That's what OP's referring to, "Forced" Subtitles are ones that cover foreign audio in films that otherwise don't need subtitling.
There was a Plugin that could try to find subs for you, but I believe it doesn't work since Plugins were retired. My method has just been to go to Subscene with each batch of movies I add, and search each one with the "English, Foreign Only" filters enabled.
Believe it's in Tamil, but you can find subtitles for just about anything these days.
It's a "historical" drama about a famous Maratha general: Baji Rao. Forbidden love, court politics, jealous wife. If you want to give it a go...
Is this helpful? I’m not sure why they are missing episode 2 :/ but eps 1 and 3-7 are there. People on Twitter are saying that the official Channel 4 uploads have subtitles? At least some episodes. Someone tweeted C4 had their physical HQ damaged in an accident and that’s causing the delay, but it’s very frustrating.
I have shared Netflix subtitles for episode 1 and 2 on subscene. They release two new episodes every Tuesday:
Search "from:101_subs episode #" with # substitute the episode you're looking for into twitter. All their Mega links should still be working and their Openload links should be working from ep~ 7 or so.
Episode 0 and 1 don't pop up during that search (and I'm too lazy to go through their timeline to see if they have an untagged ep.1) but you can find them in multiple parts on Dailymotion. Ep.0 and Ep.1.
Or there are soft subs on Subscene for some of the episodes (Episode 1!) but I didn't actually check them out so I can't vouch for the quality.
You could try checking out the subtitles on or, but I have no idea whether there'd be actual changes compared to the official retail subs...
These are the subtitles that would sync properly with the torrent:
Unfortunately, this torrent is one of those which are named NEXT but are actually HDTV.H264.720p which contain the full-length commercials that air during the program.
MKVcleaver, ffmpeg or Xmedia Recode (my favourite) can all do this.
Remember that subtitles in both MKV and MP4 files come in two basic flavours:
1) Graphics (native subtitle format found on all commercial DVDs and Blu-rays)
2) Text (downloaded subtitle files embedded into the video file as selectable subtitles)
If the suggested tools won't let you extract an SubRip (SRT) file but only an IDX + SUP file, then the subtitles are still in the native graphics format that can't be edited. In that case, it's much faster to search for online subtitles on or
SRT files are of course just text files, so they can be edited in any text editor. But generally I recommend a proper subtitle editing tool like Subtitle Edit - for example.
Ad-free 720p-NEXT torrent:
Synced subs that go with ad-free 720-NEXT:
I min erfaring er det desværre sjældent med engelske undertekster til danske børnefilm, især ældre film som Fuglekrigen I Kanøfleskoven.
Personligt tror jeg du vil have mest held med at finde nogle versioner på youtube hvis vi snakker ældre film som den.
Men ellers så prøv eventuelt det er IMHO den bedste sub side og de har klart største udvalg.
Hvis der allerede findes subs til nogle af de film du søger, så er der en god chance for at de er på Subscene. Så er det bare at smide en dvd i pc'en og sætte subs på med Potplayer, VLC, eller hvad din foretrukne afspiller nu lige end er.
Det er muligt at subs ville skulle justeres lidt i forhold til timing, men i f.eks. Potplayer er det så nemt som at trykke på , eller . for at forskyde dem frem eller tilbage så de passer med når der bliver snakket.
Sidste forslag ville være at subbe dem selv, det kan gøres med flere forskellige programmer osv, men det er egentlig ikke så svært som det måske lyder, det tager dog noget tid.
På den anden side er mange af den type børnefilm heller ikke suuuuper fyldt med dialog så det ville nok gå hurtigere end en normal film eller serie.
Men det kommer selvfølgelig alt sammen an på hvor meget energi du vil bruge på at hun kan forstå det, jeg er typen der ville elske at sidde og nørde en weekend for at prøve at subbe noget men jeg kan også saaaagtens se hvordan andre ville finde det ekstremt kedeligt osv.
I have shared Netflix subtitles for episode 3 and 4 on subscene:
They release two new episodes every Tuesday, thus I will post new discussion thread on Tuesdays
Hi everyone
Attached in the title is the link is the Sub for Death Note New Generation Episode 02.
Big thank you to AnteroX for timing the translated script. Rest Assured we are allready working hard on Timing for Episode 03 and will release it soon as its ready for all to enjoy.
For those Requesting the "," change here is the subs for you :)
For those on Subscene Enjoy
Marked NSFW because even though the genital mutilation looks 100% fake, it's still stomach churning. Like, really.
Honestly, though, I think this film might have the best title in the history of cinema. At the very least it's on the short list with Safety Last, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant.
tvn little cabin in the woods already out in here are the link to subscene.. E01
he/she rip it from tvnasia like u/ordinaryguy92 did
*nb: i dont know if that subs is already sync with NEXT realease.
Thanks, I haven't seen any of his other films yet. For anybody who like me don't do French, there is an English translation of the manuscript and subtitles based and that translation.
Just posted this on another, but always check Subscene!
Subtitles are thrown on here pretty quickly following airing and torrent uploading. Especially this season. People are on the ball thankfully. Good subs too.
Also, HDTV and WEBRip subs seem to be in sync so far so you can use either ones. WEBRip subs seem to be translated a little better though for E03 and E04.
Unfortunately that's a very odd combination and you'll most likely not be able to find it outside of netflix (asia), primevideo (asia) or dvds. Basically platforms where you can choose the audio. So if possible I would recommend buying the dvds for the animes you cant find on netflix but make sure they have that combination you want available before buying.
This will work for older series but probably can forget it for newer series.
There is however an alternative, a more roundabout method which works if you are the kind of person who downloads their animes before watching and not streams it like a casual (me).
So basically the way it goes is like this. You first download the Anime Dub you want in Chinese from one of those Chinese websites or torrents.
Once you have the Chinese dubbed episode you want and I would download the whole season. The next step you do is go to websites like this, where you can download the subtitles in the language you want.
Download the english subtitles from here and use video editing programs like VLC to merge the subtitles with the episode. VLC is the simplest in my opinion, all you have to do is play the movie and load the subtitle file.
It's a very roundabout method but this is what I used in the past for family nights when my grandmother needed dutch subtitles for movies. I would pre-download the movie and subtitles, then use VLC to slap on the subtitles.
1080p F1RST version
Ja, zB Untertitel zu „Lola rennt“. (Gibt übrigens viele Filme, die von Esperantisten untertitelt wurden.)
Ansonsten auch hier und da mal ein paar Clips, wo zB Esperanto in den Nachrichten war. Aber andere sind da aktiver.
Hier gibt's eine Liste mit Software-Projekten.
I'm not going to link to a torrent for the series, but I did find English subtitle files.
Amazing Thank you very much !
Arabic Sub for the version
Pity, it's why test encodes are helpful. Subtitles are just text and the ones you used were the complete film not the foreign parts only version. You can open SRT subtitles in notepad to check them if you don't have a subtitle editor. To avoid copyright links, if you go to search for Thor The Dark World; scroll down to the English subtitles and look for 'foreign parts only'. The ones by uploader sazu489 should work, but check them first before encoding. The Subtitle Edit app I mentioned is a very useful tool as you can preview the subtitles (you need VLC player installed); check they are in sync with the video and modify it not.
The subscene search seems to be working on and off now. But you can still do a google search for the subtitles, for example "Running Man Subscene", copy the address for the first entry, change the part that reads "subtitles" to "subtitles2" and go to that address.
In this case "" is changed to "".
Oh never mind. You're right. But what you can do is convert to them to a .srt file using SubtitleEdit. Although, that process is time-consuming as SubtitleEdit will constantly keep asking you what "x" word is to convert it successfully. What I'd recommend doing is simply downloading subtitles from Those subtitles have been successfully converted to .srt files and have little-no errors. It's a hassle if you do it yourself - especially with TV Shows.
look for the subtitles in a text format, namely .srt. plex has "agents" that's can automatically scrape subtitle dbs like subscene/
Try one of these
Make sure you save the subtitle in the same folder with the same name as the video
If plex already found subtitles and none work but I found working ones online, I add ".fr" to the end of the subtitle file name so that I can differentiate it from the half dozen ones that say English (External) in Plex. eg.,
Alternatively, you can ocr the subtitles yourself but probably not worth it at all and unnecessary as most blurays will have subtitles available online
I typically find most of the subtitles from these sites --
> Me personally I will go with which ever group release softsubs so I can watch with HD. Fansubbers tend to have really shitty encodes.
edit: and here it is
Part of the French New Wave with Bardot. It also stars Jack Palance who speaks English throughout the movie. Wife leaves husband for a wealthier guy. They're French without some of pretentions of the US (at one time, no comment on the present).
The movie has nudity so if your offended by beautiful women that goes beyond my pay grade.
Original Link
Le Mépris - Jean Luc Godard
Save the movie
Get subtitle
It really depends on the content... I don't know of any other auto-captionning service or software like you are asking.
But if it's a widely distributed movie you could simply download the subtitles file! There are many websites with very active contributors that subtitle and even translate movies and series.
If's often a .srt file, and if you name it the same as the video, VLC will include it automatically.
Good places to start :
On subscene I found the first three episodes. Did you tried subzero or subliminal?
Can you link directly to the file which has the russian subs? I downloaded a bunch from subscene and haven't found one which has it. Thanks! EDIT: Nevermind! FOund one!
The infamous Bugi eats lettuce episode.
Sadly I haven't found an easy solution to get past the Geoblock without a VPN but someone ripped On Demand Korea's subs and uploaded them to Subscene for anyone that has a copy of the RAW saved.
I see you found your solution but just FYI -- subtitles work in the free version of Videostream. (Provided you have the subtitles yourself and aren't relying on the app to grab them for you. If you are then you can download them yourself.)
People always upload in subscene, you can see which one is the english version in the 1st row, it sorted alphabetically
Size/File ...: ~300MB | .mkv
Source ......: 720p.BluRay.x264-REWARD
Video .......: AVC | 1280x720 ~900Kbps
Audio .......: 2CH AAC
Subtitles ...: English softcoded
Chapters ....: Numbered
Runtime .....: ~45mn
Subscene link: Indonesian, English
Such dir einen Film mit deutschem Ton aus und geh auf, such dort den entsprechenden englischen Untertitel raus.
Es gibt fast zu jedem Film die entsprechenden Untertitel.
Ansonsten, fast jede in Deutschland erhältliche DVD/Blueray hat englische Untertitel integriert.
If you download the subtitles ( most subtitle formats are actually just plain text with timing in it. So just open them with a text editor. Or download Aegisub subtitle editor and you can use it to save them as plain text without timing info. for Windows Aegisub, but if you search there are also Mac and Linux versions.
I reference and have a filter for forced only. I'll start referencing the workbook that was linked in the comment going forward. Always good to have multiple places to reference.
1080p F1RST version
Looks like there are English subtitles here: and since you live in Japan, you should be able to rent the DVD/blurays or get a cheap used copy somewhere.
Imo, the anime is much better than the live action drama and seeing as how big the foreign anime community is, I'm sure there will be lots of subs for it.
Also, small point but the story is historical fantasy so even though it was produced by NHK, it's not really a Taiga.
Wow, that's amazing! I am sure there will be subtitles on so we all can enjoy it.
On the English internet I couldn't find any more information. Do our Chinese friends have further information, photos, trailer, info about the cast?
You could buy a US disc, and then rip it and attach subtitles to it. Here is the link to a Spanish subtitle.
How to merge subtitles into an MKV file.
One extra step you might have to do is re-sync the subtitle. Check your output from the last tutorial in VLC and adjust the subtitle delay as needed. Then, if changes have to be made, repeat the third tutorial but this time edit the sync adjustment.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Nsfw because topless woman. Make no mistake though, this movie is extremely unsexy. Portugese subtitles, but I found an english subtitle file here:
I just Googled, and found this site, which seems to have Italian subs for 12 Monkeys. It was the first hit I got, so there may be others:
Nb. There are no actual official versions AFAIK
Download the 1080p video from YouTube
Download the English subs from Subscene.
Use a video player that allows you to use external sub files, such as MX Player on Android or KMPlayer on PC.
Nice to answer, so yep longue time ago, i try to make a subtitle in French, " " but no time (it's a auto translate and i cheak at 145./2445.
i make one, Titanic.1997.WORKPRiNT.Extended.Fan.Cut.TRUEFRENCH.AC3.BluRay.1080p.X265-SFNasty
But the audio is not 100% prefect sync, i have i lot of audio 'Russian, japonese, french but not sync to the extended.
I don't download your version, no time for no. I think it's the same as Z_machine (italian release)
Don't know any place where you can stream it, but if you happen to buy it or download it.....
if you do get it you can use this subtitle file, i have it on bluray and the text was synced just fine :)
There's a handful of sites of that kind. Pay for the film in whatever way suits you, and then "pirate" the file if the version you paid for don't allow external subtitles.
Not sure if this matches the videos you downloaded but usually a site like subscene would have it.
A. No, just download SRT subtitles from or and add them via the 'Import SRT' option in Handbrake.
B. No, Blu-ray's use PGS image format subtitles.
C. Most people burn in only the forced subtitle track. You should do this too, it's much more convenient and it's actually how it's supposed to. You don't want to OCR only the forced parts manually, that takes too much time.
> Trying to make my videos as close to how iTunes would have them, but I’m new to all this.
Same! Use the HQ or Super HQ 1080p / 720p presets with lossless audio (DTS-HD / TrueHD / PCM) > AC3 5.1 640 kbps audio + lossless audio (DTS-HD / TrueHD / PCM) > DPII 160 kbps AAC 2.0 audio.
Actually, there is a version on subscene that combines the srt files with OP / signs / titles from another subtitle, something the srt closed captions lacked.
bro there is owner in subscene site called "Selfish guy", is that you? 'Cause the subtitles same as yours and I already uploaded the fixed subtitle but waiting until approval, mine will be under the username "Hayder_Abdullah"
Here's the link in question, but unfortunately it wasn't compatible with the version of the movie I have -
Opensubtitles or Subscene is the way to go, in my opinion. Were you looking for a more "automatic" solution or do you have any issues w/ searching for subs manually? Someone already mentioned the Sub-zero plug-in for Plex which could be a more hands off solution.
there you go, also there you go again.
oh yeah also u/captainpotty you could try the org bd subs from there.
The softsubs are uploaded by a cool and reliable individual on Subscene (usually) every Tuesday as you've indicated consistently on your discussion posts - Here.
The torrents for the raw episodes are uploaded over at torrentpong, but it's all in Korean so you have to navigate it until you find any new torrent(s) with a title 채널A 러브라인 추리게임 하트시그널 시즌2 [insert episode and resolution]. They aren't consistent with uploading the 1080p versions so it's okay to settle with lower resolutions.
Link sharing comments tend to get buried under all the discussion comments so it would be great if you could* update the links on your own.
I checked the Amazon Spanish site:
It looks like the show is in English but perhaps the international version has more subs available? My Spanish is too rudimentary to tell from the description.
If you’re adventurous & tech-savvy, I found a website with subtitles in many languages:
I’ve never used the site & would recommend using a VPN to download. Even then I suspect you’d need to download the episodes to link up the subs. (Disclaimer: Not recommending anything sketchy, just trying to help.)
It’s kind of you to do that for your parents. As my mom aged, she reverted back to her native Italian & enjoyed Italian films. Good luck!
Edit: fixed link
What you can do is: download the episode in English on crunchy roll and then download the Arabic subtitles on subscene. Then open VLC, play the episode in English and add the subtitles as follow.
Well, just torrent it instead and/or use scene subs; at least English subtitles exist, which are reportedly pretty bad, but will probably be improved at some point.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "E01"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
Thanks for both your uploads.
And just a heads up to everyone: Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets only has English SDH subs. You'll need these Forced subs if you only want the alien speech subtitled.
if you want to go the pirate route, you could download the episode and get the subtitles from here. There may also may be a way to overlay downloaded subtitles onto the amazon video using something like this extension (I haven't actually tried)
I watch all my shows with subtitles too. I've been frustrated with this season since the subtitles don't appear until a couple days after the episode airs. Not sure if it's on amazon's end or not but it's certainly annoying.
hi , sorry for the late reply , try this
i'm too lazy to check my external harddrive since the subtitle is probably there. for other episodes you can use subscene as they rarely delete the files , just check for subs posted by riri13 , that user usually posted the synced version
or just copy paste the viu stream link in the post and use this to manually rip it , if the viu stream is not available to watch directly in your country, i tested it , it still works.
Whole season 4 subtitles . Works decent enough.
Netflix Asia releases the latest episode 5 days after it aired in Korea, given the length of the episodes and that I'm pretty sure they only hired 1 person to do the subtitles, I say kudos to that subber!
Anyways, from the moment Netflix releases the episodes every Tuesdays at midnight Los Gatos, California time, it then takes additional time for each, illegal streaming website to download the subs and reupload a sub version. Certain websites take up to 24 hours, while some are faste.
If you can't access Netflix Asia like me and are tired of waiting for streaming websites to re-upload a hard subbed version, I recommend downloading the raw episodes and adding the subtitles that u/ordinaryguy92 provides every Tuesdays on your own. It's what I do. These subtitles can be found here on subscene sometimes as soon as 30 min after the episode has been released on Netflix.
And this is the fastest way to see the subbed version. Also, there will be no new episodes (except for the ones that aired this week and will be subbed by tuesday) until next year, the Prison Playbook team is taking a break for the upcoming holidays~
I can add another Icelandic movie that I personally transcribed by listening carefully to the audio and dialogue. The movie is called: Hrútar (2015) [English translation of the title: Rams (2015)] This movie is highly recommended and the quality of the transcription is excellent. :)
The subtitle can be found here as an srt text file. It can be used in applications such as the popular VLC player, including various other ones as well.
I don't know if you can find the movie on torrents but I know it can be found on Usenet. The release is called Rams.2015.LIMITED.BDRip.x264-BiPOLAR
This is a very entertaining movie that takes place in a small farm community in rural Iceland.
If you have the movie, there are websites you can find Japanese subs on, but you have to get lucky for them to be in Japanese, and for them to be in good Japanese (they are often fan made).
I really like Subscene for English subs, but their selection of Japanese subs is extremely limited.
OpenSubtitles has a much better chance of having the Japanese subs you are looking for. However, they seem to be down right now.
It was almost to the end but there is a brief conversation between the captain and his 1st officer that is missing, about how to proceed. If you want to see what they said without downloading another version, you can read the last few lines of the subtitles, starting with line 780 (Ackbar-ish).
You have to set up subtitles. I never use them. EDIT: you might have better luck going to and looking through the list of subtitles and over to the right side it will list that language.
SDH is subtitled for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. HI is for the hearing impaired which will usually show some of the action of what's going on .
I can't remember if those two terms are interchangeable.
Forced that's where there's the extra language subtitle for the non-english parts. I'm not sure if anyone uses term anymore but I used to when I would upload subtitles to the site.
I've been using these and they're pretty decent
not sure about that one
Its only a a matter of time before sites like kissasian release the 2 hour movie with eng subs so its just a matter of being patient.
Drive 1 KEY: !BTzPFJaRf619duS5fi_b6A
Drive 2 KEY: !urUOoK9A6wMlsCDVawoSVA
File ..........: .mkv
Source .....: 720p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-ECI
................: 1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-NTb
................: 1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-CasStudio
................: 1080p WEB-DL DD5 1 H 264 HKD
................: 720p BluRay DTS x264-EbP
................: WEB-DL.AVC.DD5.1.AAC2.0-MBE
................: 720p.BluRay.X264-REWARD
Video .......: AVC | 1280x720 ~900 Kbps
Audio .......: 2CH AAC
Runtime ...: ~43mn
Subtitles ...: English Softcoded
Chapter ....: -
Other Sub Languages Link ..: View
Ok, you're actually thinking of S06E07, "Ball and Chain". The ep you mentioned is S05E15, "Anniversary".
I'd recommend that you just download the subtitles for season 6, here and go through the one for 607. I haven't seen Kramer vs. Kramer but checking the quotes on IMDb I don't see any good matches. I'm guessing that when you're going through the subtitles you'll see what you're looking for.
Guys I managed to find subs, however there are no subs for the first 23 mins. After that they seem to be okay for the most part, kindly note there are a few scenes missing in the middle of the movie and the last 10 minutes. In overall about 80% of the movie has subs. They will be updated accordingly so keep an eye on the thread.
You could also try it does have a filter for lenguages, just copy and paste like cryptoraptor says and add Dutch on the filter, i'm sure there will be subs in Dutch
As for your subtitles question, the only way I know of is to go hunt them down myself. I've been doing it since I created my library, but it could be quite the project for those who haven't. Check out this spreadsheet detailing what needs foreign subs.
Note that it is not always up to date and is not complete. I also go to and search for the movie. Then you can search for keywords such as "foreign", "only", and "non" which should give you an idea of how to get the subs for only the foreign parts.
To edit subtitles, you'd need to use SubtitleEdit or similar. But that would still be a manual task.
I'd suggest looking on Subscene or OpenSubtitles for pre-existing subtitles. SubtitleEdit is effective at tidying and time aligning subtitles from other sources.
If you download the Telegram desktop app, and then search for groups named "Mahabharat", you will find groups that offer the episodes to download for free (for example the "Mahabharat 2013" group.
To get english subtitles go to and find subtitles for each episode.
If you use VLC media player, you can then add the subtitle tracks :)
Netflix and Yoyo Channel on youtube used to have it but it seems they no longer have it. You can get soft subs from the Yoyo's Channel one (done by BabelSubs) here though.
That site has an advertised RSS feed. You can just put the homepage into most feed readers and they will automatically find the feed.
I would also recommend installing a browser extension that will show an indicator when a site is advertising a feed.
Subscene is my favorite subtitles website so far. If you watch movies via your smartphone and you want to view the English subtitle on the movie video I suggest you use MX Player as it has features aids in making this process comfortable and easy for you such as subtitle synchronisation.
Not usually. Sometimes, but what were usually doing is curating and fixing existing subtitles. I'm going to dump some info here because that's what I do when people ask about my hobbies.
I started this because I have an auditory processing issue, so I can hear just fine. That makes inaccurate subtitles a frustrating nightmare. Old box sets of shows like Sopranos and The Wire are missing tons of words for the sake of expediency. Babylon 5 was missing literally 15% of the dialogue, just because the subbers cut out whole clauses constantly.
After that it's just a matter of putting good subs where normal people can find them. For example the solution to the Babylon 5 problem came when HBO did a remaster and fixed the subs. Because we ripped these good subs from HBO and put them on Subscene, now everybody with a DVD\Blu-ray box set can have accurate subtitles.
In the case of Taskmaster, for example, because of technical issues with a Channel 4 subcontractor, they still haven't finished subbing series 12. Because of the hobbyists (this wasn't me), people NOT using Channel 4 currently have access to all 10 episodes worth of subs while the people using the official streaming service are still missing some episodes' subtitles.
Here are a few examples, you can read the comments from users comparing these edited subs to what's commercial available.
Not trying to be rude here, but do you expect someone to write ~2 hours of subtitles for you, by hand, and synchronize them, which is by far the most time consuming, because VPN stuff is somehow risky?
Unless you are connecting to some really shady one, without encryption, and going to websites where you enter personal information, there aren't that many risks. If you are concerned, just choose a good one with a free trial, connect to it, watch the show, disconnect it, and never connect again. Keep in mind VPNs are one of the top tools of choice when talking cyber security. Or wait a day or two, usually by then someone has ripped them from HBO Max. I have been quite pleased with the subtitles uploaded by this user:
If you're not familiar with subscene, you download the sub file and download the raw videos (if they're on a site like you too you can use clipgrab). Then you put the videos and the subs in the same folder and give the subs and audio file the same name (ie one boat one world ep01), which will make the sub and video play together automatically if you're using something like VLC media player. I've heard kmplayer is good on mobile, but it's a mess on desktop. Sorry if my explanation isn't very good, but you should be able to find lots of guides online. :)
There are subs for ep 9 here:
But they go out of sync at the commercial breaks with the version of the ep I tried them with. That can be fixed with an editor, or in the player on PC.
It was named with spaces instead of periods, so it appeared near the bottom of the page for the whole season. I only found them right before watching the episode, so I didn't have time to fix the timing.
subscene has em
ep7 -
ep8 -
I've been using plex for years (since before the first console clients came out for PS3 and X-Box). Every once in a while, since it became an option, I'll try to let plex find subtitles for me like that. Even when Plex acts like it finds subtitles and plays them, it doesn't ACTUALLY seem to do anything. I've literally never gotten subtitles to play that way.
If your file doesn't already have subtitles in it, just download them from or something similar at the same time that you add the movie to plex. It's lot less of a hassle and it takes less than a minute to download them and add them to the file. Plus, Plex has no way of knowing with certainty what version of a release you've got (DVD, bluray, etc) and the timing on all of them are different, so whatever subtitles Plex finds for you, there's a decent chance they won't line up right anyway. Better to just do it yourself so you can check ahead of time that you got ones that work.
>if there is a free version available it's low quality and the audio or subtitle languages are off or wrong.