра было также с комментариями и правой колонкой.
И еще велореддит - не лучший пример, выглядит там все, как будто я на доску зашел. Ничего против досок не имею, но... блоги и все такое?
What I suggest is - make forehead a little bigger, move ear more to the right, and change shape of the jaw a little. Like this. So head looks a little more turned. And change eyes shape more like this. And as suggested earlier - shift the irises if you want to make her look at the viewer.
Hope this helps
RMG templates are what revolutionized random maps for me. They are text files that act as descriptors for the RMG. They can provide restrictions for the RMG so it has to generate a random map with those restrictions. It's easier to explain with an example, so here it is:
This is a picture explaining the Jebus Cross RMG template. When you generate a random map using this template, the resulting map will be as follow:
4 starting zones (the picture is for a 2 players only version, but zones 3 and 4 should be starting zones too) containing 2 gold mines, 4 sawmills and ore pits, and 1 of each other resource mines.
Each of those 4 zones are linked to a 5th zone containing 4 gold mines, but are not linked to each other directly.
The way to the 5th zone is blocked by a strong guard (value 45, I don't really know how this is computed but it is linked to the AI value of units).
The 5th zone is a "treasure" zone (indicated by a black circle instead of white for starting zones in the picture).
Jebus Cross is one of the simplest templates and is included in HD mod IIRC. You can make some more complex templates like 8xm12 (http://clip2net.com/clip/m27958/1376249110-76cb6-198kb.jpg).
Listen dude, before going on offensive, do a thing: check my profile. See that 2500 hours in Warframe? Warframe was originally a PC game that went crossplatform on about 2 years ago for XB1 + PS4. They have exact same story going - content is roughly 6-8 months behind on consoles. And its same for most games that go crossplatform, unless they came from consoless originally. If you don't trust me, check warframe forums. There is no conspiration: http://clip2net.com/clip/m351651/0eeff-clip-17kb.png?nocache=1
It's slow and have excessive inertia. When i move it, everything moves slowly, when i stop, it moves a little more and returns back. Like if i'm swimming.
But i'm not fucking swimming. I don't want to PVP with my UI while i PVP with other people.
On a side not i still need to figure how can i enable tracking camera.
EDIT: It's also centered on... Nothing? Wow. Old camera. New camera.
I love how important that absolutely empty space for that new camera.
So, I watched this tutorial, and I think it's pretty terrible >_>. He doesn't explain almost anything, downplaying his tutorial by saying that it's about consistency and in the end fail to explain that too... sigh Anyway. I made this comparison with what he drew http://clip2net.com/clip/m85587/63302-clip-906kb.png Basically your face is off center. He didn't drew center line in his tutorial, but I suggest you to do so. Ears are different size. As well as eyes. Also eyelids u drew are cutting trough the eye. Which is not surprising, cause he didn't explain why he drew eyes like that in the tutorial too... Also u didn't flat out low part of the eyes as he said. Eyebrows are also wrong, they shouldn't bend like that. He didn't explain eyebrows either lol. Then you drew no jaw(which he did but again didn't say anything about it). Same can be said about the hair. I'd suggest you to learn anatomy and realistic facial structure first. It'll be better than just blindly follow this kinds of tutorials imo.
рпг - это не сосем чтоли противотанковое оружие, с рпг по джипам стрелять, в окна, уралы, камазы, в бтр, бмд если знаешь куда надо попадать. В зависимости от снаряда конечно. В теории кумулятивным можно вывести и танк, но попасть надо в строго какое-то уязвимое место. под башню например или в задние части борта. А при танковой атаке весьма нечасто танк к вам задом или боком. Танки фигачат птурами в основном, можно комулятивными минами, но в движущуяся мишень замучаешься попадать. В лоб рпг танку что слону дробина, 10 раз не выстрелите, так как к вам вероятно уже после первого пуска прилетит ответка, если экипаж танка опытен.
где-нить в городских кварталах, где танк на расстоянии 50 метров, а вы с окна фигачите по нему рпг, зная модель танка можно выбирать уязвимое место. сидя же в поле вам нужно что-то поярче.
в теории существуют противотанковые ружья, но я их не видел, ничего не могу сказать.
к примеру в чечне русские танки жгли так называемыми группами "охотниками за танками". состав группы был 3-4 гранатометчика с еще советскими рпг 7 или 18 и группой прикрытия автоматчиков. долбили со всех сторон, что было весьма результативно. В первый месяц штурма грозного рф потеряли порядка 50 танков в уличных боях.
но опять-таки тут поле, а не узкие кварталы, где можно хорошо прицелиться
развиваются системы защиты бронетехники, а на новейшие мухи по видео не похоже
http://clip2net.com/clip/m408958/59734-clip-52kb.png вот вам наглядно. далеко не все рпг могут преодолеть уже динамическую защиту
The guy I played (http://clip2net.com/clip/m388210/f1bfa-clip-471kb.jpg?nocache=1) linked me this hacker's stream link and link to the hack itself. Guys imagine how many of them don't hide hacks when we see plenty of those who feel free to show it off?
I suggest you to draw eyes differently. The way you draw them looks like eyelids will cut eye in half what doesn't really make sense. Draw them more like that.
Lol I totally did a hair practice last week but I didn't know it was a weekly prompt. So I didn't even save it, all I have is this shitty clip2net screenshot from very beginning... It's funny coincidence...
I suggest to add more folds to clothes - it'll give drawing more volume and realistic touch ;) Also I think you should fix neck and shadows a little. I quickly drew what I mean. My folds turned out a bit random but if you look at some reference you'll draw them a lot better.
я наивный но закинул свою. точнее жены идею. может что соберем. своими силами пока никак
я так понял они должны как то промодерировать заявку ? потому что сейчас не вижу.
а рашки то нету в выборе страы, и по фильтру не ищет , зато украина относится к европе http://clip2net.com/s/3lOj9VB
Hey mate, it looks really good. Just have a bug to report: hitting themes will lead to this page; linky . Also out of curiosity, did you write all the back end code, and if yes, what language?
Edit: I dont know if this is intentional, but I love it :), reminds me of my attempts to set up a website. linky2
Because the 8 Ball said so?
Please let this happen. Please?
I don't Know the teams and this will probably go wrong, don't bet like me
But to others if you don't know the teams skip but watch then you can make better decisions in the future.
Bet responsibly, Only bet what you can afford to loose.
Hey again... found another bug.
This one happens when I buy my Secret Base. I choose the layout and the guy gives me the Tablet... once we finish talking, this happens.
Suze, plz? :P
Here's how it used to look:
and here's how it looks now
It changed about 3 months ago and works like this on both my laptop running windows 8.1 x64 and my iMac in bootcamp running windows 7
For me the main problem is not "realistic\unrealistic look" of damage, but correspondence between the source of the damage and the result displayed to us.
example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUIowUR4r0o#t=342 I don't agree with end damage considering distance between car and steam pipe hatch(at the moment of explosion at least a few meters http://clip2net.com/s/i3wbZ3) + speed of the car. But I've never been in Chicago(or US) and I must admit that it is possible that under your hatches lies a few grams of C4...just in case :) Where I live we don't even have steam pipes with hatches in the middle of the road, we have standart utility manholes and I guarantee that they do not explode with such force and I saw funtain of hot water, several meters high, escaped from such hatch :)
If you look frame by frame you can see http://clip2net.com/s/i3wa8h main damage point\point of origin of the damage(and btw it looks like something hit car and its definitely does not look like blast wave), so I think it's basic script:
if [hatch] explodes near the car,
than damage pattern [№ X] applies.
Only explanation I could think of for this damage inconsistency and it's sad :(
So well... Aside from anatomy(symmetry is a little of but it's easy to fix) the pose is bugging me. It's impossible to stand like that, I tried lol =E. The thing is - try to raise your shoulders like that - it's really uncomfortable, and more - it's just impossible to grab your hand which goes behind like that with raised shoulders... You just can't do it.
So what you can do is fold both her hands under her chest, it'll be cool looking pose, but because of this hand placement chest will deform in another way etc. so it'll be too much to redraw.
So I suggest you just lower her shoulders. It'll automatically fix hands proportions and pose won't change very much. Other than that - right hand must go in front of the body. Also make hips wider and move waist up a bit. I drew what I mean, so it's easier to understand.
But it actually looks good even without any fixes, but I think it's not hard to make them and sketch will look even better. (Sorry I make suggestions even there is no [C\S] tag, but I wanted to point this things out).
That was an update of some sort recently. I troubled with same sort of thing. You need to relocate your 'Mods','Virtual install','Install Info' folders from: Program Files>NMM (or any folder that main NMM folder currently in) to a new place (besides Program Files) NMM won't read PF. I made custom folders like this: 1) NMM folder with: 2) MODS - where basics mods are; same for the Virtual and Info:
And same for other folders.
Basically, when you delete and re-install NMM, you'll have a part of installation where you choose MODS, VICTUALS, INFO folders location. Change them the same way I did, and transfer.
*Note: There might be a problem with the 'installed list' in NMM. It might be empty, but you'll be able to automatically install mods from nexus as it was before. *Note: if you figure out how to put full list of installed mods from your Flash-drive all-together in NMM to activate-deactivate - let me know.
Thank you everyone for your replies! I will play in order, then!
P.S. Why does Clover starts grinning after everything she says? She says "Oh no...why..." in scared voice and then makes this face: http://clip2net.com/clip/m351651/659ed-clip-1651kb.png this is really creepy.
example Grasp of undying + AD runes
example Thunderlord + AD/CDR runes
But i customize it every game so its not ideal, just examples how it could look
It makes me extremely happy to see how the game is shaping out with time and acquiring new features and ideas! Honestly, Warsim is about to become one of my top favorite roguelikes of all time. It really does and will have an infinite potential. Like if i want to play as a barbaric warlord and exterminate all the races i don't like, i can do that. Or if i want to be alldefence little diplomatic village and observe the world slowly destroy itself, i'd just be happy to watch and giggle. You're making something truly amazing Huw and i believe in your inevitable success! Keep up the fantastic work! Speaking of magic tho - you can truly expand it in hundreds of different ways. One of the coolest magic systems i know about look like this: http://clip2net.com/clip/m125379/9a3b8-clip-43kb.png You have a few basic magic schools, positive and negative energy and combining them together (which requires mastering them first) will make you able to ascend to specific unique ones that are far more powerful. Such a cool concept but i've never seen anything like that implemented in games
New GPU, GTX 770\970. I can call GT640 good card for games only in my worst nightmare :) You know when you surounded by 10 f%cktoids and 10 Stun lancer and u need to reload king of nightmare :)
770 is pretty old but it's good Price\Value in my opinion. So far i5 4690k+770+16Ram cant run game on max, but with few small tweaks it can run pretty decent.
Not 60FPS stable, but rarely less than 30 in battle. With 1-2 pref. patch and NV game drivers I bet situation will improve quite a bit
No never click links based on png/jpg. Png and jpg are just image formats, but the link itself is what that matter.
Its pretty easy to know if a link is a scam or not.
Like steamcommunity"dot"com, its a fine link, scammers use link which change words in this link, it feels very sad when you give link of steam to someone and he is afraid to click it thinking its a scam. www.reddit.com/xxxxxxxxxxx , this link can never be a scam no matter what it has after "/". If u really want to open the link and see what is the other person offering. Go to google search, copy the part of link before ".com", like reddit/steamcommunity,clip2 etc. and search it on google, 99% time it will help u to know if the link is a scam or not.
Hope i could help.
EDIT : http://clip2net.com/s/3nYIfMq
the link i just posted is for example, it is a screen shot of your above post. Now for a person it may seem a scam link, but how to be sure : Go to google search, search "clip2net", it will tell u all details about it, and then u can be sure if its safe to open the link or not.
To me it looks like a homework written by а lower boy. And this boy usally has "5" and "4" (A and B) marks in his journal ;) By the way, your grammar is very nice.
Though, you must train your "Ч" writing. And your "Т" mixes with "М". You can place horizontal line above it like in this link - http://clip2net.com/s/3mGkbxz
Here are schematics for random map templates. Templates create rules for the random map generator, such as the number of zones, how the zones are connected, strength of guards etc. HD mod comes with some of the more popular templates and allows you to select templates easily.
To read the schematics:
Each circle represents a zone. Lines are connections to other zones. Number on the lines are the strength of guards between those zones.
4 spikes indicates town with fort, 2 spikes town without fort and no spikes means no town. (example) Some diagrams use bolded circle, half bolded circle and normal circle instead. (example) Exclamation marks indicate "treasure" areas, which will have higher concentration of high value map objects like utopias, pandora boxes, dragon fly hives, artifacts etc.
Riot, pls, nerf ap Evelynn :( http://clip2net.com/s/3dQhSKD You don't need to build like ad fizz to survive. Every build works for ur: ad/ad tank/ap/ap/tank, even hybrid works for her somehow, because gunblade procs with it very well. I am agree with this guy, badukhamster, for so much =) Ppl are just talking: "Wow, troll pick", "Out of meta", "Watch lcs, diamond shows her power", "Jesus, eve is trash, OMG, he buidls ap eve O_O", "Eze to play, just spam Q LOL". She's pretty hard to play, cause of her weakness (after the nerfs of basic damage on Q and E, and harder jungle in s5) :C
Are you looking at the kill report? We didn't lose anything except depots, so most of their ships weren't there. They had 19, according to my count from overview at a random point in the video, while we had 23 involved according to the killboard. you can instantly take out both guardians that were on a deimos from earlier, since they were on field, and a couple of the other ships as well, in exchange for our archon.
There was only four people in it, max.
Uhmm, I've got a problem, I guess... I am invited, that's fine, but I can't see literally ANY lobby. Just blank list, any mod. Is that a problem on my side? My friend can't see anything too though. Like this: http://clip2net.com/clip/m158194/1401622948-clip-38kb.jpg?nocache=1
Mmm maybe arms are kinda short(but not way way way way lol)... or body is too long... I tried to make arm a little longer Do you think it's better like that?
small correction, not Russia, CIS\ex-CIS countries http://clip2net.com/s/7dUmxV Region lock so I think price is the same.
Here's a quote from somewhere else: > http://clip2net.com/s/6RwR8U
> SKYTTEN betting for H2K LOL
Then SKYTTEN responded: > xD? http://piclair.com/8nyth
Source: http://www.hltv.org/match/2290283-h2k-tba-ems-one-katowice-european-qualifier-1
If you don't believe it's Skytten, click on his name on HLTV and it'll bring you to his page to confirm.
Basically I do what BakaTaichou said - quickly draw curvy line in one stroke http://clip2net.com/clip/m85587/1392002261-clip-55kb.jpg It's a matter of practice, I guess (and I actually drawing on my screen, it's easier than using drawing tablets). As someone smart said - you'll learn how to draw hair with time and patience :) (or something like that hehe) Some parts of your hair goes with the flow, but some don't and it's disturb overall feel http://clip2net.com/clip/m85587/1392002782-clip-176kb.jpg
Sadly, I've never heard of that version until I got interested in TF2 and eventually googled earlier versions (you know, there simply had to be something before TFC).
But seems like it was lots of fun. Would be nice to see some weapon ideas recycled.
Oh, and here's new version of the trailer. Thanks to youtube user Madnesscombat193 you can use it as actual TF2 intro (colors are a little messed up, but awesomeness completely covers it up).
lol I'm from Russia. I guess you confused with that "care" thing? I also was. I was talking about when you apply the arm on the Cat. Like, I don't know... Cares, Pet, Fondle, Cherish. - that all translations i've got and all were confusing. I tried to illustrate it here: http://clip2net.com/clip/m53957/1306436120-clip-14kb.png
It's awesome. Some random glitch though, I was looking for the chicken and left the window while I checked an email. Went back to the window, Now I have to find Noah. He's fecked off somewhere :( http://clip2net.com/clip/m8680/1294701193-clip-28kb.png
The best zones to find a cheap room (imho) are:
Here a small map with different price range, I don't know the exact prices because I'm not a student, if you wanna know more about rents, I suggest to search via facebook or google for student's group (reddit is not popular in Italy)
> How's life expenses btw? I'm asking for a month, without the rent
This heavly depends from your needs. Food, public transport and drinks are cheap, the nightlife not.
If you need some specific price please let me know, these are the average prices in the city.
I'm trying to understand this. So you are saying that those 1.899... BTC actually returned to myself? My local chain is 24 weekes behind so I can check this and the amount in my wallet only after it synchronizes completely. But still, there are some things I don't understand. First, the final balance in blockchain is 0.01...BTC (http://clip2net.com/s/3Jk89ED) which means that those almost 2 BTC are gone (we'll see after bitcoin core syncs). Second, that address starting with 1E... to where the transaction of 1.899.. was done, is not my address. Third, at the moment of that transaction, I had 8 BTC and something in my wallet so why did I pay with a 1.999..BTC "bill" and not with the entire balance which was 8 BCT?
>I highly doubt you would have been banned for these comments, too.
You are giving them too much credit. If you really need to go full Sherlock, just check my subreddit karma breakdown, for Cthulhu's sake.
I have the same issue.
Open the game, nothing, but this: http://clip2net.com/s/3uCCoJJ
*Reinstalling DirectX *Reinstalling Vcredist *Reinstalling Microsoft .NET *Manually updated NVIDIA drivers *Disabled the cloud syncronization and deleted the XCOM folder in MyDocuments *Verifying the game files, always finds 1 file missing
This post #507 by "gNuff!~©~gNom3™" might be on to something: http://steamcommunity.com/app/268500/discussions/0/412446292767978257/#p34
Hello :)
All your items are high priced items, if you want a good price for them you will have to stick around for some time, and look for a better price, but if you want to sell in hurry, you can find alot of people who will pay less amounts for fast trading.
Trading in real world currencies is a very risky work, until unless you do a hand to hand trade, which is VERY HARD, to find.
You can use middle-man who can assist you through the trade, from here >> Screenshot
Just click on their name, and you will be directed to their steam profile, remember to read their profile page before adding them.
And you can follow these to help you understand how to avoid getting scammed.
Real World Currency Trading Guide
I donot know much about prices of unusual also. But it is said that price for couriers like yours is , Bleak + sea green price, which is around = 34 + 16$ = ~50$.
You can find a similar piece in market here.
In market it is ~52$.
Hope i could help.
Price of TB arcana with color is dependent on 3 things.
Now comming to your arcana.
Its rubiline + exalted. If it was clean (no extra slots, no shit gems) then price is definitely good. But as i see yours has an empty slot, unliked by ~90% of colored arcana buyers, it can be hard to sell.
Now as per your items price, its exact price is 38+31 = ~69$. But colored are never paid like this. You will get around 50-55$ worth items for it, if u sell it for items. But if u are lucky u can sell it for around 60+ aswell. (Like i recently sold my exalted clean creator light for 77$ items, while i bought it 3 days ago for 60$ items only.)
In paypal finding a buyer for colored will be like finding a needle in haystack.
Advice :
If i were you, i would trade it for items, getting some good/bettable items, from sites like dota2lounge etc. Then sell those items for paypal.
It will need some effort but will definitely save you some money.
Hope i could help
If you didnot know how to check price of tb colored in market, this is how u can do it, as of now in steam market
Lowest Exalted Tb Arcana With rubiline = 54$.
Paypal gets u around 70% , so it will be like 39$ what you will get most probably atmost.
in the search -_o its pretty much like steam market, you can check price of any item there.
These screen shots will help you understand the website.
LOL i was gonna ask you if you were sure it was your seed! haha
yeah, let me try now with knight shield.
This is the list i got with knight shield, parchement of importance and your new seed. not bad, still crown egg is a little far away, not the worse nor the best.
he is still here.. hiding in shadows.. http://clip2net.com/s/3hHT1H7
but right now it is precashed(?) and private 1vs1 match feels more smooth. with some rubberbanding at very close distances, 50-300 meters.
if you configure it properly (disable behind the scene requests with uMatrix, disable hyperlink auditing with uMatrix, block all by default in uMatrix, disable referer with uMatrix http://clip2net.com/s/3fzbKOw), then yes, it's good enough to prevent google and other advertisers build a profile and show ads.
the only thing that annoys me iis that once I let a site run js, it could obtain my LAN IP address via webrtc stun requests.
Reading settings from Elite-Copilot.ini Name: Microsoft Anna - English (United States) - ID: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\MS-Anna-1033-20-DSK Nato_spell True, Hyphen_spell False Caching: True Filling pre-cache 20324 entries loaded into cache successfully! [u'lhs 1617', u'wala', u'tum', u'djandji', u'obotrima', u'lhs 1122', u'zelano', u'sanna', u'tir na nog', u'bv phoenicis', u'yamatzicni', u'bpm 28514', u'caspats uria', u'atlantis'] Y://../AppConfig.xml Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 922, in <module> File "<string>", line 885, in init File "<string>", line 892, in initialize File "<string>", line 309, in initialize File "<string>", line 417, in setup_watcher File "C:_SSD\python\elite\build\elite-copilot\out00-PYZ.pyz\watchlog", line 36, in is_logging_active IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'Y://../AppConfig.xml'
Ok, looking at that, im guessing its trying to read the appconfig.xml to make sure verbose is selected there. But with how i have it set up, i only have the logs direcotry shared. Let me share the main FD directory and let it be recursive there.
EDIT: Worst paste ever! http://pastebin.com/PXqSwEmA there, easier to read there on the error.
EDIT #2: Bingo, that was it. It now works. heres a shot of cmd with changing the share to previous directorys. http://clip2net.com/s/39zkcbv
Yeah, I kinda never bothered to do proper coloring, seems like too much work and I'm too lazy and kinda busy with stuff so... I did pretty ok(I think) coloring in the past I guess http://clip2net.com/clip/m85587/3112f-clip-76kb.jpg but in retrospect I kinda always liked draw just pencil sketches more...
Just finished now in NG+7, prepared buying 99 of everything that is usefull, took about 4h (lighting the 4 primals+finishing the game). I light only Majula bonfire and the 3-way bonfire. Did it with 10 casting slot (3 Crystal soul spears 7 Soul spear), all the boss were very simple, i had a bit of trouble with the lost sinner.
It's probably better doing it in NG+ keeping all the souls and stuff from the first NG and farming bit more souls (Iron keep souls dropped is 100k) so you can go to drangleic castle without having to light the primodials.
Now i will enjoy Syan's Halberding all the banana boys...so hard. http://clip2net.com/s/iJdXEy
I wih I could help you, but I just beated the 6th Gym, before I read this post... My team, though not properly trained, is not half bad:
Pm me if you want it anyways and it's yours, no biggie. Oh, and it's on Omicron.
Счетчик просмотров у постов добавился. http://clip2net.com/s/iEnhDh Я вот не пойму, 3 тысячи просмотров у этого поста будет, и что потом? Автору надо будет бежать регистрироваться? Или сама страница сайта должна быть зарегистрирована?
огонь вроде шел в сторону Селезневки-Николаевки. Вроде украинская армия сегодня как раз проходила Николаевку, Нона до самой Николаевки не добила бы (8 км макс дальность)
Зона попадания примерно такая
Здесь она просит отслеживать взлеты военных самолетов: http://clip2net.com/clip/m298694/1402871944-clip-26kb.png
Форум на Украинской Правде с обсуждением
Форум на дурдоме (адрес со скриншота)
Заметьте что на флайтрадаре не пишут что везет самолет (см. сообщение "привез 50-60 человек + РЛС для собственных полетов".
Вот еще другое видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJx-t6ahGg 1:15 видно стрелка из толпы и еще живого мужчину возле полатки. Через секунду его застрелят в голову, видимо военные пытались попасть в человека с пистолетом. Зачем это было делать не понятно.
I don't understand why your lines looks like stairs lol... But color and shadow parts are smooth like they suppose to be.
Use different brush or something.
I know I'm super late with that, but my internet was dead for almost 5 days -_-
So um... I think collarbone and shoulder won't go like that.
It'll move up and back a little and will look something like this.
Also I added rounder hips, I think they'll look better this way.
What kind of tutorials did you watch? Because you see... It's like the first thing they must explain - how to make sure your proportions and anatomy are right... Like in this picture - standard stuff like distance between the eyes is roughly one eye etc.
It's embarrassing, but volume without shading is something I need to do, because I suck at shading... hehe (oh and actually even if I delete most of the strands volume won't all go away. It'll be like different style or something )
I was just like that - random irregular drawings etc. Somehow I manage to get better occasionally, but I couldn't draw people at all. And if I could somehow drew anatomy which reminded human, faces was like big NOPE. For example I drew this http://clip2net.com/clip/m85587/1392007405-clip-73kb.jpg and that's all. I didn't know where to go from there and I struggled like several weeks for it to look like that... It was really sad times =D So like about year and a half ago I thought - what the hell? And started to really learn anatomy, face proportions etc. I copied some manga drawings, sometimes traced, sometimes used references. And actually started to draw regularly... yeah... that helped... a lot
Some will agree, some will not. This was the most fun car and good looking in the game.Hopefully I'll be able to import it and learn how to fix it if anything goes wrong sometimes soon.
I gained 350 elo in my placement matches so far, playing only (okay 5/6) support!
The last game my AD Carry was extremely toxic for no reason, so I had to mute him about 5 minutes in. The second to last game, we had AD TF who admitted he was intending to troll us after the match, but went with it when we invaded maokai's blue at level 1 with double stuns for a kill.
Just used google to hear how japanese pronounces "pan", It's more like "pen" http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#en|ja|bread
As for Portuguese its as you said "puuuhh-ooo" http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT#en|pt|bread
Just in case: if you don't know how to hear the works click the sound icon on the right: http://clip2net.com/s/1kaP4
> This pic is awesome! Do you have a link to a higher quality version?
This seems to be somewhat larger:
Link: Potted History Of Humanity
Any idea why I am being downvoted?
This is kind of the rough design for my path finding algo.
Mark current position as 1.
Mark available paths as 2.
Check if any of the available paths == desired tile location.
go back and mark any available paths around 2 as 3 etc.
Then when you have found a path that == desired location, trace back, and find which #2 direction should be taken.
This gives you the distance, and direction you need to take to get there in the shortest time.
http://clip2net.com/clip/m8680/1311407067-clip-9kb.png - my plan for it in excel.
Inefficient isn't really the word.
http://clip2net.com/s/14vxv - it actually seems very similar to this snippit from wikipedia. Anyways, off to work I go!