> Huh... First list I see where I actually recognize everyone.
I'm nothing if not generic.
I make mine here because its easier to control the layout of the grid and pictures.
Best guys, girls, anime, episodes, ships, studios, whatever, I wanna see 'em.
Starting with mine: best girls and best guys.
Edit: this site is a good place to make one.
that's a moving story. I don't know what to say.
If you want to give it a try yourself:
You can download the "botw Font" at http://artsyomni.com/hyliaserif
Open it, double click the font, press the install button when the windows preview opens.
Without much knowledge of image editors, you can just go to https://www.befunky.com/create/text-editor/
You can choose upload and either choose a local file, or paste the URL where the file-name goes (windows will attempt to save the web image to the temporary folder).
Click on the "A", add text, choose the font (Hylia Serif). If the font does not show up, you may need to restart the browser after you've installed it.
Else a simple editor like Paint.net is relatively easy to use and offers things such as layers, in order to edit images easily & overlay text.
THIS is a very basic attempt with the befunky editor. Of course it doesn't look as good as with a "real" editor, but you get the idea.
I can make a better version if you want (then with my usual graphic editor, not the web based service), but you'll need to ad a bit of information :-)
order of the text
other graphic elements
Hi! For bingo, its a game where you pick your top 9, 25, however many ships (or characters depending on the contest) you want and make a bingo card (3x3, 5x5...). As your ships get knocked out, you cross them out and see when you get bingo.
I make my bingo cards on BeFunky and then use Paint to add X's as people lose. You can find your pics for it anywhere you want to.
I hope I explained this well.
What's your favorite AMV on youtube? I like this one
Make a 3x3 collage of your top 9 favorite anime character. "The Crew" right here
What manga needs an anime adaptation?
step 1: scour pixiv.net for decent artwork you like
step 2: throw them all in here
the pixiv step is a pain in the ass for me though so I've gotten lazy about making them tbh
FTF is slow today. Question time!
Show me a 3x3 of shows you consider a quintessential 7. As in, you enjoyed them but didn't quite manage to be special to you.
Doesn't have to be an actual 3x3 of course.
Use BeFunky or bighugelabs to make it easy.
I did this myself using a photo editor. You just pop the image in and there's a variety of designs you can choose from. Since BvS has many moments and shots that look like paintings, I decided to run a few of them through the program.
You can have a good amount of fun here: https://www.befunky.com/create/
It's just within this thread, should be posted tomorrow in about 10ish hours now. The theme for this week is favourite sword users. So just collect art of your favourite sword users and put them into a collage. A lot of people use this website for this. And then just reply to the parent comment by /u/theriyria with your collage and hopefully people will discuss it.
If you don't have any software like Photoshop and cbf using MSPaint https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/ is easy to use just for collages like the 3x3 shiz you see on /a.
Just import and drag the images into the boxes and you're done!
I'll do one for you if you're lazy since I'm nice like that.
Here you go, nice seeing Redline as someone's favourite. I need to watch it some time soon.
I would say the cub here looks most like a Persian Leopard. Here's some pictures of Persian Leopard cubs to compare https://www.befunky.com/a/AXhdiwI-158687510068212/
If you want to try your hand at them, BeFunky makes creating 3x3s very easy. You just need to find the pictures.
And here is the source for the K-On art. I think the Lucky Star one is official art. I found it for a Christmas 3x3 I did around Christmas.
Black background text boxes fitted to cover the parts you're replacing, white text inside. Makes it readable.
Don't know why you'd go to the effort of using the different face cutouts and then halfass the text like that.
Its beautiful!
The art is really pretty. I wish I found a picture that good of Miki when I used her in mine. And I only know the girls in the middle, so I'm assuming the others are all in in other series.
Also, if you didn't know, you can use BeFunky to make 3x3s really easily. For future reference if you want it.
You can also use a photograph (or inkjet printed copy), Photoshop, and Mod Podge or other gel medium. There are software programs that are specifically designed to make photos look like paintings, I think you can do it online as well. You can save time and make a killing! I posit that there are "artists" out there scamming people by doing this.
A hint that I was told my first poem, if you use white text with a black outline, you can read it wherever you place the text on a photo.
You can use an online picture editor.
I use https://www.befunky.com/features/photo-editor/
Great poem!
A 3x3 is your 9 favorite things related to a specific topic.
Occasionally arranged with favorite in the center, but everyone does it differently.
So a 3x3 of my favorite anime might look something like that. Some are super creative with the topics, others just do the easy stuff.
You can get started pretty easily by using a site like befunky.
I make all of my collages with Befunky! It's pretty easy to use and there are a lot of different templates, too. And when you've made some you can join us in this thread on Thursdays to see other people's picks and discuss with people, it's pretty fun IMO.
I did use Canva but not the pro version.
I've just discovered befunky which is similar to canva. Something I like in particular about befunky is that you are able to resize things without needing pro. Ideal for my needs.
For anyone wondering, befunky pro is £47.88/year or £7.99/month (obviously UK prices)
hi there! the RH DS cubone is LP, with just some whitening on the back and only minimal micro scratching on the holo, no deep scratches that are easily visible.
i don’t have an expedition cubone unfortunately, that card is insanely cute.
as for my photo collage, i use Limitless TCG for the proxy images (menu > tools > proxies), and then BeFunky for the collage itself. unfortunately, limitless only goes back to BW, so diamond and pearl and before isn’t on there.
I'm also a bedroom DJ and I thought it was going to be a bit hard but I got it together.
I just made an Instagram account with my DJ name and posted some pictures and it got me through. For membership requests, I chose a professional DJ website. You can use Soundcloud or youtube and just upload a mix or two. Then I chose regularly provided DJ services, and I just got a random address for a club. For the last response, I made up a mock flyer on https://www.befunky.com/create/photo-editor/, it isn't that hard at all just some turntable scratching pic art with booking info. Although some stuff wasn't very legit, it got me in within a couple of hours and I'm still a DJ nonetheless!
https://www.befunky.com/create/photo-to-cartoon/ This is one of the sites that allows something like this, it has a lot of filters but i bet there apps and programs that lets you do a better job then this site, you can look for something like "Cartoon photo convertor", I'm not saying that he use those to make his art, but i only say that you can make something close to that
Mi recomendación es que uses alguna página para hacer el carteles, tienen varios templates muy buenos. Por ejemplo Canva, befunky (aunque aqui vas a tener que darte maña para bajarte la imagen sin marca de agua o quitarla con otro programa, si es una paja). No recuerdo otra en este momento, pero por ahi buscando también podes tener mejores ideas. Edit: errores
I made this chart using https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/ and by using the layout. It's supposed to show my favorite things like favorite character. I want others to do so the same (get to know each other)(preferably on here). Source of the art
> I might try and make a top 25, did you use photoshop for that one? > >
No, used befunky, frustrating to use with limited screen space due to their advertisements, but otherwise my preferred free collage maker since I can move the pictures and allows high quality.
danbooru (beware has nsfw as well), zerochan and pixiv are my sources, and I use BeFunky's handy collage maker
right here it says i am suspended but a little while ago all my videos couldn't be played and it said "cannot watch because account has been terminated". I can watch my videos now and it doesn't say that anymore so that might be a sign that they lifted the ban https://www.befunky.com/explore/gallery/10079537/
Ha, yeah I actually downloaded all our facebook pictures together with a chrome extension, then used BeFunky Collage Maker to make the big picture. Then I added a slow pan for dramatic effect!
That would probably be very difficult, I personally use BeFunky for all of my subreddit banners. It is very simple, free, allows for high resolution, and has no watermarks. I don't think it is even possible or tangible to do it on any phone at all lol. I would recommend using the desktop site, and following the basic rule of thumb of making the banner 16x wider than it is tall. I used to know the exact banner pixel ratio, but it has gotten very complicated and unclear with the new reddit layout so you'll have to do your own research and make many adjustments after submitting it in mod tools.
Like other folks have mentioned I used Pixlr and Photopea. I don't use many android or linux apps (though I probably should). One other that I haven't seen mentioned that I like as part of my 1,2,3 punch is befunky
They have a lot of style transfer filters. It is a subscription based service, so short term it is cheaper.
Edit: you must be doing something similar to what I plan to do lol. I just researched this stuff for post processing renders.
1st: The card looks wacky, some of the keywords are in different font completly. If you have trouble, use Tabletop's Admiral card creator or Gimp's amazing layer system with this template. Also a little art could help, if you have trouble finding art for Deviss, i recommend Befunky.
Ok so now for the card itself. 4 health but surge to defense makes Deviss too dice-rolls dependent for a commander, as it was stated already, this health/defense would make better operative. Bumping his health to 5/6 and giving him Reliable X instead of surge would make him better commander. His keywords are pretty underwelming for the same point cost as Rex. Giving him a keyword to share standby tokens with limited number of troopers/making him not lose standby after being shot at would fix the issue. I love idea of Deviss making focused on standby's.
Command cards: Mostly wording, for example: Units that were issued orders using this command card gain Cover 1, if its unit with Clone Trooper Captain upgrade, it may gain X Surge Tokens Instead.
1 pip: Instead of giving him an upgrade just give him permament Shielded X and Recharge/Generator X.
3 and 2 pip could use a switch, 2 pip would make better 3 pip and 3 pip would make better 2 pip. Also 3 pip is underwelming, either give surge tokens to units with order tokens, or make all units with order tokens able to perform speed 1 move.
Other than small issues stated above, i love this custom card, you have great ideas. Good luck fellow card creator.
sure ofc! almost any app would work but i use it on computer, i can check to see if it works on samsung phones but idk also no need to pay me! both apps that are great is IBISpaintX and Be Funky link: https://www.befunky.com/features/photo-editor/ i can make you as many as you want if it dosnt work on ur phone!
A lot of experienced photographers use window light and reflectors. They are a bit harder to work with, but the results are great. They cost next to nothing.
Obrázek téměř jistě není normálně nakreslený, ale upravený pomocí nějakého filtru, velmi podobného výsledku se mi podařilo dosáhnout s tímto programem. https://www.befunky.com/create/photo-to-art/
You can use photoshop, or any of the free online tools such as https://www.befunky.com/create/ Befunky. I used befunky this time.
There are a number of different ways to touch up lines / spots on images. This particular time I used the "touch up" panel, and the tool "Blemish fix." This is a fancy version of the "clone" tool.
Zoom in as far as you can, and make sure the settings for the tool are a small brush size, and low brush hardness.
I would suggest:
Same with me. I know I want to get thinner but sometimes I ruin the whole thing by being either too tired or stressed out (that's when I'm usually lazy and overeat). The only way to control these situations for me is to go visual: I just need to see my befores and afters so that I wouldn't want to give up just yet. You know, "You've gon too far, don't stop now" kind of thing. Now I take body measurements (1-2 times a week) and take photos every 2 or 3 weeks and at the end of the month I make a collage out of them to compare them. Then I combine them into collage with photos of a next month, etc (there are special programs for that like collage maker or free services like befunky or you can do it on your phone), but it really helps you to see the progress and stay motivated. Sometimes you don't notice your own results but photos and numbers make it clear.
Another trick that I used at the very beginning is to edit my picture so that I'd be thinner, then print it out and stick to my mirror. You know, they say visualization helps materializing your wishes, so that's what I did. It's much easier for those who have good Photoshopping skills, but I used my smartphone's photo editor and photodiva (mostly because it's free lol) and the result was more or less realistic. Again, when you look at this picture and see your "future self", it works. Psychology at its best.
What's also important is that all you are doing has to be done with love. You don't punish yourself with gym sessions and diets for being overweight, you do it because you want to be healthier and stronger. Once you settled in with this idea, it gets much easier. Hope that helps x
You can use 'paint' to crop out the blurred bars on the side if you're on Windows, your default gallery app if you're on iOS or Android or use these online cropping tools.
You can use 'paint' to crop out the black bars if you're on windows, your default gallery app if you're on iOS or Android or use these online cropping tools.
I just googled a few online apps that do this, and tested a few out. The one I went with was https://www.befunky.com/features/photo-to-cartoon/ and using photoshop to add the cartoon-ised images to the template shared on other posts.
That happens to me too. It's just what artbreeder does with pic you upload, regardless of the quality.
Sometimes I only need to morph 2 photos and then go to pixlr(free photo editing site) to tweak it because the default jaw+lip area in artbreeder makes the face have weaker chin and pursed lips unless I already morphed it with a photo that has strong jaw or if the character I'm trying to create has a weak chin & pursed lips, then I don't really need to tweak it.
For Sakura, these are the photos I used:
What I did was upload a photo of the actress, whose facial structure is what I wanted to based my sakura on. (I don't upload photos anymore because it's limited). Then I looked for photos that has pink hair, but they didn't have the right fringe, so I had to upload a photo of a sakura cosplayer in a good angle.
But before morphing the photos I uploaded, they did look weird so I just morph them with another photo that makes them less weird. For instance I noticed for asian faces I've upload Artbreeder makes their eyes rounder, and their nose becomes pig-like. I simply looked for photos with sharper features/anything that can counter what artbreeder did. That balance it out and I can retain back most of the original photo's features. In that time, I also made the actress hair lighter so It'll blend easier with the sakura cosplayer's light pink hair.
I hope this helps!
E-gift cards actually sound like a cool idea, and you can try to get their addresses via saying that you need them for some company record. Also they may like a photo collage with photos of each team member and some inspirational or funny quote, check out Photo collage maker or Befunky for this.
But first of all you've got to get their addresses, or there are not so many options to get them any presents at all.
I made one with Goku more white and Vegeta more asian.
I don't know how to add more photos so I'll just post the link of the collage I made :)
If you have a picture with this phrase in high res, you can check out local printshops: they usually do printing on t-shirts. Another option is to make an art with it or a picture collage with other meaningful phrases/characters, then frame it and give it to him. Check out Shutterfly or Photo collage maker or Befunky.
In case you don't recognize some of these, I'll list em L to R, up to down.
Kumiko Oumae- Hibike Euphonium, Shouma Takakura- Mawaru Penguindrum, Ashitaka- Princess Mononoke
Aerith Gainsborough- Final Fantasy VII, Dale Cooper- Twin Peaks, Nia Teppelin- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Shinra Kishitani- Durarara, Raoden- Elantris, Xion- Kingdom Hearts
Chart made with befunky
Fair warning: your post will not gain the traction it would as an image. I've noticed this time and time again, a text post looks very boring in the new section as you don't actually see the picture.
With how much attention your concepts deserve I highly suggest you keep an image post! You can make a collage to put them all in one image.
If you're on mobile I find InShot is a good app.
If you're on a computer I suggest https://www.befunky.com/features/collage-maker/
I hope this helps!
eu edito pelo meu pc usso o paint as vezes para ir mais rapido, eu uso um online https://www.befunky.com/pt/criar/criador-de-banner/ eh bem facil tambem. ;-;
Mas se tu quiser um pelo cel eh so pesquisar la na play store que vc acha um bom, todos sao otimos.
eh isso ;-;
I have no idea of your level of skill, so pardon me for answering as if you're a beginner if you're not. That said, I use a free online collage maker called BeFunky. While it doesn't have the versatility of image editor software, it's easier to use and doesn't require a download or even registration, unless you'd want the upgraded version, but you don't need it for what I did.
The main things are:
1) Finding the pictures you want to use. Headshots are the best for this format. I have them saved in one file on my hard drive
2) Uploaded how every many images you want to the Collage Maker. They'll all appear on the left side as thumbnails.
3) Go to Formats, then Grids and select the style for how many images you want. In this case it was 16. There is also a 4, a 9, and so on.
4) Go to Customize and increase the Spacing to provide ample room for text. I'd suggest 80 or above. You can change the background color here too.
5) Drag your pics to the location you want them in the collage.
6) Figure out the size you want the full image to be. Mine was 2,500 px (pixels) by 2,500 px. Under Customize enter those numbers into the Width and Height. Do this before you add your text, or the text may shift.
7) Go to Text and add your writing. You can adjust the font size, colors, etc, and then place each line of text where you want it. It's kind of intuitive and will let you know when one line of text is lined up with another by showing you little lines and different colors.
8) When you're done save to computer, head over to Imgur to upload it, then you'll want to click on the image to get the full image address ending with .jpg. And then you can post the bad boy here. Voila.
Thank you sm ! I used BeFunky, https://www.befunky.com
I pressed the graphic design page and used the blank instagram post template. Then just played around with text and images :)
Create a combo, play a full game, go into replay and position the camera on differant shots, alt tab and open gyazo (I play on windowed borderless), take a pic of the game, save each pic to a file, go to https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/ , put the pictures in, and change the spacing
How do you feel about the "vibrant colors DLX" filter at https://www.befunky.com/create/photo-enhancer/ ?
I know a pro could squeeze a whole lot more blah out of that shot, but I am not a photo person.
https://www.befunky.com/features/photo-to-cartoon/ is one. And then add some photoshop filters to gain a better cell shading effects. Or you could use this style https://photoshopcafe.com/turn-photo-comic-book-effect-photoshop-tutorial-cartoon-photoshop/ and change up the smart blur feature on Photoshop as well.
> What program do you use?
> Do you prefer using fan art or shots from the show?
Both, depending on theme
> Do you have your favorite in the middle or in the upper corner?
I put the best one in the middle
> How do you find your pictures? Do you just google them or use Pixiv or some other site, or do you take screenshots of the show?
Screenshots, pixiv, danbooru, google, etc.
> Do you like having your collages to have some stylistic themes to them, like sticking to a colour scheme or using similar looking shots?
Not really.
> Do you have a preferred size to your collages? Do you prefer making 3x3s, 4x4s or some other size?
Not really. Depends on how many images I want.
> Do you only use same size square images or do you like to vary the size and shape of each image?
I favor same sizes
https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/ for quick stuff. Photoshop as well, if I need to get more detailed.
Fan art or official art first, screencaps if needed.
Depends on the visual flow.
Pixiv, the boorus.
I just downloaded all the cover art and uploaded it here
There's a few different templates and you can just save the image rather than pay for membership.
from what i've done in the past to make photocards, i pick the photos i want and made a 6x4 collage online (this website, the pixels should be around 1800 x 1200, make sure to turn lock aspect ratio off), then put 4 photos in every collage and save it to your computer (if that makes sense). then, i went onto the walmart photobooth website and printed it off there. usually it's ready the next day, and they do a lot of promos. (ex. 30 free 6x4 pictures)
if you have any questions feel free to ask them!
And I choose dlx cartoonizer filter, then I screen capture cause it's premium, erase watermark and export. Then I put it in FL Studio and process the video in ZGameEditor plugin. That's what I do at the moment. Hope it helps
I just used befunky and deleted cells!
My rule is that I can't use the same person twice and she made my Winter 2018 one :)
Normally I would use Adobe Photoshop for such a task. The thing is that I cannot afford it so I use a free online photo editor called BeFunky. When you upload a photo to it you can chose the "Blur" option and chose the paint brush and just blur the background as best you can.
If you look closely in all my photos, I didn't really do that good of a job, but I'm mostly trying to keep the focus on my dolls and maintain some privacy.
I think you should be able to make your own. I made a bunch of custom party portraits that also act as their portraits by resizing images found on google. I've just used this website to do it.
Ha, people are gonna learn my hidden motive to why I did the Build Fighters watch at this rate. It was totally not because I knew I had Mechs planned as a theme and knew needed more for a 3x3...
And sure thing! I'll add you to the tag list Comrade! If you need help with 3x3s, I have some sites linked above. I like BeFunky the most for making them.
You might want to check out befunky.com
It's browser-based and keeps getting better--I've been working on it for a little over a year and we're investing heavily in usability and performance.
It supports layers, grouping, cropping, color selection & effects, all that good stuff.
Disclaimer: doesn't work on phone/tablet yet, but support should be coming soon. I'd love to hear your feedback!
Ugh. Do you have a desktop you can use or only the iPhone?
Maybe Google how others do it? You can't be the only person on the planet where this is happening ...
I like this one for my desktop https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/
https://www.befunky.com/create/ This was the website I used on my computer to make this. Click on photo editor at the very top. I did this in the effects tab with the paint brush. Be very patient. MAKE SURE TO SAVE, one wrong click and hours of work will be gone.
Hope this helps.
those subs listed below are dandy but it's really easy to do! Only takes a few seconds! I think this should common knowledge but I understand it's not. Do you have any kind of editing software? Tons of free stuff available online.
There are even online editors where all you gotta do is upload and you can play around, like this one. They literally have a vibrance setting. Otherwise, all you gotta do is adjust the saturation, or the brightness/contrast. Depending on how high res the pic is, I can do it in my phone just in the native camera app.
I use BeFunky to make mine. Depending on the # of girls you want to use, there are 3x3 or 5x5 (for a 5x5, delete some cells from the 6x6 template.)
Another option might be shit-taste, but that depends on if it'll be updated for this contest. /u/Chariotwheel should know that one.
Have you tried some online photo editing solutions? I don't know what a professional photo editor entails but this online one has always worked for me. For programming ya I've heard that quite a few times before. It certainly would be way less intuitive to program via a Linux distro on top of ChromeOS.
You've been most helpful, everyone here has. This forum has been a great resource for me, lots of good info.
While I"m here, I'll also add that I found this site to be at least as good as Canva for designing final photo images and adding some creative font type when inserting your titles,etc. The site is:
I don't know if anyone here's tried them, but I really liked some of the options they have for changing some of the shading, or adding effects to photos, or "frames" around the photo. If you go to the Photo Editor section its got some pretty cool features there.
alright so I don't know if there's another one, but the magic word one you first go type interference in the console it gives you the nonsense.
After that you take the nonsense and shove it in the decorder and it gives you an image.
Take the image,save it to your desktop and shove that in an image editor (I used this one https://www.befunky.com/). Play with the color editor and then you'll see some more nonsense.
Take the nonsense from the image and shove it into the decoder and it'll give you a URL. The URL is going to ask you a password which you'll get back in the console by typing brute. I was confused about the password cause I thought it was the opposite of online, but that's actually the password and viola you get a dead end (AFAIK)
Some of it is done in-camera; the first photo has strong back-lighting from the neon lights behind the subject. The second photo is side-lit.
The red look is a simple tint adjustment.
I threw this together from a stock photo of Dr. House:
I don't have my normal photo editing tools handy, so I used the befunky online image editor.
You should be proud of yourself! This was a very good film, a little shaky, and laggy, but I looked past that and had a lot of fun watching this! As for making a thumbnail try going to https://www.befunky.com/create/ its a free way to add text and effects over a screenshot, there are premium options but stay away from that! Either way be proud! You made a good youtube video! What do you use to edit?
Here's a free online editor that even a literal retard would be able to figure out.
Upload your ID picture, scroll to paintbrush, and paint over what you don't want seen. It's as easy as that.
I look forward to it. You definitely helped me spill a huge load out of my morning wood this morning. Thanks Amber!
By the way, just use a blur tool in GIMP or this site, I've used it to blur pictures before with lots of success. Or another site if that suits you.
You're welcome! If you want an easy way to do a simple color change you can use an online photo editor like BeFunky. All you have to do is upload your photo, then click on colors and change the hue (drag the bar) until you get the color you want!
I'm not sure if it will link to the exact layout but you can change the layout to 4x4 under layouts>grid on the left here: https://www.befunky.com/create/collage/
As for the pictures, I just save the cover artwork from the show's main page on Crunchyroll