> Interestingly, Epic Games actually acquired the maker of Easy Anti-Cheat last year...
Of course. I'm getting really tired of seeing their name on depressing news...
>We also offer custom license terms to companies who prefer to pay an upfront license fee in order to lower the royalty rate.
Maybe they de facto do it differently but it's still listed on their licensing page.
Those royalty rates are reasonable or even cheap for indies but for AAA titles its actually insane. It's a 5% rate on gross revenue.
CoD, for example, if they used Unreal would have to pay 25,000,000 in royalties on their first week of launch for black ops 4.
The devs at Epic have mentioned it before. The playable area is 5.5km^2 (under the "Building and Rendering a Large Map" section).
>Now second thing is I did ask others and it seems this is not what programmers are using.
RPGMaker is geared towards people who can't program. It's for making a specific kind of game.
If you want to make games and learn to program I suggest trying Unity (which is free).
Now go and hit your 2 friends over the head with a $120 shovel. They deserve it. You can get it for $30 on Steam right now. It's on sale.
They will apparently be using the technology for live shows. Screenshots of few other examples: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/the-weather-channel-taps-the-future-group-to-provide-revolutionary-mixed-reality-capabilities
Yes it is a green screen. But during qualifying they are in a completely computer generated studio build in Unreal Engine.
The title is very misleading. They haven't changed the engine cut at all, it's still 5% of the total gross revenue made above $3000 per quarter. What they've changed is the revenue share for Unreal Marketplace assets, which is a different thing.
I know that was added functionality for smaller devs and indies that couldn't pay everything up front. But no publisher in his right mind woukld agree to accept 6% for his tripple A, and the 20k are obviously aimed at small indies.
I've never heard about that replacing the license buy option. Do you have more about that? Oo
EDIT: Checked a bit, it's hard to get any answers since everything points to the royaltie model. But they definitely still do single licensing, but that's a behind closed doors, custom afair as usual. Would've been very surprised if they didn't.
Previous comment got removed due to an np link. Anyways
I was mostly going off a specific person's comments, but the ones I know so far is that the weapons seem to come from Ironbelly Studios and a particular building (Mylta Power Building) is noted to be a slightly modified version of Old Train Factory (and by modified, I mean with less foliage and lack of a train). That building is also noted to function as pretty much an entire map by itself instead of being put into a sandbox (and also needing heavy downgrades to be used in a game)
Unity. It is a robust game development platform with a strong base of support. People are constantly adding new features and tutorials on how to use it are abundant and easy to find. The fact that this kind of tool is available, free of charge, with fantastic support seriously amazes me.
Godot is a game engine similar to unity with many great features and a major upgrade coming in the next couple of months.
Anyone considering getting into game dev should seriously consider this engine.
And building the engine from source, to have all the new features immediately, is really easy.
Edit: source, not scratch
Blueprints are used in AAA games. Not sure where you got that incredibly wrong idea. The usual workflow is develop in blueprints then shift complex parts into C++, but exposing functionality in blueprints to allow everyone to easily and quickly alter\add to game mechanics.
It's how Unreal themselves work and it's how a lot of other developers work. If your universities goal is to teach you how to use Unreal for that course then you need to know blueprints. You should be able to find the rest of the curriculum to determine if you learn other things as well, I would hope they don't limit your learning to just unreal.
They also had the same revenue sharing on their own marketplace, Unreal Engine Marketplace, until 3 weeks ago. Now it's 88%-12%
Doesn't the licencing for UE4 cost money? like $20 a month or something
https://www.unrealengine.com/register it's not much but it's also per person so i guess if there are 3 people using the engine they have to spend $60 a month? I don't do games design so I could be wrong
Her LinkedIn profile says:
> I'm also proficient in many areas of development, including creating environments, textures, normal mapping, Unreal, producing complex cutscenes, and producing voice acting. > > Skills: Maya, Unreal Development Kit, zBrush, Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro
Her game was written in Unreal Engine 4, and with a tool like that, sometimes you don't have to write as much code and can spend more time on level design and art assets. But she should probably describe herself as a "game designer" rather than "game developer".
Doesn't seem like it to me. They lowered their price cut from assets sold on the unreal marketplace because they now have more financial freedom. Source
They're even paying sellers back for previous transactions >In addition to implementing the policy for future sales, Epic is paying out all Marketplace sellers retroactively, applying the more creator-friendly 88% rate to previous transactions dating back to the store’s 2014 launch.
Like, now one asked for this or complained about the previous rates, which were the same as other stores. They just did it because they can afford it. Wouldn't see valve do that in a million years.
I understand why some people are pessimistic, there have been other promising games that amounted to nothing but a cash grab.
I agree with you though and I'm optimistic. Game development takes time. There's no magic button called "Optimize". Bluehole has been working hard on the 1.0 release. The Unreal engine has been updated with improvements specifically designed for 100 player battle royale game-modes (Thanks Fortnite).
I still have a ton of fun with the game in it's current state and I look forward to future updates. If the 1.0 release turns out to be awful, then I'll change my tone but let's at least give them a chance.
Right, you can't make games with it which are "harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or in a reasonable person's view, objectionable".
The license is a bit strange, you can read it here: https://www.cryengine.com/ce-terms
Not really what we expect from open source, but at least we can now view the code and edit it for the purpose of making games.
Decided to Investigate because I was bored lol
Here's what I found:
I noticied that all of these "bots" favorited this game : https://www.roblox.com/games/1014716346/Escape-Mario-Obby
When you play the game it teleports you to another game : https://www.roblox.com/games/1840697713/Fortnite-3
The group that owns that game has 73K+ robux...it could be the source of income so he can advertise the scams
Just wanted to put that out there
You've made some good points, but some of your concerns don't necessarily apply to UE4.
>Epic is not running a charity - their current terms of use state that if you release your product commercially, you need to pay 5% of gross revenue after the first 3000 USD are earned.
You can negotiate a custom license with a smaller or 0% royalty if you are willing to pay some money up front. The licensing fee isn't fixed nor public information, but I would guesstimate it being somewhere between 100K and 1 million (UE3 was around half a million according to leaked numbers). For an indie or AA game it might not be worth it, but I'm almost sure every AAA UE4 game dev has a custom license.
>All changes to the engine can be done locally, while working with a licensed engine quite often means that a cooperation with the company that develops the engine is required.
While an in-house engine can be easier to modify, it should be noted UE4 uses an open source-ish shared source model; every licensee has full access to the engine source code for no extra cost. Since practically anyone can access the engine source, it also means that there is a huge number of people outside of Epic who know how the engine works and how it can be modified.
For those who are wondering, here is the licensing fee, from the Unreal Engine FAQ:
> Once you ship your game or application, you pay Epic 5% of gross revenue after the first $3,000 per product per calendar quarter.
I'm not sure what the rates are with other dev tools, but that seems fair.
Also, for anyone who is interested in developing with UE4 (and maybe you're unsure where to start), I'd suggest you try starting with this tutorial thread.
I didn't see anything specifically against destroying the logo in the press kit guidelines. (https://godotengine.org/press) They did mention not to distort the logo, but I'm pretty sure that just means to maintain the aspect ratio.
The game is called FOUNTAINS, as you can probably tell from the video. It's an action RPG, and if you want details/updates you can follow my twitter @PywellJohn
EDIT: The logo is licensed CC-BY-4.0, which allows transformation. I'm in the clear.
Here's a link from midway through last year. Epic Games is part of Disney's Accelerator Program, and Unreal Engine also gets used for all kinds of cool stuff!
We're looking at 4.20, but the reality of engine upgrades is that they are huge, unpredictable, and require making sure /everything/ in game is working again -- a major component of alpha 9 taking so long was an engine upgrade. We believe we have everything we need in the current engine version to hit release.
That said, yeah, we'd love to have a lot of those improvements and will continue to evaluate the potential benefit. It may not be until after release, though... at which point engine updates would be far more likely anyway. =)
On a side note, you'll see one of our developers (Kory Postma) credited in the release, so that's kinda cool. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-20-released
It may have a little ways to go but Godot is really coming into its own. Free and open source game engine with a pretty big community backing at this point.
That was a showreel for Stargate Studios, a post house in LA.
They've even gotten better. Check this out.
I do all of my gaming on Linux and my experience is largely great. I don't do twitchy high-performance FPS shooters, though, so if that's your thing you may have different feelings. My current desktop has a Radeon Navi 10 (Radeon Pro W5700) and it basically just works and everything is awesome.
I would love to see more open source in games, but I think it'll happen mostly at the engine level (shoutouts to Godot and Bevy!). Games themselves I think are in a unique category as software where they are more like literature or art -- even the "code" parts. I think it might make sense to have them under licenses where they become open source five years after updates stop.
Epic's press release: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/announcing-the-epic-games-store
Not sure what to think about this. On the one hand, it's great to have someone disrupting the price gouging of game/app stores (30% is a lot); on the other hand, it's yet another online store.
My hope is this forces Steam to improve and Valve to actually release games (and an engine) as a backbone to their service like Epic is doing. Of course I likely won't move away from Steam because I have 300+ games there. The only store I like more is GoG because of their DRM free stance.
I recommend godot engine, it's open source, quite powerful for what it is, free, and if you get into it you can eventually look under the hood.
Main problem, still a low adoption rate means tutorials and support are rather sparse, but not non-existent.
No, the current process for developing games is changing. Better game development tools plus re-use of assets (like the http://unity3d.com/unity/asset-store/ ) means you don't need 300 developers to make a game. Kickstarter and related methods allow participative funding. People enjoy a game more if they feel like part of the development process. Boxed game on a shelf does not have that participation aspect. Mod kits and leader boards for custom levels do.
I make money from free-to-download games. I think I can speak to this topic from experience.
RenPy is used commercially for visual novels and point and click adventures.
There's quite a few RenPy games on Steam and many more on those adult anime dating game vendor sites.
It does involve maths, but it's a very different type of maths to what you learn in school. I know programmers who hate maths and mathematicians who hate programming.
EDIT: If you start off by writing Visual Novels, which is a very writing focused style of game, you won't need to know very much programming and it will involve hardly any maths at all. I recommend checking out turorials for Ren'Py.
EDIT 2: Twine is also a good shout.
That game had $400k budget??? What?!?!?
Holy shit!
> Revolution 60 was made by a core team of 4 people for a budget of about $400,000. None of us had shipped a game before. Starting the project, I had no idea of the massive amount of work it would take. It’s a miracle we shipped at all because the game was way, way too ambitious. To be blunt, there were 1000 times the GSX starship should have exploded.
What the fuck did they spend that money on?
>The biggest limitation we faced in developing Revolution 60 was RAM. We supported the iPhone 4S and up, which meant supporting devices with 512 RAM, most of which is eaten up by Unreal and the system. When iOS 7 came out, we found ourselves short 132 megs of ram, which required completely rebuilding the game! We lost 4 months rejiggering the game to work with mere vapors of RAM.
>I had hundreds of heated discussions with my lead engineer about texture budget. I often had 4 1k maps to texture entire sections on N313. I could write a book about extremely efficient methods of stacking/recycling textures. Are the game textures good? Given our extreme memory limitations, yeah - they’re damned good. It takes drastically more skill to do textures with these kind of limitations than to make something pretty with ample texture memory at your disposal.
This is a 1 texture environment: https://www.unrealengine.com/showcase/amazing-one-texture-enviroment
It uses 2 256x512 textures, which makes 1 512x512 texture. You used 4 1024x1024 textures and produced that? Seriously?
Edit 2: Holy shit, the incompetence is so much, just wow!
I was interested in this as well so I did some hunting around. In their EULA they mention that every quarter you have to send them a royalty report for that quarter. Also: >However, no royalty is owed on the following forms of revenue: The first $3,000.00 in gross revenue for each Product per calendar quarter;
So in your example, you owe royalties on 2k for each quarter, which would amount to $100 for each quarter. Here is the elua link: https://www.unrealengine.com/eula , hopefully I interpreted it right...
I also cannot believe I read an eula completely lol
>If they cared about the ease of playing with friends
Well, Epic does care about ease of playing with friends, and Gearbox probably does as well.
>or more sales
And without any links/sources, I'm like 99.9% sure Gearbox cares about sales tbh. They've likely just come to the conclusion that not launching on Steam first wont impact it that much.
> this personal edition allows free users to access all features of the engine for free.
*Except the ability to have your own splash screen. Not joking.
Edit: For the downvoters: http://unity3d.com/get-unity
I would say the Splash screen IS part of the engine, just like the rest of the GUI, but hey, what do I know.
I am Tom Spilman of Sickhead Games. We did the port of Axiom Verge to Nintendo Switch (as well as to Vita and XB1).
The Switch is a wonderful platform to do development on... much better than the Wii-U before it. Nintendo did a fantastic job on this new platform.
The port uses MonoGame (http://www.monogame.net/) and a custom C# to C++ cross-compiler and C# runtime we wrote specifically for porting C# XNA/MonoGame titles to consoles.
If you mean an update on the release date, then no. But if you mean updates in general on what's going to be in 4.0, then yes. They update the News section of the Godot website pretty frequently with what they're working on. Most recently, they've shown how their changing the multiplayer networking and replacing GDNative with GDExtensions to make extending the engine easier. Several bug fixes and minor enhancements get back ported from the 4.0 branch to the 3.3.x and 3.4 branches as well
The default license only requires you to notify epic of your release and report your revenue. Once you've earned 3000$ in a quarter (revenue, not profit), you pay 5% of any additional revenue.
So for example, if you've earned 10.000$ in the first calendar quarter, you pay 350$ to epic (5% of 7.000$).
For other licensing models, contact epic via this form.
Yes, engine upgrades are always quite significant. If you are interested in the details here are the posts for UE 4.16 https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-16-released and UE 4.15 https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-15-released
We did both upgrades in one because it is such an enormous task.
This is the reason why most big software is offered for free for non-commercial use today. Imo the best marketing model is the one Unreal Engine 4 uses, one of the most advanced game engine on the marked today: Pay 5% of what you gain that is above $3K per quarter. If you gain less than that - it's completely for free. Zero risks on the user. This is how you gain people who know how to use your software.
i heard about renpy a while ago, it's a visual novel engine that you can code with literally just YAML (basically just write out the script in a super simple but structured format) and can run on Android, iOS, Windows, mac, linux.
could host it on 0xacab.org too
The future of Unreal Tournament begins today
TL;DR Development is just starting and will take months to get it playable. Regular updates through forum and twitch. Code and content for UE4 developer on github. Development focused on Windows, Mac and Linux.
I've used Unity3D every day for the past 14 months, I'm now making a 2D game to be released on iOS, Android, Facebook, etc. It's pretty awesome, just because it allows us to do that, in my humble opinion. Full disclosure, I work at GogiiGames, a company of about 35 people on the east coast of Canada.
2D is accomplished fairly easily. We use SpriteManager2 and EZGUI, but you can also roll your own 2D starting with just a 2 triangle plane mesh and some image atlasing. Set camera to Orthographic, and off you go! SM2 and EZGUI have their own quirks and issues, but it was faster than trying to do that ourselves!
If you want to make something quick and dirty in Unity, you'll probably want to stick to 3D, or spend the money on the 2D plugins. Prime31 plugins are also almost a necessity, depending on what you want to do. Any plugins can be replicated on your own, it's just a lot of work for something you could pay $20-100 to have it done for you.
For anyone just starting, I found the videos at unity3dstudent.com to be great at the beginning. Googling your problems will almost always lead to something in the unity script reference or unityanswers.com. Both sites are good bookmarks, I still hit that script reference every couple days to look something up. http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/index.html
And yes, it's expensive. $4500 per license if you want full iOS and Android Pro. It's also perhaps the most advanced and up-to-date game dev suite that exists right now. Again, just my opinion! I'm not shilling for them, I WISH they would give us some free licenses, we need more but don't have the budget for them yet!
I'm not a lawyer, and don't know what the specifics of the licensing deal between CIG and Crytek were, but after reading the lawsuit, I have a number of questions:
>CONTENT TERMS FAQ > >Q: Can I use the Infinity Blade Collection content in other engines? >A: This content is not permitted for use in non-Unreal Engine games.
Well poop, it's got strings.
Try out Unreal Tournament 4 yourself: https://www.unrealengine.com/ (download the thing
It's free but in early development (although it plays smooth). They had two maps textured last I checked. Set graphics do Ultra and drool at the reflections. :)
States when they do not want to be associated with your product. BUT there is no prohibition on using UE4 to create your product.
To add a little something from a blog post announcing the store on Dec 4 (seemingly targeted at developers):
> Have a Direct Relationship With Players
> People who buy your games automatically subscribe to your newsfeed so you can reach them with game updates and news about upcoming releases. The newsfeed is front-and-center. You’ll also be able to reach your players through email, if they choose to share it.
A deceptive opt-out scheme is not players choosing to share their e-mail address.
I tried to do that on RPG Maker Ace but I couldn't handle it mentally.
Basically your character had a (self-diagnosed) personality defect that allowed him to become anything, and you had to alter your persona to get advantages over the enemies. The battling was supposed to be similar to oppression (OP) olympics, where if your enemy is an asian-american (+1 OP) with a physical disability (+1) you would be at a disadvantage unless you changed your persona into a gay (+1) black (+1) dwarf (+1) or something.
That being said, I couldn't scale shit since it was so illogical and eventually ragequit. Rather than a linear progression throughout the game it became a cyclical circlejerk upon itself. I think I quit when I was wondering if your level (which steadily increased) was considered a privilege over the lower level enemies, and if the final boss should be lvl 1 or something.
Edit: Also, 'winning' the battles as a problematic concept due to it being a demonstration of power. :/
Yup, I've reconstructed the entirety of the Kanto overworld in Roblox, even the in-between areas never seen in the game. It uses Red and Blue's take on the region as the base and FRLG's color palette. The region also takes some elements from Yellow and the generation 2 games as well, like the Pikachu Surf house and Mt. Moon Square. You can check it out here. https://www.roblox.com/games/1623500944/The-World-Inside-Your-Pocket
For UE4 devs it's: $7.00 on the Oculus store until $5million in gross sales, and then it would drop to the same $6.50 ( https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/oculus-to-cover-royalty-fees-for-unreal-engine-developers ).
Steam would go the other way, $7.00 after $10million in sales (affects almost zero VR apps), $7.50 after $50million (it is likely no VR apps have reached this).
The item itself was never changed, they made two SEPERATE snowball launchers. The original's texture was swapped after a strange texture glitch that occured in early 2017. It affected many classic gear retextures, such as the magical unicorn plush/new year's pony. Most of them were corrected a few months ago, but the snowball launcher was never fixed.
This is not intentional. Here's the actual sponser version: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/140821168/Cloud-9-Snowball-Launcher
You can't purchase the buildings, it's actually a modular kit.
Here : https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/modular-house-quick-kit
So they CAN make a lot of different layouts with little to no effort, and they probably did so for this map.
yes this is the original factory (which is in reality an old train station) from Unreal markeplace tassets, there are lots of photos in the original here
What you see is a game, all those people are fake in the player lists. You can add all of them as friends its jut a fake friend menu thing. The Roblox is fake and when you attempt to add it, it says "Can't add ROBLOX as a friend" this took some insane scripts to make and I just want to warn everyone to beware. The game is a max of 1 player so again everyone in that player list is fake other than me. Watch out for this game, the creator sponsored it so it is all over. This may not be new, but this is the first time I have seen anything like this lol
You can see the game here - https://www.roblox.com/games/732625852/FREE-ROBUX-ONLY-WORKS-IN-APRIL#!/game-instances
It's worth noting that Hearthstone is coded in Unity. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
I'm starting to believe that they really don't know how to add things like more than 9 deck slots, at least not without redesigning the whole thing.
I just thought I'd mention Godot, a free and open source engine that's been getting more and more attention recently:
It has a built in language that's similar to Python, but you can also use C# or other languages with it, if you want.
If you want good tutorials and assets to buy etc, probably Unity is the best for that.
But I enjoy Godot for its simplicity and purity - it's a very small install, everything is built in to the main editor (which itself is written in Godot), and it has a very logical and neat way of structuring games into trees with nodes.
I would say Godot is easier to get into, if you are ok with figuring some stuff out yourself by asking questions etc. There are tutorials available, but not as much or as good as the big commercial engines.
I think free GameMaker Studio standard edition is awesome. I have downloaded it and I'd recommend others do the same.
That being said, the free edition of Unity is quite competitive with the standard edition of GMS in terms of functionality, but more importantly in terms of target platforms Unity is miles ahead (you can target iOS, Android, Windows Phone, OS X, Linux, et al) all in the free edition.
To target Android on GMS it is a $200 upgrade. Which is perfectly fine, that is their business model and they should be paid for their work. But right now Unity is just somehow able to offer that same product for free, which is quite compelling if you don't expect to be able to charge for whatever you produce.
Minecraft gets a bad rap thanks to all the kids that play it, it really sucks how the negative connotation completely shuns older players from playing the OG of survival sandbox multiplayer games.
The same goes for Roblox too but that was meant to be for kids because it teaches them how to at least use LuaScript. not to mention some Roblox games are so well done they do deserve a lot of attention and are even worthy of becoming independent games. best examples include V_yriss's Survive The Disasters and Gamer Robot's Elemental Battlegrounds
Source: Personal Experience and Research
EDIT: I know i'm gonna get backlash for going against the norm but i know from both Psychology and Sociology that my standpoint is both accurate and correct, so these comments on game stereotypes are given for a justifiable reason.
Recently, in my games and most likely others, I have been getting this popup and teleports to a obby by people in the group [RC], someone said that the popup if you click enough times, prompts you to buy something and you will click unknowingly.
I managed to find the source for these, if you can steal them so we can prevent them, thats great.
The test models are the scripts.
Yep, you can release a Steam exclusive game written in Unity and still make totally free use of it, including things like cloud saves and achievements.
It's in their FAQ. They don't want their money back.
Also, if investments/funding = being compromised then Reddit is too since they've gotten Tencent money in the past.
Finally have an update on our little Halo mod for you guys. Been working on this goof for months now and I'm finally comfortable enough with it to post it. I used this UE4 Marketplace asset as the base and modeled the Halo gear onto it. I've still got a lot of work left to do on this guy, but I'm loving every minute of it!
Definitely all in on Microsoft. Can't see anyone in a better position to do it. Lets check the list...
Just seems highly likely...
But at what cost? It completely shifts development focus. They now make more money from getting people addicted to buying vanity-items than from actually designing good gameplay. And that's easy. It's ridiculously easy to set up a system like that to get people hooked. Look at Cow Clicker.
It's just the bottom of the barrel of game design. It's the equivalent of designing a slot machine (it's not that absurd, Unity must make a small fortune from selling gambling licenses for rumored 6-figure prices). The microtransaction business model is so restrictive, you have to bend your game's main motivation around it.
I can accept that they do it for the money. I mean, duh. But they have to accept that people slowly realize that this added income comes at the price of making games worse.
4.18 will release this month, and 4.19 in the near future containing optimizations that they did for Fortnite.
So obviously the hope is that the jump from 4.14 to 4.18 (or .19) while not huge in version numbers - will be big on improvements.
It's here. I got to play with a kit over thanksgiving through an Oculus employee. The Bullet Train game blew my mind grinning ear to ear saying "no fucking way!" The whole time.
Edited for clarification
To help clear up peoples concerns on the 5% fromUE4. https://www.unrealengine.com/custom-licensing
CUSTOM TERMS & SUPPORT SOLUTIONS Epic Games charges a 5% royalty based on gross revenue for the use of Unreal Engine 4 under the subscription plan.
If you require terms that reduce or eliminate royalty for an upfront fee, or if you need custom legal terms or dedicated Epic support to help your team reduce risk or achieve specific goals, we’re here to help.
Let me know what you think: https://www.roblox.com/games/1886551928/Hostile-Skies-Tech-Demo
The tech demo runs on all platforms including portrait mode :)
If anyone remembers https://www.roblox.com/games/30850944/Possession-Bloxy-Winner-2013 it was a game about possessing other players(kind of like a murder game except ur stealing appearances of people you kill).
The game broke awhile ago, so I made a tool that possesses players and NPCs. It also takes into account the double headmesh thing(so you can steal headmeshes without it bugging out).
"Instanced Stereo Rendering is an optimization that makes it more efficient for the engine to render stereoscopic images for VR headsets.
Previously, the engine rendered a stereoscopic image by drawing everything for the left eye, and then drawing everything for the right eye. With Instanced Stereo Rendering, we render both eyes at the same time, which significantly cuts down on the work done by the CPU, and improves efficiency in the GPU. Here are the two techniques running side-by-side:
image alt text
Using Bullet Train as our test content, we saw about a 14% improvement on CPU time, and about a 7% improvement on the GPU with no work required! Note that while most rendering features work with Stereo Instancing, there are a handful that are not supported yet (DFAO, for example.)
To enable this feature in your project, go to your Project Settings in the editor, and check the "Instanced Stereo" box."
The Xamarin folks are building a business around Mono selling tools to application developers that target mobile devices like iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android. Those do not seem very niche to me.
They are not the only ones doing so either. Unity uses Mono in the same way but for games. Some of the best selling games in the App Store and Market are Unity based.
I personally really like ASP.NET MVC. It is my favourite platform for building web apps.
I also really like Linux. It is my favourite server platform.
Mono let's me use both of them at the same time.
My current employer loves Macs. All our departmental level server stuff is Mac. Just today I wrote a utility that interfaces with the SOAP interface of SugarCRM. I can use the same (compiled) utility on both my OS X and Linux machines (because of Mono).
Recently I wrote an iPhone app using MonoTouch. I lifted the database code and the XML processing code directly from a web app I had written months before. I will be doing Android and Windows Phone versions at some point and am looking forward to reusing the exact same code all over again.
Mono is the only platform I have encountered that allows me to move from console utilities, to desktop apps, to web pages, to mobile devices using the same skills and much of the same code everywhere.
Isn't code re-use supposed to be a goal? It is certainly a time saver, I can tell you that.
For me, the advantages of Mono are many.
Valve bought out the MoltenVK folks to open-source it, allowing Vulkan to work on OSX without having to pay a fee. This was the reason the Godot engine recently announced they would be concentrating almost entirely on Vulkan for future releases.
So thanks to Valve, Vulkan is now truly cross-platform. :D
Have you tried Godot?
> Today we are releasing the first beta version of Python for Godot, the GDNative interface that enables you to use the full-blown Python 3 as a scripting language for Godot games.
Posted on 2017-07-12
Haha I hope so but don't want to get too ahead of myself: my only priority is making a game that is enjoyable for people that pushes the medium.
It's still littered with bugs and visibly unfinished, but people can check it out here if they are interested!
Hey u/PlagueOfGripes , if you are interested in actually making a visual novel out of this I can help out you with that.
Most visual novels you see on Steam are made with a library/framework called Ren'Py. This uses the Python programming language for game logic and a custom scripting language for dialogue/scenes. The custom scripting language is very easy to learn and Python is a relatively easy language to get into. Ren'Py is Open Source and free to use without any royalties, payments, obligations or anything like that.
I'm a developer and I'm experienced in Python and toyed a little bit with Ren'Py (never made a visual novel before though). I can help you in one of two ways, as you prefer:
I can give you advise, sample code, help and code resources for Python and Ren'Py. Also if you are considering another programming language/framework/library to make the visual novel I can give you an educated guess of how it is, pros, cons, etc.
I can actually develop the game for you. I can spare between 10 and 15 hours per week (I have a full time job as a dev), I would do this for free only because you plan on releasing the game for free and I think that people could benefit from such a game existing. Think of it as community service. If you want to confirm I can do the job, I can make a small proof-of-concept game in Ren'Py.
Either way, if you are interested or want my contact info just send me a PM.
Directly from the FAQ.
> Do I have to worry about a billing contract or penalties for cancelling my subscription? > Your subscription payment automatically recurs, but you’re free to cancel at any time. There’s no penalty for cancellation. > > When you cancel your subscription, you won’t receive access to future releases of Unreal Engine 4, however your login will remain active, and you are free to continue using the versions of Unreal Engine 4 which you obtained as a subscriber under the terms of the EULA. You may still release your game.
>Unless they literally hand developers an out of the box kit that they will implement in your game regardless of engine that’s still ultimately going to be a gearbox issue if they push it not EGS.
That's pretty cool. You could use the infinity blade warriors for the characters if you want free textured characters.
I'm pretty sure you can use the basic ue4 animation with them as well, although it won't be perfect.
[](/GNU Terry Pratchett)
HTML5 games are pretty popular though, I've been thinking of learning something like Phaser for a while.
Edit: Yes, I know that HTML5 games require languages like Javascript for the logic. :)
Here's the link to the actual release notes from the Unreal Engine blog: https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/unreal-engine-4-10-released
It includes a lot more than just Marshmallow support for android.
Steam runs on Linux and lots of work is being done to ensure the Unreal Engine 4 runs on Linux as well. https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/unreal-engine-4-and-linux
It's my opinion that everyone should play around a little with Linux. You'll be amazed how far it's come over the past 20 years.
Full disclosure: I work for Epic as a gameplay programmer.
If you want to use industry standard tools that come with some great written and video tutorials definitely stop by https://www.unrealengine.com/ and pick up a subscription. It's $19 for a subscription but you can subscribe and cancel whenever you want and still keep using the engine. If you need updates, you can resubscribe whenever you need to.
There is a 5% royalty if you make more than $3,000/quarter ($12,000/year) but, seeing as you're only just getting started, I doubt that would apply. A lot of companies in the industry and around the world use it so you'd be setting yourself up with some directly applicable skills.
Hope to see you over on the forums :)
Sorry for linking to Phoronix I wanted to link to the original source, but it seems to be banned from reddit (for vote manipulation or something).
In a email I got when I signed up: "You can update or cancel your subscription <https://www.unrealengine.com/dashboard> at any time through your account settings. If you cancel your subscription, you won’t receive access to new versions, but you can continue to use the existing versions you obtained as a subscriber."
No, Godot is licensed under the MIT License, which is not a copyleft license like the GPL. The license grants you:
You need to include the copyright notice and license statement of Godot Engine however. The website states further:
> "Godot Engine's license terms and copyright do not apply to the content you create with it; you are free to license your games how you see best fit, and will be their sole copyright owner(s).
> Note however that the Godot Engine binary that you would distribute with your game is a copy of the "Software" as defined in the license, and you are therefore required to include the copyright notice and license statement somewhere in your documentation.
> The Godot Engine developers consider that a link to this page (godotengine.org/license) in your game documentation or credits would be an acceptable way to satisfy the license terms."
Exactly, I'm looking at you BloxBurg.
I won't be paying 300 Robux for multiple floors that should've come with the game.
But have you ever played Live Life in Prison?
Its an oldschool game that was last updated in 2012. It was one of the first games i ever played back in 2008/2009. And whats funny is that besides its general design looking a bit dated, its still a very playable and enjoyable game if you have enough people. Its just another prisoner roleplay game, but it has a few things that modern prison RP games dont have
1) This place is huge, it is a fortress, and a maze at the same time
2) Variety of teams to choose from and play as, not Cops vs Criminals poorly disguised team deathmatch
3) Prisoner management cannot be spoofed or cheated, theres no sneaky ways for them to escape like breaking stuff with a hammer or stealing keycards, they rely entirely on stealth and skill
4) Did i mention the place is "yuge"
Well, No Reviews, a "hand-curated" store (means who pays the most), no workshop, no forums all things i have to check third-partys plattforms for information. No real refund-policy.
Epic don't try to get to the gamers love through service, no they try to buy it with exclusivity.
Epic dont want the best for customers and devs, its a shareholder driven company (unlike Valve) and shareholder want only one thing: money. One of their biggest shareholder(49%) is Tencent, which is in my eyes the prototype of an evil megacorp.
Maybe Valve will ajust their fee-policy, but i hope for the sake of us all, that epic will fail with their shop.
Thanks for the reply. The version number is 4.19, this is what ultimately got Fortnite to 60FPS on console. Not saying this will get PUBG to 60FPS just hoping you guys will use it since it should benefit the game. I am going to link the blog post on the update: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/unreal-engine-4-19-released
Also it is good to hear Microsoft is helping you guys. Thanks for the amazing game and great work. Ps: keep clothes spawns off. ;)
Yup, those two facts definitely lead me to believe that MS would be a lead-runner in acquiring Unity. Not to mention their recent Unity-based promotions, offers, and contests for Windows devs
I'm not familar with any of these games outside of my familiarity with the Godot Community. The engine is still relatively new. And when it was brand new, it wasn't a viable option for a lot of people. In the years since it has become more feature rich and thus more viable.
All that to say: Not yet, but we're getting there.
> It isn't. If you've got a full list of "donation" recipients, it should be quite easy to verify. >
Yeah, you do:
Which of these games are EGS exclusive? Some of these aren't even games. Spellbreak is the only one I can see.
Another year:
Amid Evil isn't even on EGS.
It sure did: https://web.archive.org/web/20141202204103/http://unity3d.com/unity/faq#
Does buying Unity 5.0 entitle me to all 5.x releases?
Yes, you will receive for free the updates in the Unity 5.x release cycle.
Godot has a web-based version in beta now. I checked it out, and it seems to work like the desktop version.
Most artworks are done by the Monstercat Design Team (led by /u/connellmccarthy) that also do things like album arts and stuff
However, some artists (like Puppet, specifically) hire other artists to do their songs (notice how all of Puppet's artworks seem to always have the same design) and sometimes the MDT will follow patterns in the arts (Glacier's floating island artworks, Notaker's "view" artworks, Rootkit's sort of paint-y artworks, etc.)
Noisestorm, however, makes his own arts using Unreal Engine 4, an engine that can make almost realistic pictures and video games to make his arts (done it since Heist, I think)
EDIT: some artworks are done by the community and will sometimes/rarely be admitted, and sometimes the creator will join the team (the guy that made the art for Trivecta - The Vale was admitted to the team)