> * All XML parsers, including non-validating ones, must parse the internal DTD subset. This means that an alternate tag parsing path must be introduced since the DTD doesn't follow the same attribute=value format that the rest of XML uses. > * The internal DTD subset cannot be ignored, since it can change the interpretation of the data. > * Character entities can now expand to arbitrary lengths. This prohibits in-place conversion and requires dynamic memory allocation. Even more fun is the possibility of nested expansion, which leads to the billion laughs attack. > * XML parsers must both parse elements and interpret them, due to the need to inject attribute defaults.
W. T. F.
I guess i may have come off as slightly sarcastic because of the italicized part, even though I wasn't trying to be lol. But I concede, it's hard to read tones over the internet
Great program, here it is
Out of curiosity, what language is this in? The simplest way to do things, depending on the language, would be to save each frame in the animation to disk as an image, then use a program like Virtualdub to turn them into a single video file.
When you view the playback in Firefox, are you rendering all the "notes" in the entire song at each frame? I wrote an interactive Music Animation Machine type program a while back, and to get good framerates I had to write some stuff to efficiently prune out any notes which were "off screen" at each frame.
Im curious, did you actually use any Windows operating systems that utilized the INI files because I have the exact opposite feelings
Also I think this blog would be interesting to you
If you video file is just an avi then VirtualDub would work pretty perfectly for that. vDub can copy the codec for video and audio so all it does it trim. Super fast that wait too.
If you want real hardware, look for an (in order) 800XL, 130XE, 65XE, or 800. If you want a floppy drive, look for an Atari 1050. For a printer, the Atari 1025 is a 9-pin dot matrix that doesn't require an additional parallel interface, but they're hard to find in good condition.
For emulation, if you're on a Mac go for Atari800MacX and if Windows then Altirra.
Your crossfade is pretty good, it blends in a natural looking way.
The camera wobble might be tricky, I only have virtualdub and the deshaker plugin (both free online) snow can mess with its tracking but it might be worth a try, it's quite a straight forward 2 pass process and there are plenty of tutorials on youtube.
Retaining particles in front of a masked area is also a bit of a pain, you can either add your own snow and manually track them over the mask (fade them in and out a little to avoid sudden changes in colour between your flake and the original that disappears) or create unique mask layers and cut small holes to reveal the relevant snowflake underneath the latter would work well on the is a fiddly task, but adding even two or three strategically placed flakes in front of your mask will really break up the 'cardboard cut-out' look.
With he blinking it's hard to know, as I can't see the raw gif, but I'd make sure the face in the final mask is from the frame closest to the blinking action to minimise shifting, cut out two parts of the blink if possible (the eyes half closed and closed) and place them over the mask, you can use them to animate the blink.
Don't forget to clone tool out the static bits of snow left in your mask too! is good for AVI. There are plugins for opening other file types. Some are at
If you'll be doing stuff which requires re-encoding video, you also need a codec for that, like . Note that the settings have a "VirtualDub hack" option which needs to be enabled for it to work with VirtualDub.
not sure what you are using to make these, but these two are great for freebies, lots of tutorials in the /r/ImageStabilization sidebar, it looks technical, but is pretty much setting two or three parameters running the first analysis pass and then running a second to steady it.
Hang on, what is source for this? It seems a bit inaccurate. You can't have no tearing by just applying a second or third buffer. The swaps have to occur in sync with the display. The point of second or third buffer is to combat the "miss" of an update and thus waiting longer for the next update. This is why when you have vsync with one buffer, the fps will drop to 30 when the GPU can't keep up on a 60hz screen (it needs to wait the next window, thus /2). Also I'm not sure if a second or a third buffer can be created without sync being on, since I don't see the point - the GPU would write frames to one or two additional buffers, but how would you determine from which to display the image, except with panels sync timings?
Source: EDIT, more source: (yes, they're using CRTs as examples, but buffers works the same way even today. It's a buffer.)
Fraps has a free version which should be fine for simple captures (the full version costs USD 37). VirtualDub is completely free. VirtualDub is used for transcoding video. One of the things it can do is apply filters to the source video. A null transform is a filter that doesn't change the video appearance but can be used to crop the source video so the output video is just a smaller section.
OMG. I'm drowning in the meta. What year is this? What decade is this?
omg still exists.
If only we had this video, so many redundant forum questions would be answered.
But we'd probably have to download a codec pack to watch the video.
Remember when Windows Media Player would autodownload codecs that were malware for you? Good times.
My advice would be to check out CCS64 and Altirra and have a play with both systems in an emulator environment first.
> Which has better games? C=64 (especially if you stray in to the late-80's/early-90's EU tape library)
> I don’t currently know how to code but I am looking to learn and I thought BASIC would be a good start, but I would like to know if one or the other is at all better at this.
This was always a bad idea, even back in the day. If you really want to learn to code BASIC really isn't a good place to start.
As to which is better? The C=64 is famed for a god awful user unfriendly dialect. I'm not familiar BASIC on the Atari to comment on that dialect.
That said the C=64 could be a good option. It'd pretty much force you to learn 6502 machine code to get anything meaningful done.
I use two free tools to create time lapses:
Chronolapse and VirtualDub.
My workflow is as follows:
Use Chronolapse to take a series of screenshots at a predefined interval
Once I'm done, go to files in browser and rename all files sequentially (this is necessary so that VirtualDub can process the files). In windows, highlight all and rename to name files sequentially as PREFIX (XXXX).
Open first image of sequence in VirtualDub, and it will automatically compile a video of said sequence (if you don't rename the files sequentially, it won't work). From there, you can edit frame rate to adjust how fast the timelapse will play.
Here's a brief test I did in the Eta Carinae Nebula I did.
I recorded a demo of the match by typing:
record 'filename'
in console, where 'filename' is what you want the demo to be called. I then used Lawena to record the demo into TGA frames, then I used VirtualDub to compile those TGA frames into a video.
Lawena allows you to do custom settings, such as the viewmodel, motion blur, allowing/removing certain hud elements, and the sky.
here's my current settings for Lawena.
This being a demo playback, a lot of my shots look off, but there's nothing I can do to fix it, it just varies between server.
We've started using VirtualDub to convert .avi's we screencap - it seems to net better quality/fps gifs than other methods we have used, like single-purpose gif recorders or converters.
Here's an example of the quality from our screenshot saturday post:
If you need to reduce the size further, for sites like twitter (3MB max), try the cropping/optimization tools on - they are easy to use and pretty effective.
Youre rendering 4000 frames to a movie? thats just crazy talk. if it crashes at 3999, youll have lost all that time.... You should be rendering to image sequences.
Then if you dont have After Effects, you used to be able to use Quicktime 7 to compile it to an h.264 encoded .mov or .mp4 file. I know apple stopped supporting Quicktime 7 and removed that functionality from QuicktimeX.... but 7 is still available to download, so it still might work, worth a shot.
If not, google. There are others....VirtualDub can do it and seems popular... (its what blender uses in its video sequence editor it seems). But yeah... just google em.
free? sure! download irfanview, use that to batch resize & crop your images: 4k? - 3840x2160 2k? - 2560x1440 1080p - 1920x1080
use virtualdub to make the image sequence a video - open as image sequence - select codec, select frame rate (24fps? 30fps?) - save as avi (its gonna be huge!)
convert avi to mp4 using vlc
taken from the last episode as i was watching it.
I made the gif with virtualdub and Photoshop. gfycat is a host that converts gifs into webm/HTML5 videos, which are nearly identical quality with a much smaller filesize. Plus, it lets you slow down/rewind/expand/shrink the gif and stuff.
I wouldn't hold your breath. Windows Store apps are only allowed to use a subset of the full Win32 API. This post goes over some of the important differences. Some thing are completely gone, like network sockets and VirtualAlloc()
/ VirtualProtect()
, some have new names, like CreateFileMapping()
-> CreateFileMappingFromApp()
, LoadLibrary()
-> LoadPackagedLibrary()
, etc.
It would be a major undertaking to have to audit all the uses of Win32 APIs in CPython and disable functionality or add yet more #ifdefs
to use the alternate versions. Some people have said that the lack of VirtualAlloc()
and VirtualProtect()
make it completely impossible to port some things, for instance any language runtime with a JIT compiler seems to be impossible.
Walled gardens suck.
Render a sequence of images (png is quite good) and use virtualdub (search for good tutorial).
If you render directly in avi or mov file, you will need to render your whole animation if one frame fail. :(
Could be VirtualDub with the Deshaker addon. Works very well and it's free biggest problem for me is it doesn't work with mp4.
I know this isn't the guy you asked, but I've been using Fraps for about a year and a half, so I've got some answers!
Reduce the resolution? Your best bet is probably to reduce the resolution of the game, as Fraps records it at that level. I play my games on a 1600x900 monitor, so when I run in fullscreen I get videos with a 1600x900 resolution.
Fraps caps its video size at that 4-ish GB size. This is mostly to keep you from having to deal with files that are 20+GB in size by themselves. Trust me, it's easier to work with a bunch of 4GBs than to work with one massive honking 20GB.
Programs to compress? If you want real editing and stuff, shill out the money for something like Magix Movie Edit. It's cheaper than Adobe stuff, in most cases, and does everything you'll need. If you want a free thing, I recommend Virtualdub. Download that, then download the XviD codec. You can use Virtualdub to append videos to one another - stringing those 4GB clips together - and exporting it as a compressed AVI using the XviD codec. There's a lot of great tutorials on that out there, and they can probably be more helpful than I can. I hope this was at least a little helpful, though!
I use virtual dub to do a direct audio stream copy. With the right codecs, you can load up any youtube videos and save as wave for your DAW.
I don't really like the "rip and run" software, because generally they want to transcode the audio.
The only way is with old-fashioned demos. I use Pov-Record to automatically record demos, though you can do it manually if you want. Then I use Lawena Recording Tool which exports very-high quality video on pretty much any machine that can run TF2. It exports video as raw TGA files so you need to use virtualdub to combine the TGA files and audio into an actual video that you can upload to YouTube.
It might not be as bad as some claim, but Avery Lee of Virtualdub fame has on two different occasions ranted about how XML is borderline insane: Rant the first and rant the second.
The Internal DTD seems like such a crazy idea that I don't have words for it.
VirtualDub (pan And Scan and Deshaker)
> I use Virtualdub with a "pan AND scan" filter and a "Deshaker" filter
Stabilization Method
> First I use the "pan AND scan Filter" the [ to manually re-position frames to roughly the same positions.
>Then I add the "Deshaker Filter" to stabilize the result of the "pan AND scan filter". and finally its a simple matter of cropping/resizing the video to a given size and aspect ratio. >
Pan and Scan conundrum
> I'm sure there are easier methods to image stabilization, as the "pan AND scan filter" method I use with Virtualdub involves tedious manual re-positioning of frames at a certain intervals to where you need them. (I go every 10 frames.)
Reason to use Virtualdub > It is free, fast and will pretty much run on any rig including my potato machine.
There are a couple of tutorials for some other programs over at /r/ImageStabilization
A friend of mine makes videos; she uses virtualdub: It's old, and not very shiny, but it seems to work well and it's free!
People are generally their own worst critics. I'm sure lots of people would really enjoy what you've created even if you're not happy with the editing.
Also: video editing is hard. Computers in general are hard. I work in IT and struggle with video editing software. What you're doing isn't easy, so give yourself time, take a breath, and don't beat yourself up 🙂
[](/ohhi) I ported the Flash game "Adventure Ponies" to the Atari 8-bit computers. [](/sp)
[](/cheerilee) Ever since the original game was released, I was hoping someone would port it to an actual 8-bit system. I decided to try and port the game to the Atari XL/XE computers. [](/sp)
[](/flutterblush) If you would like to try it out, I posted the executable file on AtariAge here: Adventure Ponies [](/sp)
[](/twibeam) A great Atari 8-bit emulator for the PC is Altirra If you need any help getting it running let me know.
You'll have to go pretty low level into graphics APIs like DirectX, Vulkan, and OpenGL: all mostly C/C++. In the best case you're retrofitting calls to your code in a shared library (.dll/.so) that the game uses - one at the end of every drawn frame, for instance - and replacing the game's default library with that custom one. In the worse case you're writing a kernel driver to mirror the instructions received by the main graphics driver. So with all this effort you've got a hook, a set of callbacks, and can calculate, say the FPS by measuring system time between the callbacks. But now you need to draw an overlay on screen while hogging as few resources as possible - your code is effectively adding milliseconds of overhead to every frame drawn in game - which again leaves you with little choice but low level C++.
This is by no means an easy feat, and the main reason why there are few overlay programs around in the market, most of them either being paid software, or part of some other - usually 3D capable - major software (Steam). Here are a couple of links to get you started, nevertheless:
One google search later, here's my results for ya:
From comments in:
Seems like the solution is to use Virtual Dub, here's the video guide:
Thought I'd save you another google search (Here's Virtual Dub):
Windows has an Application Binary Interface (ABI) requirement that floating-point exceptions be masked. all valid Windows applications are required to adhere to this basic fundamental requirement.
This means that it is right, correct, and faster when application to perform
y := x / 0;
and check the result of the calculation at the end.
The problem is that Delphi does not generate valid Windows applications. The first thing Delphi does during application startup is unmask floating Point exceptions.
This means you can get some strange bugs in your code where someone else calls:
ScrollHeight := pageHeight / windowHeight;
And then sometime later in your code you perform:
Taxes := subtotal * taxRate;
And you will spontaneously get a division by zero exception. This is because Delphi is unmasked floating oint exceptions, and suddenly the leftover division by Zero from earlier now raises an exception now in your code.
This is a long-standing bug in the Delphi compiler:
Borland compilers and floating-point exceptions
We've been trying for years to get Borland Imprise CodeGear Embarcadero Idera to fix their compiler
But they insist on generating invalid Windows applications.
It's "safe" in that it doesn't cause the bugs of the Borland compiler to trip up external code properly written for the windows platform.
Sure you can join. I was just doing this for since I saw it was done with Samurai Jack and Avatar:TLA and thought it might be a good idea to do it with other shows. My computer is relatively old it and has an Intel Core i3 (2nd Gen) 2120, and Intel HD Graphics. So I’m pretty sure your rig is way more capable to handle this than mine.
I recommend using VirtualDub to convert the video to image sequence and to remove the audio. The version of Waifu 2x I recommend using is Waiffu2x-caffe. To render the episode I have no clue what you should use. I personally used Blender to render the opening.
Also I just realized it’s doing the first two episodes because the original video I used had both Meet the Reaper and Skeletons in the Water Closet together.
I was encoding my VHS tapes recently and the best combination was: VirtualDub for capturing and K-Lite Code Pack Mega for codecs (mega pack contains encoding codecs). I was using FFV1 codec for video and PCM for audio which resulted in ~90GB files per 180 mins of VHS.
EDIT: I was also trying to use VLC and also got bad results. Files were much bigger than created by VirtualDub and capturing audio was tricky.
Try Virtual Dub that was pretty "hacker" piece of software in my school years. 10 years after my college incident it definitely should not eat your NTFS partition markup. AFAIK, it still works on Win7 :)
If you're looking for program to simply let you take a certain part of one video and have it be just it's own video, then there are two free programs that would let you do just this down to the frame.
Virtual Dub and AVI Synth.
They aren't traditional editors, and are more or less ways to let to transcode footage from one codec to another, but will let you do what you want fairly easy, especially Virtual Dub.
Also! If you use Fraps, download VirtualDub and use it to compress the footage! You can follow a tutorial here I used about a year ago that gave excellent filesize and quality.
There's not really any programs out there that amazing for being free. virtual dub has some very basic things that will probably do what you need. I've never used it for video editing so I'm not 100% sure.
I like Adobe Premiere. Used to use SONY Vegas but it has some issues. Very easy to use though.
Cool! I didn't know Blender could do that. I always thought it was more of a 3d modelling program (haven't used it before).
I've used used Virtualdub with the deflicker (there are many now, apparently) plugin to create videos from sequentially-named JPGs. It can similarly set the framerate as well.
Most recently, I just use ffmpeg directly to generate the video since it allows for more container formats than the .avi that Virtualdub supports.
There's also this python script, TimelapseThing, which wraps a lot of the processing into an easy to use package. I haven't gotten it working quite yet, but it looks to be quite useful.
Well, not photoshopped. But there is free software that would allow you to apply filters to get, say, better contrast, richer colors, sharper, etc..
But you won't be able to increase the resolution, though. You got what you got.
Try <strong>VirtualDub</strong> for free ............
I've used quite a bit for very simple editing. Its by no means a full service video editor like Premiere or Final Cut, but if you're just looking to trim/top/tail, stitch some clips together with basic transitions, vdub is pretty easy to use. And best of all its free!
>Not really impressed with the program in general.
Eh? Why?
>VirtualDub is a dead program with no real updates.
It's been around for a long time; at this point it does what it does really well.
Best I can think of, is the easy way.
Head to amazon, buy a capture card.
If you're on a budget, I'd suggest a crappy unbranded one. Sadly I have an unbranded, non-hd one, but for VHS the quality is perfect!
Here's the one I used for transferring my VHS tapes to my computer.
Assuming you bought that, you'd then plug it in, let it install drivers (you don't need to use the CD, thankfully) and then download a program called VirtualDub.
Then connect the VCR to the RCA connecters on the capture card, and make sure the capture card is plugged in (USB) and open VirtualDub, click file, capture AVI, and then click "Device" and select OEM Device (I think that's what it's called) and then press play on the VCR, and record on the computer!
It'll be uncompressed so upwards from 1GB for just 5 minutes! But at least it'll be on your computer, digitally and safe!
Tell me if you need anymore help, as this was very badly written, sorry about that.
Edit: Also, you really wouldn't want to use the software they give you. Trust me.
This is how I record demos (VAC friendly, everything ok, but take care : it uses tons of space in the hdd)
I have a cfg called movies.cfg >//toggle cl_showfps 0 1 viewmodel_fov "68" toggle cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 0 //toggle net_graph 0 1
So when I exec it, it removes all useles HUD, and if I exec it again, it restores the hud (net_graph and showfps are commented for the shake of your mind)
Then I start the demo, I go to the part I want to record, and I pause the demo. I go to the console and I type
>startmovie 00Xmov
With that, the game will start recording once the console is closed. Then I go to the demo controller (Shift + f2) and I low the speed to 25%. I resume the demo, close the demo contoller window and then close the console. (It's important to do it this way to avoid desync)
Once I record what I want, I go to the console and I type
Then with a program called (VirtualDub)[] I mix all the movie files to have the final movie. You'll have to find a VirtualDub tutorial.
One of the biggest things to take away from this is this little nugget: "example code should be exemplary."
MSDN is a huge offender in this respect. Heck, just browsing the blog archives on you'll find plenty of posts about bugs in official sample code from MS. The latest one is a classic little memory leak:
ne also mit video bearbeitung kenn ich mich so gut wie gar nich aus. hab nur hier und da mal ein bisschen rumgeschnipselt und mit nem codec versehen, aber sehr sehr amateurhaft.
war mit dem programm virtualdub. kannst ja ma gucken, ob das du da das machen kannst, was du machen willst (sonst gibts dafür bestimmt auchn sub)
In that case x264 is the way to go for sure. No need to re-encode it before uploading to youtube. If all you want to do is crop a video freeware like Virtualdub should work with x264 no problem.
While technically correct, the very notion that the ID effectively cannot be trusted as it can be changed is something that runs counter to almost every single other thing in existence where you use an ID. If nothing else, they could have stopped referring to it as an ID :)
( The blame still lays squarely with the incorrect implementations, and I'm not saying it's the devs' fault. But this applies: )
I think VLC can be used to convert video formats. There's also Virtualdub, but I don't know if it will be able to write the correct format or not.
I think he means that it's motion-blurred.
The best thing is to use a professional-level video editor (or at least a good video processing tool like Virtualdub).
There you can select a specific frame to extract.
Can you play the video in Windows Media Player (or Center?). If you can I don't know what is wrong, I thought that if media player could play it then it would convert it as it was streaming.
If it can't play it get that codec pack and media player should then be able to play the video. Then you should be able watch it via Xbox. I haven't used an Xbox so I don't know for sure.
Virtual dub should be able to remove audio tracks if you don't want them.
You probably know this, but FRAPS records footage without any compression. This is because compression is CPU and time expensive and there's neither the speed or time to do it.
Most people who record a lot of footage and want to keep it uncompressed simply invest in a lot of DVDs or a file server.
If you don't want to keep the raw footage, I would recommend compressing it with VirtualDub and your codec of choice. I used XVid simply because it was installed, quick (ish) and worked for me. Not really my area, but I believe H.246 is better.
Fished this out of the spam filter for you too ;)
Haven't used it in a while but last I recall it has start/end markers plus the option to direct stream copy, meaning no re-encoding. Even if you have to chop segments, there are also other programs out there to combine them, again without re-encoding. Sorry I've been out of the video editing loop for quite some time, once upon a time I knew of tons of free non-commercial programs to do just about anything but given the time lapse most of them are hard to find or now disappeared. Virtualdub does a lot so take some time to read the manual and see what it can do.
In order of usefulness (for conversion):
AviDemux (Convert to and from pretty much anything)
VirtualDub (The master of AVI files)
VLC (Can do conversion, but has much fewer options in my opinion. I use this as a last resort)
I'm a big fan of Virtualdub for most of my quickie video tasks (like yours). For your specific task (for example), you'd just drop in a video, and once you've got your output compression settings set up, you go to Video>Frame Rate>Decimate by, and enter "6". That way, it'll process one out of every 6 frames.
Tried this one?
Or virtuadub?
I also believe Photos that ships with Win 10 is easy and simple, and if you are on Mac, you could use Automator
VirtualDub lets you cut up and add videos. Sometimes you need a supported plug-in (so it can import MP4s, etc) but it's simple, small, and does the job. Been using it forever to do what you ask. I usually set it to no video compression when saving after editing (resulting in very large AVI files), but then throw those big files into Handbrake to compress them into MP4s when done.
I assumed that you already had a second video with these frames. In this case, as there are only frames, if you convert them to BMP, VirtualDub can create this second video or set of frames before reinserting them in the original.
It's fairly easy to do. When you just want to cut/trim videos make sure you use a program that is able to do it without re-encoding the MPEG file because every re-encode lowers the video quality to the point where pixelation is a big issue.
I haven't used VirtualDub in a while but last I checked you just had to go to File > Open video file in the program, adjust the two boxes Mark in and Mark out at the bottom slider so the video part you want to keep is in between then go to File > Save as to save the trimmed file.
I've done a lot of LD-to-digital transfers, and I think I've got a good routine down for it.
You'll need a quality video capture device, Hauppauge tends to make good stuff. I've been using their cards since the mid-90's with the WinTV models.
I like to use (VirtualDub)[] to capture and process the video.
My process:
Connect the LD player to the capture device via composite.
Check audio by playing the disc a bit and monitoring the level as you adjust it.
Capture at 720x480 @ 29.97 FPS in VirtualDub using a lossless codec such as HuffYUV or (preferably) Logarith. Capture raw PCM audio at 16-bit, stereo, 48 KHz sample rate.
Do any necessary trimming and combining of the video for when you flipped sides, etc.
Apply a software comb filter and deinterlacing filter. I like the Yadif 2x deinterlace which doubles the frame rate and does a pretty good job of converting the interlaced source to 60 FPS progressive. If the video needs it, also add a filter to adjust brightness/contrast/black levels and crop if widescreen at this step.
Save with the filters to a new lossless file.
Use ffmpeg (a command line utility) to convert that filtered file to MP4. I get great results with a command line like this:
ffmpeg -i sourcefile.avi -vcodec h264 -preset veryslow -b:v 4000k -aspect 4:3 -acodec ac3 -b:a 320k outputfile.mp4
Obviously, change the aspect ratio above accordingly if you cropped your frame previously and it's not meant to be shown in 4:3.
I used Avisynth to restore about 20 hours of 8mm home movies. It is somewhat outdated and a little hard to learn how to use but it is very powerful. Here are a few links: Tutorial VideoFred VirtualDub
Frankly, we'd have no idea. We're not against VDub - but we don't see huge amounts of discussion about it. My guess is that VD2 is a fork of VD.
You could probably write the author and find out what happened
The original warp sharp algorithm is described here, but I have no idea if it matches modern implementations.
VirtualDub is a free and open-source video capture and video processing utility for Microsoft Windows written by Avery Lee. It is designed to process linear video streams, including filtering and recompression. It uses AVI container format to store captured video.
I've using it for simple video editing and production for almost 20 years. Amazing piece of software.
I ported the Flash game "Adventure Ponies" to the Atari 8-bit computers.
Ever since the original game was released, I was hoping someone would port it to an actual 8-bit system. I decided to try and port the game to the Atari XL/XE computers.
If you would like to try it out, I posted the executable file on AtariAge here: Adventure Ponies
A great Atari 8-bit emulator for the PC is Altirra
I would appreciate any feed back.
Fastbasic for the Atari 8-bit computers just hit 4.0. If I was starting out, that would be the Basic to learn. No line numbers!
Grab Altirra, an 8-bit Atari computer emulator, mount the Fastbasic image and go to town. If you want to follow through with some tutorials, you can switch to Altirra basic and use any of the books over at Atarimania, probably start with Your Atari Computer.
If it was a video you could possibly use a temporal plugin, but it would be in video software. Virtual Dub has one in it, that takes 8 frames back and 8 frames forward to smooth out a single frame from a video.
Another option might to pull out all the different frames and use a HDR software to stack the images only using those that are in focus, great for removing moving objects from a photo. The one in photoshop is okay. There are much better ones
and a 3rd option is focus stacking software. If you isolate the car in every frame you could use a focus stacker to isolate the pixels in focus over those that are not in focus.
Without seeing the whole footage can't really help. If all you had was that single frame then yeah don't bother the information isn't there
The way those overlays work is by exploiting the graphics pipeline, which the game's runtime engine is directing by copying data from RAM to VRAM and executing GPU code (shaders) that consume all that data and transform it into coloured pixels. Overlays intercept the pipeline and inject their own data into the vertex and command buffers. It's pretty hairy and totally non portable, which is why there are only a few reliable overlay programs, and they all have their own unique hacks.
Here's a blog post describing Virtual Dub's experiences with screen capture: a closely related topic.
In ye old times, VirtualDub was the tool of choice for all things .avi. You could try opening the video on it and do "scan video stream for errors". Also file open dialog should have options for scanning the file for errors/missing index etc. Assuming my memory still works correctly... It's been probably over a decade since i've used it.
One of my favorite arcade games. MAME is a great option for playing the arcade game. The Atari 8-bit computer port is excellent. Altirra is a good Atari computer emulator.
Well, maybe. VirtualDub tried but that apparently didn't work out so well (though it does work). You could describe something like this as being like a DFA also - certainly it can be in finitely many states and you can ascribe it some transition function from state to state that depends on input. But I wouldn't really call it a pure DFA, since it does things that aren't part of the usual description of a DFA: extracting a range of bits from the stream rather than reading "a symbol" and doing a bitscan and doing more than one table lookup.
VirtualDub - free and works great. A little off topic but I use a time lapse camera that creates a video each day, and use VirtualDub to stitch them all together, you can also edit out frames you do not want.
Lawena Recording Tool is what you need. You'll also need some video editing software such as Virtual Dub. There are a few easy to follow guides on youtube
Which camera did you use? The 5mp or 8mp one? You should try Vdub, if you are on Linux maybe try and see if it works under wine. You have a lot of compression artifacts.
it is, but you need to do a bit of work.
There are numerous ways to approach this, I use a program called AVI Synth in conjuction with VirtualDub and could possibly help out if you go this way.
I also convert ou to sbs and convert 360 to 180. It's pretty much the same process.
VirtualDub (free) has a (free) plugin for video stabilization. Though I admit the UI is... spartan almost. It's not that bad once you get used though.
I have mostly used fraps for capturing, it is important to capture at a standard resolution, such as 1080 or 720. I install the k-lite codec pack to add h.264 mp4 support, and then use virtual dub to compress the captured video. This produces an mp4 file that requires no further processing by youtube once uploaded.
K-lite codec pack (freeware):
Virtual Dub (freeware):
I'm sure that other free alternatives to fraps exist, maybe others can offer suggestions in that department. If you want more info message me and maybe we can setup a chat to discuss methods, it is really quite easy once you get things setup and have a little practice at it.
I think the easier option is to use a video editor which doesn't apply the watermark. is the only partly free video editor I know at the moment, but it might be overkill for your purposes. It also doesn't work with every computer (e.g. low-end machines). If you use Linux, there are some options like Cinelerra.
For Windows, there is VirtualDub: It's not video editor as in how you would think of it, and it has an enormous learning curve. However, cropping up a video to remove the watermark is possible with that tool.
I had to do this for a set of clips taken outdoors with auto-exposure. I used Virtualdub with Deflicker Filter. There's also MSU Deflicker filter, but I was getting better results with the former. Trial and error involved.
You can probably correct the colours in your NLE quite easily. Theoretically, at least.
Something I've just thought of, and it may or may not work, but have you tried using VirtualDub? I know that capture cards are a bit iffy when it comes to that particular software, so it may be a waste of time. Worth a go, at least.
Take a look at virtualdub and the plug-in deshaker.
Google that program and plug-in + timelapse and you'll find plenty of tutorials. Plus, it all free.
Apologies for the delay, things are a little on their ear on this end.
Now, let's talk about extracting frames more in depth. Deepdreamanim is designed to work with FFMPEG, which (I've been lead to believe) can take things to frames, however, I have been unable to get that to work on my end.
I've been using virtual dub to do all of the frame extraction and recompilation. (
Open Virtual Dub, open the video file you want the frames from, and then use file, export, image sequence. A window will pop up asking where you want to store your frames, what format you want to save your frames as, and will give you the opportunity to change the file name output. You'll want to do that, but I'll come back to that.
Then clicking okay will generate the frames you're looking for. The number and size of the frames will depend on the quality of the video you started with. I know I can do stuff in about 480 because my rig is getting a bit aged.
But, at this point you should have a folder full of png files ready to be processed.
Something else to note is that virtualdub is kind of a gold standard for video processing, in my knowledge, and is widely supported with mods and other stuff. If it's a video, you can probably work with it in virtual dub (with a little work)
Naming stuff. Something I glossed over is that the input files need to have a specific filename convention like this:
This is one fo the things that deepdreamanim is looking for. If you don't have the names like that, it probably won't take too much of your business.
I wrote a post about how to give the command to start processing frames, but I lost it when I edited this post. I'll come back to that in the next day or so. Do please let me know if you get frames extracted!
I don't know a website, but I can recommend a standalone program solution for Windows: VirtualDub.
VirtualDub is a line editor / remuxer of videos (AVIs by default, others with plugins) which is much more suitable for small work like this than heavy packages like Premiere etc. It's also freeware, unlike them. And if your videofile is very large, it's much more handy to do this on your local machine anyway rather than upload it elsewhere.
You'll need an MP4 import plugin: go here, Ctrl+F "MP4" and choose any one you like. Put it into VirtualDub/plugins32 (for 32-bit) or /plugins64.
After that, launch VD, open the MP4 file, select the portion you need with the controls in the bottom, optionally play with resizing / filters / framerate / etc (in the "video" menu up above) and export as series of frames or GIF.
You can then optionally use to optimize the size of your GIF, or to make a GIF out of the individual pictures if you exported your result as separate frames in the previous step.
This is the documentation for the function I'm having problems with. The rest is just setting up a IDirect3DDevice9 to capture from and a IDirect3DSurface9 to capture to. Which seems to be ok because GetFrontBufferData does capture a screenshot.
The problem is I don't know a whole lot about directx and how the frontbuffer and backbuffer systems work.
Just thought I'd check how fraps does it and it seems like they use function hooks, which is a bit more compilcated than I'm willing to do for this hobby project. If that turns out to be the only option I'll just make a VLC filter or something.
edit: this also looks promising
Not sure what file format your camera saves as, but you could try VirtualDub. It's a free program mainly used for editing and encoding AVI files, but it can also export videos as gifs with no nasty compression artifacts.
Windows Movie Maker, frankly chews your video to hell.
> It just seems silly to me that I can't keep 3 mins of the video without losing quality. Do I have to keep the whole file in order to have a good quality?
The issue is the compression. Not every frame has all the information. 14 out of 15 frames only have the changes. Most editorial software is forced to recompress this.
There are some tools that can cut a digital file on the I-Frame (full frame), but most people, including myself, haven't used them. We end up re-encoding the file at a much larger data rate, say closer to 30-40k for SD.
VirtualDub is a tool that does this.
Just so you understand, uncompressed Sd runs about 125k - so you're handling a file that's been compressed 100:1.
I use Action as well, and I can isolate the second track (which for me is my own commentary) and save as .wav and stick it in Premiere like any other secondary audio track. Hope this helps!
CamStudio for capturing your screen. You can set the frame rate at which to record at and also the frame rate which it plays back once you stop recording so you can speed up the video right away. VirtualDub for any further editing. You can change the frame rate again using this to speed up or slow down your video. That's the combo I used to make some sped up videos.
Before getting Adobe Premiere I used to use VirtualDub for slicing videos and encoding them, it is very good for that purpose.
The free version of LightWorks seems like a promising alternative to iMovie. Check out the feature set and decide for yourself:
It's not the file type, it's the quality settings. The H.264 codec has a ton of settings that specify just how the video will be encoded. The main thing is the quality vs. compression choice. You can't have 100% quality AND 100% compression at the same time, so there's a setting to specify where the right balance is for you.
I'm not sure if you can adjust this in Movie Maker or not, but there are better alternatives anyway. If all you're looking to do is cut the video to remove the unwanted portions, take a look at VirtualDub. It's not quite as easy to use as Movie Maker, but it produces much better results, in my opinion.
First of all, thank you for including a picture, most people don't and it makes it hard to help them.
What you want to do is crop the video, which Movie Maker can't do. I haven't used it, but according to the internet VirtualDub is a good free editor that can crop video.
>What am I doing wrong?!
You're using a wrong software .Use the free VirtualDub with x264vfw video compression.Look up some YouTube video tutorials.At the end, you will get a 90% size reduction with virtually unnoticeable quality loss.Your videos will be HD if you upload them to sites like YouTube.
VirtualDub is the boss.
What program are you using to record videos and what is the video output file format ?
OKAY. I'm here to try and save the day.
If you want Shadow Play recordings, at full bitrate and minimal size, with no quality loss, I'm your dude.
I use Virtual Dub, with XVid compression.
VirtualDub is here:
XVid plugin is here:
Install them both.
All you have to do is record your video. (I use full quality, 1920x1080, 60fps, max bitrate, with in-game and mic recording)
Then open VDub, Go to File>Open Video File. Your video will be pulled into VDub.
Then, Go to Video>Compression and select XVid compression down at the bottom.
The go to File>Save as AVI and set your location. Save it.
VDub will compress that file, make it an AVI, and you will have literally no quality loss. I'm currently compressing a 1.49GB file that was recoded via shadowplay. I will let you know the compressed size, and maybe try to upload a side by side.
EDIT: There is SOME quality loss. However, the lower file size makes up for it. Most of the loss is most noticable in the reds. The gift towards the top the the screen is washed out on the compressed version. Open them side by side to compare.
With that said, the image doesn't look any worse, and it could totally pass as the original to anyone on youtube, while being about half the size.
I used VirtualDub, which is open source, to compile thousands of images into a video before. It's not the most user-friendly of options, but it's entirely free and should work for you.
You can crop using VirtualDub on Windows, or some cryptic ffmpeg command on Linux (or maybe using traGtor), ~~or you could try editing your video directly in YouTube~~ (nope, YouTube editor does not have cropping).
This is most likely a keyframe issue. To avoid it is the future, make sure to set your keyframe interval to 1.
As for how to fix your current footage, I recommend VirtualDub. VDub allows you to quickly rerender a video in a lossless format. I've done this a few times in the past, before I learned about the keyframe thing.
Open up the video file in vdub. Then goto the the 'Video' menu, goto Compression, and select which codec you want it to rerender it in (I suggest Lagarith Lossless for this process).
Then goto the 'Audio' menu and select 'No Audio'. You can just extract the audio from the original. No need to rerender the audio in this process.
Then goto File, Save As AVI.
Hope that helps
Thanks. It took me a a couple of hours of trial and error to figure out how to get the .mov files converted to where Registax wouldn't complain. I'm still trying to find a surefire way to get them converted for Autostakkert.
I use virtualdub for conversion. I had to download and install the H264 codec in order to get it to convert properly. It still doesn't work 100% of the time. When I get home from work, I can go into more detail.
Supposedly the newest version of Autostakkert will do .mov conversions on the fly, but I haven't got that to work yet.
I've only been at this for a week or so (imaging and processing planets), so I don't have a system down pat yet. Maybe someone with more experience can chime in if they have answers.
Quicktime Pro is really easy to use on mp4/mov files, though not free.
You could convert them to something that Windows Movie Maker likes (avi/mpg/wmv). It's free to download if you don't already have it.
There's AviDemux which is free/open source.
There's also VirtualDub, which is free.
Those last two are available through Liberkey as portable apps. I highly recommend just getting Liberkey and trying them that way. No need to install anything that way. Liberkey also has several video converters as well.
i suggest compressing with virtualdub and ffdshow encoder with h264 codec selected if you're recording raw like I do with fraps, it drops sizes by an order of magnitude