I recently completed this on PC, I'll give some steps for the beginning (this would be steps 1-3)
1.Download putty and go through the setup process, if you are unsure on what version to get: newer, faster computers usually run x64; older, slower, and/or cheap computers would run x32. (Both would work with x32)
Within your iphone's settings (assuming that you are already connected to the internet) press the information icon on your own wifi network: your IP address will be displayed here.
Relaunch putty, click on SSH (It should be there by default) , and enter into the address bar: root@ IPADDRESS
3.5. Look at the other instructions that were originally posted.
If you are having problems with step 3, that means that your device was not successfully jail-broken. The Electra app should tell you that your device was jail-broken.
If you successfully got into the command console but it keeps saying "access denied" be sure that root is the username and alpine is the password.
I made this guide mostly because I was having a hard time understanding what to do.
In your web browser, go to your router ip address to adjust the settings, usually or
Go to the Administration tab and make sure either SSH or Telnet is enabled (I use SSH, set to LAN access only). The default login info is usually admin/admin or admin/password but you should change that if so.
Download an SSH/telnet client. I use PuTTY
Start PuTTY, in the Host Name put in your router's ip address (same as step 1, probably, make sure the Port is 22, and SSH is selected as the connection type (or Telnet if you enabled telnet), then click 'Open'
At the login screen, type in the admin login info for your router (same as you use on the web interface, default is likely admin/admin or admin/password)
You should now be at a command prompt for your router. Type:
cd /var/run
ls -l
This should give you a list of all the files in the /var/run folder. These are basically programs that automatically start after a router reboot. If you see any of these four folders:
then you are infected. Supposedly you can just delete those folders to fix it.
When you are done type 'exit', then you might want to turn back off the SSH / telnet client in the router settings for security.
Assuming your computer is running Windows then I'd recommend PuTTY. You'll need to find what COM port your serial port is - Device Manager will tell you - and then set the speed to 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. This is usually known as "9600 8n1".
I don't know how in-depth you're trying to get but the following skills may be helpful while setting up and troubleshooting Industrial Networking and Devices:
- Learning how to connect to a machine via serial is probably a good skill to have.
- Understanding how to use PuTTY for connecting via telnet and ssh are also probably good.
- Learning to set your IP on your machine is helpful
- Learning how to start a DHCP server from your computer (note contact your network manager before you do this as your computer can be blocked for responding to DHCP requests)
- Learning Google-Fu (The art of googling terms of your obscure IT issue and finding the answer while ignoring the junk)
SSH means secure shell. openSSH is a set of tools allowing you to run a secure shell server and client.
If SSH is set up on your server then you need to use an SSH client (on Linux this would be called ssh. On Windows you could use PuTTY (download link, documentation).
There are a lot of options available when using PuTTY, but to simply log in with a username and password doesn't take much. Just entering the IP in the address box and hitting connect should bring a box allowing you to enter your username and password (when typing your password it will look like it is not working - just keep typing anyway).
If you have not got SSH running on your VPS then you will have to get your VPS provider to reset your machine and set it up with the correct options for enabling SSH.
Yes, PowerShell Remoting Over SSH - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
Alternately, you could look at plink, which is included with PuTTY. PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client (greenend.org.uk)
You will need to use an ssh client to access the server. PuTTY is a popular choice on Windows.
Once you've connected, if no one else is waiting to play you will need to wait for an opponent to connect. Once they do, use the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard to select cards.
When the game is waiting for you to acknowledge something ("Go", "Opponent scored # points", etc.) press Space to continue.
This is going to be your go to guide (or at least one of them): https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/odroid-n2
I picked ubuntu (https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/os_images/ubuntu/20190806), but there are other options if you prefer.
For ubuntu here are some steps I've used (there are other ways!)
This should get your feet wet. Google is your friend! I've also have an xu4 and a C2, and the odroid stuff is awesome - I think you made a good purchase. :D
It actually isn't windows only, they even have a terminal program for *nix: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/faq.html#faq-ports
I understand your perspective, as it was Windows only for quite a while.
As far as I understand, PuTTY (and WinSCP) for example, does not use the native "signed" version of OpenSSH keys. And its own format does not support the signatures, as described here - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/ssh2-openssh-certkeys.html
Download puttyfrom here - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
You log in to the openlab machines which run CentOS (but distro really doesnt matter at all). If you are off campus use VPN or a certificate to connect. He should provide all of the instructions on the site.
53 is one of the easiest classes in all of CS, enjoy it :)
Windows users can get the tool plink from the maker of putty. Command line arguments are identical. A nice option is the -D switch: -D [listen-IP:]listen-port
. It opens a dynamic port. You then simply use the local port as socks proxy.
From the puTTY changelog:
> NetHack keypad mode mapping (shift-with-)numeric-keypad to (shift-with-)hjklyubn. Unfortunately Shift only works when NumLock is off, which is a bit odd.
Not PowerCLI / PowerShell, but I use plink.exe (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html), you can run:
plink -l root -pw mypassword esx01 "/vmfs/volumes/xxxx/scripts/backup.sh"
To avoid blank password in your scripts, you can create ssh key with puttygen and use it, some like:
plink -l root -i C:\blah\myfile.ppk esx01 "/vmfs/volumes/xxxx/scripts/backup.sh"
You will need to use an ssh client to access the server. PuTTY is a popular choice on Windows.
Once you've connected, if no one else is waiting to play you will need to wait for an opponent to connect. Once they do, use the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard to select cards.
When the game is waiting for you to acknowledge something ("Go", "Opponent scored # points", etc.) press Space to continue.
I'm talking about the four spots labeled Rx, Tx, PWR, and GND on the ride side of the board. It looks like it only has solder beds for the console access so you might need to use something like this (and a soldering iron) to do it. If there is pins on the other side, you can use them with a cable like this.
Then you need to get something like putty to connect through to the board with a COM session.
This should at least tell you what the board is running and what you can do with it.
Do you have a picture of the other side of the board?
PuTTYgen - Key Generator for PuTTY on Windows
Which boils down to:
You should be able to copy and paste from your VM console to the host (Windows) by normal copying and pasting. There are numerous other ways but this is probably the easiest way for a beginner.
Windows key + type terminal
will probably work)sudo cat /etc/systemconfig/iptables-config
Alternatively, you could try to SSH.
> a way to connect to the server and run that command
You can use PuTTY to do this. Install the full package and you get everything you need.
Basically what you are going to do is:
Edit: with Windows 10 you could probably do this with the bash tools too, maybe use Powershell to have some basic GUI-ish feedback for the wifey. I stopped using Windows as my primary OS on the laptop and so I have to go sit at the Windows workstation to figure this stuff out for you. Maybe later. Why don't you just show her how to use the web GUI? lol
> There was only one version that I could install (here's the file), but after doing that I can't make contact with my router at all.
So, you did install LEDE, but you are on snapshots, which does not include luci (the web UI).
Try disabling manual IP (use DHCP) or change your IP from 192.168.0.x to 192.168.1.x
And then use something like PuTTY to try to log in to your router with telnet (or SSH, but wait for a few minutes before trying SSH after powering up your router).
From there, connect your router to internet via a LAN cable, and run the following commands on your telnet/SSH window:
opkg update opkg install luci
Ok this is what you have to do:
If you're on Windows install putty
Then go into your WiFi settings on your iPhone, and click the little (i) next to your wifi network and look for the IP and remember it
Then, if you're on Windows, open putty and put the IP for the server, and then root and your su password as the username and password.
If you're on mac then open Terminal on your Mac and type in ssh root@iphone_ip_here
and then type the password when it tells you.
Then paste the command
You probably want to run VNC, if you want access to the server's desktop.
But yeah, most servers run in console mode, and are managed over SSH (or administration software like cPanel or Webmin).
SSH is the same thing as opening the Terminal (ok, there are some important differences in many cases, but they're not important right now.)
From Windows, you will probably want PuTTY.
You'll have to learn terminal basics, though.
To control different computers on your network, you should use ssh. This will give you a remote shell on the other machine.
If you want to shutdown a computer, you can also use ssh and just pass in a single command (the shutdown command).
To connect: ssh [email protected]
To shutdown (assumes the computer to connect to is UNIX/Linux based and that the user has permission to run shutdown): ssh [email protected] "shutdown -h now"
Sometimes you can run poweroff
instead of shutdown...
, but not every system has that. shutdown
on the other hand is on every system.
NOTE: You need to have an ssh server installed and set up on the machine you want to connect to. Also, to use ssh on Windows you need an external client such as PuTTY because it's not installed by default IIRC.
EDIT: To clarify, by remote shell I mean a command line.
Now don't go down a slippery slope. This board runs the exact same firmware as the original stock board. Its aslo basically the same board with different stepper drivers in it. If you're gonna say the silent board sucks, you gotta say the stock one sucks too. There is no menu for gcode in the screen interface of most printers including this one. You usually input gcode via a serial interface or through the use of gcode files like the one that output from your slicer. To connect via serial, use the blue cable that came with your printer to connect your printer to your computer. Use software like Putty or Pronterface to send gcode via serial. Here is a tutorial to setup Pronterface. You can download Putty here and just use the serial mode to connect to ur printer. If you wanna get a different board, knock your socks off, however just know that this step is something that you'll also likely have to do on other mainboards as well.
Have you set the correct COM-port on the command-line or in the settings?
First check to see if you can "Talk" to the ESP (assuming Windows here):
No problem!
I took a quick look at the source code for OctoPrint and they are looking for /dev/ttyUSB*, /dev/ttyACM* and a few others. In other words, OctoPrint should see the adapter and you most likely shouldn't need to set anything in additional serial ports (unless you have an interesting setup). If OctoPrint can't see the adapter, that likely means the OS isn't seeing it.
To run the commands I mentioned, you'll need an SSH client. If you're running Windows I'd recommend putty. Just go to https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html, look under Alternative binary files and download the 64-bit x86 putty.exe.
Once you have putty, you can run it and enter the IP or hostname that you're using to access it on your network (probably octopi.local). Select SSH for the connection type and then click Open. The username is pi and the password is raspberry.
Once you're connected, run the commands I mentioned above and post the results.
$puttyURL = "https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html"
$getHTML = Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $puttyURL -UseBasicParsing
$output = foreach($link in $getHTML.Links){
if($link.href -match 'putty-64bit-(\d.+)-installer.+msi$'){
URL = "https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/w64/$($matches.0)"
FileName = $matches.0
Version = [version]$matches.1
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i", "$($output[0].URL)", "/q" -Wait
for others that want it
No need for virtualbox.
On windows today, your best bet is to use WSL and ssh from the bash shell it provides. Assuming you are running an up to date windows 10 or 11, this should be relatively straightforward. Once installed, reboot and open bash and then ssh univUnixUsername@serverPublicAddr
Alternatively, you can install Putty, which is small and has a long and good reputation.
Once you have wsl or putty installed, you ssh in like normal (there are plenty of guides for putty, wsl ssh is no different from linux ssh so also plenty of guides)...
In order to ssh, you need to 1) know your username for the server 2) know the servers public ip address (its not 10...* or 192.168..) or hostname/domain 3) be permitted to ssh in to begin with
Ask your instructor or sysadmin for help past that.
Well, it‘s not as hard as you might think.
At this point you have a fully functional server in your LAN. Now let‘s install PiHole:
I hope this helps to give you an idea of the installation process. Please excuse any errors, this was from memory. If you have questions, don‘t be afraid to ask :)
Of course you can load normal user keys into PuTTY's key agent.
AFAICS support for OpenSSH certs is still on the PuTTY wish list and not implemented:
I use Putty to SSH into my PiBoy from Windows. On Android I use ConnectBot. You'll need the IP address of your PiBoy. The default username of the official image is pi and the password is raspberry
Pasting into Putty is just a right-click.
Put a file with the name ssh and nothing in it on the boot partition, reboot then use puTTY (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) to connect via ssh, user: pi password: raspberry
I'm going to guess here that you are using the wired connection because otherwise you couldn't connect at all. When you login use "sudo raspi-config" and set up your wireless network.
Search for something like "virtualbox SSH into linux guest". I don't have any tutorials on hand I can vouch for. At a high level you need to:
yum install openssh-server
)systemctl enable --now sshd
)1.) Determine if you have Windows 64-bit or 32-Bit.
Press (Window)+E keys together to open up File Explorer.
Find "My Computer" or "This PC"
Click with right hand mouse button and select "Properties"
The details of your computer should pop up. Somewhere on that should show if you're running 64 or 32 bit.
2.) Download "PuTTY" from here:
Select the correct version for your computer, 32-Bit or 64-Bit.
3.) Determine the IP address of your router.
Press (Window)+R keys together to open the "Run" dialog box.
Type "cmd" in the box (Without the quotes.) and hit enter.
A command prompt will come up. Type "ipconfig" (Without the quotes) at that command prompt and hit enter. Look for an entry that says, "Default Gateway" and remember that IP address. (99% of the time it's going to be
4.) Log Into the router using PuTTY.
Run PuTTy from your start menu.
Enter the IP address you got from your command prompt into the "Host Name or IP" field and click the "Open" button.
You will get a window that asks about Host keys or security certificates or something or other. (I can't see it on mine since I've logged in a few times already. It only does this the first time you log in.)
You'll get a prompt asking you to login as. Enter "root" (Without Quotes) and hit enter.
It will ask for your password. Enter it.
5.) You will get a prompt that says, "root@OpenWRT~#"
6.) type "cd /tmp" (Without quotes) to change to the Temp directory.
7.) Download the latest firmware (as of 2021 Jan 18)
Type "wget https://downloads.linksys.com/downloads/firmware/FW_WRT1900AC_1.1.10.187766_prod.img" (Without Quotes)
This will fetch the latest version of the firmware from the internet.
8.) Type "sysupgrade -F FW_WRT1900AC_1.1.10.187766_prod.img"
Well, there is, if you use some command lines in a terminal, like putty. The idea is to boot into RetroArch and copy from /storage/roms/mmcblk2p1-*/ to /flash/
If you want to try or detailed commands, I can write them.
"Online version"? You can just download the putty .exe from their download page. Just grab one of the bare putty.exe files instead of the installer.
Mgmt were talking about v0.71 on Putty which has since been updated. But it still comes installed with mRemoteNG:
TBH I just accepted the secman's word and couldn't be arsed looking into it.
As for a nil-budget, its a govt dept that has had massive cut backs to IT. We have 7 year old VMware blades and every thing runs like dead horse.
Edit: here's the link they were referring to, v0.71 comes with mRemoteNG.
I use PuTTY.
You can give the VM any block device to use or pass it thru a SATA node.
(You can also write into a file; we tend to avoid that for performance reasons.)
Congratulations, your host is now a server!
Now go back to the stuff you found already, or tell us what distro you are using.
In short, it boils down to these steps:
or something like it. Might already be installed on some distros.systemctl enable sshd
. Some distro's have already enabled the service when you install the package.systemctl start sshd
. Or if you're desperate, reboot.FYI. you dont need admin rights to mask your IP>
Setup a VPS somewhere. maybe linode.
And use putty (you can get the exe without needing to install it, provided your company doesnt use software whitelisting like applocker or bit9.)
ALternatively windows 10 can have ssh built in now. Not sure if it requires admin rights.
Then setup a socks proxy and configure your browser to use it. Firefox preferably as its entirely separate from your system proxy settings. All traffic within the applicaiton only will be routed through the proxy. I do this on my work computer.
Agreed. Pscp is also another good one for file transfers. I usually throw it in my System32 directory so that I can conveniently use it anytime from a command line. It's made by the same people as Putty.
Das ist zu 99,999% ein False Positive. Selbst PuTTY wurde schon als Shelma identifiziert, und es ist unplausibel warum sich die Bezeichnung ändern soll - zumal die extrem unspezifisch sind. Du hast also im Prinzip einen False-Positive, weil du den gleichen Compiler nutzt, der für ein paar Viren genutzt wurde. Kann man nicht viel machen, und es sollte sich auch geben sobald du größere Programme hast (und das ganze Programm etwas eindeutiger identifizerbar wird, wenn man das so sehen möchte).
Have you downloaded the examples from this Terasic web site?
Apparently, the HPS (ARM core) has access to a UART interface.
There's an existing project located in the Terasic System CD:
The TSOM_top.sof programming file will allow you to run the demo (no need to rebuild).
Are you familiar with using the Quartus programming software?
Section 4.3 "UART to USB" in the Manual/TSoM_Evaluation Kit_User_Manual_revb.pdf file should point you in the right direction.
Do you have access to a USB Mini-B cable? Did the kit come with it?
If you don't have a terminal program already, I recommend PuTTY (for Windows) https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
Look on amazon for a USB to RJ45 cable. Plug the RJ45 into the port labled console on the front right side, you'll notice the baby blue color. Insert (giggidy) the USB end to your computer/laptop.
Download a terminal emulator. Putty is a good one to start with
Before we hop in our switch we're going to want to find out which com port were using. If you're on windows go to
device manager > ports (COM & LPT)
and you'll notice something named serial to USB, or some random string of letters and numbers occupying COM3 or 4 or somewhere in that range. You can always unplug the USB end to find out. With that information go ahead and open up putty
Below where it says IP/Hostname youll see options for SSH, Rlogin, Telnet, Raw, Serial
We want serial
And above where I mentioned hostname/IP you want to put in your COM port. So COM4 for example.
After that hit connect. If the switch was powered up hit the space bar or any button a few times to get some feedback. Or power it on and start the session.
Let us know if it needs a password or if you see gibberish. We can help with that too.
Good luck.
Well a string like 'reddit.com:80' isn't a phone number, so maybe that's part of your problem... Your client might be expecting that to be a phone # and doing something funny to it.
Maybe try setting up a speed dial? Or you could try using PuTTY[1] or TeraTerm[2], both should support Win 9x at least.
[1] https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
[2] https://ttssh2.osdn.jp/index.html.en
So you aren't running the commands locally or via putty?
In other words, when you follow this instruction: "go to hoobs.local ->top right menu -> Terminal and run following command:" you are accessing a command line interface via web browser?
If that is the case, I recommend installing and using puTTY for your operating system and using that. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
For easy debugging effort, you can also make the request using your computer and see the whole response that way.
One application that can do this is putty, open the app, fill in the up, and port 80, set the connection to raw, and open the connection. You can now send your http request by pasting in the lines, and then see the request coming back.
You need an SSH client in order to do so. I use PuTTY. How were you able to finish the initial setup without connecting to the pie via SSH though? I thought you had to do that before you could get into the octoprint browser interface.
If all you want to do is start playing the overthewire games you can do so with with Windows. Just need an SSH client, and the popular one is PuTTY. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html If you get a raspi you'll probably be SSHing into it from your main computer anyway (unless you use two monitors, two keyboards, and two mice), so you'll still need an SSH client.
There is! On Windows you need a program called "putty" It can be found here
You'll also need to enable ssh on your pi. The easiest way is to shutdown your pi and put the SD card in your pc. The drive that appears (I can't remember if Windows sees the label and calls it BOOT or not) just needs a blank file called ssh
added to it. You can open notepad and do a "save-as" and save it to the SD card. I think you have to choose "All Files" as the filetype for it to not add a txt extension to it. Then boot the pi and through putty you do "ssh pi@PI_IP_ADDRESS" and the password you setup (default is "raspberry")
ssh to the Pie using PuTTY (assuming you're running Windows & not Mac). You'll need to know the IP address or the DNS name of the pie.
Login to the pie - default user pi password raspberry
Use the "cd" command to change to the directory containing the file to delete
Use the "rm" command to delete the bios file
You need to use an SSH client like PuTTY instead of an SCP client like WinSCP. SSH is for interacting with your linux machine remotely whereas SCP is for transferring files.
There are two accounts on your raspberry pi, the superadmin 'root' user and the normal, unprivileged user 'pi'. The default password for pi is 'raspberry' and this is the account you have to use when interacting with SCP or SSH on a fresh install.
Root is not permitted to log in over SSH by default which is unfortunate because all of the configuration files (everything under /etc) as well as all of the handshakes (and everything under /root). To fix this, do the following:
Fire up PuTTY and punch in your pi's IP.
You will be prompted for a username and password. Login as pi with your password.
Immediately switch to root using
sudo -s
Now that you are root, set a new root password with:
Use a text editor such as nano to make the previously mentioned edits to /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Save them and restart sshd using the commands from the previous post.
Congratulations, now you can proceed to use SCP with your root account and password to move the files.
I gave it a try myself for the hell of it. Same thing you got. It wouldn't launch. Also, if you browse for the exe in C:\Windows\System32 via ControlPad config you'll see the exe doesn't show up as selectable.
If you want an easy solution- stop using the Windows telnet client and install PuTTY as it supports telnet. I tested it and it works fine with ControlPad. to have it use telnet use telnet:// as the address or host prefix. Example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe telnet://your-telnet-host.name
or whatever your putty.exe path ends up being
First get to an interface to start off for everything
(without quotes) (the ">" means then do)powershell
, ORAfterwards, to connect to the CSIF computers, type:
ssh username@pc##.cs.ucdavis.edu
Note: if it doesn't work, change PCs as some PCs may be down
From then on, if you need more help, lmk
If it's a new install, you should have SSH access. (This is why you should ALWAYS have SSH access, even if you don't plan to use it very often). I don't use the Pi's, but I'm pretty sure it's enabled by default. If you're using Windows 10, I think you should have Powershell installed. Simply open Powershell and type ssh . It will ask you to accept a fingerprint key, then ask for your root password. Enter your root password and you should be greeted with a command line prompt just like you're staring at, but you can run commands from your local machine.
If you are pre Windows 10, download Putty.
Once Putty is installed, it has a dizzying amount options, but you don't really need them for now... Click on Session, and on the left, and on the right where it says Hostname/IP, put your server IP, Don't change the port. Where it says connection type, choose SSH. Click Open. A popup will ask you to accept a fingerprint key, then on the next box ask for a user name (root) then enter your root password... and you'll again be staring at a command line prompt you can use from your local machine.
Download ssh client - I like putty https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
login to your router type date and if the date is incorrect type set date MMDDHHMMYYYY so today at 10:30 would be 073010302019
I did it on a total of 7 now today and it worked every time for me. Hope it helps you as well!
So what you need is a windows SSH client. The most popular one is PuTTy, which is a great little program (and is free!)
From there, you will need to go over the basic Linux commands, as without at least some knowledge of those you will struggle. Shit, I had most of the basic commands down and later levels had me struggling.
Things I really recommend going over:
I know that a lot of that is pretty intimidating, but there are full write-ups of the Bandit OverTheWire sessions that you can consult if you really get stuck, just try not to use them unless you absolutely have to.
Let me know if you need any help, I'll be happy to!
Terminal app? You mean for accessing SSH(telnet/rsh/etc) servers?
Putty is the default go-to for Windows. It's tiny, there's a scp for it (pscp.exe), it's free, and open-source.
Alternatively, I've always liked SecureCRT, but it's not cheap, not free, and not open-source.
The putty folks themselves have links posted here, scroll down to "other related software" and listed here you'll have a few choices, depending on what you want:
I haven't used any of these types of things with putty in a while, but your choice of solutions will probably involve how permanent you want the ssh connection to be and authentication-type stuff.
Not really an Excel question, but you can use plink.exe available as part of PuTTY. See 7.2.2 Using Plink for automated connections for more information.
Take a deep breath, long post ahead...
Not really sure why you're having the problems you're having... (I'm assuming you're running an ironbox, as I'm not aware of an OMV docker out there)... Are you running on a 64bit computer, or are you running on an single board computer? (like a Pie, Rock64, etc.) There's been threads on the forum reporting problems w/ shellinabox on the forum similar to yours. I've not really tracked the issue, but I've not saw a solution. I do know, the dev who made the shellinabox plugin, is not supporting it any longer and it will be completely removed in OMV 5.
So in light of that and the fact you're probably unlikely to get any support for dealing with shellinabox, I'd look at other options. I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of running an SSH service through a web browser service, as if it goes down.. you're SOL. I much prefer a traditional SSH client.
So you would just use ssh root@omv-ip-address (note, you should really consider disabling root access over SSH. Create a non sudo user in the webUI, enable SSH for that user.. then disable root SSH. Then you SSH as a user, then change to root with the su command. This gives you an added layer of security in the event your server was somehow compromised over SSH (ie, Heartbleed, etc.)
Download and use Putty. Prior to Windows 10, Windows users did not have a built in SSH client, and I'm guessing a large majority of them used Putty. It's free, and simple to use. https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
If you insist on using some sort of web SSH client, your best bet is to look at the Wetty Docker.
Hope that helps.
> They're going to go looking for an SSH client named KiTTY and get confused by a terminal emulator named kitty?
OK, here's the part you conveniently ignored:
From http://www.9bis.net/kitty/:
> KiTTY is a fork from version 0.70 of PuTTY
From https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/:
> PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm
terminal emulator.
(Emphasis mine.)
In other words, KiTTY includes a terminal emulator (hence the "TTY" in its name).
Binary’ler şuradan: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
Ama dediğinizde haklısınız, düşünemedim. Vakit bulduğumda sihirbazı dosyaları internetten indirecek şekilde düzenleyeceğim. :)
Your SCCM admin is being lazy.
I'd push back and ask for it to be done regardless of their self-imposed limit and here is how I would do it:
Send them this link: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/changes.html
Since this is a security bug fix, suggest they perform a software audit to find where else this software is used.
Ask that this security bug be corrected for your team by updating the software.
Everyone should update.
However, the most serious of the bugs never made it into an actual release, thanks to the EU bug bounty program: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/vuln-dss-verify.html
That'll take you right to the SSH section. Assuming you're on windows, you can ssh via Putty (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html)
When you connect via putty and are prompted for credentials, the default user and password is ubnt
I did not see a link for the download in the article, so here it is:
More detailed release notes:
These features are new in 0.71 (released 2019-03-16):
Aww yis. It looks like it also supports AES-NI or hardware acceleration for encrypting/decrypting. If you've ever been CPU bound while using pscp
this should hopefully help a lot.
You have to get connected to the machine in some way: if you have it on the network, you can use PuTTY from Windows, or just "ssh" from a Mac or Linux terminal window. Or just plug in a USB keyboard and quit out of EmulationStation (usually it's the Player 1 button to bring up the menu, and find "quit" on there), which will drop you to a command line.
The default login is username "pi" password "raspberry" if you're connecting over the network.
Once you're at a terminal, type or paste:
...then compile it with this...
gcc -o arcade1up-volume-gpio -Os -s arcade1up-volume-gpio.c -lwiringPi
...and then you should be good to go. Run it like this...
...and while it's running, move the volume switch and see if it notices. Hit CTRL-C to stop the program and get back to the command prompt. If it worked, add it to /etc/rc.local...
sudo nano -w /etc/rc.local
This is a basic text editor. Use the down arrow key to go to the end of the file. There might be a line that says "exit 0" at the end. If so, you want to put this next line right above it, otherwise, just stick it at the end of the file:
/home/pi/arcade1up-volume-gpio &
(make sure that '&' is at the end, it's important!)
Press CTRL-X to exit. It'll ask you to about saving the file, say yes.
Now reboot and you should be good to go:
sudo reboot
You might need to mess with the values in the .c file if you want a different volume level. You can use nano on it, the same way as you did for /etc/rc.local, before the gcc
command line. Look for every occurrence of the number you want to change, since it gets used a few times.
Good luck!
So what exact part do you have a problem with? The code content being re-used for a nefarious purpose? The secure distribution of the JAR file?
Either way your logic doesn't follow.
I'm sorry, I think you have good intentions to protect the community, but you've inaccurately painted this as the worst idea idea. Entering your Facebook credentials into a non-Facebook interface is a risk/benefit scenario the user gets to evaluate. Put warnings on it to be transparent, and let them take risks as they see fit.
SCP is a Windows program that can act as an SSH client.
OP, I use PuTTY when I'm on Windows.
Grab the proper download for your architecture and run with it.
If the shared host has SSH access then you can install WP-CLI with this tutorial
For getting started with SSH on Windows you can use PuTTY
If you are on a Mac then you can use the built-in Terminal application
In both cases for your first SSH connection you enter your IP, username and then you will be prompted for a password, paste it in and press Enter and you can start running WP-CLI commands
The info above is ideally designed to be done as part of the process of compiling a custom firmware. If you want to do it directly on the box then you can access it using an SSH client (such as PuTTY)
You connect to the IP of your box using your SSH client with the following details:
Infomir's factory images disable SSH, so if you can't connect then you'll need to flash your box with a firmware from (http://soft.infomir.com/)
Browse to the page for your specific model of box, and download the file named "imageupdate"
Place that file on a USB stick (which must be formatted as FAT32. MAG254 and earlier can be picky about which sticks they recognise, you may need to try a few - don't use USB3.0 sticks) in a folder named after your box model (eg mag256) and then reboot your box while holding down the menu key on the remote. This will take you into the setup menu
That should flash your box with a firmware that allows console access.
Once you get in via SSH, run the following commands to do a quick and dirty patch:
echo mag256.dcbs.infomir.com >> /etc/hosts rm /mnt/Userfs/data/dls.backup reboot && exit
Obviously as in the instructions above, replace mag256 with whatever model of mag you have. This isn't (in my opinion) as good of an option as a custom firmware since it won't auto-purge the cache if it somehow comes back, or block automatic updates (so make sure you disable automatic updates yourself BEFORE you take the box online after flashing it)
i assume u are using electra - try using this - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
enter your device IP and leave it as 22
make sure your device is unlocked as this will stop connections.
JuiceSSH is good, but it doesn't support OpenSSH's certificate features. Here is Juice's Trello card about it
And while I have that set of bookmarks open, here is Putty's wishlist entry about it.
If anyone knows of any ssh clients apart from CLI OpenSSH which support CA certificates, I'd be very interested.
I'm having the exact same issue and this Reddit comment from a month ago fixed it for me:
This is a known issue and our engineers are working on this to find a solution asap.
In the mean time, please use the below steps as a temporary workaround:
1. SSH into your QNAP device (you may need to download putty from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html) 2. Launch Putty / SSH client and enter the NAS IP in the Host Name field and click Open 3. Log in as admin and enter the below command:
setcfg -f /etc/config/.qos_config/users/admin/config common read_privacy_version 1.0
4. Reboot your NAS by issuing typing in the following command:
5. Once the NAS rebooted, you should be able to log in.
And Qfinder Pro helpfully tells you you can’t update to a lower firmware version!!!
This is the fix they gave me. It works (not that I needed putty).
> This is a known issue and our engineers are working on this to find a solution asap.
> In the mean time, please use the below steps as a temporary workaround:
> 1. download putty from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
> 2. launch putty and enter the NAS IP in the Host Name field and click Open
> 3. log in as admin and enter the below commands
> setcfg -f /etc/config/.qos_config/users/admin/config common read_privacy_version 1.0
> reboot
> Once the NAS rebooted, you should be able to log in.
The others have you going in the right direction, but where are you getting this exe? The official page only has MSIs https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/releases/0.70.html
Make sure you're not installing some random site's crap with additional bloat.
Download Putty. The text menu pfSense drops you at? That can be reached via secure shell (SSH) from your desktop. You can get into the machine from your Win10 desktop without a monitor.
Webpage takes a dump? No need to reboot the router, just connect via Putty and you're at the command menu! Option (11. If something is truly screwed you can still get in and work from a command line.
> PS who's bruce?
Second the VPS suggestion. Get an Ubuntu server (easiest to manage). See if you can use an SSH tunnel rather than OpenVPN. Much less configuration. Any questions, your best bet would be /r/linuxquestions.
If you use Windows, you will want PuTTY to connect/manage it, and setup the tunnel. You'll probably also want to read the Ubuntu server guide first, if you're not familiar with it. I'd also try to hold off a couple of weeks until Ubuntu 18.04 ships, if you're not in a big hury.... Would save you the trouble of upgrading (which is optional anyway, since 16.04 will be supported a while longer - I just like not running dated software).
Try updating to the latest development build, it's 2.3.006, and see if you still have any problems. If not, then I'll try to push that out as official sooner than later.
If you still get a crash, you can get it from a telnet console:
The crash log will be there if you connect immediately following a crash, as long as the Roku doesn't reboot. (you can PM me the log)
It's actually really easy. Download Putty, enter the devices IP address, and if you get a prompt saying "login" then you would login with your credentials. Supposedly, you should be able to say "reboot" as a command and it should reboot the machine if you are able to get in.
You should have your Raspberry Pi running headless for ease of use. It is super simle to set SSH up, just add a SSH file to the Raspberry Pi's SD card but here's a tutorial.
After that, connect to ethernet and power. Know you need to find the Pi's IP. One way of doing so is by connecting to your router and finding it on the network. Then on windows you can use Putty to connect to the Pi. On linux or macOS it's even easier.
When connected to the Pi (all of that is mentioned in the tut) you should install the bot.
Assuming the bots on github:
* Clone the bot via github git clone "link to repo"
* run
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -and
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs` to install nodeJS
You should now be able to run the bot without any problems.
About which Pi to use, it doesn't really matter
You need a SSH client (I recommend PuTTy), the username and password for that server and the IP address.
You must have a username to go with that password surely? If it's not the root account?
You would need to install webmin on the both servers first. I've just re-read your original post and I missed that server2 is always different so maybe not an option for the second server that always changes as it would get tedious.
To use the SCP method, you would always log into serverX first and run the SCP command from there, thus initiating the transfer directly from serverX to server2 and cutting you out as the middle man.
Other than changing the link, you can not save passwords in putty.
Are you sure that it is using password auth?
> didn't get to see any folders
Do you have any experience with ssh? (Secure SHell.) On Windows, the most common ssh client is putty.
When you ssh in, it's basically the equivalent of looking at a cmd prompt. You simply "cd" to the appropriate location and edit the file.
If you don't know how to get access to the file system, contact the helpdesk at Digitalocean for guidance. We can help you with Nextcloud (and some *nix basics), but I have no experience with Digitalocean and nobody here knows what's in your package!
And we were all dummies at this once, so don't feel too self-conscious. It's a steep learning curve but it's worth it!
If your goal is to run the bot on a different machine (i.e. a dedicated server), then you don't need to install bash on your own machine. You just need an SSH client like PuTTY so that you can interact with the server.
Ahh, the "Unless you have a high wattage iron" seemed to suggest that there were pads not pins but the FCC photos show pins.
Use PuTTY to open a serial connection to the router as devz3ro describes in the thread. With PuTTY connected to the router, you may need to spam Ctrl+C while it is booting in order to get to the CFE> command prompt where you can enter the commands.
You have to SSH to run wget.
Sign in to your Feralhosting panel page and go to the Software page. It will tell you the SSH information.
Then use PuTTY (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) to connect.
Also, I would recommend two things:
1) Put the rclone.conf in ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf, this way you don't have to reference it in the command everytime.
2) Change the rclone command to this:
> ./rclone copy /local/path gsuite-remote:/path/ -v --transfers 10 --checkers 100 --stats 30s
You could do it through the Diagnostics menu, or if you have ssh enabled; you can ssh into it using something like PuTTY : https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
And run this command: "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut.sh start" (remove the quotes).
Are you running pfSense bare metal? Or you running it as a guest on top of something like ESXI?
Ya, almost all that testing requires you get to your server's command line.
Install Putty or XShell on your home machine. They are terminal emulators for ssh/
Then point say putty at your server, using yourusername @ hostname.seedhost.eu - you'll be prompted for your password.
May seem a bit daunting, but is something any seedboxer should be able to do, and has endless utility.