I would suggest something like https://scratch.mit.edu/ it uses drag and drop blocks and is very easy to undestand. They even have tutorials right on the site, this is where a lot of kids and sometimes even adults have started making simple projects that introduce them to programming. I have seen some books that help teach scratch however I have never used/read any of them so I wouldn't know how good they are.
WASD for move, SPACE for super, MOUSE for aim, E for gadget "extra credit"
Unfortunately, you can't gain your HP yourself with just not attacking. You have to get green potion to gain your HP. Once you get it, it will give 1000 HP
Financial costs aside, adding classes to students' schedules requires removing other classes, unless you're advocating for longer school days. Same goes for school size. Would you recommend that something be replaced, or leave it to parents to decide?
>Even if the programming is more centered around seeing the effects of basic functions like using Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/), this sort of practice will greatly benefit future generations in whichever career path they go down.
Yes and no. Building logic is certainly necessary for learning minds, but arithmetic and pre-algebra already exist, and not only have these goals in mind, but are also much more applicable to real-world situations.
They're doing the same in schools in Europe as Biden is proposing here, lots of coding from age 8 upwards.
The problem is that learning to code in Scratch is a limited knowledge. What they should be teaching is the fundamental skills that allow people to go into all sorts of professions.
Teach logic, problem solving, mathematics, actual languages and their syntax (word groups etc), basics of how computers work (Charles Petzold's book Code is a fascinating read about how we got from analog comms like telegrams to digital computers and it removes the mystery of 'computers as magical items from D&D').
Teach them how to do the things that are behind coding, chemistry, physics etc and let them choose a path. Teaching everyone how to code won't solve much in the long term.
Don't start with Java for an 11 year old.
Start with <strong>Scratch</strong> - a graphical programming system specifically designed by the MIT to teach kids programming. You can use <strong>Scratch Playground</strong> as a learning resource (free to read online). The graphical nature of Scratch makes it very easy to grasp the fundamental concepts like loops, conditionals, variables, program flow, etc. Also, it is really fun to work with. Scratch is simply the very best introduction to programming in existence.
Other than that, head over to /r/programmingforkids for more inspiration and insights. This subreddit is specifically for teaching kids programming.
No matter what she learns, make sure that she has fun and instant rewards (another plus for Scratch).
I started this on the Scratch forum, which is a platform for children and thererore has a very strict language policy. I then subconsciously abbrivated 'Brainfuck' even on places where I hadn't to.
Hack Nights! Have people come into your communal lounge and just build things. NO HOMEWORK ALLOWED.
Java Robots: http://robocode.sourceforge.net/ - make robots in java and have them fight each other.
Have upperclassmen give presentations on things they've learned.
Movie Night - watch something cheesy like Hackers.
Background: As a kid, Jake used to come up with these imaginative "choose your own adventure" type games in his mind, then have me play along. He would describe a setting, I would have to try to solve my way out of the puzzle using resources he described.
He called them "Cupcake Adventures", and the reward at the end of everyone was finding the cupcake. Really fun, and really bonding times with him.
Fast forward, Jake found a programming website called Scratch, and decided to try to program one of these Cupcake Adventures.
This is his first attempt. See if you can solve it, and find the elusive cupcake!
PS it helps if you start by clicking the "Maximize screen" icon.
Scratch is a "visual programming language" developed by MIT and is a great way to get kids thinking the way a programmer thinks by making small animations and even games. It's worth checking out and easily age appropriate for a 9 year old.
Also, forget sharing something if your project is reasonably complicated- literally everyone will start complaining about how it doesn't run on their extremely weak and slow school-loaned chromebook (speaking from experience...).
Scratch is fun and all, but you have to keep in mind that like 95% of the community is <13, and it's probably better to move on once you've gotten past that...
You could probably do it with an absolutely ABSURD walk rate, since rookie eligibility only counts "at bats." 48-for-125 with 105 walks, 10 HBP, 15 2B, 1 3B, 10 HR and 30 RBI would be slash line of .384/.679/.760, an OPS of 1.439 and an OPS+ of 297 (using this OPS+ calculator that uses 2010-2016 numbers).
All of that, and still be eligible for RotY the next year even though you had 240 plate appearances.
Edit: I fucked my numbers up, edits in bold.
I saw this game on here and figured I could modify my version of Lunar Lander to make this.
^(Check out /r/Scratch by the way, there's not a lot of us)
EDIT: A lot of people have been asking about the global time records in Lunar Lander. Since something like 99.99% of you don't have a Scratch account, they won't work for you since they rely on Cloud variables, which can only be used when you're logged in to Scratch.
Okay guys check out this site. An MIT site with a user by the same username (unscrambled_eggs), and their is a comment at the bottom that is similarly random characters. Coincidence? Or could it be the same person? https://scratch.mit.edu/users/unscrambled_eggs/
You don't do lectures in kindergarten, but some of the activities in CS Unplugged could work for kindergarteners. If you can count to 15, you can do the binary numbers exercise. http://csunplugged.org/binary-numbers/
Hour of Code, Alice, and Jeroo are all things that could work for a 5th grade curriculum. Alice lets you code functions, loops, conditions, and math expressions in a drag-and-drop environment. http://www.alice.org/index.php
If he is interested in learning to program I recommend trying out Scratch. It is a visual based language that is super easy to use and learn and it a great introduction. I basically grew up on it, and it gave me a great basis for learning.
the entire vent is things i said in 4th grade or didnt say at all plus i didnt know about sex until early 6th grade when we didnt talk anymore and all my online friends were litterally talked to me on scratch.mit.edu lmao how could they tell me about sex
Hi everyone! If you are looking for free kids coding, please go to Scratch . It was developed at MIT and its free! Over 20 million kids around the world use it and over 70% schools in the US use it as a CS education curriculum. Its put together by one of the best teams. I know because I work there. AMA or reach out if you need anything.
I would strongly recommend using something like code.org or Scratch as that teaches you basic logic using drag and drop blocks, so you don't have to learn the syntax of code. They're both free, and I know my little cousin (9 years) loves doing code.org in school.
Once he understands the basics of logic and programming, you can transfer him to using an actual game engine (that's still drag and drop) like Game Maker, Construct, etc.
I wrote my first program when I was in grade 6, in BASIC. It wasn't exactly spectacular, but it didn't require too much prior knowledge. I had a basic linguistic pattern of "if this, then this" to follow, and that's all I needed.
Programming tools have advanced a lot since then, and tools like Scratch are better aimed at children.
The act of programming teachers a style of logic and reasoning which you don't really get in other subjects at school. Maths touches it in the more advanced classes, but it's not as interactive. Kids pick up logic puzzles pretty quickly when they're presented in a way where they can see the results, and that's what programming provides.
Scratch is a programming language designed to teach programming concepts to children. It's actually a fun toy, but it's certainly not something you'd actually build things in... At least I really, really hope not.
Scratch is a good place to start. You can't make games for the Switch, but it teaches principles and ways of thinking that everyone who makes games uses everyday, plus it's very kid-friendly.
You are not looking for a just name, first how legal is your substance?
For random chemical generator https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2023277/ or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_of_chemical_formulas
You've revealed yourself to be a 0.000000000002Xer with that uncouth diatribe.
Let me introduce you to scratch:
zero-cost abstractions: all the command blocks are pre-modularized for free
move semantics: what is move 10 steps
guaranteed memory safety: have you heard of a browser sandbox?
threads without data races: scratch is the only language you can run multiple threads in without fear of anything
trait-based generics: scratch has no types, everything is a generic
pattern matching: No more needs to be said
type inference: scratch isn't stuck in the old paradigm of typing, you only need to click and drag
minimal runtime: scratch precompiles all possible logic paths to remove the bloat that is compilers -- the only bottleneck is your internet speeds
efficient C bindings: how more efficient can ctrl+c ctrl+v get?
I posted this on another, similar question:
>Let him have a go at Scratch. You can find it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/ (it's free by the way)
>Scratch is a visual language, which allows kids to build programs and games using building blocks of code. They don't need to learn all that boring syntax, so they can jump straight into creating.
>Every skill he learns using Scratch will transfer over to actual programming languages. So even though it may seem like it's "dumbed down", it isn't. The concepts remain the same.
>It's a great tool to get started with programming, and I've used it multiple times to teach kids to program. Usually kids who enjoyed working with Scratch, will evolve into "real" programming by themselves.
Agreed. My 10 year old niece goes to a private school where they have a programming class that teaches kids how to use MIT's Scratch to make simple video games (designed for kids). And she loves it, spends way more time than her brother making all kinds of stuff. Her and her friends made a little web store to sell crafts to friends/family, that's where it starts.
Created by Anna BW who works for Newshub politics
MIT has a tool called Scratch that’s perfect for starting kids in the logic of coding, give it a look here https://scratch.mit.edu they also have a ton of educational resources and step by step stuff to learn with.
I'd like to suggest something different from people here. It may not help much with anxiety but it may make your life and your daughters' happier. You have to spend some time each day to take care of yourself. It could be 20 minutes to an hour of taking your daughters on a walk through nature or playing video games with them. You and them will have that to look forward to each day and it'll make each day better. It could even be something educational like the Scratch programming language (https://scratch.mit.edu/) or something like soccer or board games.
It presents an incredibly low-friction experience for people who really do JUST want to make A game for whatever reason. It also appeals to people who are intimidated by the mainstream free engines like Unity or UE4.
It's a whole different world outside of the programmer mindset of these things. I taught an intro for non-majors class for a while trying various means, but the one that worked was a Buildbox-tier edu programming package from MIT:
Lots of people are curious about programming right now because of all the media attention on high tech salaries. Lots of people want to make games because that seems like the most entertaining thing you could do with programming. Other people just want to make games and don't care about how. Most of them don't really care about the final product. They just like making the game. At the Buildbox level, it requires almost no thought at all, so people who just want an alternative activity to do for a few months at night instead of watching TV are drawn to them.
A slow trickle of them end up loving all of it, and game dev gains more great contributors. Most of the rest are happy going about their lives and occasionally showing someone their rudimentary game. It doesn't normally hurt anyone in particular, but now one of the bottom tier "feeder" engines has turned predatory as hell, thus this current situation.
I love this idea and recommend python. Intro courses often have you setting up logic for simple games and it’s so satisfying to figure it out!
If you’re really unsure about or intimidated by programming in general Scratch, is a fun route to go!
Scratch is like a visual programming language. You drag and drop boxes with variables and programming structures to make a program.
"With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.
Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century."
Scratch is a programming environment made for kids https://scratch.mit.edu/
Later your cousin can go onto slightly harder topics like Haskell Foldables. Just kidding. There's a book called Realm of racket that I've read someone used for non programmers and said had great results.
We used Scratch in my Programming Fundamentals class, before moving on to Python. I used to think Scratch was for children, and it can be. But Don't think that you can't do something legit stuff with it.
Super Mario Kart SNES
You're not alone though. It may be an extreme example, but I see this all the time. It doesn't bother me as much as some others because you aren't assuming to make a vast or complex game out the gate, a genre is general enough.
The right answer is always "just pick an engine, an art tool, and get started." The engine will dictate many of the terms. To reach the point where you can make a complex 3D game, I would say it'd typically take someone a couple years to wrap their brain around art, programming, and generally just using the tools and engine; depending heavily on what your goals are.
If you have never programmed a computer before, go do Harvard's CS50 online- at least the first few lectures... It's free, and that's some important info. The first thing you do is make a small game in a visual programming language called Scratch, you can do that in a couple days and say you've made a game.
Here's the one I made in 4-6 hours, but I already knew most of the basics.
I think Duolingo is very good as a course. Just check out the comments whenever you don't understand something, ask questions there or see them already answered. You can also look up other websites for more information on particular grammar topics (just hit Google).
Other than that, you might need to look for vocabularly in other places. Anki is a nice flashcard app for mobile phones, and memrise has such too. BaBaDum is also very nice.
And of course: reading, reading, reading. Although you have started reading, I would recommend „Gerda malaperis“ — it is specifically designed for komencantoj, it is easy to read and relatively short (less than 50 pages). You will mostly understand the words you don't already know by context, and you'll see the grammar and word order used in interesting ways.
Good luck!
Your right, the set of possible movies in chess is far greater than in hearthstone, it is a harder game to play, much harder.
Mercifully, however, chess doesn't have any "If a bishop moves next to a peon, that peon can move twice in one turn" shenanigans. (Thought I just remembered en passant)
The ugliest thing about making AI for hearthstone is that your brute force analysis has to do two things:
Understand what every card does and exactly how hearthstone plays them out in order to simulate the results of an action (eg. knowing that playing warsong commander gives all your subsequently played minions charge) and...
Differentiate the subjective value of board positions at the end result of each play.
Don't underestimate this kind of work. This is hard. I'd rather write AI for games like http://robocode.sourceforge.net/
which I have.
and wait to you get a load of the crazy branching predictive models in use there. MAH GOD.
Scratch is a great way to start programming. It's not just for kids.
Here's the official tutorial page, which shows what's possible in a variety of simple projects. Anyone who masters Scratch will find it relatively simple to learn a language used in professional software development.
Programming is programming.
For a 12 year old I would recommend Scratch. https://scratch.mit.edu/
It's a simple programming language and website where you can share games and projects. You can also make art right inside the program. A lot of kids I know don't even really program in it, they just make art and share it.
Your son might be close to the precipice of not enjoying scratch anymore (the audience is fairly young), but I bet it'd be a good starting point.
Medium Effort/Investment:
Dedicated Effort/Investment:
As you have discovered, Memrise is indeed basically a flashcard/SRS app. It's great for teaching you vocabulary and for reinforcing the rules that you have already learned elsewhere.
There are some good youtube channels for learning European portuguese. They're mostly designed to complement paid courses run by various people. Search for things like:
talk the streets
learn european portuguese online
portuguese lab
For a quick basic intro to some vocabulary, and nothing else, https://babadum.com/ is fun.
If you want to try a book, Basic Portuguese by Sue Tyson-Ward is excellent for absolute beginners. As is the audio course by Michel Thomas. Avoid the Pimsleur audio course as it's not so good.
Have you ever tried Lumosity? - It's been helping me clear out the "brain fog" in the morning.
From what I've researched it is possible to relieve symptoms through cognitive training. CBT is a form of cognitive training that has the ability to change brain chemistry. It just takes a loooooong time.
Ahhhh... don't think it was open world but wasn't there an Orca game on the old school Sega? Tried Googling it but no luck. Maybe I'm thinking of Echo. Did find this though:
Tipp10 is my go to. It's free and a portable version is available, too. The German version of Consumer Reports once compared it to a bunch of paid programs and it was better than any commercial software they tested.
Java, dude.
Good object-oriented language with a lot more consistency and a less unneeded complexity than C++. No need to expose beginners to the ridiculously ugly and inconsistent browser/HTML/CSS mess just yet.
EDIT: And good little platforms for introduction. Check out Greenfoot and RoboCode.
EDIT: Another point: learn the language and you are at least halfway to creating Android apps!
Hear! Hear!
Like the guy who said it should only take a week for a programmer to add multiplayer to NMS because the game already knows all about your position and direction and stuff so all (s)he needs to do is send the information over the internet. facepalm
But we're in the instant-gratification society. Things have to happen NOW, or else!
Anybody serious should have a quick play with one of the game-generation toolkits out there. Or try Scratch - a completely graphical click-and-play environment - and use it to make Pong or Space Invaders and see how non-trivial even that is. Now imagine doing it from scratch (pun not intended) and making it work online.
There are a few web and mobile games based off of the Falcon 9's landing characteristics out there these days for anyone who wants to get a more direct 'feel' for how their landing technique works and how challenging it really is. Take a stab at this one.
Programming is something people take years to learn, and some concepts go beyond knowing the language rules (maths, algorithms, etc).
If you know these concepts beforehand, taking up a new language is something to be done in hours or a few days, but if you're learning to program from the very beginning, it will take much longer!
I can relate to your feelings, but think about it this way: if you're at any stage of learning something, there is an infinite amount of people that haven't even started learning what you already know. As there will always be those who know way more than you'll ever know. What matters is that you follow your own course, try to keep a steady learning rhythm (not easy if it's not an habit already), and cut yourself some slack. Learning is not an event, it is a continuous, never ending process.
If you're having trouble with a specific language, try to learn the basic concepts first. Study algorithms, try a more simple language where you can gather these concepts and move on to a more advanced language once you know the basics.
Don't give up! Best of luck.
Check out Scratch or other learning language to understand and experiment with the algorithms.
Sort of a joke, but brings up a good point: you say “learn from scratch” but my first “hacking” experience was learning how to put blocks where they don’t normally go by editing the project JSON in scratch
It's always cool to see childrens interrested in Game developpement !
My best advice would be to show him Scratch :
https://scratch.mit.edu/parents/ (for more info)
This is probably the best way to really introduce him to the world of gamedev ! Have fun !
I couldn't get a good picture of this one because there was too much glare on my ipad, but this was the second puzzle of the first exile: Wes and Casey vs Danny and Ev.
Again, this one isn't that hard, but you saw that both Casey and Ev immediately started grabbing sticks, which meant that they couldn't put them back if they were wrong. If they slowed down and thought about it, they might have gotten it, but again, it's hard to do puzzles when you're stressed and running!
I made a little Scratch program to let you try it out, which you can find here. You can also look here for the solution!
My friend made a really good story-based platformer, but it was only on the front page for less than a day before it got drowned out by generic platformers
Scratch !
We also introduced coding by having kids explain how to make a sandwich. But you literally do only what they tell you. Then we explained that computers use code to know what to do, but you have to be specific and accurate with your steps.
> Scratch is a free educational programming language that was developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with over 29 million registered users and 33 million shared projects. It is geared towards kids ages to 8-16 and grades 2nd grade to high school. > > Scratch is designed to be fun, educational, and easy to learn. It has tools for creating interactive stories, games, art, simulations, and more, using block-based programming. Scratch even has its own paint editor and sound editor built-in. > > Users program in Scratch by dragging blocks from the block palette and attaching them to other blocks like a jigsaw puzzle. Structures of multiple blocks are called scripts. This method of programming (building code with blocks) is referred to as "drag-and-drop programming". > > The URL of the Scratch Website is https://scratch.mit.edu.
It might be a hardware issue as some keyboards have limitations on how many keystrokes can be pressed simultaneously. Test your keyboard in other applications, or do an online test like this one.
Edit: This is called keyboard ghosting as /u/megatheme mentions.
Reminds me of Alice, which is the program we used in my first programming class. It is the glitchiest, most disorganized, convoluted, and unreliable software I have ever used.
The first result on Google is this video, which corroborate the recipe posted here. Equal parts vodka, rum, gin, and blue curacao, two parts sweet and sour mix, topped with lemonade. Sounds terrible in my opinion, but different strokes, etc!
This person obviously lacks the creativity and insight required to make coding valuable and worthwhile. They also talk about it as if they don't know anything about it.
"Product Managers should be able to just make the app do what it’s supposed to do, without knowing how to code at all. The only thing a company should be creating are the things that make their product unique. Everything else has already been built in other apps and should be reused."
The idealism is cute, but nothing more. I always strive to do things that nobody has done before, that there aren't libraries for doing, or existing frameworks for. If you can't figure out how to do something that nobody has done before, you shouldn't be coding.
If you want to drag-and-drop an app then go make stuff using https://scratch.mit.edu/ and leave the real work up to the rest of us who know what coding is actually about.
It has to do with how anything is rendered. More specifically, how it's not rendered.
A game is rendered with each new frame going over the old one. You don't notice this as the entire screen is obviously filled with something, so every pixel is replaced with a new one. However, going outside a map in most games stops rendering things for obvious reasons. When you're looking outside the map, the only thing that it's rendering is your player model and anything it sees.
The reason for the "knife trail" is that it renders the frame of the knife at that position, but there is no longer anything there to render over it, so it stays there. Similarly the glowing white in the background is due to it rendering a transparency. With each frame it stacks and grows brighter as well as leaves a hue on the edges, which grows brighter and keeps on repeating until it no longer leaves a faded white on the edges.
For better understanding, imagine you have a stack of papers. For each frame, you put the paper over the other one and it completely covers it. However you have some paper that's not a full sheet. If you put the paper in the top right corner, your're going to see the rest of the paper behind it that you didn't cover. If you move it over a bit, you're going to see whatever's behind it that it's not covering.
Best example if this happening elsewhere is the Windows XP error box, which you can see a simulation of here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/87659402/
Anyways I'm way to sleepy to shorten this wall of text, so sorry about that
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Aim towards using Scratch and S4A to program Arduino boards or something, but not a device that at best would be used as a reference tool and worst, a distraction.
I've had a lot of fun making games in Unreal Engine 4 with my 8yr old son. The games are not much (more like "Explore this world full of assets taken from demo levels"), but we are both learning at the same time. Since there is so much to do in making games, he is learning how to position assets, build terrain, etc., while I learn the game logic side. When we go on walks or whatever, we sometimes also record audio of birds chirping to put in the game, and mix it up with Audacity.
A great "learn to code" sight is Scratch. My son seems to like that site when he "pair programs" with another kid.
Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/fennec-fox
More Facts about Fennec Foxes;
Like other canids, male fennecs mark their territory with urine and become aggressive competitors when mating season arrives each year.
Fennec foxes are the smallest of the fox species ... but their ears can grow to be half the size of their bodies.
Their distinctive, batlike ears radiate body heat and help keep the foxes cool. They also have long, thick hair that insulates them during cold nights and protects them from hot sun during the day.
Joke of the Day: What do you call a fox with a carrot in each ear?
Anything you want because he can't hear you!
Bubble Wrap, if you are bored: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/64798962/
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/214410832/ it's a type of game where it's constantly expanded on but i haven't really worked on it in a while cause of burnout. but i think it might be one of the best rpgs in scratch.
Sorry, but no. This is easy. I made the same thing but without the right sprites or sound. Switch the sprites and sound and change the timing of the arrow to match roundabout and it would be the same. Most of the effort here was getting the sprites. My shitty sprite version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/402589557
Yes. I can not find it either using CMD+F tricks, now i must switch to Google-jitsu. Will update if found.
Update #1 found this simulation on Scratch, though it's not exactly what we were looking for.
UPDATE #2: FOUND IT! Wait for a bit when the page loads, it might take a while to jump to the comment.
This game appears to have the cinematics made with Carnegie Melon's Alice project. Anyone ever use that in an Intro to Computer Programming class?
The UI is also just terrible, big and clunky. Acting is sub-par from what I saw, and the story seems un-original. Those are my impressions from watching a one and a half minute video.
EDIT: I also didn't know iOS meant Windows 98, Debbie's My Little Pet Shop looked better than this. There are HD iOS and Android games that look on par with current gen consoles xD.
Yo tendria un enfoque muy distinto. En una primer etapa familiarizaria a los estudiantes controlando robots, autitos y maquinas. Me refiero a usar dispositivos fisicos en lugar de una pantalla y un teclado que no llaman mucho la atencion. Tampoco empezaria con algoritmos mas alla de simples comandos o instrucciones y las tipicas estructuras de control if/for/while/until para hacer cosas basicas.
Luego de esta familiarizacion yo enseñaria como hacer juegos. Alice 3D o Scratch irian bien. Hay que minimizar lo maximo posible la friccion y frustracion que producen lenguajes complicados o etapas de compilacion. En este sentido Python me gusta por su sintaxis minima y sus poderosas librerias. Para mas avanzados C# con Visual Studio resulta muy poderoso y rapido para etapas posteriores.
Mucho despues yo formalizaria y estudiaria lenguajes y algoritmos mas complejos.
I did some evolutionary programming for a university module.
We did it on something called Robocode check it out if you want to learn more or if you want to do it yourself (there are a few tutorials around that can get you started it isn't actually that complex).
I might be biased, but programming is really cool and if you're already tempted, try it, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Python is a very good language to learn, but it also allows to make very nice applications or even small games. I'm a C++ programmer btw so I'm not a Python evangelist, I like C++ a lot but I'd never advise someone to start with that.
In the end, the most important is just to understand how the code logic works. In that matter, MIT has done an incredible app that helps to learn how to code: https://scratch.mit.edu/. I've tested it, it's really fun and visual.
It's the wrong tune entirely for a start...
English alphabet song (no idea what the tune is based on)
Yank alphabet song (twinkle twinkle)
I was taught the former but teachers have been trying to make the latter version work with 'zed' for decades now. They should just give up already, it's not going to happen.
I did it, and so can you! I wrote the following code and it's blowing up online! I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars with computer science! It's so easy! See you guys in SF! /s
There are programming languages specifically designed for children to learn which address the lack of prerequisites and often will teach children the necessary concepts along side the act of "coding"
Generally they'll drag and drop code blocks or use some other GUI to aid in the process eg: https://scratch.mit.edu/
Det finns många olika språk/program som inriktar sig till en yngre målgrupp där koden inte är i fokus utan snarare tillvägagångssättet och tänkandet. Det mest populära är nog Scratch.
The problem is that this would be completely useless for any program big enough to do anything useful. The number of steps involved in doing even basic applications are large enough that your flowchart would be very, very big and fairly incomprehensible.
I used to work for a company that had a development environment (for their internal proprietary language) where visual programming like this was possible. They dropped the functionality eventually, because although it was cool for demos to prospective customers, nobody actually used it for anything.
There was a simple program that did something with DNS lookups, written in this flowchart editor. Someone printed it out and stuck it on the wall. It took up about 12 x 12 feet of paper and looked like an explosion in a circuit diagram factory.
This isn't to say the approach is without merit altogether. For example scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/) uses this approach to teach kids some of the the fundamentals of code. It's quite fun to play with but you wouldn't want to write a word processor in it. The reason that it's useful for kids is that a lot of the blocks are high level functions that have a lot of functionality hidden inside them, and only expose some parameters. This means it's somewhat inflexible in many ways. While you can make simple games for children fairly easily, you certainly wouldn't use it for general purpose programming.
They are 11 and 7, with primarily the older being involved. I totally agree with you on the benefits, I started them on Scratch a while back but the social aspect of Roblox (their friends play with them) makes it much more engaging for them.
I am also having fun playing around with Studio, I might have gotten a bit carried away with the conveyor. :)
I think so. 7 is a bit young, but maybe if you read along with them, they could get into it. I'd also recommend Scratch, and I have free videos and a book for that here: https://inventwithscratch.com
MIT developed a language called scratch which is an open sourced animation based programming learn to do program.
There are different flavors... but I linked to the most common one and this is an excellent aide for your 8 year.
It sets your child up with the basics of programming very well.
Lightbot (iOS, £2.29)
A great game that introduces people to the basics of programming. You guide a robot around an area turning lights on and off using the available commands. Contains five categories - basics, procedures, overloading, loops, and conditionals - each with several levels within. Levels start off easy and get progressively more challenging. A sixth category contains the hardest challenges.
A free online version (for the Hour of Code) can be found here.
Tiuj vortoj de la tago ne estas utilaj. Ofte la vortoj estas evidentaj, aŭ malutilaj. Kaj ili neniam ekigas diskuton. Mi estas por forigi ilin. Multe pli utilas uzi BaBaDum dum kelkaj sekundoj ol vidi tian afiŝon ĉiutage.
Seeing the sensors and cannons, it reminds me of http://robocode.sourceforge.net/ which is a "pvp" version of that but with same tanks (not sure if you can have different ones on your version) and using Java.
If it helps at all, I took OP's sheet and created a set of flashcards, available here:
Obviously the test is open notes. I suggest skimming the BJCP style guidelines. These are an online or offline set of guidelines of a beer's characteristics which are helpful to know when you are a CBS, but for the test, these are definite answers you can refer to for easy points.
This page of flashcards is clearly someone's lifted answers from the exam, although it's clearly some years old and not an automatic pass. Use them as a study point.
The test is fairly spread out, don't trip up on the 10-question "practice exam" being so hard. You can always look things up during the test, but please, if you are doing this test for work experience, at least know the bulk of the test.
Know the cleaning system for most bars, the three-tier system, BJCP lookup, off-flavors, some pairings, kegging at a bar, and some beer history. It's not a hard test to fail, but I studied kind of hard and got a 95%. If any of this is innate either from homebrewing or being from the scene long enough it shouldn't be hard-- I took mine a few drinks in during some playoffs, otherwise buy a dollar notebook and take lots of notes!!
I'm just gonna leave this image here. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
PS: I don't have a Scratch account handy, could someone report this one for me?
PPS: Well, looks like someone slayed the pervert. You still have the image though.
If anyone still needs an explanation, it was your run-of-the-mill remix of Dress Up Tera but with there only being a black bikini and the greetings text changed to "ooo baby you turn me on".
Most of them, but that isn't the point. Learning to program, if done right, is not about learning a particular language. It should be about learning to break down a problem and think in a systematic and logical way. Young kids wouldn't be learning any language at all, it would be visual drag and drop programming in something like Scratch. Check out the Ted Talk on the Scratch page.
Geralmente, principalmente para crianças, você utiliza formas visuais ao tentar ensinar programação. Bem provável que se ensinam mesmo é com Scratch ou algo parecido, mas eu li por aí que até mesmo Python e Java eles ensinam... ou tentam.
Edit: realmente, pelo que diz no projeto eles ensinam com Squeak(que é mais ou menos parecido com o Scratch) e acho que conforme o progresso escolar sobem para linguagens reais, que dizem ser Python e Javascript. Se for verdade então eles realmente aprendem programação.
Source: https://blog.nature.org/science/2018/01/22/meet-the-takin-the-largest-mammal-youve-never-heard-of/ (Paragraph 8)
Fun Bubble Wrap: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/64798962/
Joke Time: Did you hear about the racing snail who got rid of his shell? He thought it would make him faster, but it just made him sluggish.
Thank you all so much for 80,000 karma! I never could’ve made it this far without you guys liking my posts. <3
If you really want to ease him into it, there's a tool called Scratch that might be worth checking out. It replaces handwritten syntax with drag and drop commands so it's somewhat limited in what you can build (I don't think he'll be able to build a game mod) but it's a great way for beginners, especially kids, to learn about variables, operators, flow control, etc in a way that's a little less intimidating than traditional programming.
congrats, you (pretty much) did it ;)
It was actually:
"To everyone who can decode this, you should go to project four one one eight zero five nine five seven on scratch for a converter I made that converts text to emojis."
Now go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/411805957!
At the very most general level, programming would really consist of
The reasoning skill behind programming is therefore not at all different from almost all mathematical problems. Math pretty much does the same thing. The main difference is, of course, repeated action is done very quickly by a computer whereas doing things by hand is tedious. Most of the reasoning skill required is based on "binary logic" which is a fancy term to say breaking down big problems into TRUE/FALSE or YES/NO series of questions/actions.
If you feel you are an absolute beginner, try something like SCRATCH. If this feels too simple for your level, PYTHON is a nice next step. If you really want to dig deeper into programming C and C++ is also good but has a steeper learning curve. There are quite a number of free Python and C online tools/environments. There are other tools that are more specialized, for example focused on math, like MATLAB, or simulation. Others might be focused on AI/neural networks. Generally though a good foundation in programming basics would be the recommended path (might take a few months to a year) before embarking on a deep dive.
Scrum y Agile no son lenguajes de programacion, sino metodologias de desarrollo en grupo. Angular es una "libreria" para Javascript, y si, C++ y Javascript son lenguajes de programacion, uno para hacer aplicaciones que corren directamente en tu maquina, otra para correr cosas en tu navegador web (y en servidores tambien).
Que te recomiendo? Despacio por las piedras.
Una idea podria ser hacerte algun tutorial de python, que te va a dar algunos conceptos basicos de programacion, y es uno de los lenguajes para los que se pide personal. Y de ahi podes aprender, ya con los conceptos mas basicos ya formados, alguna otra cosa que veas que se pida mucho.
Por otro lado, ya que ya trabajas en una empresa de TI, tambien podrias interiorizarte con lo que usan ahi, y empezar a aprender por ese lado, tus compañeros te pueden guiar, te pueden contratar/hacer de pasante o lo que sea y si salis bueno tal vez tengas un potencial empleo donde ya te conocen.
Si no estas muy urgido, tal vez una cosa que te puede ayudar con algunos conceptos basicos, basicos, podria ser Scratch, es medio para que los chicos aprendan, pero puede servir para darte alguna idea inicial y que le pierdas el miedo.
Otro enfoque de baja carga es aprender html, y javascript. De ahi podes saltar a Angular, React u otros, o a meterte con nodejs a programacion del lado del servidor.
This was exactly the comment I was going to post. Scratch is designed for 8 to 16 year olds (though in my experience teaching, young people want to move on to "real" text-based programming languages around 14 or younger). It is perfect for that; it's graphical, has a short feedback loop, and makes doing simple things simple.
I wouldn't use the snap-together blocks interface for actual programs though: I created a human-vs-computer tic tac toe game in Scratch and the code grew so long that it was a huge pain moving code blocks around with a mouse.
I know a lot of programmer types who want to teach their kids to code, and have forgotten how intimidating and discouraging it can be. Scratch's brilliance is that it found a great balance between approachable while still being actual programming (and not just configuring some game creation kit program). But thinking that "visual programming" will make coding easier is just rehashing the whole "code in UML" thing from twenty years ago.
The only people who can help you with the ban are the Scratch Team. Here's where you can write them: https://scratch.mit.edu/contact-us/
If you practice self-harm, please talk to the people close to you and seek help from a medical professional. It's a destructive habit and I don't want you to miss out on opportunities that life presents to you. I have depression myself, but it's not something that you can allow yourself to be controlled by.
Scratch is a language designed to help teach kids programming, aimed at kids 8-16 primarily. For a language that's used for real-world programming as well, I would say python, perhaps with this python for kids book from No Starch Press, a quality tech book publisher.
Ultimately it's not the particular language that's important but learning programming concepts. Picking up a second, third, etc programming language is not nearly as hard as learning the first.
I remember having a lot of fun playing the web version a while back. My brother even met the developer in person. It's cool to see this game available for Android.
Simple coding is not really all that complicated. I assume they won't be starting them on C or something similar. Scratch would be a great place to start kids and Python's simple syntax would be great for teenagers. I started coding when I was around 8 and starting at a young age is definitely one of the things that has helped me more in life than anything else. When I learned I wasn't using an IDE nearly as powerful as one's commonly available today which are great for pointing out your missing semi-colons and brackets.
Whether the language is C or Python, the basic concepts are the same. The main difference is often how much low-level system access you get and how efficient it can be.
Building a pc from parts is something a simple internet search should teach the average person how to do. Installing an OS is also a pretty straight forward process, even with many modern Linux distros.
Sounds like it's your keyboard ghosting. You can test this in a text imput field, try holding down, a, then s, then d, then f, and see how many you can do at the same time. For instance, my keyboard can only handle 4 inputs at the same time, and it looks like this when I do it: asdfff. It sounds like yours might be 3, so you might get asdddd when you do it.
EDIT: actually ghosting isn't really as simple as I put it, but you can use this tool to see if ghosting on your keyboard is what's causing the problem. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/20966625/
Haven't heard of your example, but the MIT-developed "Scratch" is supposed to be a very good resource for learning to program, particularly for children. Adults can also learn from it; Scratch is included in Harvard's CS50 curriculum.