Also, if you are looking for things on Amazon, use the Keepa Chrome or Firefox extension to see a graph of how a product's price has varied since they started selling it inserted into the product page. You might find that the "70% off" deal is actually against a price that it's only sold at for a few days sometime last year and that the regular price it sells for isn't actually all that different to the Black Friday special.
I sell books. Its worth 500 to 1000 dollars on Amazon depending on how many are on the market right now.!product/1-096300963X put it on ebay with a minimum of 400 is your best bet if you actually want to sell it. Good chance it will take 3 to 6 months to actually sell though.
People who use desktop chrome or firefox, and are buying from amazon, might want to check out the extension called "keepa". This extension from inserts a very useful price history graph into amazon product web pages. In particular, some watches increased in price just before Black Friday (these watches do not appear to be part of any BF sales).
Buyer Beware.
Also see: This will also tell you warehouse deal prices and flash-sale prices. There is also a decent web-plugin too, that adds a price-chart into the Amazon site.
You can see many products that frequently go on flash sale, and set a tracker to tell you the next time they do.
I've had two deals this week - a pair of trainers (£23 rather than £40 normally) and a kids camera (£25 rather than £40). Keepa shows me these are both good sale items.
Mi recomendación es una extensión para Chrome (y todos los otros browsers populares) que se llama Keepa. Dicha extensión grafica el precio de los productos de Amazon en función del tiempo. En otras palabras, un histórico del precio del producto en cuestión para entender si realmente estamos comprando a un buen precio.
Piggy backing off this.
At least for the next few hours, 200 GB is $49.00 and 128 GB is $28.48. According to Keepa these are historic lows.
$/GB ratio:
256GB : 35 cents / GB
200GB : 25 cents / GB
128GB : 22 cents / GB
64GB : 22 cents / GB
When shopping at Amazon use Keepa to see the price history to know if the sale price is actually a deal. They have browser extensions to show the price history directly on the product page.
> Just when camel3 is down...
Keepa is your friend:
Spoilers: this is the cheapest they have recorded.
If you guys haven't heard of Keepa, Imma suggest that you check it out.
It's a service that allows you to track the pricing of products on Amazon. It's free and it offers browser extensions that place a little box under the main product listing to show you the pricing history for the last year. You can then choose the price that you'd like to pay for the product, and Keepa will send you an email when it hits that price. It's a pretty incredible service that's helped me get some damn good deals.
Curiosamente ayer que fue la "pre-venta" Banamex estaba regresando 2 meses si comprabas a 12 meses + 10 % adicional. Hoy ya no es así.
Supongo que Amazon y Elektra son los que están poniendo los mejores descuentos en electrónicos pero sinceramente nada de otro mundo fuera del descuento del Nintendo Switch de ayer.
Para los que compran en Amazon pueden apoyarse con! para checar que el descuento sea un descuento real, y no un producto que le subieron de precio hace un mes para regresarlo al mismo precio pero que parezca descuento.
i use Keepa for amazon price tracking. They have a chrome extension if you use a chrome browser. They also have a bot in the telegram app and you can set a specific price for an specific item and it will alert you when it drop below that price.
Aunque si sucede lo que mencionas, si hay autenticas ofertas, como han mencionado otros, usa trackeadores de precio, así siempre te aseguras de no comprar algo a un precio mas caro. es excelente para amazon.
Envíos gratis: Muchas veces prefiero usar el envío estándar, esperar varios días, y no me lo cobran. Digo, no tengo prisa en que me llegue Settlers of Catan.
Descuentos: Si son del tipo Prime Day, no gracias. Prefiero dar el seguimiento de algunos productos en o en para ver descuentos.
Prime Video. Tengo Netlfix y Prime Video. El primero, aún con su reducido catálogo y su insistencia en que veo sus Originals, sigue tendiendo más y mejor contenido que Prime Video. En una semana, suelo ver 1 película en Prime, a lo mucho.
Juegos gratis. Habrá que ver.
It's actually better than CCC once you figure out how to do it, way more information, just kind of hard to read at times.
Use the Search feature at the top. for example!product/1-B07GX2XXT1
No need for the toolbar
Mit Keepa ist auch gut zu sehen, wenn die Preise vorher angezogen wurden.
Das ist eine Browsererweiterung, die direkt auf der Amazon-Produktseite den Preisverlauf einblendet.
r/frugal has a great post on price checking since it's more of a marketing event. Folks there are reminding people to look at price history using CamelCamelCamel or Keepa.
November is great overall for TV prices, even for ones that do not go on sale on Black Friday.
The other great time is during clearance to be replaced by the next model. For LG and Samsung, that's usually in April-May.
Sony will replace the A1E and Z9D in August/September. New A9F and Z9F models will be released at IFA 2018 (Aug 31 - Sep 5). You can expect clearance sales to be showing up in August.
For an idea on price trends, you can check out last year's models on Amazon price trackers.
Keepa funziona anche da sito browser anche se è meno comodo. In particolare è utile a mio avviso la voce "Statistiche" che, nella prima colonna a sinistra, indica il prezzo più basso registrato e quello medio.
Just a heads up for everyone, the price has actually increased a little on the days leading up to black friday, so the discount is actually around $1.50 not around $3.5!product/1-B071W16NVZ
I use Keepa to compare prices and track items.
For Seiko watches though, Creation Watches and Skywatches probably still end up cheaper for a lot of models.
Ziemlich unverschämt - erst den Artikel ein paar Tage vor Black Friday aus dem Sortiment nehmen, dann überteuert ein paar Tage vorher wieder reinstellen.
Dann abwarten bis der Sale beginnt, und schon kann man seine Produkte mit 33% Rabatt anpreisen.
Ich empfehle Keepa als Browser-AddOn, um sowas zu entlarven.
Not always but the price seems to change when Uplay or Steam have sales. Hope Steam joins the sale too so we have better chances.
You can see a price chart here:!product/1-B00VF6A5JE
Don't know about talking with a costumer rep
It went up to $26.09 and it keeps rising a few cents every few minutes. My guess is that within the Amazon's algorithm some items get flagged for small increment reductions when It's not moving much inventory within an x amount of time. It then keeps decreasing that amount by a bit every x amount of time until it starts to move some of that inventory. At that point it starts to raise the price a bit depending on the demand it starts to generate until the price is adjusted to a point where it's moving inventory/units within a threshold that satisfies some numbers.
You can see this visually here!product/1-B01K7SG0EY . Also according to that data the lowest it got was today for $20.66. It must have gotten a bit lower ( op price point) and go back up fast enough that the tracker didn't register the lowest price point.
In any case I consider $25 to be a decent price for a physical collector's edition of this game ( a relatively new game) that also includes a steam key. Not only you get the game ( which I have read it's not a bad game) but also there are other stuff like an art book, soundtrack and making of. Also it saves you download time since its a 50GB plus game.
Yes you can absolutely start selling from Amazon to eBay. That's how I started too when I first came across the concept of dropshipping.
When you place an order with Amazon, there's an option of gift box, that would avoid Amazon from adding an invoice into the box.
Even if by mistake your buyer does end up with the amazon box, you can always tell them that your products are stored at Amazon warehouse to avoid paying extra shipping.
eBay will not block your account because eBay supports buyers who Dropship as long as they promise to fulfill the sale. You'll just have to carefully monitor the items you are listing to ensure there is no price change.
You can use -
1) Keepa - for Amazon Price tracking 2) eBates Cash back website - to earn cash backs while placing orders with Amazon.
The extension itself is called Keepa.
You install it, and when you visit an amazon product it'll pop up a graph that shows you pricing history. From there you can track an item and tell the extension what price to alert you at and if you want it to tell you if a lightening deal is occurring. Super helpful for knowing if things are actually on sale or if they were marked up prior to going on "sale".
I couldn't find a good article about it but the price of the Sapphire Vega 56 shows a good example of it over the last few months.
You can see here that the pricing fluctuated between around $415 and $425 quite often and changed pricing frequently by only a dollar or two.
This set keeps going in and out of stock on Amazon. Like a lot the last few weeks. I use Keepa to get price alerts and that seems to be more reliable than CamelCamelCamel. If you want it, your chances are fairly high right now if you act fast.
> Yeah, and $40 at launch.
Captain Toad was $59.96 from June 10th 2014 till October 8th 2014 on Amazon.
> 6.5 main story, 18 hours for completionists. Compared to The Order's 7.25 main story and 10 hour completion.
Very few people get all the achievements in a game, look at how few people submitted 'completionist' data for Ryse, for 'All Playstyles' it's as short as The Order.
> Replayable and also the target demo for Kirby games is literally kids ages 10 and under. You may as well tell me about how quickly you read a picture book.
Kirby Star Allies, the newest Kirby, clocks in at 8 hours for all playstyles, just like The Order. Also Mario + Rabbids is like 3 times as long and it's a 10 and under game as well.
> See above. And they're also bad games, no one's defending the 3D Sonic games.
It's not like the latest Kirby games are GOTY winners... Sonic Generations was pretty good.
> And infinitely more replayable than The Order as that's how they're designed. It would be like if you beat the story mode for SFV in an hour and then told me that SFV only has an hour of gameplay.
Platinum's other games, Bayonetta and Nier, are just as replayable, but nowhere near as short.
I never said The Order is a good game, I'm saying it's insane to measure a game's worth by how long it is, JRPG's would always win because of the grinding. Most people also don't replay games, at all. Look at the Steamcharts statistics for single player games if you don't believe me.
Seller on Amazon here:
Basically Amazon is mostly ran by 3rd Party sellers. We all have auto-repricers and we have limited stock (especially on FBA items). So if someone runs out, we all automatically go up a few bucks, or a few pennies. This happens 1000's of times per day.
Check out an item like this, which amazon themselves sell. No one can compete with Amazon's price (as the seller) so it's always around the same price:!product/1-B01KZOTRG8
And now an item sold by only 3rd party vendors. Notice how the price jumps up and down? It's all at the hand of repricing and competition:
Jos haluaa seurata miten amazonin hinnat sahaa niin tää on hyvä:
Selaimen lisäosa näyttää hintahistorian. Lisäksi voi asettaa hälytyksen jos tavaran hinta laskee sopivaksi. Ite käytän Saksan Amazonissa.
Can someone teach me how to read Keepa and CCC correctly? Just wanna make sure I'm using all the tools right. Example item:!product/1-B00NDAJDUW
Yeah i've been waiting for a price drop for a while. Check out keepa if you're waiting for anything else to drop in price; you can set a desired price and get notified if it falls below that price.
>A good deal for the trilogy. If it gets lower than this, it is extremely rare.
It was $9 back in July, which means you might have a couple months for a deal like this. Also, this deal will probably only last a week (on average).
I don't think you're able to, I can see a lot of folks setting it up, forgetting about it, then getting PO'd when the money disappears from their account. Personally I use the Keepa extension, you can ask them to email you when the price of an item drops below a certain point - Enter the components one by one and click "compare amazon prices". It will show you where you can buy it the cheapest. Saved me lot of time/money when I was building my rig. Also has a plugin for chrome where it integrates into amazon while you browse it and lets you compare the prices onsite
Use Keepa. There is an app for Google Chrome. It will show a price chart on the actual item page and differentiates between Amazon, Marketplace, and used pricing. You can also set price alerts
Excellent build. Very similar indeed. You've got the gen 4 NVMe which is great. Everything looks great even the power supply.
From all the research I did as I was considering what card to use I found that often times the base model of the cards compared to the more expensive ones was so minuscule in the overall performance that it doesn't justify spending the money on such minor (2-5% increase) results.
You mentioned premier pro so I assume you do editing as well.
From what I've seen in benchmarks and read online GPU helps to a certain extent when using CUDA from Nvidia in premier pro but it's the CPU that it utilizes most. Your 8GB selection will help more if you use di vinci or plan to in the future because that utilizes GPU more.
Perhaps when deciding on which card you pick you opt for a base model and put that coin towards a ryzen 9 -3900x It's was recently sale on for about a £160 price different to the ryzen 7 3700x. You'd be jumping from 8core/16 thread to 12cores/24 thread and that would probably be the biggest performance enhancement you could get for that £160 or perhaps another 32GB of Ram. However it's gone up in price again.
If you are not familar with keepa check it out. It tracks prices of products so you can know if something is a good deal or not.!
I'd avoid getting a lite, unless you love small screens and never plan on playing on desktop, which would be a sad thing.
Other things to buy:
For price, if you buy on Amazon, you can track the price and price history on
Also look into cashback services for Amazon in your country, like this one:
Using these methods, I got my Switch for about $20 more than a Switch lite.
It’s only for Amazon but Keepa and CamelCamelCamel até price trackers that allow you to see variations through time and set up email notifications for when an item reaches your desired price. You can also install Rakuten’s browser extension to see discount codes before checking out and get some cash back.
Is there a coupon code or something for this? Almost $6.00 above the 90-day day average doesn't seem like such a good deal to me.
According to, the 1TB SSD is near an all-time low ($166.99) and the 2TB is an all-time low.
Auf Langstrecken Leute über Blablacar im Auto mitnehmen!
Man trifft auf viele wunderbare Charaktere, mit denen man sonst vermutlich nicht ins Gespräch käme.
Kann einem manchmal die Augen öffnen und neue Inspiration liefern.
Nebenbei bekommt man dadurch i.d.R. die kompletten Spritkosten rein.
Neue Dinge (insbesondere Technik) als junge Gebrauchte über eBay etc. kaufen.
Alte Dinge (auch insbesondere Technik) über eBay etc. verkaufen, statt im Schrank einstauben zu lassen.
Für Käufe über Amazon das Browser-Plugin von Keepa nutzen.
Zeigt einem den historischen Preisverlauf an und es lässt sich ein Preisalarm einstellen.
Und generell gut überlegen, was man wirklich braucht und sich die Frage stellen "Steigert das langfristig meine Zufriedenheit oder hat es nur einen kurzzeitigen Effekt?"
Got mine on Amazon IT for 24€ total, while in discount. You could try to watch the price history for it on your local Amazon with Keepa, to see if it the price usually drops and get a notification in case.
Worth checking out: (amazon deals)
Get Yeelight Strips, it was on sale quite frequently at Amazon. Just put a notification alert set up on Keepa for a price drop/lightning deal.
I just checked it currently seems to be sold out. It last went on sale for 1,499₹ and 699₹ (extension).
Yeelight Strip Plus Yeelight Strip Plus Extension
You can sign up by clicking the ‘email me when available’ button. It should be back in stock soon.
what's the incentive for amazon to allow that? there are thousands & thousands of items, who is going to sift through a bunch of price requests?
adata seems to sell directly, so adata might be able to control their price
crucial seems to have a deal for frustration free packaging
but sapphire... taiwanese brand to undercut everyone including amd by so much, without having any stock, it just doesnt look right
the drop was never detected by price trackers either!product/6-B07TFRMJXH
so now the question is does the item cart switch to a third party seller when the amazon stock is gone? has anyone in any forum or network claimed they scored at $310 CAD? it sure sounds like an american price
on a related note, amazon recently mislabelled a 3200g as 3400g, using 3200g's slightly inflated price, the .ca site has always been sloppy compared to .com
~~Keepa has this thing at $259.99 for the last few months; what's changed?~~
Asin used to be for the 27" (that variant is sold out), that explains it
Correct page:!product/1-B07CNDK2XG
It is back to $149 - seems the sale is over. I corrected the post to show it.
If you're interested in the stagg, I recommend, which will send you an alert if/when the price changes.
They must have changed it within 50min ago. still says ~113 last updated 53min ago. Graph:
Not that I'm complaining. Hope they maintain that price. And yea, I might just cave and buy at full price.
While I haven't used this service before, I found it just now while searching for historical pricing datasets.
If you're interested in Amazon pricing records, these guys seem like they have it all. I still made an account or looked for a reasonable way to request data from the site. Good luck!
$300 seems a bit high even in Canadian dollars. The price history shows the all time low of $173CDN (which is around the best street price in the U.S.), with a more recent low of $215. Before taxes.
Anyway, your MoCA idea should work.
There’s a website called keepa where you can track amazon products and prices, it’s saved me a lot over the years. Try it out if you want to, you can even set alerts for price drops. keepa
Sure thing. I'm not sure if its the most efficient method but for every product I'm considering sell on Amazon I go to the Amazon page for the book, look for the ASIN (using command F on a mac will find it, I'm not sure about windows), then I take the ASIN and plug it into where I got to the bottom right of the chart and find the "statistics", hover over that and see the "sales rank" column where I look for the "last 180 day value", I then put that into the Amazon sales estimator from jungle scout (Google Amazon sales estimator and it pops up), depending on the category it'll say the estimated number of sales per month. Use your brain and see how many competitors/prime competitors there are on the listing. Use the Amazon FBA calculator from Amazon (you can google that too) to see how much you'll get after Amazon fees. Hope this helps. I literally do this every single day and I've found some profitable products :).
Keepa Product Finder has tradein values. I think it requires a subscription but this is the query I used!finder/%7B%22f%22%3A%7B%22TRADE_IN_current%22%3A%7B%22type%22%3A%22greaterThanOrEqual%22%2C%22filter%22%3A1%2C%22filterTo%22%3Anull%2C%22filterType%22%3A%22number%22%7D%7D%2C%22s%22%3A%5B%7B%22colId%22%3A%22title%22%2C%22sort%2...
Here is top 1000
If you buy from Amazon, make CERTAIN it is designated "Ships from and sold by" below the "Add to Cart" button on the page.
New items that are from a 3rd party seller on Amazon are not from a "Samsung Authorized Retailer," and Samsung will not honor the warranty, despite what the title and contents of the Amazon page say. It's very misleading. Amazon uses the same product page for all sellers of the same product, i.e. '3rd party', '3rd party Fulfilled by Amazon', and 'Shipped and sold by' Don't confuse the fact that an item has Prime shipping to mean that it's sold by Amazon. FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) products have Prime shipping, but the actual seller is not an authorized retailer and Samsung will not honor the warranty. If it came down to it, it's possible you might be able to complain to Amazon about the misleading product page, but I'm not sure if they'd help you out.
3rd party sellers and FBA 3rd party sellers have offered substantial discounts on Amazon - IIRC, as low as $680 at some point, but you should be aware there's no warranty. Only Amazon itself is an authorized retailer. Looking at, it appears the lowest price Amazon itself ever offered, perhaps only for a couple of hours, was ~$750.
Something to note is that it's very easy to get the Samsung student or corporate discount if you order from I think that's 5-6%. You also may be able to use a cashback website like Ebates etc to save a bit more on top of that. So, if Samsung is currently offering it at $800, that combined with student/corporate discount and a cashback website is probably your best bet.
The health and household category deals on Amazon has some, umm, interesting products.
I would also recommend Keepa - , pretty much the same thing as camel, but a nicer interface and if you make an account you can sync your entire wish list up for notifications of price drops.
That is not such a great deal that you haveto jump on it (and according to keepa, $149.99 is a pretty standard price).
You can probably get about the same level kit from Milwaukee or Dewalt, plus an extra tool of your choosing thrown in for about the same price.
I have Lambrou's book on USA/UK pens. It's super detailed, but is mostly about the history of models & manufacture, with some discussion about the motivations & customer-response.
Amazon sometimes has these on discount, $28 in November
Got this just under $120 after tax:
Greenworks 20-Inch 13 Amp Corded Snow Thrower 2600502
2 serious Chicago snowfalls blown without issue. If it lasts the whole season, I'll be very satisfied. If 2 or 3 seasons...
I mean, at less than $200 (looks like it's a few dollars over currently but was $185 so recently price trackers think that's still the price, has been as low as $130), I say WMR is the best bang for your buck personally. I am bias in saying that as I own a WMR headset, but they have a higher resolution than the Rift or Vive, so better visuals, and I have yet to run into a situation where the tracking was an actual problem. Between that and saving a few hundred dollars, definitely best bang for your buck IMO.!product/1-1563477823 Here's some historic trends; it's definitely an expensive book, but probably unlikely to sell for quite that much. Somewhere in the $200 range seems more realistic.
in principiu 12 euro e cutia si "timbrele" apoi aduni 4 euro / kg
inainte de a posta comanda amazon iti estimeaza destul de bine costul de transport. adica o sa ai diferente mai mari la schimbul valutar pe care il face banca decit la taxele de expeditie ;)
ca sfaturi: instaleaza si configureaza , sigur vei prinde reduceri
si nu comanda o singura carte, ia 3-4, asa se imparte costul initial de 12 euro mai bine :)
(btw: eu de obicei ies mult mai ieftin decat daca as cauta in carturesti, okian ori altii.. si ajunge mult mai repede)
If you want an alert for when these are back in stock, here is what I suggest you do.
Install Keepa for your browser.
Set up a price alert for this set for $180.
Wait for the email to come in and then jump on it.
These steps above will set up a price alert for when it is available on Amazon for less than $180. The retail price is $159.99 so when it is in back in stock at retail, it will trigger the price alert. The email price alerts react pretty quickly once it is back in stock, but you have to be watching your email carefully to see it and then buy it.
I found keepa pretty informative on when to expect/anticipate fall in prices for things I was interested in.
1. Price chart for Audio Technica M50x.
2. Product page for Audio Technica M50x.
Disclaimer : I discovered this service 2 months back and have no connection to keepa. Super useful Amazon price tracker. Also provides a browser extension so that you can see the price history when looking at a product. Also send you a notification when your desired price is reached. Gold. Super useful Amazon price tracker. Also provides a browser extension so that you can see the price history when looking at a product. Also send you a notification when your desired price is reached. Gold.
Market price = $100 on Amazon. After fees, $75 is yours. After shipping, $68 is yours.
I'd pay $20-$30 for that book.
The reason you can pay less than the 'market price' on Amazon is because everyone is lazy. 99.99% of people aren't on Amazon. Of the 99.99% who care about getting good prices for their used books, maybe 10% of them will actually make the effort.
The rest will just offload for whatever price they're given first.
Prices move over time, yes.
Here is a reasonable representation.
Most books spike large in August and small in December.
Give this website an ISBN-13 and look for yourself.
A todo esto, para checkear los precios de Amazon es ideal tener una extensión como keepa, que tiene Addon para varios navegadores. Así puedes ver el precio histórico de un producto en la propia página de Amazon, y ver si vale la pena comprarlo o no.
Un ejemplo de una gtx 1070 con Keepa mostrando que está al mínimo en los últimos 3 meses
Yes prices change constantly... see below of the price evolution (not sure why my screenshot will not appear...)
Not really, but the Bambino prices seem to be relatively stable. A quick AD price check shows $170, which seems about right (occasional sale pricing is lower, of course).
Well, unless you're crazy enough to look at amazon's prices, which can bounce up and down and up and down like a caffeinated child (or, for those of you who like conspiracy theories, maybe they're raising the prices so that they can lower them for prime day.). Wait for prime day, or maybe another 1-3 weeks after prime day. I'll guess that the price will come back down. Here's a price chart, obtained from here (you can also set a price watch at that website).
So earlier today Amazon briefly had a estimate for restocking sometime in early July, but checking again now it went back to its "xx used & new" listing when they don't have a known restocking date.
Looking around that seems to be common with a lot of big resellers, its listed as both out-of-stock and unknown restocking date. Check out the historical sales graph for Amazon:!product/1-B00VF5NT4I
Amazon never had a out-of-stock gap as big as its had for the past week or so. It feels like HTC is either stopped new shipments for some reason or they're having considerable supply issues. If it was just high demand in asia, wouldn't all these sites still get a quoted restocking date?
Is Keepa only for Amazon? That chart in the imgur link is super detailed and I love it - I'm often looking for that kind of analysis for all sorts of stuff I purchase. How can I find out more about it? Is it made just through
For now I looked up my legal situation and saw that e-joker is under no obligation to deliver the product. I still contacted them directly and asked for a proper reasoning why the product wasn't delivered.
If they don't come up with a good reasoning or just ignore me I will probably leave negative feedback on the shop's page. It doesn't seem to be the first time this happened so I suspect that the shop tries to get exposure this way. However I would leave out all speculation from the review because otherwise I open myself up for a defamation lawsuit.
Yeah, I don't know WTF just happened at Amazon (europe) that all their G5 Plus (Pluses?) skyrocketed. They have to come down, but i don't know when, it has been like that for a week or two.
> Especially when it's $85 new on amazon.
Where are you seeing a GWM5610 on amazon for $85? Used dealers? While I already have one, I periodically keep track of the GWM5610 amazon price, and it's only been as low as $85 during the Black Friday sales. It's currently ~$105:!product/1-B007RWZHXO
I can still 1.1k (I am the world. Nobody has no minority groups now didn't work to dinner. Well, How do the essential oils, or won big mixing terms. Kosha means flower by Meera Soda to established on getting quite fast for HyperX Cloud core gaming headset-!product/10-B010D74WHG
Probably that's the price it gives to people coming from USA. It's 75 to me, but it's 99 once I archive it using This is the history of the price and the price for me browsing from Italy.!product/8-B073FNFTL2 just set the Amazon locale to .it if it gives you another price. It is sold directly from Amazon.
Ad esempio questo (oggetto a caso, che peraltro ha un sacco di offerte lampo, si vede che vogliono toglierselo di torno in fretta..) ha scritto che partirà il Lightning Deal alle 11 :D
Use Keepa, or better yet install the browser extension. You can then see past prices from Amazon and other sellers, as well as setting alerts.
Prices can change even in the same day as marketplace sellers often automatically monitor each other's prices to remain competitive.
A lot of these "deals" aren't as good as they look. If you don't have an amazon price tracker extension for your browser you may want to get one. They show the price history for items so you know whether or not sale prices are actually significant.
I use Keepa, but there are others.
Install Keepa and use Both track amazon price history. What was the selling price of the item pre-clearance on Amazon? With the item going on clearance, if its a nationwide clearance there will be a race to the bottom. The price may or may not ever recover (item may be discontinued and there is no demand for it, etc). If the item has a strong sales rank (camelcamelcamel tracks sales rank), and you are able to hold out, I'd say to go for it.