Hell Yeah! Nvidia Inspector is still maintained and lets you force stuff apart from things like stock Anti-Aliasing, frame caps, etc.
I made a list of settings I’ve had results from:
He's using Nvidia Profile Inspector to change these values, linked the github download as it's no longer being shipped in the nvidia inspector download from Guru3D.
Though, I don't know which value to change when he's talking about changing DLSS + lod bias set to -3 in the post
I see similar values in inspector when I choose which profile to load (either Cyberpunk or BOCW) but not what he's explicitly saying
I'm not comfortable enough to change any of this stuff as I don't know what I'm doing, hoping someone with more knowledge can chime in with their two cents
edit: Looks like someone already chimed in lol
Same here. Flickers and has broken textures all over the place either on or off, NVCP settings on default still have issue for me
EDIT: Found a fix! Apparently if you added a Horizon Zero Dawn profile in NVCP in the first place it causes the issue, even when turning forced AF off.
Download Nvidia Profile Inspector and delete the profile for Horizon Zero Dawn. I got it from here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
You can verify profile was removed by going to NVCP and not seeing it in the list. Fixed it for me, no more flickering and all textures look correct so far.
Profile fix for Doom 3 (Windows store BFG version)
Import with Nvidia Profile Inspector https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
had the same issue. Disable forced AF in the driver and if that doesnt help, you need to delete the NVCP profile of HZD (for example using https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases/tag/ Fixed it for me
Make sure you download Nvidia Inspector and make sure you have this bookmarked: 3DCenter Forum for SLI Users
It's mostly in Deutsche but you can use Google Translate and have it translate the whole page.
What this page basically is, is custom SLI bits for available games so that your games get better performance in games.
399.24 is hands down the best driver for Pascal, unless a different game forces you to use the dumpster fire that is series 400.
Use NVIDIA Profile Inspector to fix MHW's profile: How-to.
For older games, you want to use the CP settings because it can drastically improve the quality of some games, especially for DirectX 9 and some older DX10 titles, where "Anisotropic filtering" is not enabled in the in-game settings, and where you may want to limit the max framerate or even (in the case of DX9 and older titles), force OGSS/Supersampling Anti-aliasing (without upscaling). You can also use Nvidia profile inspector ( https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector ) to do this as well.
For most newer games, unless you're messing with the DSR factors or for the VERY ODD GAME that has Anisotropic filtering disabled, just leave everything at default. (plus overriding AA via the panel or profiler won't work in any DX11/12 title as far as I know, and very few DX10 titles)
I may have a solution for you:
Download Nvidia Profile Inspector and scroll down to section 5. There will be a setting called multi-display/ mixed GPU acceleration. Set this to multi-display performance mode then restart. After you have done this, enter NVCP and select adjust desktop size and position. There you should set "perform scaling on" to GPU for both displays. Please let me know if this helps.
Nice, with my 2070 i found at 71% power (and i think 78 degree thermal throttle limit, which it never reaches, stays in the low 60s after days of mining) i could do +1207 memory stable and -179 core clock before the hash changed even by 0.01%. Spent a while but i honed in on my optimal performance to power settings and am now getting a good ol 44-45mhs (when i started it was at ~33mhs). Spending the time ironing it out is really worth it, wish ya the best of luck! Also i don’t know if the 1660 ti has p0 state(i think it does), if it does you should disable force p0 state it’ll give most nvidia cards a lil bump in their hashrate, Nvidia Profile InspectorNvidia Profile Inspector Scroll to section 5, force p0 state, turn it off.
^^Also ^^ignore ^^the ^^ramblyness ^^of ^^this ^^haha, ^^its ^^a ^^habit ^^of ^^mine
Nah Brah, Bought my CGH70 recently and it works great with G-Sync.
Takes a bit to set up, and you may need to use Nvidia Profile Inspector to force G-Sync, but once you get it working it's pretty great.
Nah the issue persists on 399.07
This thread suggests the cause of problem is these two particular "features" added in 398.82 for MHW optimization, namely 0x0094C538 and 0x105E2A1D. You can disable them by using nvidiaProfileInspector, then performance difference is negligible between the three version.
Here's the change from v2.1.3.8 to v2.1.3.9, for the most part:
> (Added Commit) Limiter V2 - Force Off [Enables Limiter V1]
> (Removed Commit) 30 fps (v2)
> (Added Commit) 30 FPS ==> MODE VER1 @ 30.5 FPS
download and launch nvidia profile inspector and scroll down to the "5 - Common" header. There's an option titled "Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration." By default mine was set to "Single display performance mode." Switch it to "Multi display performance mode" and either restart your PC or restart your graphics drivers (by pressing [windows key + shift + control + B]).
I'm currently testing this out now with a 240hz main display monitor and a 144hz secondary on windows 11. IIRC this key is supposed to do nothing regardless of what you set it to. That being said, some folks have reported that switching from "single" to "multi" monitor display performance mode has solved their dual monitor hz problems. Give it a try and see if it helps.
Whether it fixes your problem or not, I'd love it if you replied with an update. Good luck!
I had to download Nvidia Profile Inspector to get G-Sync to work on Halo Infinite.
At the top it says profile, there should already be one for Halo Infinite if you scroll down (I believe there's also one for FH5). Select that and make sure G-Sync Global Mode is set to Fullscreen and Windowed.
You can double check it's working by enabling G-Sync Compatible Indicator in your Nvidia Control Panel. Go to Set-Up G-Sync and then at the very top of the window select Display > check G-Sync Compatible Indicator.
There are 5 places where VSync can be turned on/off:
So you should check all of these cases if you want to disable VSync completely. However then you will need further tuning to get rid of screen tearing glitches.
Could be p2 instead of p0 power state?
Try downloading "Nvidia Profile Inspector". You want to scroll down to #5 -Common and change Cuda force P2 State to off, apply then restart and try it.
https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases/tag/ - You can find the program yourself if you want. (shouldn't really trust stranger's links tbh)
download NVidia Profile Inspector from there:
Run it and type "CUDAMiner" for profile and press enter, scroll down and in "5 - Common" section you can find "CUDA-force p2 state", turn it off and press apply for 4-5 Times
I can't post links to other subreddits here, but I found a post titled: "FINALLY SOLVED! Game stutters when video or stream plays on secondary monitor." - you can google it to find it.
The steps were:
- First install nvidiaProfileInspector, either a quick google will find you the link or click here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
- Click on whatever the newest version is then download the .zip file by simply clicking on it.
- After the .zip file is downloaded, simply unzip it / drag the .exe file out of the .zip file onto your desktop or elsewhere.
- Run nvidiaProfileInspector as administrator.
- Go down to "5 - Common", the setting your looking for is Multi-display/Mixed-GPU acceleration
- Now for me it was set to "single display performance mode", I changed it to "Multi display performance mode"
- Click apply changes on the top right
- Reboot pc, make sure changes stuck, and BAM!
How to set this up:
Have an Nvidia graphics card and DX11 turned on in GW2.
Download Nvidia Profile Inspector: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
Edit the "Guild Wars 2" profile:
Set "Antialising - Transparency Supersampling" to "0x00000008 AA_MODE_REPLAY_MODE_ALL"
Set "Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX)" to "0x00000078"
+ 1
Okay. But sometimes just changing a setting can make a small pleasant improvement to the gaming experience. Personally, I find "nvidia profile inspector" more pleasant, but that may be a matter of taste.
By default yes.
But you can use NVidia Profile Inspector to enable a flag called "Quality upscaling" which switches the GPU scaling algorithm from bilinear to lanczos.
Download nvidia profile inspector
Find the profile for World of Warcraft - Retail
Scroll down to the "unknown" section.
Enable flag 0x006D6197 - 0xA2B53761 (Shadow of the Tomb Raider)
Apply changes.
This will disable some DX12 optimizations that are causing most of the texture flickering.
You will need to reapply this every time you update the driver.
No, I never changed something like P2 state.
I disabled the P2 state using https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector
With my current settings (PL: 60%, Core: -150MHz, Mem: +1100MHz) and P2 state disabled I get a blue screen instant.
I will try to get some working OC settings with P2 state disabled.
What seemed to have fixed (mostly) everything for me was using nvidiaProfileInspector to limit my FPS instead of the in game setting or nvidia Control Panel. After setting a fps limit in nvidiaProfileInspector I just set the game fps limit to unlimited or whatever the setting is and I have actually been able to enjoy the game. I still get the occasional stutter hear and there but it's usually only when the game is first loading in, probably still rendering distant shadows or something of that nature. Needless to say the game still lacks many optimizations but at least it is playable again.
Not sure of your situation exactly but I have a gsync monitor so I think the stuttering was from the in game frame limiter letting the frames go past the limit I specified and thus past the gsync range. I think my crashes also stemmed from the in game frame limiter because I haven't had a single crash since.
Might be worth giving it a shot at least.
Seems like your memory clock is being set to P2 state because of a CUDA workload. Download NvidiaProfileInspector, scroll down to the "Common" section and set CUDA - Force P2 State to Off and click "Apply Changes".
Now restart the program that you're using for CUDA and it should stay at 7000 mhz without clocking down.
If you are curious and want to check how Resizable BAR works with games that are not on the NVIDIA whitelist, you can use the following guide.
Quote from the article ('Value and Conclusion' section):
>You can use NVIDIA Profile Inspector to modify Resizable BAR game support settings. Credit goes to @chrcoluk.
>- In NVIDIA Profile Inspector, in the toolbar, enable "Show unknown setting from NVIDIA Predefined Profiles"
>- Now if you browse any game in NVIDIA Inspector in the Unknown flags at bottom, look for the following lines: 0x000F00BA, 0x000F00BB and 0x000F00FF.
>- For games that are whitelisted these flags will probably be already enabled, for other games the value will be 0x00000000. You can flip it to 0x00000001. The third flag 0x000F00FF needs to be set to 0x0000000040000000
Unfortunately, that's a drawback for DSR. What you want is to see if there is an option for "hud scaling", which will keep the HUD (and SOMETIMES --almost never, though the mouse sensitivity) the same.
The reason is, DSR actually sends a higher resolution to the monitor and is transparent to the game, so the game thinks it's actually using a higher resolution. And as you already know, higher resolution means more pixels (regardless of what's "on" your physical monitor), thus you need a higher sensitivity.
What you may be wanting is something called "Supersampling Anti-aliasing", which does the same thing as DSR, except the in game resolution remains at native. Unfortunately, most games these days don't support SSAA being forced on in the driver (I believe this first started with games that used alpha or transparent textures and thus ignored MSAA in the driver), and this is precisely why DSR was created to begin with.
You may be able to force SSAA on in NV Profile inspector (the open source github version https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector : there is a pre-release version out if you want to try that too ) but don't count on it.
You may want to look at the profile inspector to see how it enables things in an app/global profile, as it can programmatically enable image sharpening:
Dont use the nvidia control panel, use Nvidia Profile Inspector instead and make custom profiles for each game you have. (https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases/tag/
For each game I recommend setting maximum pre rendered frames to 3d application and power management to prefer maximum performance. Anything else should be left at default values. You can also set Digital Vibrance (in the nvidia control panel) to 70-100, depending on how colorful you want it ! ;)
not entirely sure if this is related to you having different (non dividable by 60) resolution monitors, but i run a setup with three monitors:
Never had an issue with running borderless/fullscreen but did have issues (since my R9 290 really) with GPU's not downclocking properly when a 2nd monitor was connected.
Currently own a GTX1080, which also does not downclock propely. Ended up finding out about Nvidia Profile Inspector and the Multi Display Power Saver which forces your card in a lower P-state under a certain (yours to configure) percentage of load.
Do not have issues with playback of video content, on multiple screens. Not sure if it'll fix the issues you're having with running your games in fullscreen, but definitely helps with the constant ramping up of fan speeds when in desktop as it'll decrease powerusage by a fair bit. And thus also decrease heat output.
I’d recommend downloading Nvidia Profile Inspector, It’s an excellent bit of software that optimises Nvidia settings for a variety of games not just ATS :) Here
Well it's not that bad... i always had between 41 and 48 for my 1080tis at 75% and +100 core.. (41 mhs for a crappy pny 1080ti fouder edition) mem oc never did anything for me (except for 1070tis). Do you use phoenix or trex ?
I saw you have win10 so it's ok. I read that gminer just put out an update for people with win7.
At your own risks, you can disable p2 state in the nvidia drivers (then reboot) : https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
But it's only for around a 1mhs more...
too many to list. It would be better to just download the application and take a look. https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/nvidia-inspector-download.html and https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
You done nothing wrong. I have 42 to 45 mhs for my 1080tis with the pill, 30 mhs without the pill lol. Multiple people complain for a few months, it's normal your hashrate has diminished.
I can have up to 47 mhs if i disable the P2 state ( https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases at your own risks, apply then reboot). The 1070tis went from 30 to 32 mhs, too. But i only tried this for 2 days, because i had a 1070 crashing one of my rigs (in the end it looks like it was caused by a faulty riser, not the P0 state, but whatever). I am not a miner that try to have the max hashrate i can, i always fear i can damage the gpu/mem.
Hey guys this is an old thread but I just wanted to chime in since I was looking for answers and people seemed to disagree with eachother.
Cold war works with SLI. You need to go into the launch options, and change it to run in DX11 instead of DX12. Since it is based off Black Ops 4, it can run in DX11. Go to launch options, additional command line argument: -d3d11
Then, get the Nvidia profile editor and change the DX11 SLI to Black Ops 4.
Keep in mind, if you want to use ray tracing, at least with 2080 Ti's -- don't do it. Because ray tracing is pretty bad in DX11 and you'll end up getting around the same FPS as with one card on DX11 from a few minutes of testing so far. Here's a comparison for me below, I have 2x 2080 Ti liquid-cooled, overclocked @ 2070MHz.
This is non-SLI DX12 versus SLI DX11, on Moscow Map/Custom empty game @ 2860x1540
Hope that's helpful. I'm glad I got it to work.
You can use nvidia inspector to force picmip. Should work with diabotical, but personally haven't tried.
How to: https://click-storm.com/articles/12572/
Nvidia Inspector download link: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
It will never fully go away, that's why I've never got past the ship at the beginning. One more thing is Nvidia profile inspector https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases If you want try let me know I'll walk you through it.
Pretty sure that's the current version download link. It went FOSS, and the name changed, but the profile tab is about the same as ever, so any older guide should be fine.
You're fine. You can reduce the power limit and set the memory overclock in Afterburner.
To disable Force P2 state for CUDA, you'll need Profile Inspector. You can find it here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
Once the zip is extracted, run the exe and scroll down to section 5.
Change "CUDA - Force P2 State" to off, then click Apply ( upper right corner ).
Once that is done restart the computer and make sure that Afterburner has applied your overclock, then start Ethlargementpill and Nicehash.
You should get a nice boost in hashrate and decrease in power use.
You have to use NVIDIA Profile Inspector (the latest one).
Navigate to section 5 - Common and set CUDA - Force P2 State to Off.
> Found a fix! Apparently if you added a Horizon Zero Dawn profile in NVCP in the first place it causes the issue, even when turning forced AF off. > > Download Nvidia Profile Inspector and delete the profile for Horizon Zero Dawn. I got it from here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
Worked for me! I never even made a profile for HZD but I guess they came with the new driver I downloaded. Deleting the profile worked so far, no more flickering textures.
Yes, But you need to download Nvidia Profile Inspector for that.
Find the game you want to change, and select 1/2 Refresh Rate in Vertical Sync.
Leave Vertical Sync Tear Control at Standard.
Then click apply to save the changes.
1/2 Refresh Rate + 30FPS Lock in Rivatuner or NVCP + Low Latency Mode ON or ULTRA is the best way to get a smooth 30fps experience on PC.
DLSS definitely lowers the resolution, I'm using a 2080ti and the clarity is definitely higher with DLSS off. I also manually upped the LOD. TAA in this game is better than FXAA, here is what I am currently running:
DLSS: off
Resolution: native 4k (sometimes it reverts, see below)
Anisotropic: 16x (forced with Nvidia Inspector)
LOD: -0.5 (also forced with Nvidia Inspector)
nvidia inspector screenshot of the settings: https://imgur.com/a/1AxHkwm
latest nvidia inspector (in case you want/need the download): https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
I noticed if i forget to enable HDR before starting the game, HDR gets disabled. Then i have to restart and enabled HDR, and then... SOMETIMES IT REVERTS THE RESOLUTION TO 1080P. I would guess if all of this does not help, that the game has a bug with ultra wide screens (some games do, that's partly why i stuck with my 4k TV lol)
Do you have the link the the nvInspector profile? I lost mine somewhere and that includes a lot of these tweaks and then some. I got a modest performance boost from that.
EDIT: Found it sitting in my nvInspector folder.
nvInspector can be downloaded here
If you're using an Nvidia card you can use Nvidia Profile Inspector and set PSO2's profile AA Compatibility to 0x00401241.
Then set your desired AA. If you use SGSSAA make sure you use a sharpness filter with Reshade, helps with the natural blurriness that comes from it.
Be sure to disable motion blur ingame, it breaks with any form of FSAA.
Nvidia Control panel has an option to config/tweak just about any game's settings, and the tool has a better UI with the 3rd party nvidiaProfileInspector which is also open source. AMD's control panel has only lost options and it has much less tweaking options in it too.
For Nvidia
Option 1:
> You can enable it via Freestyle (requires GeForce Experience): Alt+Z in-game -> Game Filter -> Sharpening.
Option 2:
> Enable it via Nvidia Control Panel: Manage 3D settings -> Program Settings -> select CSGO from the app list -> turn on Image Sharpening (should be the first option). > > Download latest nvidiaProfileInspector from here. Launch it and in the upper left corner (where it says GLOBAL PROFILE) find and select Counter-strike: Global Offensive. > > Scroll down to the bottom until you find Other section and find NVIDIA Predefined Sharpen Usage in there. Change the value to 0x00000001 and click Apply in the top right.
>Order of NCPL / nPI doesn't matter. If you don't do nPI step, you won't see sharpening effects in-game when you enable it in the Control Panel. This isn't needed for Freestyle.
Option 1 is easy to use and tweak if you have GFE installed and familiar with Freestyle but has more FPS impact.
Option 2 has less performance impact but you can't change it in real time, it requires a game restart whenever you change sharpen values to see the change so it might take some time to tweak the values to your preference (Freestyle applies changes in real time).
It also requires some additional set up with nvidiaProfileInspector. nPI is needed to override CSGO blacklist set by Nvidia because some people were having issues with NVCPL sharpening in CSGO and Nvidia blacklisted it by default. So if you have image corruption with NVCPL sharpening, turn it off and use Freestyle instead.
All of this assumes that your drivers are up-to-date.
No idea where to set it on AMD but AMD has the same sharpening as well. Might be called AMD CAS/Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening.
The issue is that from Guru3D.com you can only download latest version of NVIDIA Inspector app and it doesn't include latest Orbmu2k's NVIDIA Profile Inspector component.
Download it from here instead: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
You may want to try altering the Nvidia settings at the driver level with Nvidia Profile Inspector . There is a CEMU profile as well in the newest Nvidia driver from what I saw. At the very least you can tweak the settings to give a decent boost to FPS when using OpenGL. It shows all the settings within the driver unlike Nvidia Control Panel which hides the vast majority of settings. Just save a base profile so you can revert back to it if you dont have any luck. Be sure to run as Admin as well if you decide to try it out.
I know for a fact it can be used to massively boost framerates by lowering LOD (Level of Detail) and using older shaders etc. Many settings that boost fps wont even give a noticeable degradation of picture quality so experimentation can quite possibly give you another avenue to venture down with your Maxwell GPU. Good Luck.
Potential malware warning: nvidiaprofileinspector.com is NOT the "official" site and the latest version is not currently 3.5. It is I very strongly suggest downloading directly from Orbmu2k (the actual developer)'s GitHub @ https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases , especially considering that NV Profile Inspector uses Administrator rights. OP, please update your link?
That being said, thank you so very very much!!!!! Your profile was the only thing that has got my 2X GTX 980s to work in SLI with Minecraft. Until I imported this profile, forcing AFR2 was decreasing FPS with KUDA Shaders.
I did make a slight modification however: before importing I modified the .nip file to be named "Minecraft (Java Edition)" and removed all EXEs from it except javaw.exe and java.exe so that it won't affect Bedrock Edition. Have you tested this profile on Bedrock / Windows 10 Edition at all? Does it work on that too?
When you download drivers through nVidia Experience, games get generated a setting profile that changes settings in-game to make it run better with your specific computer, though you can delete this with the nVidia Profile Inspector, you should be able to find a Github page with the link to download it. To use it, you just need to find your game in the dropdown menu which is near the top of the window (You can start typing the game name and it should start to appear), and then click the small red cross to the right of the dropdown, this will delete the profile and might fix your issue.
I usually use Nvidia Inspector to limit framerate on games, but there's a lot of programs out there able to cap framerate. MSI Afterburner should be able to do it as well I think, which also supports AMD cards and others. Not sure if torchlight has any built-in option to cap framerate other than v-sync, I haven't seen one so far.
Delete whatever you downloaded already (that was the source code) and download what I linked afterwards (this contains an exe file).
So download that https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases
I've just saved the folder in Documents, then run the exe
Ok so for reference I have a non gsync/freesync 60hz monitor.
You can set the frame rate limiter and it overrides applications set fps. The one I have it set on is to match my fps to my monitor's hz rate so that I get 0 tearing, so for example the game would output at 150, but then I get screen tearing so the setting I have now will automatically lower it to match the hz so that there's no tearing.
But you can also set it to any fps you want, and you'll notice even if you pick 30fps in game, it'll still go over it because the graphic card is ignoring it. If they add the 90 fps as an option then it still won't matter because the 30 and 60 options don't matter with this method. If I set 30fps in game now, it's still 60fps because of the nvidia setting.
I've set that on my global profile so that any game benefits from it but you can pick ffxiv from the top menu, they have some preset adjustments for the game as well.
Try it out then run the benchmark you should be able to see a difference. There's also a bunch of other cool options, but I wouldn't mess with the anti-aliasing ones on the default profile since it'll affect everything, better to use the individual game profile for that.
Any way to disable raytracing/dxr via NVIDIA Profile Inspector or GameUserSettings.ini (Unreal Engine)?
I get 8 FPS on my 1070Ti with the Attack from Outer Space Techdemo and there are no ingame options.
You'd need to use a 3rd party tool like Nvidia Profile Inspector to get at options that the Nvidia Control Panel itself doesn't provide access to. It's under "2 - Sync and Refresh." You can Google more about the program to decide if you want to use it.
Quick and dirty since I'm on mobile:
That should be all.
this could be a setting in Nvidia Inspector called "CUDA - Force P2 Power State"
To disable this download Nvidia Inspector here
And find the setting under global called in the 'common' category called "CUDA - Force P2 Power State" and turn it off, see if that fixes it
Yeah, and if you download the latest NVidia Inspector from March 2016, it comes bundled with a 2 year old NVidia Profile Inspector which you can update manually by downloading the latest NVidia Profile Inspector executable from here:
or here:
Here's the change for the most part:
> - - (Removed Commit) 30 fps (v2) > + + (Added Commit) 30 FPS ==> MODE VER1 @ 30.5 FPS
It will use v1 if you use "v2 (Force Off)", but what we want is v2 anyway.
To make sure v2 is on, use "v2 (Allow All)"
10 x64 anniversary, nVidia Profile Inspector crashes on launch.
I was running an older version of nVidia Inspector and just decided to upgrade. The older version had no issues.
Edit : Source here - bug fixed 12 days ago. Can anyone compile this and give it a go?