Google Keep helps me empty my wallet faster whenever these little deals come around. There's even a little shopping list mode for notes that you can check off. It's handy because you can add things to it from your phone when you're out in the garage shooting detents into orbit.
I use Google Keep, since it's basically made for this purpose. I have my groceries list for instance, and I just check the boxes when I don't need an item (like once I've bought it), and uncheck them when I need those things again. Better than adding and removing them all the time.
Waking up as early as you can. Difficult for people, who like me, are night owls.
Then going straight to do exercise, either at the gym or outside. A strenuous cycle or run for 30 minutes. Then back for a shower and a good breakfast, like porridge with fruit. For some reason, this woke me the hell up and my day felt more fluid. I also had a bit of a stutter when I spoke, especially when I was nervous, and my voice sometimes broke at inopportune times - all this early morning exercise fixed that completely.
Drink a shit load of water, it makes you feel better, and just more "awake" and less groggy, this motivates you focus on your work.
If you can get into work at 8 - 8:30 am, lets say, 1-2 hours before everyone else, you get so much done before lunch. Do all the hard stuff that is tedious, then after lunch it's all coasting and easy stuff. Around 4-4:30pm, you can say to yourself "I've done enough for today" and clock out.
The key is to do some actual work, I honestly believe you can get like 3-5 hours of solid work done a day, the rest of the time is superfluous email reading, talking to people, meetings and other non-productive activities.
Come home, quick light snack to keep the blood sugar up. Relax a bit, reddit, reading, whatever.
What I do is alternate my exercise, I would cycle in morning, one day, then go in the evening to do lifting the other.
Write stuff down, do to do lists. I use Google Keep, really good little app. Have weekly plans, monthly, and so on.
There are some people that use Habit RPG, an app that turns your life into a RPG and gives you XP and rewards for doing habitual tasks. I think it's crap, because it's a bit childish, but some people swear by it.
Hold your horses! Gold? For my silly routine? Thank you :)
Here are the links to the two apps:
I appreciate you owning your part of the problem. A relationship is a boat and we all gotta paddle. You being able to self-recognize is a great trait in a parent.
If you both use Google, use keep - we have shared lists for groceries, another for household supplies needed, and another for "honey-do" items. If there's a big event or something we'll make one just for that. It's not timely like a calendar reminder but it keeps the list right by you and you can both see it - and both add to it and check off items.
There are more complex systems, but for my distractable self this has been the most consistently usable because it's just a simple list.
For some people a paper list or chalkboard works - if that is easier, do it. We tried a chalkboard in the kitchen but I never remembered to copy the list before I went to the store. It did work well for chore-type things.
One more thing. It's tough to be a parent, and sometimes it feels like everything has to be done at once or you'll irrecoverably mess up. Just remember - some balls are rubber, and some balls are glass. Rubber balls bounce. I say it to myself, and to my spouse, and my parent friends all the time.
God dammit, I can't tell if I have enough eggs or not from looking at the outside of the carton. First world stupid life hack problems.
Real LPT, I make my shopping list on Google Keep so that I can easily add things to it from my phone or computer. If I see a recipe online I can copy paste that recipe and get an instant shopping list (after deleting everything I already have). For example.
I see. May I suggest Google Keep? I have a huge jumbled mess of sticky notes on my desktop right now, and I've been slowly moving them over to Google Keep. I don't know if it's the right thing for that, but there you go anyway.
Well isn't this relatable.
I don't know what your situation is, but have you tried some form of task organization like sticky notes or ? I wasn't able to completely solve procrastination with that, but it at least gives me a place to refer back to if I need something to do.
Yea I wish they didn't kill of chrome apps. At least for now... you can sort of get around it.
For those that want to know how.
Visit your website like or perhaps a fan of
Click Chrome's menu button
Click More tools
Click Create Shortcut
Rename the page if needed and click Open as Window
Windows 10 at least will now recognize this as a sort of program an plop it in your startmenu. You can pin it and it will even have a separate icon of it's own on the taskbar.
You can open any website with the same look:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=
Other than the obvious reddit and gmail, Google Keep. It is the shiz.
It's basically like post-it notes, very simple and smooth, incredibly easy to organize. I keep notes about everything there - work, people I know, things I need to remember, great ideas, notes about writing projects, other projects, to-do lists, etc. The search function never fails me. The whole thing is very fast, clean, visual, and tidy.
I keep it open all the time because any time I think of something, I can just write it down immediately, instead of deciding where is the best place for it - email draft? this or that Word doc? Evernote? Just remember it in my head? Write it on real paper? No - everything goes in Keep. If I need to put it somewhere else later, I can find it superquick.
Everyone please start using it so they never get rid of it. I keep my brain in there.
Folosesc Google Keep, este o listă simplă care suportă subcategorii, în cazul în care vrei un minimum de grupare. Poți adăuga orice vrei ca freetext, inclusiv prețuri.
Dacă găsești ceva mai complex care este potrivit la cumpărături, lasă un comment pe aici, te rog.
I use Google Keep. I have a separate list/note for each publication, or individual projects, ideas, etc and some other topics like "Thesis", "Job Applications". Etc. Very simple to use and accessible from many devices.
How about using an intent.
Fill out the following data for the Send intent action
Action = android.intent.action.VIEW
Data = Go to keep on your browser --> select your shopping list and then copy the url. It will be something similar to . Paste this into the data field
Package =
Target = Activity
Leave everything else. This will then open the desired note, I just tested it myself on a random note I had in keep.
Test (56)
A1: Send Intent [ Action:android.intent.action.VIEW Cat:None Mime Type: Data: Extra: Extra: Extra: Class: Target:Activity ]
I'm cooking it so often.
Here's what it looks like :
Let me give you my own recipe:
Intregents: (doses up to you) >Rice >Onion >Garlic >Green,Yellow and Red Peppers >Tomatoes >Tomato Paste >Mushrooms >Green Peas >Vegetable Stock >Saffron or Turmeric
How to:
First you gotta soak your rices (on a slightly warm water about 15mins). Then put about 3 or 4 tablespoon of olive oil into a large frying pan. Chop the onions (one or two, depends on how many people you cook for) as small dices and mash the garlic (3 or 4 pieces). You can put the onions and garlic into the pan after the oil gets hot. Wait until them gets pinker then put the peppers. More colors of peppers makes your paella look much more beautiful.
Fill a small glass with hot water o put your saffron/turmeric innit (both works aight) Now it's turn of tomatoes! You can put a lil bit of hot water into the paste and mix it and put it into the pan. Slice the tomatoes into small cubes and put them into too.
Dry your rices. They go in. About 5 mins later your little glass of saffron goes in. You need to put about 3 glass of vegetable stock into the pan and start boiling all of them until the water evaporate. After water get evaporated, lower the heat a little bit and put shrooms and peas into your paella. You need the check it until the latest intregents gets cooked.
My advise is eat it with garlic yoghurt. Enjoy it!
Caffeine + thinking behavior + wellbutrin does it for me for everything I need.
My problem is starting the project at first. Simple projects I can do easily. But I have one project right now - a website. I cannot for the life of me start on it - because I've been searching for days for a good template I can put to use. I'm a perfectionist. It has to be perfect, fit my criteria 100% or it's a no go. Dammit.
Oh, and for ADHD - Google Apps is godsend. Docs, Drive, and Google Keep are great.
Anybody using Google Keep? For text notes it's what I'm using. My evernote is so full of crap that I saved over the last year that I can't even find anything in it anymore.
GroupAdd, browser, ahk_exe chrome.exe GroupAdd, browser, ahk_exe msedge.exe GroupAdd, browser, ahk_exe whale.exe return
+f4:: WinClose, ahk_group browser return
#IfWinActive, ahk_group browser !y::run chrome.exe !u::run chrome.exe !h::run #IfWinActive
Nested Labels ... a workaround:
Create a Pseudo Label Hierarchy.
Suggestions I've previously made ...
Use a personal label system such as e.g.:
Keep will maintain the labels alphabetically sorted.
WORKOUT Routine:
You could assign each exercise the appropriate tags(easy to do just type #) perhaps broken down by m/muscle e/exercise t/type
You can than easily list your desired exercises by clicking on the appropriate label.
If you wanted to list all glute exercises you can do without any weights (m.glutes & t.bodyweight) ... need to do this multilabel search in an Android web browser as(Search on Multiple Labels),t.bodyweight
[above link will of course only work once you've created those labels]
You can also create a hierarchy by inserting links in a note to other notes (obtaining the note urls from
Try going to App info and clearing storage data (cache and data). and then reopen the App.
Your notes won't be cleared, you can always access the web page at:
Google Keep, and Evernote might do the trick for you. Google Keep might have more of the board interface you're looking for though it is "cloud-based"
1) You can get the book and/or the access code from Barnes and Noble. You can either walk over there and pick them up yourself or order it online and have it delivered to the dorm post office.
If you go into SIS -> My Class Schedule -> Buy my books will bring you a nice list of books to buy. (Hint: You can probably find some online / other websites for cheaper)
2) You can always email the prof or just talk to them on Wednesday. Missing a class during add/drop week isn't the end of the world but don't expect the professor to repeat everything they already went over again.
3) As for any class pay attention and take notes that work for you. Mr. Butler is a nice guy and his class isn't too challenging.
4) Probably going to be a very small (if at all) part of your grade. You'll be fine.
5) ???
6) I use Google Keep to keep track of what I need to do and when things are due in a checklist. Otherwise Google Calendar / a planner / iCal are all options.
*) Welcome to College. Its a fast paced world out there but you'll get the hang of it.
> But, personal stuff? Could be good, I just use Google docs.
Eh' for notes and shit I just dump everything in I just wish they synced the Saves to Keep.
Worked almost like a charm. Only issue my note had a link like
But this would open the keep main window. BUT I repleaced #LIST in the link with #NOTE to mimic your link aaaand.... IT WORKED.
I'm gonna edit my OP to link this post. Is it possible to add a "solved" flair to this post?
Hey there, thanks for posting.
I'm able to reproduce this too, so it looks like a bug. No matter how many times I select "single column view", when I re-open it, it will default back to multi-column (likely based on the window size).
The Chromium tracker does indeed cover both the browser and operating system now, but it does not cover individual apps that aren't directly bundled with Chrome.
As of right now, the best place to send feedback to the Google Keep team is the feedback form on the web version.
> 1) Open > > 2) Open the left navigation panel (click on the word "Notes"). > > 3) At the bottom, click on "Feedback".
Please be sure to mention that you're talking about the Chrome App when writing your feedback report.
I've sent in feedback as well :)
You can also record sound with Google Keep, plus you can access it from the browser as well and its also synced to your Google account. app: browser:
Best android app for notes is the google one in my experience. Google keep. Basically a mini sticky note app, includes functions for checklists and such too, and syncs with your google account, so you can add/modify notes on your pc too.
Create a new label e.g.
... and don't use it.
In Keep WEB version bookmark:
[ or you could just bookmark ]
In Keep APP ...
... after opening the usual way, it needs an extra click on
in the Search box
[unless somebody knows how to pass arguments to an Android app via a shell command or use a macro such Tasker or MacroDroid]
i had some printouts from last week diff sizes but they were partly curled form being tossed into my backpack to take home from work. they would not scan unless i held them perfectly flat against my desk.
Also if you have google Keep installed try this on your android
add the QR.png saved from the website via long pressing on it on your phone or just right click save on a desktop computer (its larger than the pdf's and more clear vs screen shotting it)
go to or load the keep app on phone click a note or the + symbol
on desktop click the 4th icon under the words "take a note" to add an image, choose photo from your computer or on the phone from where you saved it and than in the corner once the image and "note" is displayed with the QR code hit the push pin button to "pin it" so it stays at the top of your notes.
on android hit the plus icon in google keep a new note will popup at the bottom left is another plus sign hit that and than hit 'add image' once you see the QR code is in the note hit the pushpin at the top to pin it.
now when you open keep on your phone it displays the QR code instantly, ive got a short cut to keep on my phones screen.
I always have a tab open
... to quickly copy & paste important stuff into when having lots of tabs open & switching between them.
It has saved me from losing my work on many occasions ( at worst Keep will have synched it & I can retrieve it)
Visit in Brave, click Main menu --> More tools --> Create Shortcut
. Use this newly created shortcuts to open Brave up to the site directly.
> the worst part is I had like 50 or so notes on the default Shelf notes app that i never backed up, all lost :'(
Google Keep, my dude
Syncs automatically to your Google account
It looks like the form:,how-to
will only allow two tags. Playing around with it if you change 253 to 254 it allowed me to search at least up to 4 tags.
> Todoist is for To-Do items.
I make a lot of lists that aren't to-do items. I've found that Google Keep is great for those, and so is Anylist, which was designed as a shopping list app but does lists for anything, and the free tier is extremely useful.
I don't have the same experience you are having. Notes are just tiles that you can move around and have in whatever order you want. If you move the order on a mobile device and you want to see that same order on your computer at then your mobile device needs to sync before the web app will know you have changed the order.
I use calendar events for things I am doing at a specific time. (Some people, especially when they're apt to be overwhelmed with calls/emails/ additionalwork, also mark out time in their calendar just to work uninterrupted.)
I use a Mac/iOS app called Due to give me loud, repeatable reminders about things I need to do. (I also use it as an alarm clock.) This is different from scheduled meetings - it could be a reminder to call someone, or to get ready to do something. (It's possible for me to miss a calendar alert, but not a Due alert - especially since you can configure it to repeat every x number of minutes until canceled or delayed.)
You don;t necessarily need a special app (there are millions) to make lists. You could use paper. Just find something that works for you and KEEP TRACK OF IT.
Personally I just happen to get along with the free multiplatform Google Keep site/app, because seeing multiple lists in their entirety, not hidden, just works for me. It's not that powerful or sophisticated (Todoist, for example, offers 2-way sync with Google Calendar for items that have due dates/times) but as long as I follow along, and update as necessary, it's useful.
First, be using Chrome and be signed into the browser with your Google account. Add the Keep extension to chrome. Then create a shortcut on your desktop or anywhere with the following target:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=
Exactly as it is above, including quotation marks.
If you want, you can move or copy the shortcut icon into the start up folder (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) so it opens when you power on your PC.
I agree with 3 and 5. Taking a note while on a phone is useful, and 5.. well that's obvious. The others though? I think you've just got your phone set up wrong if that's the case (not you personally.. just in general). Google Keep is one of my hotkeys on my s7 active, and amazingly fast for taking notes, either be recording, snapping a pic or using swype/trace.
I like the simplicity, but wonder what it's adding to the plentiful amount of existing notetaking apps, sites and browserextensions, plus what would be your revenue model? Who is paying for the cloudspace?
I mostly use and found it to be easy and simple, not to bloated, as well.
I've been using Google Keep as a place to maintain to-do checklists and other little notes to myself. It has a few reminder paradigms, and the price is nice. It's not as flexible as some other to-do systems I've heard about. It has a decent Android app and works well in the browser, but I would like it to be finer grained.
I apologize if this is not what you're looking for, but have you looked at google keep as an option ? It's available on android, and can easily be added to iOS
Then copy them all to Google Keep via the website and get the app. Notes finally made it into the 21st century in a non-obnoxious way.
I used to do this all the time. But your mail gets cluttered and messy because of this.
If you have a Google account, try
It's a note system that syncs to your phone and webpage and is great for notes and checklists. Has an Android widget too.
beep boop! the linked website is:
Title: Sign in - Google Accounts
Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing)
###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!
> Listaa voi pitää vaikka puhelimessa ja siihen voi merkata viikon mittaan vähissä olevia asioita, koska muuten joku hammastahna unohtuu helposti.
Google keep on oma suositus tässä. Voit lisätä tavaraa sinne luurilla tai tietokoneella. Ja sen kauppalistan saa jaettua mm. puolison kanssa niin kumpikin voi sinne lisätä/poistaa tavaroita.
Ja saa sinne muitaki muistiinpanoja laitettuja. Itsellä mm. reseptejä siellä mitä vuosie aikana hionu kuntoo tai ottanu taltee. Ja sit hirveesti kaikenlaista satunnaista.
Google Keep. Has a ToDo list with checkboxes and those ticked move down below the other/open ones.
As for reminding: nothing. But that's easy to do with any calendar app you're currently using.
At least be a civilized Caveman:
I used to be an Evernote fan, but not so much anymore. You could certainly do worse.
Need to be reminded? Google Calendar is now my reminder list. Only have so much time in the day. When the day is full, doesn't do any good to be reminded of something else on that day. Block off a time to do the task. Use a different color for reminders so you know if you can juggle them around in between fixed appointments. You can link back to Google keep from within the calendar entry.
Goggle also has 'Keep Notes' which might be of help.
I can be used with the google assistant ("ok google add pickles to my shopping list"), but I have not tried it with anything but grocery lists.
I use three things that have helped me greatly:
Hi Hank,
You said you have too many ideas. How are you organizing them? If they are just floating around in your head, then consider using tools like Google Keep or Trello and your favorite note taking app.
The PWA is not up-to-date anymore, Google recommends using the site, confirmed by trying the below
> Launch this in your Chrome, it will show the prompt to install
No se si viene en formato "aplicacion"para windows, pero podes usar Google Keep ( )
Viene como web y tambien como app para Android e iOS y tenes las mismas notas en todos lados.
I use G Suite for both my personal and business, mail and calendar because that's what I've used before switching to Apple products. I use the native mail and calendar client on iPhone and Mac.
For Keep I've just dealt with it and I've downloaded the app to iPhone. On my Mac, on Chrome, I've "appified" site by creating a shortcut without the browser window.
Also it's easier to access my own mail/calendar/notes in those situations when I'm borrowing a Windows-computer, than going full Apple Notes and using the pain the buttocks known as iCloud.
Google Keep (I keep shuffling between todo apps and this is what I'm giving a go lately), Text Blaze (no competition here!) and Alfred
Why is no one mentioning that these stylus aren't even designed to work on the computers they're compatible with? I bought a USI stylus that was compatible with my chromebook, assuming I would be able to use it like any other stylus, ie, I click on somewhere on the screen with the pen, it registers as if I had clicked with my finger. But this isn't even true, even when a USI stylus is compatible with your chromebook, it only works in an extremely limited capacity with select drawing and note-taking apps, none of which are particularly solid as far as I can tell. Even google keep, the native note taking app, the pen will only work within the downloaded app but not Even in the app, if you click anywhere outside of the box for drawing it just becomes a useless piece of plastic.
How can they sell these things for so much? And how come no one is complaining about this issue I'm having? I thought maybe I just didn't do enough research before buying (I spent at least two hours), but I've been trying to find information about this specific thing for half an hour and I can't find anything on forums, or videos, or the official USI website. How is everyone on the same page about this $50 piece of plastic that sometimes works within the borders of some chrome drawing apps except for me ????
I recently started this and have only reviewed one or two. It’s also something my daughter might enjoy having once I’m gone. A searchable digital journal would be more helpful but done much less frequently.
I use Google Keep to save notes and quotes. This is my commonplace book, and I’m in it multiple times daily.
Tu peux faire des notes vocales dans Google Notes Keep (idem sur l'application équivalente d'appel), l'idée serait de créer X comptes google (un par membre avec qui tu veux partager ça) et de switcher selon le destinataire (ça prend 10secondes en cliquant en haut à droite dans l'appli).
Par contre pour leur communiquer le mot de passe c'est plus compliqué, il faudrait que tu fasse un envoi de mail planifié mais que tu sois assidu pour le repousser à chaque fois (je dirais 6 mois ça me parait pas déconnant), si durant les 6 derniers mois tu ne l'a pas repoussé, le mail part à chacun des destinataires avec le lien vers google keep notes et leurs identifiants pour y accéder.
Seul problème : il faut qu'ils ne changent pas d'adresses mails entre temps...
Il y a des services pour envoyer un message après ta mort mais je ne sais pas ce que ça vaut car de toute façon tu ne pourras pas vérifier si t'es mort ...
Sinon stocker les identifiants dans un coffre à la banque, le coffre reviendra à tes héritiers lors du passage chez le notaire.
I use an intent to call and open my Google Keep shopping list
I just can't remember where I got my unique reference from, I think it was in the URL on a PC, but I am not sure.
A1: Send Intent [ Cat: None Data:"your unique reference" Package: Target: Activity ]
You can give a try to Google Keep. For Windows and Mac you use the web version and for mobile devices you can use the respective apps.
It sync with your Google account so you access your notes from virtually anywhere. It also has stylus support but I am not quite sure about the infinite canvas thing.
LPT add-on: Google Keep is absolutely FANTASTIC for keeping track of gifts. I do this all year- when someone mentions "I want that!" I open my Google Keep app and jot it down. The notes are available from any device at and everything is searchable (it even allows photos in the notes). I keep a note for each family member, and by Christmas time I already of a list of ideas waiting.
I'm sure there's a jillion other apps that do this same thing, so pick your favorite.
>{% for item in (state_attr("sensor.google_keep_I_dont_know_the_name", 'notes'))[0] %}
{{item.text}} and
{% endfor %}
notes: - note_type: NodeType.List title: Things To Do url: lines: - ☐ go to store- - ☐ take the microwave back - ☐ change the clocks back children: - checked: false text: go to store- children: [] - checked: false text: take the microwave back children: [] - checked: false text: change the clocks back children: []
color: White checked: [] unchecked: - ☐ go to store- - ☐ take the microwave back - ☐ change the clocks back titles: - Things To Do labels: [] pinned: false
Sorry about that... I should never post when I'm tired.
And just to clarify - he's talking about ENS SUBdomains. A domain would be "gamestop.eth". A subdomain would be "ryancohen.gamestop.eth".
I'm not 100% versed in how subdomain creation works in the ENS world, but with the regular TLD world, like "". Google can create any amount of subdomains ontop of that they'd like, such as "" (Google Photos) or "" (google keep).
With ENS, there's a cost to doing such changes to the eth block chain, so L2 would be a great place to bundle such changes and decrease the expense of gas to something reasonable.
I finally figured out that it was linked to my Google Keep settings. If you go to, click the gear, then click "Settings," you can change the snooze times under "Reminder Defaults." Gmail follows these.
As far as I can tell, that approach works for jumping to a specific note. But when I try to use it to jump to a particular label, it won't work. Using that method and my browser, the URL would be (e.g., for the "Personal" label) , but it doesn't seem to work (tried it with and without the "u/0/" part also). Does it work for you?
I know this post is super old, but hoping you can help. I want to do this, but jump to a label instead (which the native keep widget can definitely do).
From my browser, the url would be e.g. , but it doesn't work with the intent method (says can't find corresponding note).
I inspected the keep widget when it jumps to a label, and it seems to be firing the activity , but i can't get that to work either (not sure what data to send to the activity to jump to the label).
I personally use Google Keep pretty often to jot down ideas that pop into my head for games. They could be something simple like "toothbrush racing game" to more complex ideas that I usually split into their own "note". Either way, doing so allows you to never get stuck because you "don't have any ideas", and the ones listed can sometimes inspire new and better ideas
Edit: Hyperlink formatting :)
I would suggest to first backup your notes using Google Takeout and/or select them all on a PC and Send to Google Docs. Then delete the Keep app on your phone and clear any caching. Then, go into your PC with a fresh browser (clear your cookies if you can) and refresh Keep at and make sure the missing notes are there. Then, reinstall the mobile app on your phone and let it sync completely before you search for the missing notes.
you could try using ocr. sharex has a built-in ocr feature thats works decently well and can copy to your clipboard automatically, or theres google's ocr which works almost flawlessly, though you'll need to screenshot every word you don't know. theres also VNOCR but if i'm being honest it seems kind of a pain in the ass to use
What platform are you using? on android, it's a quick and easy two taps to filter to the label of your choice. On PC web browser, you can set bookmarks to all of your labels:**Work**
or even by color:**color%253Dblue**
Just filter however you want, and create a bookmark if you want to quickly start out at any certain views.
The iOS ad web apps are not going away - either will work for you. If you were using the desktop Chrome app just skip that and go to in any modern browser- it works exactly the same.
Well, im kinda a website person and i like to use google keep and google tasks, you can sign in using your gmail account, and for google keep there is a seperate website, and you can write reminders, schedule them if you want, and change the colors of the reminders to stick out, you can archive and delete them once you are done, but you see all the reminders at once in the mainscreen. for Google Tasks, its not really a website i think, i just go into gmail, and at the right side bar there is a icon with a pen and a circle, and if you click it you can see the tests menu, and you can create different lists for at home- and at class and add stuff to-do, and check them off when you are done! (i just found out that keep is right above tasks too)
Well I assumed it was the WAN one since that's the only DNS area where it would let me put in 2 DNS servers. In the LAN section it only lets you put in 1. And I guess it made sense to me that it was the WAN one, since my router would then point all internet-bound DNS traffic to the PiHoles instead of just LAN-based, DHCP-related DNS traffic.
Just to test out your suggestion I put the primary PiHole IP into the LAN DNS field and it's blocking some traffic, more clients are connected to it, and my desktop's internet is still working. However, my desktop IP doesn't show up in the Query log and neither do the sites I'm visiting (,,, even after a few minutes. And I made sure my desktop doesn't have any manual DNS settings and that it's automatically pointed to the router for DNS traffic (verified with ipconfig /all). Right now I'm seeing 97 total queries on that primary PiHole and it should be waaaaay more than that considering the sites I tested above.
I'm thinking that's not the way to do it - I'm thinking putting the PiHole IP in LAN > DHCP Server > DNS server just gives it a DNS server when it's getting its IP via DHCP, not when it's actually making DNS requests. (When I look at the description of that field it says: "This field indicates the IP address of DNS to provide to clients that request IP Address from DHCP Server.")
I'm thinking putting in WAN > WAN DNS Setting is the way to go and something else is going on.
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
Too often, we let frustration get the best of us and simply give up... even if it was only the first time we tried! You get better with practice, repetition, and experience- but you will never get there by giving up. What have you become good at because you didn't give up? Let's hear about your success!
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
Have you ever tried to "short-cut" something thinking it would save you time and make things easier, only for it to cause you even more hardships if you would have just took the "long way" to begin with? Tell me about it in the comments:
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #Wellness #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #SelfMade #Success #Relationships #Wolfpak
Have you been working a second job or working on becoming an entrepreneur? Is the effort to obtain happiness, or to obtain more money? Tell me your thoughts
#Happiness #Peace #InnerPeace #Frustration #Anger #Disappointment #Sadness #Help #Hopeless #Confidence #Depression #Anxiety #Feelings #Fear #Stress #Pain #Panic #Regret #SelfHelp #Motivation #MentalHealth #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #Leadership #Entrepreneur #Entrepreneurship #Success #Relationships #RelationshipAdvice #Wolfpak
Really? That would be a bummer. I use keep for all of my lists and daily to-do reminders. It's working perfectly for the type of functions you describe, at least for now.
EDIT: It looks like the chrome app for keep, and other chrome apps, are going away in 2021. But the actual product is not. So it should be fine to use! Mobile and hub keep apps will still work, and the website will work on desktop.