Run this overnight. 7 passes. Doesn't sound like you really tested it. It's likely that the 32GB is faulty , but i think you are focusing too hard on the 32GB vs 16GB part. 32GB has nothing to do with it being faulty.
It might, but before you buy new components you should verify if your present hardware has problems.
So first, ensure that SMART reads the disk health as OK, Healthy, or PASSED. If it says there's a problem replace the disk.
For memory testing, we use a tool called memtest86+. Put it on a USB stick, and boot it up. Let it run for at-least two full cycles before closing out.
If both tests pass, try changing your GPU driver. Let me know if you need any assistance.
The 16GB DDR3L DIMMs are potentially worth a decent amount of money. A quick search on eBay (US) for the part number shows several have sold in the last month or so for between $25-45 US each. Unless you have a need for that much memory (and since you're asking for inspiration it seems you may not), I'd sell off the bulk of it and put it towards upgrades or other hardware.
If you do consider selling the memory, you should test it before attempting to sell it, just in case there are any bad sticks in there. There are a few utilities you can use, such as memtest86+.
For RAM stability, there is classic memtest86+. Make sure to run it in multithreading mode. In addition, try stressapptest.
I'm using the same RAM by the way, and it works fine with out of the box XMP profile (3200 MHz) set by Asrock X370 Taichi.
But if you want manual setting, here is a timings list that worked for me in the past.
Your problem is likely caused by the CPU though. I had very bad time with Ryzen 7 1700X, and went through multiple RMAs. Until I replaced it with Ryzen 7 2700X. Only then all the problems were gone. Luckily it can work on the same motherboard (as along as you have recent UEFI). I recommend you to keep your sanity and simply replace the CPU with second generation of Ryzens minimum.
I run a Ryzen 7 with 4000MHz memory. Zero issues with the hardware like that.
Mind you that CP2077 is a "heavy game" to run, and if there is an issue with your hardware it will become more apparent when playing.
Check your sticks with memtest:
Also, make sure your PSU isn't too weak or old. They degrade with time.
But you're able to enter the BIOS, so it's less likely that you have a motherboard or power supply issue.
I would try:
I'd download and install that program to a USB flash drive and allow my computer to boot into it and run for seven complete passes without error or overnight whichever is LONGER.
If there are memory errors then the testing is over and your memory likely needs replacing.
If there are no memory errors then testing your hard drive is in order.
Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostic
I'd install that program to a USB flash drive and allow the computer to boot into it. I'd run the long and the short tests and if the drive failed either test I'd replace the drive.
If neither of those programs showed any errors I'd reinstall Windows.
yeh, when you go to install linux, instead run memtest on it for 2-3 complete passes. Normally it comes as part of the install ISO on various linux flavours or you can grab it directly from memtest
Nah that's not the tool - Geez I haven't run a traditional memtest in years - I'm talking about the tool you'd find in HBCD, for example. I do think it may be the same tool as windows mem diagnostic though - did you get an option for a quick or extended test? You gotta understand what this test is, and why I suggested testing individual sticks first - memtest will go through and check every single bit of memory by writing to & reading back from it. You can have multiple passes happen and it fail on the 2nd or 3rd pass... the point is... this tool takes forever, it'll run indefinitely if you let it, and the amount of time that a normal human would go "okay it must be fine" and give up the test is potentially not enough time to find an error. Memtest probably made a lot more sense when 4gb was a ton of ram lol
EDIT: This is the specific tool I was referring to
Yes, that's what I was thinking, but I wanted to see how far you had got. Next thing to check would be the RAM;
Refit all the RAM, then run Memtest86 for at least a couple of tests:
For extra piece of mind, if Memtest86 doesn't find anything, run a couple of rounds of Memtest86+ (a fork of the same tester, usually I wouldn't run both but in your case it may pick up something the other doesn't).
Consider using MemTest86 or MemTest86+. Or both... I can never remember which one better supports modern hardware.
It's as "risky" as any other operating system: it has full access to your hardware. If you don't trust it, remove all of your local storage before booting it.
Disco Pants!!
That's a corrupt texture. If everything else looks good, try checking file integrity of the game using the launcher.
If that doesn't help, check system RAM for errors.
As a last step, test the GPUs vRAM with other titles.
Bummer but atleast you found the issue.
Why don't you try a memtest overnight? Install it on a USB, boot from it and just let it run with both ram sticks on first.
A word of caution though, you might need a third party partition management software to manage the USB's partition, after you finish testing with memtest.
If i remember correctly, it resizes the first partition to be small and it doesn't extend it to the size of the whole drive, and you might not be able to see the rest of the partitions/free space via Disk Management, because Windows shows only the first partition on USB drives.
This is why you might need a third party software in order to resize it back when you're done testing.
Anyway, i recommend Minitool Partition Wizard (the Free edition) if you ever need to resize the partition back to how it was.
Most Linux ISOs have it embedded, also you can just download it and make bootable USB and then run it. Also there are other tools for Windows, just google "how to check faulty RAM".
It can be anything. If possible check that RAM modules sit in their slots firmly. Bad connection can cause troubles.
After that check BIOS settings. If it doesn't have an option to save all settings to disk or flashdrive, make a photo of every page in it. It will help you to undo anything if needed. Now resetting BIOS to default settings may help. It's always a good idea when you install new components like CPU, RAM etc.
Check BIOS again and set up everything you need there.
At this point it'd be a good idea to benchmark RAM modules. Better do it not in Windows though. Booting from USB drive with memtest86+ can help with this task. Wait untill all tests are finished. If there's no errors your RAM is not defective, it's stable at default settings.
Next go back to BIOS and find an option to enable XMP profile for the memory. It's important to make RAM running at effective speed. It may introduce instability or incompatibility. So be ready to undo this if something goes wrong. Now you can run memory benchmark again.
If RAM is stable in benchmark then boot into windows and test performance there. With any other benchmark, games, programs in your usual scenarios. If your system is still sluggish then try different XMP or manual RAM overclocking options in BIOS.
Run this It will tell you if the memory itself is an issue. You can also look at the QVL list for your motherboard to see if the memory you're using is compatible with the motherboard.
You can also test by booting it with only 1 stick at a time, if it still hangs up with each stick individually then it's highly unlikely that the memory is the issue unless all of your memory is incompatible with the new motherboard but you would have to check the QVL.
Furthermore, system hangups can be caused by a lot of things and so far from what you said nothing conclusively points to the RAM as the issue. CPU, Motherboard, and PSU being brand new do not make them immune to issues. Brand new parts can have issues right from the factory, especially motherboards which is why there are constant bios updates for them to correct issues that were not found until after the manufacturing had begun.
The process was killed (with signal SIGKILL
), probably by the system's out-of-memory killer.
This doesn't seem like a particularly good tool if it doesn't even try to avoid that.
If you suspect a problem with your memory, I strongly recommend using something like Memtest86+. This isn't a program you run under Linux, instead it's a completely separate image that you boot into.
It is very unlikely that a process writes in the memory space of another one.
Please start by doing a memtest86+ or a memtest86. Probably one of the DIMMs needs replacing.
Download this and create a bootable memtest86+ flash drive to test your ram. Let it run for 8 passes (leave it overnight, this could take a while). Next up would be to test your disk but we will get to that. See how this goes first. Even if it does not pick up on errors the next step would be to try running ram modules one at a time. I will explain how to do this later. Stick with this for now.
Try downloading a live Linux USB image and using Rufus put it on a USB drive. Try booting Linux from USB and using it (e.g. to browse or even perhaps download some utility to stress test it), to see if it crashes.
For specific components:
PSU/GPU/Motherboard, the fastest way is to check with another one (e.g. from your other computer, if compatible).
For memory - if you have two sticks, try installing Win with only one stick, and then the other (if you get the same error). If you have only one stick, then test it with Memtest86+
To check if HDD is the issue, you can try:
a) install system on another HDD
b)Reduce partition on the disk (if it's a bad sector issue)
c) Use HDD diagnostic utility (e.g. Victoria)
On your motherboard and CPU combination, DDR4 3200 is stock RAM frequency, but that's assuming JEDEC standard timings - which you aren't running.
I'd try not setting the timing manually, let the motherboard set it for you when you choose DDR4 3200. Then do some testing with Memtest86+ (
Once you know that it's stable, then start to dial down the timings.
Alternatively, you need to start at 2133 - auto timings and run Memtest86+ for a couple hours, set to 2400, run Memtest86+, set to 2666, etc, until you find where the stability issues start.
Can't say what the error is, but it appears to be a flaw more out of your control than not. Those are addresses in RAM being listed, and the error is directly related to a failure in reading memory.
First thing I would do is run memtest
(here) overnight to ensure that your physical RAM isn't faulty. If it's overclocked, undo that as well.
In the meantime, you can set the server to auto-restart itself by wrapping the startup command in a simple loop:
bash -c 'while :; do your_command_to_run_server; sleep 5s; done'
Feel free to let me know the results of an overnight memtest (choose the method to boot into a live OS, and let it run for maybe 8 hours). Take a picture of the screen before rebooting back into Ubuntu, so you can reference it later.
> i3 6100
While you don't have the fastest gaming CPU possible it's unlikely that all of the games you played normally a while ago have suddenly become to much for your CPU. You'd need a new motherboard for a much newer CPU anyways and games should not crash just because you have a high ping.
So, you likely have a different issue that is forcing your computer to preform poorly.
I would:
Test the memory with Memtest86+ for seven complete passes or overnight whichever is longer. Download and install to a USB flash drive "Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7)" and allow your computer to boot into that program.
If there were errors then I'd assume the memory was bad and replace it.
If the memory tested good then I'd download and install SeaTools Bootable to a USB flash and allow my computer to boot into that. I'd run the long and short tests on all drive and if a drive failed either test I'd replace that drive.
If none of that answered any questions then I'd check for malware with a decent antivirus program like Bitdefender.
Also FYI creating a bootable USB drive with memtest86+ is one easy step now -
go to and download the " Download - Auto-installer for USB Key".
Just plug in your USB stick and run that download, it will ask which USB drive and that's it. You can now boot from the USB drive for testing.
Try memtest86+, also try re-ordering your RAM sticks.
You might see if you can get the PDT to run, I don't know of an open source alternative, QuickTech works great, but it's commercial.
>BIOS Date: 20161101
It looks like you are at least 5 revisions behind the current BIOS for your motherboard - the notes for these include things like "Improve DDR stability and compatibility", so they may certainly improve some things there.
>Corsair Vengeance LED DDR4 3000 C15 2x8GB
>2 of 4 slots used
>16GB DIMM DDR4 clocked @ 2133 MHz
You have DDR4 3000 MHz RAM running @ 2133. Let's leave it here until you get things to stop crashing, but you should bump this up, you're leaving some serious perf at the door.
Does it ever crash outside of a game?
I'd start with RAM stability testing boot to Memtest86+ ( and let it run for a couple hours. If get errors, then it's bad RAM.
I'd DDU your current GPU drivers then reinstall.
I would not have bought a 650W Argus. There are no professional reviews of this device. I am a bit of a power supply snob.
Download and install Memtest86+ to a USB flash drive. Allow your computer to boot into that program and run for seven complete passes without error or over night whichever is longer.
If there are errors in red at the bottom of the screen then replace your memory. If there are no errors then test your SSD with SanDisks disk check utility.
If the computer shuts down or restarts while testing the memory I'd first suspect the power supply and then the motherboard.
If the computer locks-up while testing the memory I'd suspect the motherboard.
However, one thing I've found is that with dodgy RAM it can be difficult to definitely prove an error, not all tests stress RAM in the same way, and also be sure it wasn't another component being stressed at the same time. Prime95 is another option that can push RAM and verifies the result.
Also I'd say bad RAM more likely causes errors and crashes rather than poor performance, it's where your computer literally can't remember things correctly until it trips over itself. Be methodical and see what other components you can check out too
MPrime is good for CPU stress testing. MestTest86+ is good for memory testing. For GPU testing you can use Unigine Valley.
When buying RAM, it needs to be compatible with your hardware and not defective. The operating system is irrelevant.
However, if the RAM isn't working properly, it's possible that one operating system is affected more than another because it puts more important things in a malfunctioning area.
Test your RAM.
Grab a USB pen drive you don't need or backup the data, cause you're gonna need one.
Head over to
Download the iso or the auto installer for usb keys.
Prepare and then boot from h he usb pen drive in the boot menu of your bios. (if you have a uefi installation of your OS you could also hold SHIFT while clicking 'restart' and then select 'use device')
Run the Memtest.
If errors occur, take modules out and test them separately to find out which module is faulty.
Godspeed buddy.
I asked you to run hard drive and RAM diagnostics four days ago. You said you ran some Dell app on a recovery partition, but I have no idea what that app does - and it likely doesn't report bad sectors or hard drive malfunction. More over, it doesn't sound like you ran RAM diagnostics at all.
Seems kinda funny how your OS won't load - and neither does any large LiveCD/DVD/USB. Know what the commonality is? They all a push lot of data to RAM.
If you're actually intent on fixing this, start with RAM diagnostics. Something tells me you're either going to need to drop to single channel or buy new RAM before getting any further.
"I've found out since then it's not damage to the physical hard drive, it's a software issue".
If that were the only problem, Windows would be booting now that you've repaired the MBR. It's obviously not the only problem. Figure out who manufactures your hard drive. If it's seagate, you'll need to make a Seatools live USB. If Western Digital, DLGDIAG.
If you can't afford to replace your RAM, or can't get these diagnostic tools to boot properly or work, you're literally up-the-creek and won't continue making headway.
This many crashes in different areas of the code generally points to a hardware issue.
Can you run a memtest to confirm that your RAM is still working correctly?
Have you overclocked your CPU or played with timings?
Create a bootable memtest pendrive ( ), plug a monitor into the 5202t’s hdmi port a hook up a usb keyboard and boot off the pendrive ( hit esc during POST to get to the boot menu )
Most likely cause of these kind of lockups is a ram issue - only way to be sure is along ram test like memtest
Then you oughta reseat and test your RAM.
In my experience, almost all issues with Windows installs freezing up without any error is almost always bad RAM.
I've never seen a 4.5GB stick of DDR3, but Windows is reporting "Dual Channel", so it's probably ignoring one of your 3GB sticks. I chucked dual channel in quotes because dual channel DDR3 ain't 666mhz. That's the base operating speed of single channel DDR3.
You should power off, pull all your RAM modules and check that their frequencies and capacities match. If they don't, they need to. Also, RAM is cheap. You can get two 8GB sticks of DDR3 for about $50, and even if your Mobo offers four RAM busses, it's best to only fill two channels. Speaking of which, check your mobo documentation because mobos have their own RAM limits.
TLDR: Four memory busses and three sticks steps everything down to single channel speed.
If everything checks out, jump into BIOS/UEFI and ensure capacity and frequency are reported correctly. If there are any enhanced memory management features, research and enable/disable where applicable. If nothing seems applicable or results in no difference after booting into Windows, it's time to run RAM diagnostics.
I'm not certain about this, but Windows Memory Diagnostic may have a 2GB limit in Windows 7 SP1. To avoid that possibility, I'd recommend a 3rd party app.
If all your RAM modules match, they aren't BIOS/UEFI limited, you're not running 3 modules in a "dual channel" setup, and everything passes diagnostics - I don't even know what the hell, man. I'd wanna blame your busses at that point, but could be an ancient BIOS firmware that desperately needs updating.
TLDR2: Take it to a computer technician and pay them to pimp your ride.
I would try creating a memtest86 stick and test the sticks using that. It may take quite awhile for a comprehensive test, but usually anything besides the most incredibly subtle errors (and your issue sounds anything but subtle) will be detected almost immediately, within minutes.
The only gotcha to look out for is if memtest reports large numbers of errors on both sticks/slots, it may suggest a larger common issue (motherboard or CPU) instead of being problems with the RAM itself.
Run an actual memtest
Windows memory diag is completely unreliable. It was showing zero issues when my laptop was crashing every few minutes with a bad memory kit. If memtest above passes, your memory is fine.
Go to and grab a copy of memtest. Stick it on a USB drive, boot from it, and see what it says about your memory.
If that comes back clear it's likely that you have bad drives (not absolute, just likely).
If it finds errors check all of your sticks of RAM in the system one at a time and see which one is unreliable.
Also, go grab something like speccy and check your internal temps.
Is the blue screen giving a specific error message?
Super weird.
It might be worth running something like Memtest86+ or something like it to make sure you're truly stress-testing your RAM.
Beyond that, I'm a bit at a loss. I could suggest you try throwing Linux on your system, installing Chrome, and seeing if you still have a problem to rule out some Windows driver weirdness, but that's probably more trouble for most people than it's worth.
Maybe try pulling one of your RAM sticks and running on just one (if you have two) to see if you still have the problem, then swapping that stick out for the other to see if you still run into the problem?
Do you notice any consistent situations when you run into this problem? Are you always running on battery, for example? Always using a certain amount of RAM, always have certain apps running in the background?
Edit: link to Memtest86+
>Memtest86 and memtest86+ are different programs. One runs as a bootable media, (the non-plus) and one runs in the OS. They’re also made by different people afaik.
Both are bootable.
In the early 2000s, Memtest86+ is a fork of Memtest86, as the original software was getting out of date in terms of support; however memtest86+ is egregiously out of date for contemporary hardware (it doesn't support UEFI; unsure about 5.31b but probably not).
Passmark bought the original Memtest86 in 2013 and has been updating it ever since.
I personally use Passmark's memtest86 during ram overclocking as the reaction loop is much quicker; it's much quicker to boot into and exit. Futher, I use it as something quick-n'-dirty to find if a setting/timing is obviously unstable so I don't have to potentially corrupt the OS when going in for a more stressful regime of tests.
I mainly just do a single pass of tests 1~9, then go into the OS. Tests 4,6,7,9 seems to catch errors the most, though the other tests are short enough that I don't bother turning them off. Test10, while painfully slow (for good reason), is decent at finding tRFC instability. Test 13 is very slow and I've never had it be the one to find instability.
As memtest86 is not SIMD-accelerated (except tests 12 and sorta 11, which are locked behind the Pro version) I fully expect the tests to be woefully CPU-bottlenecked and pretty light on the memory and controller; I don't really recommend Passmark's Memtest86 as a strong stability test for this reason. Unfortunately, I don't have the pro version so I can't personally speak about good or bad the accelerated tests actually are (tho if anyone knows where I can get it for free, I'd be grateful).
You'll sometimes see memtest86 as a boot option upon initial boot of a live session of the Linux distribution prior to installing. Or at the Grub, or Lilo boot loader. Though after installing Linux, if you don't dual, or multi-boot, you may have never seen this screen. For Ubuntu based distributions, holding down the shift key just after the UEFI should get you into it. For other distributions it may be different.
Worst case, make a Live USB flash drive image of it from a known good computer. Make sure you verify all files.
Edit: If this is the problem, you will be doing just that of swapping out your RAM. It's one of the reasons I learned years ago to buy RAM from companies that offer lifetime warranties, as some motherboards seem to blow through RAM more than others and sometimes it just fails randomly.
Youre not wrong.
Ram seems to be the worst, ignoring video card.
Run memtest would be my first thing to try.
Wait. 2 ram slots died? Is this fixed now or are you only using the other 2 slots?
Is the fault with the cpu or the mainboard do you think?
Might help to run a memtest.
Download from there as zipped sio, unzip it then right click>burn to disc.
Reboot your pc and depending on the model you might have to press a key to open boot menu, from there I think it will just auto test. Give it an hour or 2.
memtest is a great tool you can also run off of a USB stick -- start it before you go to bed.
Also, update your motherboard bios.
There's one that was recently released for your motherboard.
Note settings usually reset after a bios update.
Download MemTest86+ bootable CD / USB / whatever you can run.
Burn that to CD and boot from it, or flash it to a USB bootable with something like Rufus or another USB bootloader tool.
from there run MemTest86+ with only 1 stick of ram in the first slot.
let it run the full test. turn off. swap the stick to #2 and re-run the test.
Do this for all your sticks. if all your sticks are clean, then you can run them ALL in together, or if you wanna skip this test its 99% ok if all 4 are running alone, but for 100% clarity you'd run them all together one final time.
if your memory is ok..
then i'd get a clean SSD and put a test windows on there, or a new windows, whatever you want.. but basically this windows will run for a few weeks and see if your issue persists.
Another thing you can do is reset the BIOS to factory and turn off overclocking and turbo boost and memory profile enhancers and try to run as close to stock as possible.
From what i read online it looks like this panic is windows system related or memory related, so hopefully mem test shows clean memory and a clean OS resolves it.
if you kernel panic BSOD during a fresh brand brand new windows... then its most likely hardware at that point.
> Às vezes ele liga normalmente e dá imagem. Mas às vezes para de dar imagem e eu preciso ficar tirando e botando a memória RAM até voltar a funcionar e quando eu desligo, o problema retorna.
O acontece especificamente quando não dá imagem? A tela fica preta ou sem sinal, ou, ainda, o PC não liga?
> Será que o problema está nas memórias ou na placa mãe?
Se quiser checar as memórias tem que testar com o Memtest86+ por pelo menos uns 8 passes. Aviso que demora bastante, então é melhor deixar rodar a noite.
E se a placa mãe não tem leitor de códigos de erro não dá pra verificar o problema diretamente.
É bom tbm falar a sua confirmação inteira para uma melhor avaliação do problema.
E por experiência pessoal, o problema pode ser apenas de handshake entre o monitor e o PC. Eu sempre tenho que ligar o monitor antes do PC para ter vídeo.
Stress test each component individually. If any one fails is probably the faulty part.
Gotcha. I'd recommend RAM diagnostics, especially after BSOD and continued system instability like this. Something tells me your apps aren't loading because they're trying to fill corrupted memory addresses.
I'd also advise you to backup personal data off of that hard drive just in case. I don't want to worry you because you haven't provided enough solid info to indicate you could have having HDD problems, but you could potentially have the same issues if your RAM is fine but your page file is attempting to write over bad sectors on your HDD.
Windows 7 has a built-in Windows Memory Diagnostic that can be accessed from a search or by running "mdsched" from the Run dialog. It'll require a restart. It can only scan up to 4GB of installed RAM though - so if your system has more than that, you may need to opt for Memtest x86+.
If this memtest stuff feels a bit above your comfort level, RAM diagnostic through a computer tech should be really cheap, and RAM generally isn't that expensive either.
have you considered a RAM-Test?
Put this on an USB-Stick or DVD, run it after your POST-screen. I found out, that one of my RAM-sticks didn't work with 3200 MHz, but when I changed it to 3000 MHz, no error happened).
what is the name of your RAM? Whats your mainboard name/type? (i know you changed your RAM already ...)
You need to check your hard drive's SMART data and perhaps test further using software. Something like Windows Scandisk should be enough to start with.
For RAM testing I use a free and open source tool called Memtest86. There's paid software under the same name so make sure you get it from or use a Linux live CD that has it already installed.
It can be a bit daunting if you're not a technical person so have someone help you or watch some tutorials. If you're not careful using unfamiliar tools you can delete files you care about so be mindful of that. If your PC is just for gaming and doesn't have photos and stuff on it, go wild.
> I can customize it the way i prefer without sacrificing much performance.
KDE is quite nice for that.
Are the crashes completely random or do they happen during specific workloads?
In the past I have had bad ram cause random and unexpected lockups. You could run a memtest to double check you ram.
Thanks for pointing that out, as I was unaware that the old memtest86 on which memtest86+ is based - or at least a project using that name - is more technologically current despite memtest86+ having a recent release.
No, you do not. Swap files have been not only supported for a long time, but are becoming the default. How swap is used, the impact of the running host and the tools for examining its use is a bit more technical than a comment here will sufficiently address, but there is plentiful authoritative documentation.
Your platform already has a process known as the OOM killer which will try to keep the host alive when memory is exhausted by killing processes, so you need to try to find out why your specific host is showing the specific symptoms you observed. The logs and journal are the first place to start, but don't wait too long to properly test your memory. You probably have memtest86+ installed and ready to boot and run for as many hours as needed.
What error codes are you getting when it BSODs?
Have you noticed any patterns to it BSODing, performing a particular task eg. gaming or running a particular piece of software.
Is your computer overclocked in any way?
If there's been no hardware changes lately my first suspects would be either RAM or PSU starting to fail.
To test your memory follow these steps: How to check your Windows 10 PC for memory problems | Windows Central
Or use memtest: Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool
> This happened before and I ended up upgrading the RAM thinking that it might be a RAM issue but going for 16 to 32 hasn't helped very much.
Have you tested the RAM for errors (e.g. with a program like memtest86+? If there's a memory error it could cause repeated shutdowns like this.
Have you checked the output from running "dmesg" on your Proxmox shell to see if there's anything relevant that coincides with a VM reboot?
If the server has an IPMI interface, have you tried logging in to that to see if the system has recorded any events in there which might indicate a root cause?
In order to test all of your RAM, you would need to boot into something like memtest86 via USB. Unfortunately you can't do it from a regular OS because the OS will either be using or will deny access to certain parts of the RAM.
Event 41s are very hard to narrow down. It just tells you that the PC shut off unexpectedly. I mean, it could be the power supply but there's a buncha of guides floating around to help you narrow it down.
I'd start with a memtest. Run it overnight and if there's more than 0 errors, RMA the RAM. Do make sure you are on the latest BIOS as for Ryzen, most BIOS updates are performance fixes or address memory compatibility issues.
Low memory will cause poor performance, but it shouldn't cause crashes. So you're likely dealing with more than a single factor.
I'd guess that 300 faults/sec is enough to cause stuttering at times, so an upgrade would help a little. It varies from one app to the next though, so the improvement could be enormous---or quite subtle.
Bad memory can cause all sorts of random crashes and other problems. It wouldn't hurt to run MemTest86 overnight. It will loop indefinitely as a stress test, so just let it run. Hit Escape to reboot when you're done with it.
If you look at the MemTest screenshots, you'll see the two bottom lines: Wall Time and a dashed line underneath it. If anything appears below that dashed line, it's a problem. It will list memory addresses with corrupted data, which aren't relevant in this situation beyond indicating that you need to replace your RAM.
There should be a way to exclude the entire Steam library folder from scans. That's a fairly standard feature, but I don't use McAfee so I can't say where it is. If you have Windows 10, you might be better off removing it entirely and just rolling with the native Windows Defender.
I've had crashes related to mods and video drivers. I had to disable the application profile for xcom2.exe on older NVIDIA releases just to get the game stable... without any mods. An update broke things again later, and it took them months to fix it.
Finally, XCOM has an option for framerate smoothing under video settings. This improved the game significantly for me even though it really shouldn't be necessary with my setup (32 GB, GTX 1070, 1440p).
Prove or disprove by flashing a usb key with memtest and booting off of it.
24 hours is usually the standard to prove the system good, but often enough when the system is bad it will start dumping errors in the first pass.
Thermal throttling could also be a culprit, if something didn't get seated correctly you might overheat very quickly when you start loading up the computer.
I'd suggest updating your tester to the newer version of Memtest86 or using Passmark's Memtest86.
Double check the memory timings and voltages again. Remove all but one module. Test that module. See if they all pass individually or if one or two fail individually. Put all the good ones in and run Windows again and see if it's still crashing.
Quite sure it's memory related. Try running memtest. (It's not a program to run under an OS, you need to boot into it from a USB key)
Just because your memory runs, might not mean it's stable. Factorio's engine stresses memory a lot.
Prima di formattare (dato che è un problema software ma il debug è solo lungo e pieno di fallimenti e mal di testa) ti suggerisco di controllare la ram creando l'usb avviabile con memtest.
Gli fai fare un giro completo e se non ti da problemi allora io, fossi in te, formatterei (se ti da problemi ovviamente cerca il banco difetoso e sostituiscilo).
Il tempo che ci impieghi a formattare e reinstallare tutto è sicuramente inferiore a quello che ci spenderesti a cercare la causa di un problema random.
Does the audio stop/glitch when this happens? Can you reproduce this with any other game?
Try running a memtest (you'll need a USB stick) for an hour or so
Install HWiNFO64. Run with default settings. In the main window go into Processor => Intel, scroll down to "IA Overclocking" and note down Voltage Offset value. Or just click the save report button and upload it somewhere
Either way it seems like you need to work with support to get it resolved, this is probably a hardware failure of some kind
Adding onto this, I experienced all of OP's above blue screens (the same codes) when I had some bad RAM. I would recommend that OP tries MemTest to stress test the RAM and it will highlight any errors or may even cause the bluescreen.
That error means there was an access violation. A driver or something in the update tried to access some piece of memory it weren't allowed to. This is usually caused by bad drivers, faulty RAM or simply just bugged code.
As your RAM sticks might be bad, you should first use Memtest86 to test your RAM sticks: one by one and with all sticks seated.
If the RAM checks out, then you need to dig deeper into the update logs for your initial issue: error 0xc19001001. This is a generic 'Update failed' error that is used for most of the update process to simply indicate that the update failed. The log file(s) should contain a more useful error code. The error and its extension codes are described in a lot of details here:
Although at this point it's probably easier to reinstall your operating system, not to mention to save time.
NB! If you do go with the reinstallation option, please remember to back up all your essential files as all files on this disk will be wiped during the installation process.
Grab a USB stick then go here and download Memtest86+ V5.31b (12/04/2020) [Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 7/8/10)]
Install memtest on the USB and shut down your PC, then start it up, boot into the USB, and run the tests. Boot menu key should be F8.
The report says you are using an AMD, so it's definitely not going to have Intel's XMP. I think the benchmark is wrong, especially if you are able to utilize all the ram. You can always run MemTest+ if in doubt, but it will take many hours to complete.
That sounds a lot like defective ram/vram. Since you're using an integrated GPU the first thing I'd do is try different ram stick(s).
Also I'd download and run Memtest86+
These vertical lines are *usually* indications of the bits in your memory shifting when they are at the edge of a byte / word / large word. Never a good sign.
Did you have issues with your CPU overheating recently?
This being said I am puzzled the games you play are fine.
If you've only done the build in Windows memory test, be warned - it's not very thorough.
I've had systems pass that and still fail Memtest86+:
...but your repeatability of this sounds like if it was a memory issue you'd know.
Do you have a list of games which you've seen do this? I'm just wondering if it really is all multiplayer games, or if there just happens to be something similar about the ones you've tried (do they all use the same anti-cheat software which somehow got corrupted).
Last time I saw this behaviour was due to a memory issue. I'd suggest you re-seat the modules, check the supplied voltage in the BIOS is correct (the memory modules should say what voltage they're expecting on the sticker) and run Memtest86 to see if you have a bad component.
Try this one at this site as I don't know much about memtest86 and if you get errors in a consistent position across a range of memory addresses then some of the wiring may be a problem and it is definitely faulty.
If you only have an issue with the occasional dropped bit e.g. &hFFFF > &hFF7F then one of the cells doesn't hold its charge before its refreshed so a "1" value drops below a threshold level and gets interpreted as a "0" and sometimes an easy fix for this is keep increasing the memory voltage until it works OK, however, if the stick has lifetime warranty with the manufacturer then in that case it's best to RMA it as it should work perfectly at its normal default voltages without errors.
Memtest86+ is a great tool for determining if your memory is faulty. I've been using it since the early 2000's and never failed me once.
If you're doing anything tweaking/tuning/overclocking then you should revert back to stock settings. If your memory is rated for 3200 then it should be fine to enable XMP but I'd verify the correct values are being set via the BIOS. I've seen where XMP was enabled and I had to go in and manually set every value to what it was supposed to be before the memory worked correctly.
IMO, the biggest contributors to system issues are the following: Shitty PSU (stick with Seasonic, Corsair and you should be fine), Cheap RAM (stick with Corsair, Crucial, G.SKILL and you usually should be good) and heat / poor airflow (make sure your case has good airflow - Intake, Exhaust).
When it comes to RAM sticks, I try to find out what memory is being used and stick with known good stuff. The G.SKILL TridentZ RGB I bought was Samsung B-Die and the 2x Crucial Ballistix Sport LT I bought back in November was Micron E-Die. I typically stay away from SK Hynix unless its some low spec RAM for a pre-built or thin client I'm re-purposing as a server.
This bugcheck can only occur by memory corruption due to physical memory access. The causes for physical memory corruption include:
Defective RAM hardware
A driver or device incorrectly modifying physical pages via an incorrect DMA operation or associated MDL.
Corruption caused by a hardware device or firmware corrupting memory, such as firmware illegally modifying physical pages across a power transition.
I'd grab memtest86+ and let it run for as long as you possibly can, the more passes the better, to see if it identifies any errors. Sometimes you'll see errors show up right away, other times you may not see any errors until you've done several passes. It'll tell you where the errors are located. So if you have 8GB memory in 2*4GB modules and you see errors in the 6144-8192GB range then you know it's the 2nd module and you should replace that.
I'd reseat your RAM and use some compressed air to blow out the DIMM slots, just in case. If I had to guess at what caused your problem, I'd wager that there's dust or something rendering one of the pins for your DIMM slots to be slightly out of spec which would cause weird issues and glitches.
Not saying that it was the cause for sure, but it's all I can think of other than one of the sticks being on its last legs and it'd be 5 minutes of work to do and is what I'd do if I saw the same problem: Reseat the memory, run memtest86+ for stability and keep an eye out for any additional problems showing that a stick is dying over the next few weeks, just in case.
Kmode is display driver issues
Whea is ram issues
Page fault is a hard drive issue
System service is a driver issue
Lots of things to test here let's start by running Memtest86+
First things firts reset bios to default. You want to boot first, worry about speed later.Take one stick that booted already and check each slot on your motherboard. If all boots: congrats, it's not the motherboard. Keep the motherboard booklet around to check which dimm slot (ram slot) is for channel A and B, because if only one channel doesn't boot it might be your cpu at fault.Then do this with the other stick as well. If everything works try put both into the slots your motherboard booklet recommends (that's the right most and the second from the left irrc). If boots (still in default 2133mhz clock), hurray! Now instead of using googled settings just enable the a-xmp profile, so your RAM runs at it's advertised speed.
You might want to create a bootable usb drive with memtest and check each memory stick, if they pass or not. You also should retest them with xmp if you can get it to boot, just to be sure.
One good advice to be patient. Troubleshooting can be lenghty and annoying, but if you can pinpoint what is exactly at fault you can get RMA way easier. Also, if you feel over your head, or don't have the time just bring it to a repair shop for troubleshooting.
You could try to run a memory test ( but I'm not sure if this tool will work on a 386. If you scroll down on the page you can find precompiled images you can load onto a floppy. You need a windows machine with a floppy drive to create it, or another way of writing the .bin "raw" onto a floppy drive.
I would try one of the older versions.
I'd run against this memtest overnight. It takes forever, however it is extremely thorough in making sure RAM is working correctly. I've had many instances where builtin memory tests said things were fine on a finicky machine and memtest correctly indicated RAM was bad.
It's almost never the RAM, but if you have to replace the RAM then I would just do it under warranty, all RAM has a lifetime warranty.
Try running the bootable Memtest with both memory modules in and see if it returns any errors. Then move the modules to the other two slots and run the same test. If you get the same errors, contact the manufacturer of your RAM and return it under warranty, otherwise it's your motherboard.
So you had 2 x 8 gb and everything worked fine.
And then you upgraded to 4 x 8Gb and things started to go awry?
Anyhow the more memory modules there is the more harder it is to the memory controller.
You can start by turning off XMP/AMP settings on bios and see if it is stable with "safe mode" settings.
Then you can start to manually tweak settings and see how high can you go.
Use Memtest to check stability, let the test run completely and if there is even single error your settings are not stable.
If you get bluescreens, and the errors are seemingly random (video driver this time, storage driver another, etc) then you probably have bad RAM. You sound like you've recently upgraded to 16 from 8 and your problems have gotten better, this is probably because your original 8GB stick is bad, and now that you have more good ram to use, you're seeing less frequent crashes.
I'd run a memtest on your computer, you can download it for free here
You might want to check your memory with memtest86+ or similiar tool. You'd need an another PC to make a bootable USB disk. Memory errors would explain diak corruption both on windows and linux, and should be the first thing to check.
Also do note, that the root password is different from user password that sudo asks, unless you use the same password for both accounts.
I would:
Test the memory with Memtest86+ for seven complete passes or overnight whichever is longer. Download and install to a USB flash drive "Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7)" and allow your computer to boot into that program.
If there were errors then I'd assume the memory was bad and replace it.
If the memory tested good then I'd download and install SeaTools Bootable to a USB flash and allow my computer to boot into that. I'd run the long and short tests on all drives and if a drive failed either test I'd replace that drive.
If none of that answered any questions then I'd check for malware with a decent antivirus program like Bitdefender.
I would start by checking temperatures while running a few passes at least of memtest86+ downloadable here
I have also run your text through google translate as I imagine we are mostly English speakers here.
Ich würde damit beginnen, die Temperaturen zu überprüfen, während ich mindestens ein paar Durchgänge von memtest86 + laufen lasse, die hier heruntergeladen werden können:
Ich habe Ihren Text auch über Google Übersetzer ausgeführt, da ich mir vorstelle, dass wir hier hauptsächlich Englisch sprechen.
Ich habe Ihren Text auch über Google Übersetzer ausgeführt, da ich mir vorstelle, dass wir hier hauptsächlich Englisch sprechen.
I deleted and completely set up my PC two weeks ago (the hard disk also formatted)
But now everything is practically useless, the apps and programs crash without an error message or games freeze and then crash (even without an error message) sfc scannow is useless Troubleshoot is also useless memory diagnostic tool is also useless
I also get blue screens like Critical Procces died quite often; Paging fault in nonpaged area; kernel security check failure; system service exception
Windows 10 64bit
Yes, all drivers are up to date
No, it is not a virus
No temperatures are always okay
I'd boot to Memtest86+ ( ) and let that run for a couple hours to confirm your RAM is stable.
If you have a spare GPU, I'd potentially swap that in temporarily too.
I still think the BIOS error is a distraction.
Most likely your HDD is failing, the IDE cable is bad, or (less likely) you have RAM issues.
Windows isn't my wheelhouse, but this looks like a storage problem, not a CPU/BIOS issue.
When I don't know what's going on I first test the memory. The memory only works correctly if the base of the computer is in good working order.
Download and install to a USB flash drive Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7)
I'd boot my computer into that program and allow it to run overnight or for seven complete passes whichever is longer.
If there are errors at the bottom of the screen then the testing is over and the memory likely needs replacing.
If the motherboard shuts down during testing or restarts then I'd suspect the power supply was bad.
If the motherboard locks-up during testing then I'd suspect the motherboard was bad.
If there are no errors then it's time to test the hard drive with SeaTools Bootable.
Run the long and the short tests. If the drive fails either test then it likely needs replacing.
You don't get minidumps from freezes; just from BSODs. Random freezing is harder to diagnose, and generally involves just what you're doing—testing each component to identify potential faults.
To identify the cause you have to be patient and methodical. Take the system back to square one and slowly add in devices and complexity until you find the thing that borks it. It's boring and time-consuming; there is no magic app or shortcut.
There still could be things that you can't diagnose; a fault on the motherboard, or some other critical piece of hardware.
You can also take it to the local repair shop where there are essentially going to run through a similar battery of tests.
Please try booting from a USB stick and running Memtest to test the RAM.
This would tell you if errors are present without guessing. If you still want to try just removing one chip and seeing if that works, it is fine.
The "no post, no video" you describe definitely sounds like a bad motherboard or aging power supply. (Or under powered power supply)
This could be a few issues. I'd first suspect the hard drive or memory is breaking/broken. If after testing those devices passed then I'd suspect corrupt windows files.
Start with:
Memtest86+ Download - Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7)
Install the program to a USB flash drive and allow your computer to boot into that. Run for seven complete passes without error, or overnight whichever is longer.
If there are errors then the testing is over and the memory is likely bad and needs replacing.
If there are no errors then it's time to test the hard drive with SeaTools bootable. I haven't used this program before, so I don't know the specifics, but you should run the long and the short tests. If the drive fails either test then it will likely need replacing.
I'd bet bad ram. run Memtest86+ for a while to see if anything turns up. it could also be errors with windows, so try DSIM its not just for windows update errors, the "/restorehealth" and "sfc /scannow" steps should look for broken windows files and fix them.
I'd check for memory errors with a bootable Memtest86+ USB.
If that doesn't turn up anything, check for hard disk problems with a bootable Linux USB as described here.
Bau mal einen Memtest UBS Stick: (nicht .com, da kommt die Proprietäre Version her)
Das einmal für 24h durchlaufen lassen, 1-2 Fehler sind da normal, sowas passiert sporadisch, mehr als 2 Fehler sind aber sehr suspekt.
Usually on modern mother boards there are little tabs that snap down on the sides of the memory to make sure it is a tight fit. If you have some canned air you can try cleaning out the slot, which might help if some dust got in. I have used Memtestx86 before to uncover some ram issues( you just flash it to a usb drive).
It does sound like a hardware issue to me. Try running the Prime95 stress test with both of the error checking options enabled in the 'advanced' menu.
If you can't get through a few hours of that without a crash or it throwing calculation errors - your PC just isn't stable, and time to start looking at your CPU/RAM/Motherboard.
Also a good idea to test your RAM overnight via Memtest86, which is easily found for free online, and also comes with distributions like the Ultimate Boot CD (also free.) Even when not overclocked, consumer non-ECC ram fails or starts to get flaky a lot more often than people think.
Firefox can't cause system crashes because it doesn't run in kernel mode. Apps in modern OSes can't crash the OS.
>I managed to open a dmp file where event follow up reads: memory_corruption
You may have bad memory. Have you run a memtest?
>1.) i can't see info about speed or timings in that output
sudo dmidecode --type 17 | grep -i speed
>2.) How can I know if the ram is stable at those settings?
If it's not stable, you crash/freeze. This isn't determined by the OS.
You can boot to this to run the ram through it's paces:
Well, this crash is
"Estonian e-Residency" crashes.
It does say memory in your original post -- have you tried running a memtest?
I'm having a hard time identifying the root cause of this error.
This provides a bit of information on the issue you're computer is running into:
The illegal instruction is caused with panorama.dll
One person had codecs.dll have a similiar error which ended up being his sound card. A hardware issue. I recommend running a memory test:
But I think Vavle support may be the only people with the knowledge to help identify the issue at this point, they take a few days to reply to a ticket.
I'm not sure which version of Windows the laptop has, but installing Windows 10 will be fairly easy.
You'll need a working computer and an 8GB USB flash drive to download/install the Windows 10 install media.
If the laptop doesn't complete the Windows install from the flash drive then I'd test the memory and/or replace the hard drive.