I had the same problem!
Enjoy: http://i.imgur.com/jUPkfgc.jpg
Original for those asking: http://imgur.com/pWZMFZP
Use this to center your wallpapers how you want: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
Yes! This happens to me as well if I drag my mouse too quickly to the side and click. I posted a thread about this and someone gave me a good solution.
Download and run this program. Then follow the image here: http://i.imgur.com/vRHUSjY.png
I have it set to F4. And when I activate it, it will lock the cursor to the current screen so you can't move the mouse outside of the screen.
And woop! Problem solved! :)
Here's the source pics, enjoy :)
Subzero : http://i.imgur.com/4zn0kmR.jpg Scorpion : http://i.imgur.com/GrWbtKN.jpg
http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ - Cool, free, open source program for managing Dual Screen backgrounds.
I could be wrong but I believe checking "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" in the Compatibility tab of csgo.exe can help with this issue. I'm sure someone else can confirm but you should have that checked regardless.
If you press tab and move the mouse to the second monitor and click, it'll still happen. I don't believe there's a way to fix this without software or by rearranging your screens as others have mentioned.
Here's an example of a 3rd party program that'll lock your cursor to the Primary monitor:
I can't speak for how well this particular one works but I know others use it. There are a number of similar programs out there.
Download Dual Monitor Tools and create a bind for "Lock cursor onto screen" and another to set it free again. Helped for me (just don't forget to use your bind when ingame) :)
For a more permanent solution across all games, this is a fine option that I've been using for several years: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
There is a "Lock cursor onto screen" hotkey in the swap screen application
Make sure to trigger the key before star citizen is running full screen as star citizen kills external hotkeys.
There is also a stand alone option for those who arent fond of installing third patty programs.
Theres multiple tools there but you just have to download the dual wallpaper one
I haven’t done anything about the mouse moving over to it for now, but if it becomes a problem I intend to install “DMT Cursor” from the Dual Monitor Tools website as discussed below. :)
There are a group of Dual Monitor tools that are all open source and free. I have used these for awhile. Even though it is not as extensive as Display Fusion, it's free. http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
I agree this should be an option in the game! I've been using Dual Monitor Tools application in the mean time. I've tried other screenlock apps but DMT was the only one that worked with Astroneer. You just setup a hotkey and it locks or unlocks your mouse to the game.
I just ran the game borderless fullscreen successfully with Borderless Gaming, Fullscreenizer and Windowed Borderless Gaming and they all worked (main menu is messed up though so you have to load a game first). With Windowed Borderless Gaming, there was a small cursor flickering issue so I wouldn't recommend using it for this game.
You don't need DXWnd to run the game windowed and you must run the game in 16-bit color mode (on win10) to fix the flickering purple cursor. You can use http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ to lock your cursor to a single screen.
Check this link: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Dungeon_Siege#Video_settings
I used to have the same problem until I learned about DMT. Set it up so that you have a hotkey that locks your invisible while in-game cursor onto the monitor it is currently on.
I have it set to run on startup so that I don't forget to launch it when I start playing.
As perkam said you cannot have hdmi audio without video, but if your main problem is the mouse cursor, you can use http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ to restrict the cursor to your main monitor only.
Then I recommend using Swap screen it's a program that can lock your screen. I use it whenever I wanna use my 2nd monitor. You set a bind to lock/unlock your screen and whenever you wanna go into your 2nd monitor you just hit your bind.
Just a suggestion for managing your wallpapers. Dual Monitor Tools lets you move and resize the image on each monitor, then you can save those images. Free and easy to use.
What windows version are you on? I know in 10 there's a built-in option to put 2 different 1080p images on each different monitor.
For any other version of windows I used I used Dual monitor tools.
There's a program there that should allow you to use hotkeys to lock your mouse to a single screen. As for the alt-tabbing issue, you'll need to run Witcher in Borderless Window mode. Check the settings, it may also be called Fullscreen windowed. You'll still have to tab back in if you interact with the desktop, but it'll be instant, without your screen flashing multiple times.
Dual Monitor Tools is what I use and I love how simple it is and basically does exactly what you would want to customize your wallpaper. I'd love for anyone else that's used this to give their opinion.
Use this to get the wallpaper correct on multiple monitors, especially when using monitors with different resolutions. If what you downloaded is just one large image, consider slicing it up yourself and using this for best results.
Dual Monitor Tools can lock your mouse cursor to a single monitor with a hotkey press. I used it to fix this very problem.
I play in windowed fullscreen now, but still occasionally use the locking function.
Edit to add: The locking function is part of the SwapScreen tool you can find at that URL.
Googling came up with this work around, but thats all I can find. Hopefully someone else could lead you to a perma fix.
I personally don't have this issue running dual monitors.
Or this tool:
you can try using an HDMI splitter. but you might need an HDMI 2.0 splitter.
but what i would do is this instead. connect an HDMI cable from your onboard HDMI port to the receiver. use extend this desktop and set that HDMI port as monitor number 2.
use this program to lock the mouse cursor to your main screen.
pretend as though your second screen doesnt even exist. just output audio to your onboard HDMI port.
Nope, not at all. Downloaded a program called dual-monitor tools that has a few different applications in it. The one I used for the wallpaper is linked here.
DMT - dual monitor tools. Its a small application with a lot of features but the biggest one being it can lock the cursor to one monitor.
This makes it so how much ever you flick or move the mouse, it will not leave the bounds of the monitor until its toggled off.
I use a keyboard shortcut for DMT, only when I have to use my second monitor mid game to adjust OBS, change song, reply to chat, etc.
http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dualwallpaper.html I've always had double/triple monitors of different resolutions, once running 1080p+1440p+1024x768, and that tool always successfully helps to set up a wallpaper.
Also you should check out this page to discover its command line options. This way you can invoke them directly instead of having to click or send to the window.
Hey, I've had 2 different monitors for years and used "Dual Wallpaper" from http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
Its pretty simple and at the very least lets you choose specific images for each screen individually.
Had the same problem ages ago. At that time I used dual monitor tool to lock cursor on the main monitor. If I remember correctly you bind a hotkey to lock/unlock, which makes it even easier to use.
I have not used this program but I did some searching, regarding your questions, and found some other people with your same issue, specifically about the CEMU emulator and wanting it on another monitor. That is where my information came from that I gave you.
The software in question is called Dual Monitor Tools, Here is a link http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ . Hope this helps.
Yeah, some games kind of fight for control of the mouse like that. I use DualMonitorTools with the option to lock the cursor to one screen at a time unless you are holding down ctrl or a certain modifier.
I've seen this as a common problem with game engines where they fight each other for control - do you have any other game running in the background?
One workaround is to use a program that locks your mouse cursor to one screen unless you are holding a key like ctrl. http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net is one program that can do this.
Sorry about the inconvenience either way - I wish I knew a way to just fix that issue.
I used to get this problem all the time. I tried changing dpi & sens but it didn’t seem to change anything. Only fix I found was a program called dual monitor tools which lets you confine the cursor to one screen.
Dual monitor tools is my favorite program for wallpaper, I have never tried with a vertical screen, or more then 2 screens, but if it will work at those, this will solve all your problems.
Just checked, works with vertical https://imgur.com/Ghn0zLs
Why not mirror your center monitor to your one you use on the sim.
Then when you launch a game it will also show on the sim monitor, and your center monitor. No need to change any settings or anything.
Thats what I do at work. We have a triple monitor racing sim, and a 55" tv that we use to show demo's. I have the center racing sim display mirrored to the TV. Saves needing to move windows around.
You can use dual monitor tools to create a bind to lock your cursor to the monitor (works with 3+ monitors): http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
I have the same layout and it's pretty easy to just set it up with windows through display settings and then just marginally adjust the monitors' height to match them up like he said. However, there's also this program that lets you adjust either of the screens' wallpapers by 1, 10, or 100 pixels in any direction if you really want it to be as close as possible.
I would try this out. I've used it because I used to have your problem I stopped using it after the new patch rolled out.
Alternatively, you you can try windowed full screen. ALT+Enter seems to do the trick for me because when in windowed mode it doesn't like to recognize my other monitors.
There is software for this (I forget the name, but you can try googling for it) as well as just making sure your games are on full screen mode.
Edit: Here's the link. http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dmt_cursor.html
If you don't want to download any third-party programs, you can try to navigate to your display settings by right-clicking your desktop, and then attempt move your second monitor positioning to the top right corner. This won't entirely fix the issue but it will decrease the chance of it happening regularly.
If you're okay with downloading third party applications, using a program like Swap Screen by Dual Monitor Tools is your best bet.
Copy/pasting an old comment
When done:
I downloaded a program called "Dual Monitor Tools" just for this game. It works like a charm, you can set a costume keybind to toggle on and off (mine is LeftAlt + Num . ) Just remember to turn it on every time you turn on your computer, it doesn't turn on on bootup.
Here's the link: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/download.html Click on the underlined "here" button on the right of the page. You're welcome!
I recommend you watch this video to learn how to use the program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzrhjfWenEM
Download Dual Monitor Tools - you can set a hotkey to lock your mouse onto 1 display. This used to happen to me all the time playing CS:GO, and DMT fixes it easily and simply.
Dual Monitor Tools is what i use when not using Wallpaper Engine, you can make a 1080p version of the wallpaper and then use that to assign that 1080p ver to the other monitor
http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ That's what I had to do. I bound buttons i dont use to lock the cursor to my main monitor and right ctrl to enable to move to others in case i tab out on purpose to do something on a different screen. That problem only happens on cs to me too, really messes up trying to flick.
Regarding this, I found this temporary solution.
Then close it and run the game. When in game, just press the hotkey and the cursor will stay within the screen. If you want to go to another screen, just the hotkey again and its released. Seem to work fine for me.
I had the exact same issue. It happens because CSGO is not coded well in that regard and doesn't anchor the mouse in the game window.
You can either fix it by putting your second monitor in a place that isn't to the left or right of your main monitor, which you can do by right-clicking on the desktop, going to Screen resolution and then moving your secondary display to the top or bottom.
Or you can use a tool such as Dual Monitor Tools (I have it) http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ here which has a "lock cursor to monitor" function.
Either will do the trick
I used to have this same issue, and the way I fixed it was by using SwapScreen to set a hotkey to lock my cursor to the primary monitor while playing csgo. There may be a few other ways to deal with it but this worked for me.
When I had my DK2 back in the day I used this program with pretty good success to enable screen switching - http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/index.html (Last updated Oct 2016)
It may help with some of the issues. Don't have my DK2 anymore and unsure what it will be like on Win10. Will be trying this all out over the next few days.
It's pretty easy really, I'd recommend using a dedicated multiple monitor management tool such as Dual Monitor Tools. I use the Dual Wallpaper tool all the time for my three monitor setup. If you have questions ask.
Go to http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
There should be a download for the tool that keeps the mouse on the same screen (I would give you proper instructions but I'm on mobile).
I've been using this tool for around a year now and I find it gives me what I need.
Let me know if you need any help and I will have a look at my computer when I get home.
People aren't wrong telling you that its better to play fullscreen, though if you really want to stick to windowed you can use this and set up a hotkey for locking the cursor to one monitor
Will work 100%.
Keep in mind that the left monitor image is on the right which matters for the Deathnote wallpaper! The other pictures could be used with the 4:3 monitor on the right.
My screens have 1280x1024 (left) and 1920x1080 (right; main monitor) resolutions and are lined up at the top as you can see here. The wallpapers were created with Dual Monitor Tools and I had to upload them to my dropbox since they are too big for imgur. If I ever need the dropbox space I'll probably convert them and reupload.
I don't know if these will be useful to many people but I thought I would share them since /r/animewallpapers helped alot with their creation.
if you download this, in the program it allows you to assign a hotkey that will disable your cursor to move to the other monitor. i used to have this problem too. good luck :)
Here's the fix i use.. Takes two seconds to setup.
Download Dual Monitor Tool here: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
Setup a bind to lock your mouse pointer to the current screen it is on. Minimize to toolbar. Done!
Trust me. This thing works flawless as fuck.
I had this problem a while ago, the fix I found affected my sensitivity but here it is anyway:
(it made my sens feel lower as the sens wasn't split across both monitors)
DualMonitorTools has a 'cursor' section in the options that allows you to have a keyboard shortcut to not allow / allow movement of cursor onto 2nd monitor, you could have a shortcut to disable and allow movement and switch between when in/out of game.
I'd also advise that you flair your post as 'help' before it gets removed or anything like that. :)
Try this instead: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
I have a dual monitor setup, BDO is minimized, set the division to windowed full screen. Then use the tools above, go to cursor tools, setup a hotkey to be able to move between screens and not able to move between screens.
When I start the division I simply press shift+F1 and it locks my mouse in my first screen which I play the division on. When I'm done I press shift+F2 and the cursor is free again :)
Make sure youre playing in Fullscreen and not windowed borderless.
If that doesnt work you can get this this program that lets you lock your cursor to one screen
I've had this problem but fixed it by downloading a simple program. Download the swapscreen app from this website http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ this will allow you to lock your mouse on one of your screens with a key on your keyboard. hope it helps!
Go Here
and download that, It will let you resize the image from your bigger monitor to your smaller monitor and wont fuck both of them up, Has many other things aswell
The dual monitor issue has always been a problem with Telltale games. I use this tool to lock my cursor to the main screen before I launch the game. Hope it helps: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/swapscreen.html
I know the community is pretty anti-sourceforge. But here's a free set of utilities for dual monitors. 'Dual wallpaper' allows you to set wallpapers. At that point, you can pick any single image you want, and adjust any individual monitor as necessary.
I have this problem with multiple monitors and the swap screen tool on this page has a hotkey to lock the mouse to the current monitor its on. It works with one monitor just fine so should provide a fix if you can't figure out whats causing it in the first place. Also make sure you aren't in borderless window.
I use DisplayFusion, but you want to not install any software you can unzip Dual Monitor Tools and use 'DualWallpaper.exe' to make a new wallpaper that is the size of your screens and just set it to tile.
use http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ to stitch three images together as you see fit.
i've got three mismatched monitors and i'm using three different wallpapers of epic mythology in a triptych of sorts, creation, birth of life, an apocalypse
It's 2 separate wallpapers, actually.
The satsuki wallpaper
The Ryuko wallpaper
I use a program called dual monitor tools to give me 2 separate wallpapers
Until they fix this, you could try and use the program Swap Screen
You can lock your cursor to your main screen, and toogle it on and off with a hotkey.
http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dualwallpaper.html This tool is what I use. Allows me to select what wallpapers I want on each screen. Might be of more use, allowing you to diversify and mix up the screens with ease
If you want a really simple tool that you only need to run when you want to change the wallpapers download Dual Wallpaper
You just simply run the program, insert whichever wallpapers you want to use, zoom them/move them/whatnot and then press Set Wallpaper and close the program :)
Also contrary to its name it allows more than just dual monitors. Currently using triple monitors with it.
It says dual but it still works for more than 2 monitors. Look for the program "Dual Wallpaper" inside of the zip folder.
Go to browse and select the file. Then click on the monitor you want to set it to. Then set. You can also save the combined image when you're done as well.
If you have any other questions let me know!
All DisplayFusion really does is the process I described above. You can set up your wallpaper and then close DisplayFusion and the stitched-together image will still exist. So you only need to open it when you're changing wallpapers.
If you are going to do that, though, you can use DualWallpaper instead, as it does basically the same thing but with less bloat. DisplayFusion is great if you want to save profiles or tweak wallpaper configurations at a later date, or if you want some of the other features that come with it.
ETA: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dualwallpaper.html Despite its name, it works with more than two wallpapers.
No but a friend of mine has this when playing in windowed fullscreen.
You can use Swap Screen to bind a key shortcut to force the mouse on the active screen http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/swapscreen.html.
http://i.imgur.com/bv1Xyai.png (ALT+1 in my case).
This works for me:
Description for Dual Wallpaper tool:
"This simplifies the process of using existing images as wallpaper on your monitors. You can either specify a different image on each monitor, or spread an image across two or more monitors or if you have enough monitors, a combination of these."
Dual Monitor Tools has a wallpaper thing that may solve your problem, but I have never tried that feature so I can't say.
If not, then it is simply just Windows being Windows. Not much you can do about it unless there is any other software.
Sorry, I wasn't able to search through my computer's history earlier. Here's the link to the project, you'll get to download the *.msi
installer from sourceforge
Yeah, there is a measurable difference but I think unless you're using a super low DPI/super high sense for most people this isn't really worth worrying about. Be careful setting DPI too high as well, as some mouses add smoothing after a certain step.
For someone who cares about that extra few ms latency (and you can't get fullscreen to just lock it for you) I'd recommend DMT nowadays, which lets you restrict the mouse to one monitor.
To anyone who also has this issue and looks for a solution:
This was suggested in the steam forum and it does the trick:
Have a good one ^^
Two things, if you are on two or more monitors this might help: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/ - I used to use this a few years ago to lock the cursor to one screen. There could be better ones out there since I've not needed to use it for a few years.
If you are on one monitor (I am on one now) and this happens to me in League. When you load in to the map, just alt tab out of the game, alt tab back in and click. Should lock the cursor to that window.
I have used a tool called Dual Monitor Tools that allows you to lock the mouse to a monitor either with a key press (like ALT) or based on application.
If you use a particular app/game in Windowed-Borderless, you can lock the mouse to that window easily, but the mouse will only leave the game if you press the specific key, as an example.
I had this problem back in the day when I played CS... reinstalling didnt help so I used DMT Cursor (Dual Monitor Tool) where you can lock your mouse to one Monitor and toggle turn it off and on with a hotkey... also not the best solution I know...
Btw are you playing on exclusive Fullscreen mode in Fortnite maybe that can fix it
DMT Software: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dmt_cursor.html
That's just how the show desktop feature works, you're only option would be to find a third party piece of software (such as something like Swap Screen) to do this, but it won't use the show desktop button on your taskbar or the default Win+D hot key, you'll have to assign your own hot keys to do a show desktop on display one and a show desktop on display 2.
I've used this program for years, it's easier than trying to find one, but I prefer a themed pair to a single image. Like two angles from the same photo shoot or whatever. Or Superman on one and WW on the other.
But the easiest way for you to find exactly what you want might be to google it. They removed the "exact size" option from their search tools options, but you can still just type it in manually.
Try using the "Fullscreen Exclusive" mode - If that fails, try using DualMonitorTools's screen lock function - This will force your mouse to lock to one window for as long as you have it set.
DMT (Dual Monitor Tools) is the way to go.
For me I keybinded Control + Up Arrow to lock the mouse to the screen it is on. This is what I use for dcs as looking around the cockpit will move your mouse onto another monitor.
I don't have that problem with three monitors, but I've seen it before in other games. There's a few programs that will lock your mouse to a monitor with a hotkey.
http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net is a program that can do something like that.
Otherwise I'd try playing in Fullscreen if you're in windowed like the other commenter suggested.
Also, it's possible it's another program in the background causing it. Do you still have the problem on a fresh boot with nothing else open?
I use Dual Monitor Tool for snapping stuff quickly to where I want it. I have custom hotkeys set for various different programs that I like to have in a specific position on a specific monitor.
You can also use the PowerToys by Microsoft from Github, I've been toying with the FancyZones and it isn't bad so far.
But no, I haven't found a native built-in solution for this stuff.
Run your games in true fullscreen mode instead of fullscreen windowed, as it will take exclusive control over the mouse. Or use a utility like Dual Monitor Tools: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/dmt_cursor.html
This can lock your mouse to your first screen. Even stops scrolling on other displays while still in your first screen. An issue that older Fallout games have.
Its easy and i wont do that.
You may get decent results by simply choosing "fit" or "span" when using them as desktops.
Dual Wallpaper has some scaling and positioning options that could help as well, outside of just using phoshohop or w/e.
not sure about that
but about mouse moving to dif monitor I used to solve it by making a weird way my 2 minitors stacks up but I found this cool tool makes it way easier. It even has a mouse lock feature where it lock 1 mouse temporay to 1 monitor and other tool, maybe it might fix your other issue too.
I use an autohotkey script to do borderless window. I had concerns about the use of the external program but since it does not modifies of act on the gameplay, I've had no issues from the admins. Script here. Just press F12 once in game with the script running to activate.
I also use the software Dual Monitor Tools to lock the mouse to the game screen to avoid clicking off screen during gameplay. I unlock when needed with a hotkey set in the program.
You don't need exclusive fullscreen for that, you just need to do what 99% of games do and lock the mouse cursor when the window is active.
For this ridiculous 1% there's stuff like DualMonitorTool to force the issue.
I use AHK for everything but to be honest this functionality is already duplicated much better by other multimon helpers like Dual Monitor Tools..
It'll do swapscreen for focused apps via customizable hotkeys (I use simply Ctrl+Left (or Right) on a dualhead setup, with a TV as third display. Whenever I'm playing a game and want to show something to the GF it'll move fullscreen apps without issues.
The main reason I use it is the mouse-snapping to primary monitor. You can use modifier keys to allow cursor roam, or make the cursor "sticky" which means it won't fly off the screen unless you apply lots of motion.
I'm dropping this in here since I got the game recently and started having this issue. While it isn't the correct fix, it's another option that will allow you to keep your 2nd monitor displaying.
Download [http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/](Dual Monitor Tools) and enable a hotkey (I use CTRL + ALT + HOME) to lock your mouse in the currently active monitor. While you can still go to the other screen, clicking anywhere in the 2nd screen won't minimize the other screen's "fullscreen" application.
I used Dual Monitor Tools, and under the menu called Wallpaper Changer - General you'll find all you need. I set mine to One image stretched over all monitors, and I found my wallpaper on wallhaven.cc.
Do you have multiple monitors? I was having that issue for a while, then found this program that allows you to lock your cursor to a single monitor and it fixed the issue for me.
I use http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/
My cursor is locked into my primary screen, unless I press CTRL then I can move freely between screens.
I choosed CTRL as the keybind for that but you can put anything
Sweet build! :)
Just an idea for you if I were using that wallpaper, I’d use a tool like DualWallpaper to set separate wallpapers for each monitor and keep one of them the same as what you’re using now and set the other monitor to this one. I love the intro sequence to Hyper Light Drifter and the part where he runs up and sees the titans and then they immediately are destroyed and deteriorating away are two powerful moments in such a short amount of time.
Again, just an idea. No need to listen to me ;)
Two part question: Are you running both games at the same time, and do you have dual monitors?
I know that sometimes when multiple games are running, they fight for control of the mouse and make it so the mouse doesn't get locked to the game's window in whichever game you are trying to play. As a workaround, I've used this tool to lock my mouse to one screen temporarily (it can make it so you have to hold ctrl down to go from one monitor to another).
I've not hear about the first issue. I recommend to make a screenshot and submit it to this reddit as "image" with the title "How do I fix this?" or something similar, I'm sure you will get a quick answer like that.
The second issue can have multiple causes, usually rawinput on 0 or a high DPI combined with a low in-game sens. Hard to say what really causes this, there are some theories and some people managed to fix it by reinstalling Windows. The usual recommendation here is to use something like Dual monitor Tools or Cursor Lock (both open source). Alternatively you could also rearrange your virtual monitors.
I had the same issue but fixed it with dual monitor tools software which you can download it for free from online, hopefully this helps
This is the download link: http://dualmonitortool.sourceforge.net/download.html
Download Dual Monitor Tools (DMT), it lets you lock your cursor to one screen. I'm assuming that's what you meant was the problem, honestly hard to tell this post was written awfully.