Do yourself a favor and just use this. Now, what will you do with all that extra time you saved not looking up stupid stop errors? More reddit, I guess?
make sure you have minidumps turned on, then feed them into BsodView once a new bluescreen shows up. The application can then tell exactly what driver caused the exception. If it is a 3rd party driver, it is time to update that.
ntoskrnl (Windows core/kernel/brain) BSOD's usually point to a "kernel panic" from some internal fault in the OS, drivers, software, or a possible hardware error/issue.
Could be caused by anything from failing hardware, low voltages, bad drivers, bad overclocks, overheating, memory errors, software issues, etc.
Extremely hard to say anything helpful without crash logs/dump files or Event Viewer reports. Uploading a image from WhoCrashed or BlueScreenView may result in some better help diagnosing/resolving your BSOD's.
It's not very unusual, actually. Sound cards, like video cards, have always been potential culprits. What can help pinpoint it is a program like BlueScreeView.
As a counterpoint, I've been using an Asus sound card with no issues. I used to have occasional, once in a month, bluescreens in Windows 7 when I was gaming - and used to attribute them to RAM. But they disappeared after I switched to Windows 10. So now I think it was due to Radeon drivers for Windows 7. I even overclocked the RAM since then, and things are rock solid.
This tool has always been incredibly helpful to me for finding the causes of bluescreens, especially if it's a driver problem. Simply open it, select the latest dump (same date as the BS) and look in the lower panel what file has caused it. Google the file and the BS description ("Kernel_Security_Check_Error") and you should hopefully find someone else with the problem and a solution (or at least a cause).
First download Blue Screen View or Who Crashed to find out exactly what error(s) you're getting.
This list of bsod codes may also be useful if your system is overclocked.
Your first order of business is to discover and fix the thing that triggered the BSOD. BlueScreenView can help identify the cause.
If it said something like Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area, that's not a pagefile problem, that's a RAM problem that could mean a stick has gone pear-shaped.
The size of the page file is a distracting irrelevance.
Use BlueScreenView to identify what file or driver and what STOP code in the minidump caused the BSOD. Much easier than analyzing the dumps yourself.
Then you can use a simple application like BlueScreenView. I personally don't care when my computer has a BSOD if it displays an informative message, a smiley, or meatspin, since I'm just going to look at the minidump later anyway.
BSOD is a hardware/driver fault. Since Windows XP, the OS is build to prevent the software to interact directly with the hardware and thus preventing BSOD.
To understand what went wrong with your system do this after a BSOD.
Open: File -> Advanced Options
Bluescreen view: Options -> Lower Pane Mode -> Blue screen in XP style
I like Nirsoft's BlueScreenView over WinDBG in most cases. It's very easy/fast to use, and it shows which driver(s) are the likely culprit, as well as copy of the BSOD itself if you want to look up the stop codes.
Blue screens usually mean buggy drivers or (less often) hardware failure. A game itself shouldn't be able to cause one, especially not the installer.
It'd help if you could take a picture of the error, including the driver name and the error codes. Or something like BlueScreenView might be able to retrieve the details of past crashes.
Nuts to that. Granted it would be nice if the thing was a touch more helpful in those few seconds before going bye bye.
Also, I just thought you might not be able to use that tool if the computer is really hosed. Mmm, problem.
I post this a lot, but combine this page with BlueScreenView (a great utility that identifies the offending file/driver and STOP code in a BSOD), and it makes the job of troubleshooting a BSOD that much easier.
One of outdated drivers Lenovo provides. Check the BSOD with but it can be tricky to find the bad driver. Usually you need a full memory dump and use Microsoft Kernel Debugger to find the stuck IRP that points to the buggy driver.
This is a question for r/techsupport as it is not sysadmin related. Don't copy the .sys files from the a working system. If the .sys files are corrupted you should use sfc.exe /scannow to scan them and windows will automatically repair them. That or uninstall the driver, remove it from the driverstore and install a new driver from the manufacturer or windows update.
For troubleshooting bluescreen issues I recommend Nirsoft's BlueScreenView: It lets you see a history of all bluescreen and should point to the faulting module/driver. It's great for narrowing down the root cause.
Outdated Drivers can affect your PC performance. Check they are up to date, if not, update them. Hardware = PC Parts, check all of them are well fitted on your motherboard and none weak, weak parts, specially RAM use to provoke crashes.
You can try Blue Screen viewer.. It will scan, show you the last BSODs, and what caused it, if it was a Driver just update it or revert it to a previous version.
Maybe run a full security Scan, some viruses and softwares use to interfer with your processes and provoke crashes. And most of them activate once you run something.
Otherwise, if FFXIV used to work before, you could try a System Restore, but as last resource because if it revert to a really old date you could lose ton of stuff.
That is a blue screen of death and the error it is showing is normally caused by an incorrect driver or sometimes by software such as AV/Firewalls.
Try running Blue Screen Viewer here and look at the latest crash and see what dll or exe caused it and you will have a better idea of the cause.
edit : direct download here
Have you looked into the the temps of your GPU or CPU during the times that it crashes, or checked the Windows crash logs? Both of those could be very helpful in tracking down what is causing the crash.
That BSOD is more often caused by drivers/hardware than games itselves, so from the name I'd doubt HW would fix that issue. You'd need some more information about that (like where/which file caused the violation, how long after system was boot up etc., a good tool for this if BlueScreenView).
Rarely, it can also be a problem for overclocking your CPU, but often it's some bad drivers/old versions, or things like some "smart" keyboard (expensive gaming macro capable)/headset (7.1 USB) with wrong drivers/unsupported drivers for Win 8 / put in USB 3.0 port (I've often noticed that some devices don't really work well in 3.0, mostly the ones I listed, other-than-generic keyboards and USB headsets).
STOP x24 is most often a damaged file system. In this case, the first thing you want to do is backup your data if you haven't already as this can be caused by the beginnings of hardware failure.
As for the other codes:
x00000000001904b points to ntfs.sys, another filesystem error
xFFFFF88006f3dc88 - no results
xfffff88006f3d4e0 - no results
xfffff80003aee3c9 - no results
So, it looks like filesystem problem, so, like I said, backup anything important. Then, boot up and run BlueScreenView, and then post a screenshot of the result to /r/techsupport or the #techsupport IRC chat. They'll be able to help you further from there.
Most of the time when I get problems like that it's due to RAM. If you have more than one stick, just take one out see if it works, if it still fails, put it back in and take out the other chip and see if it also fails.
The system might also be writing minidump files when the system encounters these crashes, I use this program from NirSoft - it's a BSOD Viewer to see whats been failing. Works wonders when I trouble shoot random crashes at work.
I know these problems are never fun, good luck.
Auch 69° können u.U. schon zuviel sein. Ich hatte mal eine CPU mit Standard Boxed Lüfter, der bei höherer Belastung ausstieg, Temperatur ungefähr 60-65°.
Im Bios runtergetacktet, tada, lief er stabil durch. Hochgetaktet, neuer Lüfter drauf, lief auch rund. Grade bei der... "Konstruktion" und der Aussage "selbstgebauter Lüftermount" ....
Kühlpaste ist aber drauf, ja? ;)
Hast du den Bluscreen genau ausgelesen? BluescreenView hilft da, weil etwas detailreicher.
Ansonsten weiß ich leider nichts, der Windows Event Log ist bei Systemabstürzen normalerweise unnütz, die kryptischen Fehlercodes kann man mit viel Glück gelöst bei Google finden, aber hofft halt auch garnix passendes.
Information points to error 0x116 being a video card issue. First download the latest video card drivers from Nvidia, or try earlier oones if you have the latest already.
If you've recently purchased your video card, you should send it back for an exchange/return.
If you want to do a little investigating, there is a program called Blue screen view which will give more information about the cause of the error.
Do you see that stop error code? 0x24? Next time this happens log that code for future reference, tech support needs this. It seems the issue may be disk corruption.
Second, you may get better help in /r/techsupport.
Third, there is a program(BlueScreenView) to read dump files which may give the source of your issue.
Whatever is failing might be generating a dump file which can tell you exactly what's causing the problem. Download and run BlueScreenView. If any dump files were created at the time of the blue screen, it should list the file that caused it.
Run Bluescreenview. Hope that it points to a driver. If it does, update it and you're done. If something else, running an "sfc /scannow" in a command prompt might fix it. It's hard to tell without something to parse the dump file first though like Bluescreenview.
In System Properties, Advanced, Startup and Recovery, Change the memory dumps to Small "minidumps"
Then download bluscreenview from here.
Make the server crash a few times, then load bluescreenview. It'll try to point to a specific driver causing the crazyness. If the crash reasons are seemingly random, then yes more hardware tests/replacements are needed.
Download and run BlueScreenView from this link:
And then provide me with the BlueScreen Code and the driver that caused the blue screen. Then I'll be able to help you troubleshoot.
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD Error that is indeed a Driver issue.
I would first make sure that you have it connected to a USB 2 port and not USB 3. Next I would recommend that you go disconnect the ddj sx and into Device Manager and Uninstall the driver, reboot and reinstall the driver, shutdown the system and connect ddj back up then start the system up.
If after doing all this the error still occurs, my last recourse would be to install Traktor then VirtualDJ and see if these applications cause the same problem. If all applications cause the same error, then you know for a fact that something is wrong with the driver on the system and I would then contact Pioneer about the problem. BlueScreenView will give you a quick Report of the BSOD Error so that you have something to hand over to their support.
I'm there more often than not - but PM me first and I'll make sure I turn up.
My know-nothing guess is that it's likely overheating or that the power supply is browning out. Certainly worth giving it a clean - especially the cpu cooler.
BlueScreenView will give you better information about your previous crash screens, it might provide something more specific to google for:
Use blue screen view to see if there are any dump files being created, sometimes windows blue screens without actually blue screening if you get what I mean If there's a dump file right click and select Google driver error or something like that. That should help you narrow down what's causing your issue.
No sé dónde estará en el satánico Windows 10, pero antes podrías desactivar el reinicio automático en Propiedades del Sistema (Windows-Pausa), Configuración Avanzada del Sistema, Inicio y Recuperación. Con eso, en vez de reiniciar te queda la BSOD (pantalla azul) y podés ver datos del error.
También podés usar el BlueScreenView para ver datos de BSODs que hayas tenido.
Por último recomiendo (como también lo recomiendan otros comentarios) tener algún monitor de temperatura por las dudas de que sólo sea casualidad lo de la actualización y en realidad tenga que ver con eso.
Download and run Bluescreenview from Nirsoft ( and see if the PC is actually bluescreening and what the fault error is.
On a side note, do you have an AMD GPU? I got random bluescreens until I updated the AMD drivers.
Did you try all these methods
Remove any/all external devices from your computer and see if the errors continue.
Update Firmware on any SSD drive that you may have installed
Then open a command line and type this
Then restart the computer
After that is done and the system is back.Open another command prompt as admin and type the following
SFC /scannow
Once that completes then go get this
When the DPC Watchdog Violation occurs on your Windows PC, there was a minidump file that was created and stored at C:\Windows\Minidump folder.
That should allow us to see what program/device is causing it (maybe) or at least a little better idea.
And a video with a few other methods
Easiset was is go get BlueScreenView and take a screenshot.
I've gotten a lot of "WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR" BSODs when tuning an overclock. Is that computer pre-overclocked?
I use this to take a look which driver causes problems:
I used it on Windows 7 when I was trying to figure out why on earth is my computer crashing - turns out on top-tier MSI gaming motherboard Roccat Kone Pure mouse just does not like to be in USB/eSATA combined port, and that board also does not like really cheapo Genius keyboard with USB hub. You just cannot explain those things. The utility works with Windows 10 as well.
I don't know if /r/techsupport has told you already but there is a useful tool called BlueScreenView. It will tell you what driver, service, or program is causing the crash.
It's no fix, but if you download and run BlueScreenView, it can give you details about the BSODs your system went through.
With that, you might get some insight for what may have caused it.
I don't want to be rude, but:
Want to know a fun fact about BSODs?
Just saying "I dun bluescreened" is of no help.
If you keep building a sandcastle and what to know why it keeps falling down, saying "it keeps falling down," doesn't help.
When it BSODs, it gives an error. If you miss it, you can use this program.
What you do, is you get the error/error code, put it into google and see what the MS article says. It will normally give suggestions as to what is causing it. It can normally be a bad driver or a faulty stick of ram (why haven't you just taken it back to Dell anyway?)
There is no point asking people on Reddit, as all they are going to do is get your error code, stick it into Google and see what comes up.
Alternatively, if you can't reproduce the issue and it doesn't happen again, what do you want to gain from this thread?
You probably won't get the best help in this subreddit, as BlueScreen crashes are caused primarily by hardware; in your case, likely the overheating GPU. Another issue I see is your specs barely meet the minimum specs listed on the website. If you want a more indepth answer, download something like this and send me a screenshot.
The event ID 41 is usually 75% chance a hw/loss of power problem and 25% chance sw.
Lets see if you have any dumps. Please download bluescreenview.
Run the program and if dumps are there, the last one it captured will be the first listed. Click on it and the stack trace will be listed in the panel below.
If you could screen cap that and post it, we can try to narrow down the cause.
If your computer is blue screening often or even every so often I would be possibly concerns that there is a deeper root issue that might be causing this space issue.
NirSoft has an excellent free program called BlueScreenView (, this program will read the Windows dump files that are created during a "blue screen of death," and provide information on what caused the error. If you can post this information it might be helpful to pinpoint the exact root cause of the blue screen and might help solve both the hard drive space issue and the random BSODs that are happening.
Edit: How big is your primary hard drive (C:\ drive)? Also do you a secondary hard drive in your machine?
Post a screenshot of the main overview of BlueScreenView so we can get an idea of the blue screens. Please ensure the four parameter columns are fully readable.
You should save the dmp file that's created on the blue screen. If you use windbg, you can check to see what happened exactly. However, BlueScreenView is an easier to use program for end-users than windbg is.
Experience, I feel, is the best teacher, here. The training was always too sanitized for me to really get a grasp on 'So, what if this doesn't work like it's supposed to.
Bluescreenview, as sketchy as it looks, has been really handy to better ID those system crash errors.
Google is also your friend for all those nearly similar error messages.
It makes more sense than you might think. I've seen a couple of strange crashes with the latest video drivers on machines without SP1 installed. The error has to do with releasing video resources, so this could be happening on your machine.
Post a screenshot of BlueScreenView so we can get an overview of the errors.
Soemthing else is going on with your system to cause the blue screens. You can download BlueScreenView and it can tell you what exactly is causing them.
To answer your question: I'd recommend qbittorrent or tixati (if your tracker supports it).
My money is on bad ram - the problem only appears when your ram is in heavy use.
However you will want to find the Stop Code of the bluescreen (it's a hex number but only the final 2 or 3 digits are relevant on this page the stop code is d1 which you can then search for on google).
First of all you want to find out what is actually causing the BSOD. Use this to view your BSOD messages and start searching the error message/code on Google.
Chances are you have some bad hardware or drivers, and for whatever reason you are tripping it up when running Python.
please download bluescreenview , it will allow us to analyze the dump file and see what is causing the issue.
can you download this and post a screenshot?
I'd like to also mention Bluescreen View ( While maybe not as robust as installing the debugging tools from Microsoft if you just need a quick view of a bunch of BSODs this tool is much easier to set up.
Download this:
You can view the properties of your latest BSOD and find the sys file that caused the crash. Once you find it, you can find out what driver the sys file belongs to and re-install it.
If you have Windows enabled to save your crash information in the minidump folder try using BlueScreenView to see what driver or system file caused the error.
As you said, it could be an issue with your SSD since there is a known firmware bug that affects Sandforce SF-2200 based SSDs. CPU-Z, PC Check by Eurosoft, inSSIDER, Orthos Stressprime, Atto HDD benchmark/tester, Trojan Remover by Simply Super Software
If the systems are not on an Active Directory then you'll want some sort of bootable CD or flashdrive that can reset Windows passwords.
"netsh int ip reset ipreset.log" and "netsh winsock reset" will be your friends from time to time also.
You can use BlueScreenView to analyze the bluescreen crashes if you have it set to make mini or memory dumps.
Give it a shot and see what it says
exactly the point. now you can actually read it.
If you can boot into MiniXP under Hirens you can also run this tool from a flash drive.
and for Vista/win7
and point to the appropriate folder.
BTW, get Hirens here:
Use Blue Screen View to provide relevant info on your crashes.
Most error codes have causes and solutions available on a quick Google search.
I bet Flash is the culprit and your video driver may be related.
Are you able to see the error message displayed by the BSoD? If not, and also for further information, please try using BSoD Viewer.
Also ensure that your minidumps are enabled.
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is almost always driver related. You can use BlueScreenView after you get the system rebooted and identify the offending drivers causing the BSOD.
If you continue to have problems, you might try wiping all drivers from the system using Driver Sweeper, rebooting, then installing from scratch.
EDIT: For URL formatting error
you're aware that integrated gpu uses your ram, right? fancy graphics = higher memory usage.
also, the pc shouldn't crash. it may slow down to a crawl due to swap usage, but it shouldn't bsod. if you have blue screens, use to determine what's going on.
I usually use Blue screen view to look at the dump files. It might give you a filename of the problem that you might be able to find the reason (or what driver/app to update).
If it's not waking from sleep, it could be that you're getting BCMPCIEDHD63 (network adapter) errors while in sleep mode. Check your Windows event log and report back. Also, use to check if you're getting BSODs while in sleep mode. Let me know and we'll troubleshoot from there.
Regarding having to "mash keys" to wake - except for the times it doesn't wake at all - does it wake quickly/normally if you just press the power button? I stopped trying to wake my Pocket with key presses long ago as it just requires too many presses. Not sure why, could be because the keyboard controller turns off/on the keyboard intermittently during sleep to save power or something.
Your probably looking more for /r/techsupport then here.
Though one thing you can do is check out Bluescreen View
It's a tool that will read your bluescreens and help you diagnose them. It basically brings the bluescreen up, lets you read what its about and then you can search the issue yourself.
Blue screens can be caused by a number of different things, including drivers and faulty hardware. Another thing you can do is download a program called Bluescreenview from here. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Download BlueScreen View (in zip file)". Extract it and run it and it will usually give you info on what is causing the BSOD. Then you can google what it tells you and get a better idea where the issue is. You can also post the results here so I can look into it further
You can bring the old bluescreen back with some registry tricks, or just by using Winaero Tweaker.
Besides, for many cases, the simple error code shown under Blue Smiley of Death is enough to point you at least at the general direction of the problem. When it's not enough, then BlueScreenView will tell you more about the error, as long as you have minidumps enabled (if not - Event Viewer, and you don't have to dive deep at all).
BlueScreenView: can show you the cause of a BSoD, such as which driver was the cause. Feel free to post follow ups if you're not sure what a particular component is.
Boot to Safe Mode. If it works in Safe Mode, you can try to disable various programs and services that load at startup and see if you can narrow down what is causing the Blue Screen.
If it still blue screens, boot to Safe Mode and uninstall anything new that you installed recently.
If it still blue screens, boot to Safe Mode and uninstall the latest Windows update and try to boot into Windows.
Boot Safe Mode with Networking and install Blue Screen View and see if it gives you any clue as to what is causing the problem:
I have a feeling uninstalling the latest one or two Windows updates will fix your problem.
You don't say which OS you are using, I assume Windows 7. To boot to Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking, restart the computer and tap the F8 key until you get to the Advanced Boot Options menu.
Before trying to RMA or do anything else drastic, we need more information about that is actually happening.
What specific bluescreen alert do you get? It will usually give you a name in all caps with underscores at the bottom like WATCHDOG_TIME_OUT or KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. I highly recommend you install BlueScreenView as it should tell you the details of your most recent bluescreens and also tell you which modules failed and where.
70* is nothing for a 7700k and 90* is toasty but well under the max spec from Intel of 100*. If that's as high as it gets then your problem isn't temperatures, and even if your CPU is getting too hot sometimes you likely wouldn't be seeing this problem anyways (the CPU throttles before it hurts itself, and if it still heats up somehow nearly every motherboard will completely shut down the system, not blue screen).
If you're not overclocking the processor, it's almost 100% safe to say that's not the problem because processors almost never go bad. Much more likely is your GPU or RAM, but the output of BlueScreenView will make it more clear.
For troubleshooting bluescreen issues I recommend Nirsoft's BlueScreenView: It lets you see a history of all bluescreen and should point to the faulting module/driver. It's great for narrowing down the root cause. Much easier than scanning through event logs.
You can run CrystalDiskInfo, it might show something about the drive's status.
When it blue screens there's a short message near the 2D bar code (Stop Code). Look at that message when it happens again, if it's one of the above messages you have a bad drive.
You can also try BlueScreenView, but often when the drive's bad it's unable to save the blue screen information.
A bad drive has to be replaced to restore your system to working order.
>my pc will completely just black out and restart
It could be crashing with a BSOD just too quick for you to see. Which can be caused by all sorts of issues, but usually a driver or bad device.
Try checking for the dumps with
This is the first thing that should be checked. I would recommend downloading a tool like BlueScreenView to read the minidump. It will often tell you the exact driver that caused the crash.
First thing that would help is the actual error code being given by the blue screen.
You can also download this which will scan your windows memory dumps from crashes and may help pinpoint the issue:
When you moved the machine to your coworkers office to test and it worked fine, did you make sure to plug into the same USB ports on the system for mouse and keyboard? Did you use your mouse and keyboard in there or theirs?
Don't use weird cables like the one you linked.
Also, the SSD disappearing from the system is a common SSD failure symptom that can cause the problems you describe. This will commonly give the blue screens SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and sometimes KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR. Especially the latter two are very typical for a storage subsystem failure.
Have quick look at your blue screen history with BlueScreenView. It may show these errors, or the system may not be able to write mini dumps because the SSD isn't available to store them when it crashes.
Is it still happening? If it is then download blue screen view and take a screenshot that might help to figure what is causing it, you can also try clearing the CMOS you'll find the instructions in your motherboard manual although I don't see that helping if you haven't messed with any BIOS settings but still give it a try.
What i can say directly is that it is not world of tanks that is faulty even if it happens only with that game. Have you inspected those dump files with this (for example) to narrow down your issue:
It could be your memory but then again, it could be something else too. Hardware issues are quite hard to find out. Download that software or something similar and start troubleshooting.
Did you try looking to see if the video card is compatible with Windows 10? Given the age of the laptop, i wouldnt be surprised if it is not.
Also, you can perform an analysis of that .dmp file
Nirsoft has some simplified tools for crash dump analysis.
Use at your own risk
We need to look at the mini dumps to see what's going on.
Look in the directory c:\windows\minidump. Are there any files there? If not, enable mini dumps (small memory dumps). If Windows crashes again it will create a mini dump we can analyze with a debugger. Copy (not move) the mini dumps to the desktop, zip them up and upload them somewhere were we can download them, post the link.
If you don't have mini dumps, maybe bluescreenview will show which driver is causing this. Post a screenshot if you need further help.
Download BSOD Viewer and see if you have any dump files that might explain a software (driver) issue. Otherwise it could be hardware related, just because you have a 1,000W (which is way overkill for your PC) PSU doesn't mean it's working 100%.
Are you aware of the logs generated during a crash? Digging through your Event Viewer for the Fatal event that kicked your system out is the first step of troubleshooting a crash that doesn't generate a BSOD. Combined with Google, you'll be able to hunt down some root causes. Alternatively, BlueScreenView is a neat utility that basically does it for you.
During your gaming, you really should be running a temp logging tool like MSI Afterburner or HWMonitor to see if you really are running into a thermal limit somewhere just before your system says "no", IF you think the shutdown is temperature-related. You should also familiarize yourself with the BIOS setting that controls your temperature shutdown.
The tools exist to troubleshoot this yourself, they're just a little scattered around.
Nirsoft is 100% legit:
But, if you take your pc to a shop they will use that or other programs or just recommend the nuclear format and re-install the drivers usually using some shitty version of IOdriverbooster or whatever is that crap called this week.
Download Blue Screen View and take a look at the dump files. Then just google whatever's causing the green screens. Can't guarantee a solution but at least you'll know what's causing it.
Hai provato a controllare esattamente gli errori dei bluescreen?
Se windows ha fatto in tempo a salvarlo (solitamente è così) li trovi in:
Puoi aprire questi files usando un tool che si chiama bluescreenview della nirsoft
Nirsoft's Blue Screen Viewer can give you more details and let you see a date and time stamp for each event, might help you see a pattern. One computer I have used it on I noticed it always had the BSOD around 9 am and 1 pm every day and that lead to us figuring out it was a system process.
Download and run this utility -
It'll show you the BSOD you're receiving and give you some ideas of what happened. Another option is to disable automatic restart on failure, so the BSOD will stay on the screen for you to read it.
Download and run this program to get more information about the blue screens:
What is your stop code or Bug Check String?
You said that everything was working fine until recently. Was any new hardware added since you switched GPU or any OS or driver updates?
How do you know your drivers are up to date? From checking in Device Manager or downloading from manufacturer's website?
>You can use registry to change your shell, too. But what if your frontend keeps crashing? You have to bring the keyboard once again, to run Explorer via Task Manager and figure out what's happening.
This shouldn't be happening. Why is your frontend crashing? If you're getting bluescreen errors, you can use something like BlueScreenView to determine the root cause, rather than just shooting in the dark. This sounds like user error, hardware issues, or driver conflict (see: user error). Crashes generally aren't "random," but have a cause.
>This reminds me of yet another weakness of Windows as an HTPC system: you absolutely MUST setup everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, before you get the whole thing running. You must know in advance which frontend you'll use, you must install everything you need before actually using your HTPC, you must know which video player you'll use....
Dude... I'm done. This is obviously an emotional issue of some sort. If you have an issue with this stuff, you're probably a prime candidate to just get a console and/or a Roku box and be done with it. Honestly this sounds like a layer 8 problem, and not an issue with the technicals.
What were you doing when you began getting blue screens?
Do you have errors in Event Viewer under System or Applications or system?
Use to parse dump file to find stop codes that might be helpful in troubleshooting
Video card is the lead suspect. You're having the issue when running graphics intensive software, and it was recently shipped in carry-on. First thing I would do is remove it from the equation
You can use bluescreenview to get more information about what your BSODs said
Write down the blue screen code and post it. You can also download a program called bluescreenview which will tell you what services/drivers were active when the pc crashed.
I will try to help the best i can with your blue screen error first i want you to download these two programs whocrashed and bluescreenview on your computer i promise these are not viruses or anything download who crashed from here and scroll down and click whocrashed and install it and click analyze these programs tell you what the blue screen error was caused by and what code it was and download bluescreenview from here and scroll down to the bottom and click download in zip file and the code that you are having which is MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION means is a type of computer hardware error that occurs when a computer's central processing unit detects a hardware problem. The error usually occurs due to failure or overstressing of hardware components where the error cannot be more specifically identified with a different error message. and CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT means the same thing hardware problem so download those two programs and tell me what they say about the bsod i hoped this helped please reply so that i can help you fix it after you give me more information about the bsod
This is a handy tool for finding crash logs along with memory dumps. It can sometimes point to a faulty driver causing issues. Similar info is available in the system log "41, 1001, 1003, 6008" are some event IDs to search as well.
I suggest using BlueScreenView to find out which component is causing these BSODs and posting it here.
DPC violations are very difficult to diagnose without knowing which component is responsible. It may be caused by a faulty disk controller driver that only manifests when otherwise unrelated hardware is installed.
The cpu isn't the bottleneck here, so I'd personally keep it to save on costs and put that money towards a better gpu and ssd.
You can find out which drivers or services are causing the blue screens with BlueScreenView.
check eventviewer. Use this to view the bluescreens. Maybe you see there the issue. Any Drivers Missing? All Drivers up to date ?
And pls give us your pc specs!!!
Have you overclocked the cpu? If so reset the bios and give it a few days on stock settings to see if it has solved the problem. If it does then its likely the overclock caused the issue so try a milder overclock the next time.
Did you get a bsod just before the reboot? If you did then download a bsod viewer program to let you look into what caused the problem Link: