This app was mentioned in 115 comments, with an average of 5.12 upvotes
Of course my phone doesn't have an FM tuner, this guy is nuts
Download app, plug in headphones (for antenna), and it starts picking up FM radio and playing it to external speakers.
Thanks, OP. TIL my phone does FM radio. (Moto 4G)
As my power has already gone out from a small feeder band (back on now), probably helpful to know that some phones (Most Samsung Galaxy devices) have an FM radio built in. You can use the Nextradio app to listen to local stations over the FM chip. It does require headphones to act like the antenna.
I use NextRadio on my stock HTC One M9, allowing me to receive local FM radio stations just like any radio. It doesn't require streaming, wifi or data (though those are options).
As my power has already gone out from a small feeder band (back on now), probably helpful to know that some phones (Most Samsung Galaxy devices) have an FM radio built in. You can use the Nextradio app to listen to local stations over the FM chip. It does require headphones to act like the antenna.
I just updated. Where is this FM Radio app?
Edit: Seems as though you have to download a tuner app. NextRadio appears to be a popular choice:
I'm able to do it with headphones plugged in (the app has an option to output to speakers) on my unrooted Note 4 using NextRadio.
Phone apps will typically stream rebroadcasts of radio stations - they're not actually receiving radio. Some phones have the necessary hardware to tune FM radio directly, using the headphones as an antenna. While it's not common, you may be one of the lucky few who has such a phone, and can use an app like NextRadio to utilize the FM tuner chip as a traditional radio, which would work for you here.
Another option is to go to Goodwill and see if they have a cheap walkman / boombox / other portable device that tunes radio, and just use that. Vintage!
SpiritF requires root.
For non-root access, try NextRadio on the Google Play Store.
Linkme: NextRadio Free Live FM Radio
Couldn't figure out how to use the linkme bot. So here is the URL:
IIRC, The Snapdragon 820/821 has support for FM radio natively. I know the Note 7 w/ the 820 supports it, unofficially.
If the OP wants to try, NextRadio supports the use of the FM tuner.
You need an app called Next Radio.
Plug in some headphones/earbuds (the cord acts as an antenna/aerial) and you're good to go.
lol okay, it's kinda funny that this campaign is funded by the owners of an app that can use FM radio hardware, but still good to fight for, I guess:
Many phone makers, including Samsung, LG, HTC and Motorola, have enabled FM radios in the chipsets.
The one big name missing from the list is Apple.
Samsung no longer has their own app. They recommend Nextradio.
I have an s9; they have an FM chip. You have to have headphones plugged in to receive radio signals because they act as an antenna.
I use the app nextradio to tune in, it is very good.
Confirmed working for VZW in US.
I use NextRadio. It does require headphones for the antena.
Edit: Unfortunately I do not have a suggestion for an international app that utilizes the built in radio. Hopefully someone else can come up with a suggestion.
If you have an Android phone, this app might support it. Just turns your phone into an actual FM receiver, though you need wired headphones attached to act as the antenna.
no you shouldn't pay for music you have the radio and then there are free services that offer music .. I just saw an article that says out of all the music sites 60% of people choose to use YouTube and listen to Videos instead of using a pay service.. but there are a lot of choices out there.. and if you have earbuds you can use a free android app on your phone to pickup local FM stations and not even use your data because all phones have FM Tuners.
Tem esse app aqui, mas só funciona em smartphone flagship. Fabricante chinês ou modelo mais básico já vira loteria.
I know Samsung Galaxy S-model phones include an FM receiver. You need to plug in headphones to use an antenna, but I've used the NextRadio app and it works great.
If your version did not come with a radio app installed, try the NextRadio app and see if that does the trick (you may want to turn off both Wi-Fi and cellular data to make sure it's the actual FM tuner that's working).
Nextradio via these instructions as they're out of business.
Jaki to telefon? Mnie radio pojawiło się po którejś aktualizacji androida, więc sprawdź sobie, czy możesz sobie takową zaaplikować :)
Jest też taka apaka jak NextRadio, które ma tryb FM only, czy coś takiego. Tylko, wynika z opisu że ma reklamy jakieś.
I have the United States unlocked S9+ straight from (SM-G965U1) and I can't get the NextRadio app to use the FM chip. It will stream using data, but if I enable "Stream Only Over WiFi" in NextRadio and disable WiFi on my phone, there's no way for me to listen.
Try this other:
BTW only the Snapdragon (US version) supports FM radio, and even then some carriers blocked the functionality. I have the ATT version and it works fine, but reading some search results on FM radio on this subreddit I see some users claim their carrier blocks it.
As foreverinane stated, NextRadio will do this for you. Get it here.
NextRadio WILL use data when you do not have an FM receiver in your phone, but if you do (and the Note 8 does), it will use that instead. In other words: no data. It will work in airplane mode and you can use it during power outages to access terrestrial stations.
Remember to wear WIRED headphones when you use it because the wires act as the antenna. If you go wireless (or Bluetooth), you will end up using data instead.
Hope this helps!
I second this. We need the model of phone to confirm it has FM capabilities. Generally, most don't.
Check out NextRadio
Actually tl;dr should be it's a conspiracy, most likely it won't work but give Next radio a try. Some people on Sprint have had success.
Just did some googling, shocked to see that Samsung hasn't included fm since the gs4. It looks like the LG G4 does support it (as long as it's not a Verizon branded cell). I know you weren't asking for HTC, but their new M9 does also (but I'd hesitate to recommend it, not much of a step forward from the M8). Looks like there are some very silly carrier restrictions in place (I'm on sprint, didn't notice). is the app I use. They have a list of supported devices in the description as well.
> I have an M8 but found a copy of the FM radio apk on xda-developers.
There are also 3rd party apps that should work.
I got one that works. It's called "Nextradio" on the Playstore:
When it asks for your location, Deny, and then enter "other" as your location. Otherwise it won't work.
I currently use NextRadio on my LG V30, but I'm stuck with Android 9 and I've seen many reports from a few months ago that NextRadio was not working on Android 11. I'm not sure if they've resolved the issue yet. It looks like their last release on the Play Store was from Jan 2019, so probably not.
I'll see if I can find some alternatives.
Correct, it has the chip. In order to use it you have to disconnect all data by going into airplane mode before running the app and have wired headphones plugged in (acts as an antenna).
If you mean broadcast FM, no AM support on any phone that I'm aware of, and not streaming then there's Nextradio but you need follow these instructions as they're out of business.
I'ma say, the S9 has to be the greatest Android device yet. Hear me out.
✓Micro SD
✓64GB internal storage
✓Gcam support (better night vision, photosphere)
✓Night vision feature
✓Dedicated fingerprint scanner
✓Finger print scanner notification pull down gesture
✓Dedicated assistant button that can be remapped for basically everything
✓FM radio using Next radio and ear phone cable
✓Water resistant
✓Wireless charging
✓Headphone jack duh
And I'm probably forgetting a few, the only thing I would change on it is a bigger battery and possibly a screen that's not curved because it's not friendly with screen protectors
> Something really nice about radios is they don't require an internet connection to work. You can use one as long as you have charge on your phone. I miss that.
Also, FM radio is very light on battery. You can probably listen it for a day and battery won't die. While, when you're streaming music, battery dies really quick.
> If your phone has a jack, go and download a radio app if your phone didn't come with a stock one.
There was an app called NextRadio which activates FM radio on some supported devices, though I don't know what happened to that project. It hasn't been updated for a long time. Other than that, I'm not sure if there is any other alternative to that app beside the one that comes with a phone.
My Xperia has really annoying problem; whenever signal is low, it will constantly interrupt
Some phones have fm radio tuners. It depends on the phone manufacturer and carrier. If it's enabled, you can use this app to access it:
Yeah it's probably not worth the effort/expense to mass produce, with any luck this won't be the new normal.. It's too bad all smartphones don't have an FM receiver chip like some Android phones do, then you could implement adjustable latency with a modified app like NextRadio. I think I read that SDR can be done with as little as 10ms of latency.
> It’s a big reason why I’ve been a proponent for full PA over a hybrid PA/FM or just FM. It’s just easier and a big part of going to a show is the live experience.
This seems like the best bet honestly, if people aren't trapped in their car, otherwise I wonder how many people will go to more than one show. Are you doing side-fills or multiple sets of mains out in the field for people in the back? I'm sure you all are doing your best to make it enjoyable no matter what. Sound crew is some of the hardest working most underappreciated people in entertainment, yall deserve a lot of credit for making things happen.
> we’re just trying to limp through the season
I really hope this season is the end of it. As a musician and frequent concert goer I know a lot of people in the business that are getting royally screwed right now.
You will need a phone with a FM receiver chip. No iPhones have the chip, but some android phones have a FM receiver chip. You can then use an app like NextRadio Free Live FM Radio and tune the app to the drive-in broadcast frequency.
I have no idea what software you would need other than having the radio enabled on your phone. Have you tried the app from here?
So happy i saw this post. My last few phones were all motorola because i knew they had the fm radio that i use while exercising everyday. When i got my note 9 not having the radio was the only thing i didnt like about it, Had no idea it was actually built in. here is the link for people asking.
If you don't have the FM radio app, you can install this to use the FM chip:
It depends on your carrier, apparently. My G8 on T-Mobile DOES have the FM radio. You can check for free. Install the NextRadio app, which is free, and non-scammy. It should work on any Android phone that has an activated FM chip. It works on my G8 and it worked on all my Samsungs.
I have used this free, non-scammy app before for FM radio:
Try Next Radio. It's the only app for unrooted phones which does this. If you have a rooted phone Spirit FM might work.
Haha, that's amusing! Our names are sort of opposite too if I stretch it a bit, Chris R(ight) K and Chris L(eft) K lol.
Here in Norway they shut off the FM band about one and a half year ago in favor of DAB so that's something that didn't even cross my mind. My dad used to listen to FM radio on his Samsung S5 when he was traveling but now his only option on a phone is streaming radio online.
My phone has an FM tuner app but I have lost the 3.5mm USB C adapter so I have no idea if it actually works.
Samsung phones still has an FM tuner built in but doesn't include an app for it, so you will need a 3rd party app like NextRadio for it to work.
Stream Radio? The US version has an FM tuner installed. You'll just need your headphones and an app like NextRadio installed. You can even output to the speakers as long as your headphones are attached to use as an antenna.
Android phones yes, iPhones no. If you have an android, you'll need a headphone jack and wired headphones to act as the antenna for the FM receiver.
Also be aware there are many shitty apps advertising as "FM RADIO LOL" but they actually require an internet connection and aren't FM radios at all. NextRadio is one that actually uses the FM antenna.
I use NextRadio on my phone. Works like a charm. I can use the earbuds or an audio cable to an external speaker as the antenna.
Almost all smartphones come with an integrated FM receiver that can be accessed either natively or through apps.
You just need an antenna, which wired headphones work as. You can then tune to any station. It's not tied to anything, you don't need any cell service for it to work, it allows your phone to be a fully functioning FM radio.
You will need to be in the broadcast area of an FM Cards affiliate station
I've been using the completely free NextRadio - Google Play Store link
Give this a try. I'm not sure it will work though. You have to have your headphones plugged in to get a signal and so I'm not sure it would work with a car stereo. I'm also pretty sure that I tried to use it once in a place that had bad service but it wouldn't load because it couldn't load the ads or something so it may not work that way as well.
no one paid for music in the 50's they had the radio ... and every android phone has an FM Tuner so you can still use the Radio
the phone can be rooted, but not every carrier, yet. keep an eye on xda if your specific device is not yet rootable. Don't expect much as far as custom roms go yet, it's still too early.
Yes the FM radio works but there is no stock radio app pre installed (at least in NA). Nextradio from the play store works great.
Yeah.. didn't see any built in apps in the review videos so far. Found one that you might be able to try (top result on google):
Since I don't have the international version, I can't speak to its capabilities, but the T-mobile version doesn't have a working FM receiver. This app is highly regarded (assuming you have a receiver):
Many phones have a built in radio transmitter so you don't have to use your data. Check if your phone has that. If it does, all you need to do is plug something into the headphone jack (it functions as an antenna) and then use an app like linkme: NextRadio
Sprint network allows FM radio on their phones (if so equipped) via the NextRadio app. HTC One M8 is supported across all carriers. Must plug in headphones as the antenna.
I use this app
A lot of phones have a built in radio even if not advertised. Use this app to test your phone offline.
Download NextRadio from the play store. Tap the menu and select Basic Tuner. Plug in some earphones and enjoy.
Any that are compatible with this:
I use NextRadio. I have a SM-N960U1 just FYI.
wow this is bad ass! checked for update and found it! Installing now and then installing NextRadio!
I use the Next Radio App. Better reception than my car!
The radio is already enabled you just need an app such as
Yes, there's often not an FM app included. I prefer to use NextRadio
Try Next radio. As long as your provider hasn't shut the chip down (I'm lookin at you, Verizon), it should work.
Next FM Works perfectly on my S9 but not on my S20FE. Says it cannot find the FM chip.
Yes, it definitely feels taller and although it's the same basic width it still seems to feel narrower in the hand because of the extra height. I hate that it is bigger than the V30 and I hate the notch (even though I've changed the skin, wallpaper, and some UI settings so it's not visible as often).
I also don't like that the back button on the V40 is no longer a clickable power button. It still works great for turning the screen on with your fingerprint but I like the way the V30 works better.
I wish LG would have never went away from ALL the buttons (power, volume up/down) being on the back. It was a unique and really sleek look that only LG had.
I do like the LG's extra camera on the back (though if they had to stick with just two, I would definitely want a normal and wide angle like the V30. I find the zoom camera much less useful than a wide angle but it's nice to have all three now).
The extra selfie camera with a wider angle is great too. Face unlock is pretty terrible as it doesn't have IR or an extra sensor just for that (despite the huge notch). It's fine though because I definitely prefer fingerprint unlock to face unlock.
Another thing that is much better about the V40 is the 3.5mm headphone jack is moved back down to the bottom of the phone. That's a much better location since most people just naturally put their phone in their pocket upside down. When I was using wired headphones with the V30, I would be constantly adjusting my natural grip on the phone to flip it around as I put it back my pocket since. No longer a problem with the V40. Long live the 3.5mm jack.
Headphones sound great with the DAC. Seems even better sounding than the V30. Really incredible for a phone. Plugging headphones in also lets the FM radio built into the SoC work (you just have to install a compatible app - NextRadio is my favorite). I hate that LG and Samsung will probably kill wired headphones soon just like all the other sheep manufacturers did.
The built in speaker/s (I think the top one now also works during speakerphone calls and media playback) are slightly louder and better than the V30. The V30 was way too quiet for me though so "slightly louder" still isn't great.
I like the V40 but I wouldn't have replaced my V30 with it so soon if I hadn't accidentally broke it beyond worth fixing. :(
If the V40 wouldn't have gone to a 19.5:9 aspect ratio with a notch and instead kept the same 2:1 ratio and same overall height as the V30, I wouldn't be complaining as much.
It's called NextRadio:
Someone in another thread mentioned that our Note 8's have an FM tuner. Next Radio will tap into it. Requires headphones (using them as the antenna).
I'm a old-ass student at a community college. The MyScript Calculator harnesses the S-Pen and will find x for you. ;)
I recommend LastPass for every phone. If Lastpass isn't your flavor, try Dashlane, or 1Password, or Keeper.
Secure Folder, as someone states in the comments, is liek having two phones in one.
Credit Karma - Everyone should be keeping track of their credit.
I much prefer Google Handwriting input over Samsung's version. Same to be said for GBoard, Google's keyboard. I used Swiftkey for many years, but I feel like it's a bit bloated now. Fleksy is great if you type (as opposed to gliding). While Swiftkey does both, Swype is better for gliding.
I highly recommend Waze - it's a community-powered GPS system that is owned by Google and better than Google's own product.
Google Opinion Rewards has paid me nearly $200, in tiny increments, over the last few years (that can only be used on the Play Store. It's allowed me to fund a month subscription of music, or purchase the paid version of many apps.
Samsung Pay - It can do everything Android Pay and Apple Pay can do, and it does one better; it can be used anywhere you can swipe a card. It's saved me several times when I forgot my wallet (and surprised a few cashiers, "That won't work here" Yes, yes it will).
My last one is Truecaller: Caller ID & Dialer. I don't let it take over my caller app or sms app, which kinda diminishes it's value. If you call using it, it shows the ID before you make the call. If you call without it, it will popup with the ID after you dial. It will popup and notify you who is calling separate from the normal dialer. My favorite part, though, is that I can have it block calls (and SMS, if you've allowed it).
You need to install the NextRadio app from the Play Store to access the FM tuner:
For anyone wondering, the Snapdragon 820 SoC is what has the integrated FM radio. Verizon still disables use of it, however, for the exact reason you can guess.
> Next Radio, LLC June 28, 2016 Hi Michelle, The GS7 is supported when sold by every major carrier except [Verizon]. Your carrier does not allow apps to use the FM receiver built into the phone.
Try next radio
My tuner is locked on my s22 ultra T-Mobile
> increase production costs.
It shouldn't be a matter of unnecessarily increasing production costs. It should be required by the FCC and CRTC that all smart phones sold in the US and Canada should have radio FM capabilities that are not required to function on cell networks or internet data. Its not a matter of demand, this is a matter of public safety. The FCC requested teardowns of apple devices and (at the time of this article) showed apple had this capability but turned it off.
Here is an app that allows you to listen to radio stations for free, if you phone has the FM receiver turned on.
Here is a list of phones what have them still turned on.
The chipsets still have them embedded because of developing markets that rely on radio networks, unlike our data/cellular networks. Its easier to turn it off, instead of developing additional chips.
Get an FM Radio app and listen without it affecting your data.
If you can listen to FM radio on your cell phone you can use that.
Check out Next Radio in the Play Store,
You could try NextRadio if it works.
Though it appears abandoned and the list of compatible devices is gone.
no, this one (sorry, should've linked earlier)
if that doesn't work you an always use NextRadio
NextRadio allows you to use your phone's built in FM radio.
You on iPhone or android? For android I'd suggest this one
You need the NextRadio App.
Then you plug in a headphones to act as antenna.
Just download the app and try it
I use Next Radio. Works perfect on my AT&T galaxy S7.
I haven't tested it on my own S7, but I'm fairly certain NextRadio uses the phone's built-in FM chip.
Did you try NextRadio?
Try Next Radio
There's probably other apps, but I'm using Next Radio
I loaded the Nextradio app and get all my locals, it uses a headphone jack as the antenna
Install NextRadio
You should be able to use NextRadio! for FM radio on the G3.
Probably because a free FM tuner is on the Google Play store already: