bin zu doof dafür, habe einen umrechner gegoogelt.
dieser hier:
der sagt "Bill Gates" in ASCII ist: "66 105 108 108 32 71 97 116 101 115 "
also nur 2 mal 6 am Anfang. Aber wenn man einfach die meisten Zahlen ignoriert ist weiter hinten noch ne 6 und dann passt das schon.
If we convert it from decimal to normal text it says: 妷, and translated into english from japanese^1 it says "Mei" (for real)
Try the conversion here:
and the readin is found here:
EDIT: Kanji is adopted from chinese logographics (mandarin)
It looks like you submit the query and the server will spit out where to go.
But a better way to visualize how this works is to think about about generating pi. The number pi stays the same. So say I want to know the 10,000th digit of pi. The traditional way to know the Nth number of pi would be to just generate it. But if you do that using a calculator such as this one, it will struggle and freeze up for a while. It can handle 100 digits or 1,000 digits, but it takes exponentially more time for more digits.
But with some math and trickery, we have ways to generate only a single digit at a time. So now you can generate the 10,000th digit directly without having to generate all the digits before it.
This is similar to how the Library of Babel works. The writings themselves are uninteresting- the website tells you before you begin that it's just every single combination of 3,200 characters. The magic is the algorithm made that lets you jump to a specific permutation and search them without storing everything.
I just added Firefox 52 to Browserling. You can try this new version at this URL without installing it:
We run the browsers in virtual machines and stream them to your browser. If the demand is too high then you'll have to wait in a queue for a while to try it. I'm adding more virtual machines right now to let more people try it without waiting.
Hi all! As always, I've installed this latest Firefox 53 release on my servers. You can try this new version at this URL without downloading/installing it:
I run the browsers in virtual machines and stream them to your browser. I only run so many VMs for free testing so if the demand is too high then you'll have to wait in a queue for a few minutes to try it.
Hi all! I just installed Firefox 52 on my servers. You can try this new version at this URL without installing it:
I run the browsers in virtual machines and stream them to your browser. If the demand is too high then you'll have to wait in a queue for a while to try it. I'm adding more virtual machines right now to let more people try it without waiting.
Guys, and as always, I've added this latest version of Firefox 53 to Browserling's browser cloud. You can try this new version at this URL without installing it:
We run the browsers in virtual machines and stream them to your browser. We've a bunch of VMs for free testing but if the demand is too high, you'll have to wait in a queue for a little bit.
The item counts are Base 58
When interpreted as such you get:
> 3FBQaYDfzEdMtr5HdnCdLrkjd9sUzjRF4zmX
When Translated it gives
> ILikeWhenPapaIsTooTiredFor
Is there more in the file?
I'm selling them for $0.05, once you've paid go to to get them. Note: please do not use the tool without paying me or I will hack you
You can click on it through a website without exposing yourself (you still see the image) but if you're curious.
Sort of like running software in a virtual machine but for websites
There's a very good chance this is just lady probability doing her thing. Because given enough games, from a statistical perspective it becomes more likely than not you will lose five games in a row.
It can be demonstrated if we represent wins and losses in binary terms, 1s and 0s respectively. I used this site to generate 5 rows with 20 digits each, and found that 4 rows had 5 0's in a row somewhere in them. They do happen with frequency, and given a large enough number, it almost becomes a certainty.
Add on the tilt factor, wins tend to follow wins and losses tend to follow losses, you'll find 5-game win/loss streaks to be extraordinarily common.
That page has sections to call the api to see blocks and transactions etc. Just use the button next to the command you want to use. The cryptic message is on the first transaction so you do the following steps.
Get the block number of the first transaction:
Input the block number into the GET request section for blocks on the page I linked to earlier.
Look at the portion of the block that says "Transactions". Copy the ID of that transaction.
Paste the transaction ID you just copied into the ID field of the Transactions GET request section on that page.
Copy the letters and numbers next in the part of the transaction that says "Data"
Paste those letters and numbers into the box on this site and click convert:
Come back and ask more questions because you fucked it up... Just joking, but if you can't get it to work then just let me know where you got lost.
(Also, there's a hidden message in block 0 as well.)
This, along with the other tools available from the dropdown, are excellent and are great examples of apps where the processing is all done client-side. I'm also impressed with what I see at your web developer tools site
Are you familiar with r/usefulsites - if not, you may wish to consider a post over there.
These are the passwords I've tried no luck.I am using this site and trying to decrypt the title first since it is in the picture WhbueMU5SAnVr
I went manual XD
newlines in front and behind the movie titles<
in themAnd I'm done!
And as always, I've added this latest version of Opera 44 to Browserling's browser cloud. You can try this new version at this URL without installing it:
We run the browsers in virtual machines and stream them to your browser.
As long as the PDF is text searchable (You can highlight and copy the text), open the PDF, Select All, Copy. This will copy everything. Paste it in Word Frequency Counter, and it will give you a list of the words and how many times they appear in the document.
Download save decryptor from here: by clicking Download: SII Decrypt 1.4.2
Go here: type your old profile's name and click "Convert". Now go to the folder Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/profiles and find a folder that's the exactly the name of that what the site converted, but without spaces.
That's your old profile folder. Open it and copy SII_Decrypt.exe
from the archive here. Now click and hold on the profile.sii
and drag it on SII_Decrypt.exe
and let go of the mouse button.
Now do it the same for the new profile.
Open the old profile.sii
in notepad or other text editor of your choice and find active_mods:
. It should look something like this:
Select and copy every line that's starting with active_mods
Open the new profile's profile.sii
find active_mods: 0
, select it, paste the copied lines, save, start the game and enjoy.
Remember to make a backup, just in case. You can for example copy the entire profiles folder to the desktop, and if everything works like you wanted to, you can delete it.
To do similar ones, is it a simple matter of just encoding to BASE64 with a tool like this and then setting up the shortcut as usual?
Email is a bit of a 'special case' when it comes to HTML.
What is your "target audience"?
By that, I mean, what kind of rendering engine will be taking your code and shoving it on the screen for the end user to consume?
There are people still using Outlook Express, Outlook 98, and Eudora mail. In essence, Internet Explorer 6's rendering engine.
Keep it very, very simple.
Basic tables, simple borders, no SVGs, very very light on the <div>s.
A good site to bookmark when you're doing stuff like this is:
It gives you a so-so (not 100% accurate) way to view pages as they'd render in shitty old browsers.
Most of the time, provided you keep it simple (which is the trend for modern web UI/UX in general right now), most of the stuff you know and learn about HTML5 will function to some degree.
Quicky Edit: Microsoft Help engine uses a psudo-version of all this too that you can launch locally on your Windows computer. [WinKey]
+ R
, hh h
. Icon menu Open Location.
They can't do any logging, because their server doesn't do anything. They are effectively live-streaming your input to Browserling, and showing the display. They also bypass Browserling's limitation by telling their API your session plan is "team".
Maybe I'm missing something, but this project feels like theft of code (since half the Github repo is literally copy pasted from Browserling) and abuse of the site, since they charge $99 a month for 1 parallel session usually, and OP doesn't use the official API.
You can use an interactive virtual browser within your browser. I used to use an old Oracle Test Browser back in the day.
here is one I found but it looks timed. A few Google searches should get you going to some good one.As a matter of fact here is a DuckDuckGo search of them!! Hope it works bud!
Try using this to see what would work:
You can also input your URL into here and it'll spit out reasons:
And here:
My guess is that your using some SVG that isn't fully supported everywhere.
Have you locked down incoming port 25 traffic to ONLY google, at your firewall? I had one client that had the receive connector open to the internet. Spammers were bypassing their filtering entirely by ignoring the public MX record and emailing the server directly.
Also check your incoming display names for lookalike ASCII characters. Spammers are wise to the display name blocking tricks now, so they will change one character in the display name to something else that looks exactly like an english character.
Plug them into this site and compare them:
Copy/paste your value from the mail flow rule, then copy/paste the value from the email as it was received and compare the ASCII codes
Rest of the titles are -
They are doubly encrypted in hexa decimal. I used this tool to decrypt it
Seems like a content-type issue. Your browser doesn't know what type of file you're trying to return. Each of those numbers are the decimal values (ascii) of each character of of text in your file. Take the entire string of numbers and paste them in to this ascii converter:
Princeton University. (2010) 2010 Baccalaureate Remarks. Centre for the Mind. (2003) Speech by Sir Richard Branson to The Centre for the Mind. Rowling, JK. (2008) The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination. Harvard University. (2007) Remarks of Bill Gates, Harvard Commencement. Harvard University. (2017) Mark Zuckerberg's Commencement address at Harvard. University of Pennsylvania. (2004) Commencement Address by Bono, co-founder of DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa), and lead singer of U2. Time. (2016) Arianna Huffington to Grads: 'Your Attention Is Truly the Most Valuable Currency'. Yarow, J. (2012) Sheryl Sandberg's Full HBS Speech: Get On A Rocketship Whenever You Get The Chance. Stanford University. (2005) 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says. Grad Speeches. (2009) Ellen DeGeneres Graduation Speech Video & Transcript.
I've checked safely, it's just regular spam of a blog.
Couple tools: scans for virus allows you 3 min session on a remote browser
If anyone wants to try Chrome 57 anonymously without installing or updating it, try this URL:
Browserling runs the browsers in virtual machines and streams them to your browser.
did any of you guys try to convert the poster title into binary? words with strands=1 word without strands=0 i'm not an expert in this stuff but it seems like something that might work i personally tried it and the program gives me this error message: Input binary doesnt split into groups of 8 bits evenly. but there could some tricks that some of you guys might know.PLEASE SHARE THEM i used this website :
If anyone wants to try Chrome 45 without installing, then there is an awesome cross-browser testing service called Browserling that lets you use all browsers from your browser.
You can visit this URL:
It will load Chrome 45 that you'll be able to use from your browser without installing.
using browserling (blocked for me too but can view using that), it is indeed listed as 28 (16+12) episodes.
An easy non excel way is to copy and paste the symptoms into a word frequency counter.
If you have a list of every symptom that is unique, I’m testing out some formulas and will get back to you.
sorry to hear, then maybe try using some free online VM with web browsers, like this:
I tried with (Win7 + Chrome + 92), pasted the url, worked
You can test it here across browsers & platforms -
It looks good to me.
Ik maak altijd zelf een shuffle playlist voor mijn grotere afspeellijsten. Dit kan je op de pc doen met de spotify applicatie. Je kopieert dan de inhoud van de playlist, plakt deze in een line randomizer, en deze lijnen kopieer je weer en plak je in een nieuwe spotify afspeellijst. Hierna kan je de inhoud gewoon van boven naar beneden afspelen, en is de inhoud echt random.
Try this link so you code your messages to others when you do not want it read by others not in the Know.. :) 84 114 121 32 116 104 105 115 32 108 105 110 107 32 115 111 32 121 111 117 32 99 111 100 101 32 121 111 117 114 32 109 101 115 115 97 103 101 115 32 116 111 32 111 116 104 101 114 115 32 119 104 101 110 32 121 111 117 32 100 111 32 110 111 116 32 119 97 110 116 32 105 116 32 114 101 97 100 32 98 121 32 111 116 104 101 114 115 32 110 111 116 32 105 110 32 116 104 101 32 75 110 111 119 46 46 32 58 41
Remove the commas and paste into a binary to text converter, like this one:
And you get:
11000011 0000001 10001000 01010101 10001100 00110000 00100100
Then by looking at 0000001, you probably need to read from bottom to top, e.g turning that 00000001 into 10000000.
I need a bigger sample size to progress further. Use pastebin or something to post a bigger sample.
I have played on cockatrice. All you have to do is take the list and randomize the order with a tool like and break it up into two text files for each deck. Put the lands in the sideboard of both — you can get them from the sideboard in game with cockatrice.
One more tip to add:
If you have access to the subtitle text , you can use a text frequency counter to rank the words by frequency (like this one). That way, you can brute memorize any word that shows up more than once or twice, so you're being more efficient.
For example, Flower of Evil episode 1 has 1859 unique words, but only 458 are mentioned more than once, and only 232 mentioned more than twice. And you'll probably already know a ton of them.
For shows on Viki or YouTube, you can use to get the subtitle text.
(I personally use R to rank by the most frequent roots because Korean has literally infinite ways of saying the same word but that's a separate issue.)
Open a word document
Every time you want something, type it. Every new day of wants, separate by a line break. If you want something more than once a day, include it a second time
End of the month, paste it here and buy whatever shows up as #1
Alternately, if your question is "can I buy (thing)," then ctrl+f and search for it in your word document. If it shows up more than 7 times, buy it.
I don't really think pc parts are a rabbit hole. Sure they can be, but as long as your pc is decent what more could you want. I bought one off some buy/sell app for $350 that turned out to be pretty awesome for the price. I added a new gpu and it can do just about any game on high. I paired that with a modest 2.1 sound bar and I'm set.
I don't use it much these days, but it definitely kept me distracted and saved me more money than I cost via playing games over going out
>You have true skill at the alternating caps sentence writing.
Oh ain't nobody got time for that. Someone wrote a generator lol
This is from Discord ( > To have your password changed navigate to and generate a new password hash. > Then, PM me the new hashed password along with your username (the one you log in with) and I'll change your password ASAP. > In the near future, we'll have an in-game 'reset password' function available for this purpose.
If you don't feel like joining the Discord server, you can DM the generated hash from the website either to me (/u/_valravn) or to /u/DavianBlack
Someone use suggested using to export an RSS mix of everything. This only works for some however, with others such as Live Bookmarks (still usable on Waterfox...) you need to goto and putting all your subs in there --- you can get the raw links removed easily by a site like It's kinda slow but it does work
I also noticed that you can mark things on YT to 'watch later' though I'[ve never used it so I dunno how well it works.
Regardless, this whole thing legitly made me depressed yesterday. It's absolutely unfathomable how they thought this was in any way a good idea, and I honestly believed MOST people relied on emails to get video notifications.
- Upload your recoding on youtube.
- download the automatic transcript.
- Put your transcript in any tool you want that counts the words. there are free websites that do it for you. Word Frequency Counter - Count Word Occurrences - Online - Browserling Web Developer Tools
It seems you have provider issue. Website online and works fine. If you have any questions about, please contact me.
As a follow up answer to my own question (I hope this helps someone else out there!) I misunderstood that the dhcp-host parameter acted like dhcpd's host to hwaddr mapping.
I looked at wireshark more closely and noticed that the dhcpd config results in a dhcp offer with Option 43 - Vendor-Specific Information that includes a length and a value.
This led me to play with the dhcp-option parameter and instead of using 106, I used 43, and then used the same hex bytes as was passed in the offer from dhcpd.
However I still wasn't seeing the offer occurring. I realized that this was due to my dhcp-vendorclass not catching the correct Vendor description. In my case, the Vendor class identifier was AMINO-APP-081, so finally the correct dnsmasq settings I used were:
Since I was attempting to pass the vendor code 106 decimal, the first hex value is 6a, then the second value is the number of bytes for the remaining hex string. In my example I was using http://hostedwebpage/entone.ini so the value would be 31 digits, which would be 1f in hex.
I used which let me easily separate the hex conversion with colons.
Then the internet is not for him. In browser virtual machines exist -
There is no sheltering a motivated person with access to the internet from some things on the internet.
i regularly open up spotify and go into my playlist, ctrl-a, ctrl-c, paste into a text editor or, go back to play list, ctrl-a, delete, go back to randomizes lines, ctrl-a, ctrl-c, go back to now empty playlist, ctrl-v.
This keeps the “shuffle” order fresh.
Go to your chat, select all the messages and copy them.
Navigate to Browserling's regex replacer and paste the messages on the first input.
Next, where it says "Regular exp" paste exactly the following code.
Leave the next input empty and hit "Replace regexp!" Done. This can all be done on your phone, no need to open the computer.
I went to
It's not fancy- prepositions and pronouns etc. are still included (every word is), so you need to ignore those and just look down to see which words really shouldn't be there so often. For example in 110,000 words I had over 500 uses of "really". Yes, really. I had no idea, had not noticed. I haven't changed them all but gone through and done some using find. It's a learning experience that's for sure
scam, i got the same message. from account created today. Virus link scan says it's clean, but i would suggest opening it in browser with
My suspicious is that it is key logger script hidden there. DO not open it
Thought about that but It was a bit troublesome to jump between programs. What I ended up doing, in case anyone has the same problem, is embed an online text processor to add a prefix to each line.
Found out that if you add "- [ ]" as a prefix to each line, as in Markdown, Notion adds each one as a separate to-do block!.
This is the text processor I'm using . I might do a small tutorial on my Meal Prep shopping list auto-generation!.
Here is my detailed guide how I determined my type with exact precision. Please follow my instruction carefully:
In Services > DHCP server, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the interface in question to "Additional BOOTP / DHCP Options"
Click "Add" and select 43 for the option number, String for the option type, and it looks like it's actually 01-04 prepended to the the hex conversion of your cloud controller's IP as the value.
I am running a cloud key at which converts to 0a:64:01:02, so my option 43 string value is 01:04:0a:64:01:02.
If you were running a unifi controller at, your option 43 string would be 01:04:c0:a8:01:0a.
Here is a little converter tool that might help...
There's nothing wrong with music tiles. If they don't save your strings, that means your strings are incorrect. If your string is correct, the music tile will display the info about the music you put in.
Your "5 seconds" string seems unreasonably long. Did you convert mp3 into xm?
Get an xm file (don't convert anything into xm!);
Zip it. Follow the wiki's instructions on PC. If you're on mobile, I recommend using Total Commander to do it - just use the default, 6th level of compression;
Encode the zip file into base64 string. I recommend this site:
I've successfully converted 3 xm files using this exact method. Music tiles are completely fine.
Their site works perfectly with IE9:
Which does not have flex:
While IE can go and die in a hole, the reality of the situation is that some steam costumers still use IE, so they seem to support it.
That's why I created a playlist this week that has all my songs in my library in a random order. This is much more random then what Spotify thinks is random. I use an online tool to do this, like this one: , but there are many others available online.
I have trouble understanding what issue you are encountering with this website. If you don't have an error and if you are successfully redirected, is the website displayed ? Or is it just a blank page ?
This piked my curiosity and I'm now quite curious to know how this website could be working only for some.
To stay factual, I think the fact that test websites like this one shows the site as up is a good indication that the server itself is responding something :
In that context I would assume for the problem to be most likely on the client side rather than on the server side. So far, all the test websites I have thrown on this site are describing it as functional. Hence why I tend to disagree that the website is broken.
I am having the exact same issue. Just spent almost two hours with a support person in chat to no avail.
In fact I was not even able to convince them that there is an issue.
The redirection does not work for me from:
I went further experimenting and confirmed that it works on older versions of Firefox but I don't want to spend any more time troubleshooting their issue.
I think their support staff uses old versions of browsers and that is why It works for them. Very frustrating to spend two hours in a support chat and not being able to convince them that there is a problem... They kept telling me that I have to wait for dns propagation when I clearly said that I already set up the redirection days ago..
Ctrl + F would be fine if it wasn't for the fact I have more than 100 Pokémon from other people to check haha. I tried to find a method here by myself, and it's kinda convoluted but it works! I copied the entire banlist and my trading history to Excel, removed commas using find/replace, pasted them onto this website that converts spaces to lines, then pasted the converted lists to this other website that compares lists.
Apparently I don't have any other Pokémon from banned users, whew :D
There are great automated browser testing tops out there now. Heres one will do all the main browsers and several versions at once:
19/month is a steal if you any regular testing.
Its been a while, so I'm not certain.
I went the same path you just said and played with the numbers randomly.
Then I changed them to generated ones from a website that provides that service. Didn't do well, so I tried to reset everything.
I remember that I went another path too while fixing along with a youtube tutorial.
I looked up my browser history. Found this blog, but not the tutorial
I see a few people have mentioned Browserstack.
There's also Browserling, which I slightly prefer. I've found their pricing is better for the way I used it as compared to Brwoserstack. It also lets you use the service for free for 3 minutes at a time, although the free plan only lets you use IE11.
The URL seems pretty well hidden...
This sentence in your post seems a bit suspicious:
> I had a bit of trouble getting this working. DNS in particular was incredibly fowl.
resembles an url or ip address, but got pretty much jibberish I don't know what to do with xD
Take any file (mp3 for sound) and upload it to this site and convert it to base64. Copy and paste the code into the shortcut. If you dissect the shortcut I gave you, you will see where it goes.
When you post binary to be spookyboi cryptic as absolute fuck
To text conversion: Help me they are coming
Take a look at these sites in various browsers. Just about everybody else can say as much.
HDPE bottles. The text block overlaps the image. Another block is invisible. Alignment is a mess.
>Had mainly positive feedback from other people
Okay. How about you. You want to go on record patting yourself on the back for this. I am not going to be drawn into a debate about your self satisfaction.
> Mnemonics are designed to be the part you memorize.
No, they are designed to be written down. It's not realistic to expect that the average user would want to remember a mnemonic seed of 12-24 words.
If the input of the scrypt is "correct horse" and "salt" (as salt) with the default parameters at the output is:
It costs some processor time to make this hash. Even with ASICs it would be more than zero.
So, it's adding some security. If the parameters of the scrypt function are changed and the hashing is repeated multiple times, it will take even more time.
If the parameters of the scrypt function are different than the parameters used in Litecoin ASICs is it possible to use the same ASIC with a minor modification of the software or completely new ASICs need to be designed?
How much entropy is being lost by the scrypt function? Is it something like 0.000001% or is substantial?
What if I add additional hash functions like output = scrypt( sha512(input) + input)
or output = sha512(scrypt(input) + input)
for example (+
is concatenation)?
It's unrealistic to compare the memorizing of the mnemonic seed with encrypting the seed with a password (with less entropy than the mnemonic seed). Because in reality memorizing of the mnemonic seed is rarely used.
If "key stretching counts for nothing" why Litecoin is still using scrypt and the blockchain still works?
Startpage lets you do remote page viewing via ixquick, there's also browserling which lets you view a page remotely for free for 3 minutes, there's also dedicated cloud browsing services (some are free like Maxthon, but it had a security scandal).
As the article says, that's some of the many signals. I always get the checkmark right away, which I assume is a combination of all the ways I let Google track me -- I already don't run adblock, VPNs, or TOR, I sign into Chrome and I use a fair amount of Google products, and I'm almost always logged into a Google account on the Web (if I'm ever logged out, Youtube starts playing ads again), so by the time I click that box, even if my click looked completely robotic, Google knows enough about me to trust me.
At least, I assume that's what's going on. Because if I open this test site on my normal browser, instant green checkmark. If I open it in Incognito, at least two screens of images, both the easy ones where you have a single clear image divided into a grid. If I open it with a Browserling demo page -- Browserling is a site which offers both interactive and API-driven testing on multiple browsers and OSes, basically by running the browser on their servers and streaming it to you, so that request will be coming from servers that mostly run bots -- I get that first one with a bunch of super-blurry images that I have to keep clicking and keep coming back until there's none left, and then at least four (I may have lost count!) of the crisp-single-image-grid ones, no matter how naturally my mouse moves.
I can't necessarily recommend turning off all the privacy stuff, but it's probably more effective than the mouse-wiggling thing.
A Chromebook or box will also disconnect when it auto-suspends. Plus you'd have to have to run a sftp or ftp server on it which I think is possible but complicated. An ordinary Linux computer would be way simpler for that purpose and you could install browsers other than Chrome.
What about a service like this?
The only thing that jumps out is that it seems to love "239 191 189", and Googling those numbers seems to show that that's a "question mark in diamond", which gets displayed a lot when something is confused about the character encoding.
I used this thing on your earlier post and got something different:
206 160 55 195 137 51 72 95 121 72 41 195 135 195 169 109 59 119 206 169 107 105 45 103 195 137 119 39 122 75 194 163 99 195 137 50 195 166 32 121 206 152 104 114 72 194 167 36 43 206 158 114 195 152 47 121
I ran tests using Firefox and Opera (the bar doesn't even appear for IE or Safari users) as well as the default browser on my PC (Chrome). The behavior is consistent across all three programs: the x exits to the front page. Also at a loss for what's causing it.
Me again, So I can see that wevistes like will convert XML to YAML.. Does that mean that my non-devs can use Excel to create the XML and pass said XML file to the Dev's who can then convert that to YAML and use it in Ansible, as simple as that?? Sounds too good to be true
i thought the same - i omitted 1057 in my previous efforts. I wasn't able to come up with a successful decimal to IP conversion, but it doesn't mean it is ruled out.
> Give me a break
I'm not pushing you to do anything mate. Just having a discussion. Unfortunately I can't give intonation to words written online :)
Either way, there is some problem possibly on your end or reddit. 3 independent sources are able to see the thread so idk what that's about.
Check here too:
Here's something cool: If you're not using Chrome and you don't want to install it to try the latest version, then there is this service called Browserling that puts a browser in your browser. You can use all the latest browsers in your browser. They've these browse URLs that link directly to a particular browser and version. For example, you can try Chrome 45 immediately with this URL:
I thought I'd share this as it's so cool.
Pro tip guys: You can use this really awesome service called Browserling to run a browser in your browser without installing it. They've this interesting URL structure that lets you load any browser/version/url combo. Try this:
This loads Firefox 41 and you can try it out in your browser without installing.
Does anyone want to try Opera 29 but doesn't want to install/download it? Here's something cool that you can do with Browserling that I created.
Visit this URL:
What this will do is it will load
in Opera 29 on Windows Vista. You can change OS/Browser/Version to access other systems and browsers.
It's pretty neat and I'm a redditor! Ping me any time with any questions about Browserling. :)
Also check out my cross-browser testing service Browserling and Live API. You can automate JavaScript testing with it as well. It's pretty neat and I'm a redditor! Ping me any time with any questions about Browserling. :)
What browser are you trying it out in?
You should be able to click on ::before
the same way you can click on <span>
inside of <a>
elements: code, test in Chrome 43.