This is the best I can do. All the dimensions are estimates but it seemed to work when I tried it on my own printer.
Instructions are minimal and only on the outline version, I'd recommend sticking to the video.
LibreOffice A free alternative for anyone who can't afford Mictosoft suites, even has a pretty comprehensive Powerpoint alternative called Impress thats included. Both of which are compatible with Microsoft Office and Powerpoint. The forums say that they can have a few issues going back and forth between the programs but I havent had any yet.
Scribus is a good free open source Microsoft Publisher alternative.
Sure! I think my photo with a link on the paper would not prove a lot ... so I just made this page with a link to this AMA :)
The Blender blocking wasn't a false flag though, Youtube is forcing them to monetize their videos:
EDIT: I just saw the update 2
The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the availability of LibreOffice 5.3.1, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 5.3 family released in early February, with 100 bugs or regressions fixed against the previous version.
LibreOffice 5.3.1 is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users, as it is focused on bleeding edge features.
LibreOffice 5.3.1 is immediately available for download from the following link:
Blender is an open source 3d modelling program that would let you do this and much more.
The learning curve is quite steep, but there are 100s of free tutorials on YouTube and other various sites.
They offer a self-hosting license. So your company can buy the software and host it themselves. It's probably really cheap for what it offers but it may lack some enterprise features like LDAP / AD integration.
LibreOffice's license permits it to copy code from OpenOffice while OpenOffice's less permissive doesn't allow it to copy LibreOffice's code. This means every single fix you're going to see is probably already in LibreOffice and they improve their software on their own.
There's no reason to use OpenOffice since 2011.
Done in the free open source 3D program Blender
Doing these as a minimalistic architecture sideproject over at mnkmalistic
The greatest aspect of all this is that the software used to make this video is entirely free and open source!
Blender is a phenomenally capable program and there are countless communities, both in person and online (there's even /r/blender), that are incredibly friendly and helpful!
First starting in Blender can be a little daunting, if you're entirely new to 3d modeling, but once you're past the initial getting used to everything stage, it's very fun. I encourage everyone to give it a try.
Options are good. Thank you Affinity for leading the charge on iPad.
I still don't know if I can bring myself to drop the cash on a nice iPad. That's lens money.
LibreOffice exists for 6 years now and made vast improvements. The overwhelming majority of Sun developers and community moved to LibreOffice when Oracle took over Sun Microsystems. The Apache OpenOffice is kept online because of a minority of developers that do not want to let go, but who cannot actually maintain it. They mislead Windows users by not mentioning that LibreOffice exists.
Yes, you can even implement it yourself. (Checkout
You could write a script too, the UI is completely scriptable because it is written in python, because doesn't get compiled.
The software is Blender, downloadable for Windows, Mac and Linux. It's nothing new, it's been used by NASA for 3D models and a couple feature films, one of which was Oscar nominated for best animation. It can also be used as a regular video editor like Adobe Premiere Pro or a 3D modeling suite.
Draw: Procreate is the best, and has many tutorials online.
Games: Civ 6, Darkest Dungeon, Invisible Inc, Bastion, Transistor, Binding of Issac: Rebirth, Stardew Valley, Siralim 3. Without knowing your tastes in games, I just put a bunch in.
Because MS wants to make lots of money.
Why not try LibreOffice completely free? It does absolutely everything that MS proprietary software does that the vast majority of users are likely to ever need.
Hey downvoters, watch this video and cut this guy some slack. What he is trying to say, is that overly detailed items don't work well on flags. The eagle is cool, but could be simplified perhaps. Love the design, nice work.
Apparently i came off as an ass in my other comment, but i just explaining its easy to do if you have photoshop! Follow the quick step by step and boom got a quick good looking present!Here you go!
Open source does not mean you can do whatever you like with it. You have to meet the licence criteria. These are varied but may include things like:
From the LibreOffice licence:
CompleteOffice may be violating these terms:
"All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not attempt to alter or restrict the recipients’ rights in the Source Code Form."
Correct, but it's a start. Sensitize people to the dangers of the cloud, and hopefully soon enough they'll realize a Linux PC with LibreOffice is currently the only actually viable safe option to go with regards to government and military PCs.
I'm happy to see the list of LibreOffice users slowly growing since I last checked a year or two ago, when IIRC only France and Italy's defense departments were listed as users:
That's right! I modeled and rendered everything in an open source software package called Blender. (Except for the texture on the wrapper, I used Photoshop for that)
OpenOffice is not getting serious development for over 8 years now. Please don't use it, the only thing it has is the name recognition.
Use LibreOffice if you want a FOSS office suite.
> Not to mention, open source commonly lacks good uninstallers.
There's a portable version too
Direct download, 64 bit:
Consider becoming a donator if you want to accelerate the development process. The more full-time professional programmers the project can hire, the faster it will surpass Microsoft Office in features and quality.
You should probably switch to LibreOffice. OpenOffice is a dead product as it was last updated January 2011. LibreOffice is maintained.
I really don't think it's a wood holder. typical rounds are cut at around 16" and this looks to be more like ~8-10" across. Typically firewood holders are made to be wider/deeper than the logs fro stability. Additionally, they are usually made in a spot that makes sense in terms of accessibility, and with the four feet of lawn you have between your walkway and the structure, it seems more like a privacy screen.
It is more likely a brick fence with wooden spans that have been removed, or like someone else said there was a lattice between them on which plants could grow.
source: contractor, although that doesn't mean I'm right!
FYI, this is apparently the first release that includes a native 64-bit version for Windows. I noticed the LibreOffice website didn't correctly steer me to that on a Windows machine, so here's a link for Windows x86_64 in case you need it for any reason.
Sure, I'm well aware of that model (being an openSUSE user :) ) but I don't think that's what's happening here. According to the Libreoffice site TDF does not provide professional support for LibreOffice and there is no reference to LibreOffice Premium on their website that I can find.
I don't know. The only thing I don't like about is the animated download gif. I really dislike the logo and the animation looks weird imo.
But other than that, what's wrong with the website?
Did you know that there is a free online version of photoshop? Me neither. When I discovered there is, I decided it is better to procrastinate than to work, so here we are.
I am no artist but I tried not to harm our Void Sage too much, given there is a limited amount of free assets. Hope you like it.
It's actually not anything to do with Piracy after all. See this release from Blender today. Youtube is forcing them to show ads on their content against their will. The Blender founder said no, Youtube turned off their channel in response and then sent a contract for a monetized channel. Looks like Google has fully given up on "don't be evil" and have gone for full "extort open-source foundations trying to offer a free public good so we can make ad money off of their content."
For anyone new to the world of animation, important to know that the software used to do this wonderful short is free (opensource).
And you can download it from here.
This was almost entirely made in blender. It’s a free program.
This guy, Andrew Price, does killer blender tutorials. He’s not the guy that made the set, but he’s really great and easy to watch and learn from. I’m watching his tutorials right now, haha! Start with the donut tutorial.
Not forever.
From the FAQ:
>How long can I use this plan?
>You can use the plan as long as you are working at a qualified school. Your eligibility may be re-verified at any time. When your Office 365 Education plan expires:
> * The Office applications enter a reduced-functionality mode, which means that you can view documents, but you cannot edit or create new documents.
> * Online services associated with the school email address—for example, Office Online and OneDrive—will no longer work.
> * If your plan expires, you can extend your plan by re-verifying your status as an educator, or by moving to an Office 365 personal plan
Viable, long-term alternative: LibreOffice.
It's free, open source, works with Microsoft Office files, and none of my teachers were any the wiser.
There's certainly differences between the two, but it's more of a trade off than a deficiency. For example, there's some rarely used (but useful) function that Excel has that Calc doesn't, but Calc supports regex matching which Excel lacks (this is a big deal to me). There's a few other small things, but nothing I would consider a deal breaker.
If you really want cloud support, Google Docs is quite nice, and it's free, too. Otherwise, I just use Dropbox, also free, and save my school files in there.
To są photoshopowane stocki. Narodowości nie znam, ale są darmowe a licencja wymaga wzmianki o pochodzeniu.
LibreOffice -
Free, fully featured, not trapped in a browser, not beholden to network latency, and not locking you into a company's data trap.
Once you start using LibreOffice then you'll wonder why anybody still pays for Office software.
> ... Libre Office, it's Microsoft Office XP and in the last 10 years has seen 0 improvements in functionality.
That's completely false. LibreOffice has within its five years of existence constantly added new and improved functionality:
Perhaps you were thinking of, which stalled and then got forked by LibreOffice (because that's what you can do when free software gets stalled)?
There’s an app called procreate that does this, if I’m understanding you correctly. It’ll record all of your drawings and play them back as a Time-Lapse video of the process. It’s probably my favorite drawing app, and definitely the one I use the most. I highly recommend it if that’s what you’re looking for!
> A few years ago Blender still had a reputation for having a inconvenient interface [...] That probably got better since then
They're actually about to introduce a completely new UI with the next release.
Check out Blender if you want to dip your feet into 3d art! It's free professional grade software with a great community and tons of resources for beginners. You already have all the expensive bits of the hobby, which is the hardest part really, so you might as well put them to good use!
This is such a gorgeous setup btw. I'm supremely jealous.
You could make photocopies of some of the creepiest journal entries and have a friend mail them to her anonymously from a different state/province/country. Let the old hag wonder who stole her precious journal and what evil blackmailing plan they have in store for her.
Or have a series of nice artsy posters made of some of the choice phrases from her final diatribe (like this or this ) and have them anonymously shipped to her one at a time over a series of months.
"The Document Foundation has been made aware of an unofficial version of LibreOffice on the Windows Store. We are investigating further, but we want to be clear: this is not an official version created by The Document Foundation, so the app's page is misleading. The only official source of the software (which can be downloaded for free, i.e. without any cost for the end user) is LibreOffice website: lso, the money from the Windows Store version is not collected by The Document Foundation."
Tacky. Trying to be greedy and charge money for free software.
The advanced foreground selection was quite hard. It is used e.g. in MagicCut. I wanted to reach the quality of (where you pay $2 per image), but it still does not work that well.
Anyway, I think MagicCut works better than all other free tools and many commercial tools, so it can save you a lot of money :)
I designed the characters using a miniature maker called Hero Forge: (Highly recommended) I then traced basic outlines using Inkscape: Applied a filter to make the lines look more organic and then coloured the whole thing in Photoshop
You could download Blender yourself and try it. Though if you're a complete beginner I'd recommend his beginner series where he shows you how to do a basic donut scene. It's a really nice way to get your foot inside the door of 3D computer graphics.
Don't forget to post your result to /r/blender for that sweet karma too.
> Amazing that they just don't seem to care about fixing this.
"They" is a volunteer-driven, community open source project with very limited resources (compared to the vast size of the userbase). Suggesting "they" don't care is very unfair! The community is working super hard but needs help:
Youtube also tried to force an ad partnership on the Blender foundation (they develop the Blender 3D rendering software) because they had no ads, but were a huge channel
Or if you are cheap like me, get Sculptris, which is totally free.
I've never done 3D sculpting in my life. Took me a few hours to get the hang of the controls and tools of Sculptris and from there on I was creating pretty decent 3D models. Think the creators of Zbrush owns Sculptris now as well.
And if you really want to knock things into 12th gear, get Blender to pretty much bring your 3D sculptures to life!
Also totally free
Most OS projects of this scope have a large corporate sponsor or a source of revenue. Chromium has Google and Firefox has search engine revenue. LibreOffice has none of these. TDF doesn't hire a single programmer and all the bug triaging, regression bisecting is done by volunteers. So if you're looking for a projected to help out, consider them by starting here.
They could really use your help triaging bugs, helping bisect regressions, with documentation, or answering Ask LO questions.
EDIT: they're starting a Bug Hunting Session for 5.2 now here.
I hope the Sifr icon set becomes available generally for Qt/GTK (especially KDE)
I've chosen to go online and use photopea . It's like photoshop except it's on the browser and it's free. There are some differences but overall, I've found it to be quite useful.
Epic gives 1.2 million to the blender foundation (a free 3D modelling software). To put things in perspective, they currently receive 43169$ / month from donation. Yet somehow, people managed to turn this into a REEEE epic bad.
It does indeed do video editing!
Kdenlive and OpenShot are probably the best option available. This is decent breakdown of them and others.
Automatic updates would be good, indeed, but it's pretty complex to do properly. It is being worked on, as per this talk from FOSDEM '18:
Of course, as with all things open source, more help would be very welcome:
Their channel has been restored hours before this post. Blender has updated their news in order to describe what is happening .
Note that while Oracle got the brand OpenOffice when they bought Sun Microsystems a very long time ago, they did not do something with it. Almost all the developers went to LibreOffice, which is a lot more up to date.
This was resolved over a week ago at this point and is not news.
tl;dr: corner cases and a bad UI led to an unfortunate but unintended situation that has since been corrected
This is a 3D render of the Orion! Here is an album with a clay render to prove that it's not real ;)
I made the render in blender, a free and open source 3D modeling program (textures were done in Photoshop). I learned the basics of blender when I was 13 and had no social life, and since then I have been doing some things with on and off it in my free time, but not very consistently. Right now I'm trying to get back into it after a few years of not using it, so I thought I'd model a simple small watch.
I don't own the Orion and have never seen it IRL, so this was a fun way to kind of get to know the watch. I think I'm going to do this with a few other watches as well, the Max Bill may be next...
I like it! But please get a real vector drawing program and try with that!
Adobe Illustrator is the standard, but Inkscape will do a lot of the same things, and is free/open source.
> OpenOffice.
Or rather OpenOffice's community continuation, LibreOffice (it's pretty much just a rename from when the community broke away from Oracle after Oracle bought Sun).
It can be downloaded here.
This is vector artwork, so it was created in something like Illustrator ($$$) or Inkscape (free). Vector art apps like that draw using shapes and lines and bezier curves instead of just laying digital paint down on pixels like Photoshop does. Once it was done he did import it into Photoshop to overlay the texture that makes it look like aged paper.
Here's a direct link to Procreate's teaser page:
Painting on 3D models. This is next level. Hopefully Procreate's success and pro-level features will inspire more companies to develop true pro apps for iPad.
I flat out stop bothering with Photoshop and just use Photopea for everything these days. Granted my needs aren't turbo sophisticated, but it's still pretty versatile alternative with no overhead.
it's software, not a website. It's up to the person hosting the software (e.g. Blender, which hosts an instance due to Youtube trying to force them to monitize awhile back) to ensure that they're not hosting (or directing traffic to) anything illegal.
Did a quick search and found it here: (just select the resolution you need and click the teal "Download Wallpaper" button)
Note: If you wish to have the color to be more vibrant like OP's version (probably monitor setting or camera filter), just go to photopea and tweak around brightness/contrast + hue/saturation :)
Ha, yeah. I’ve used Photopea before, since I don’t own any professional photo editing software, but for memes, I found Mematic to be a much faster and simpler solution.
I discovered it yesterday. The “forbidden tiddy milk” meme I posted here was my first attempt at using the app. Hungry snack boi was the second. Figured this sub could use some OC. :)
Btw, the original painting is called “Escaping Criticism”, by Spanish surrealist Pere Borrell del Caso (1874 - I rounded up 145 to 150 :P).
I don't have specific tutorials I can point you to, unfortunately.
Just as an FYI, Blender isn't an end-all be-all of 3d graphics, just a good, free option. All of the skills you learn are transferable to other programs like 3DS Max and Maya. But those programs are like, super expensive.
Appears to be just a rename/clarification of the LibreOffice packages? You were always trailing behind with LibreOffice, unless you installed libreoffice-fresh. Now it's clear you are doing so with name libreoffice-still.
Edit: it's just alignment with upstream naming. Both versions are stable ;)
Someone had mentioned in that other post that Paypal added 2$ to the account, so you cant close it. However you can donate that 2$ pretty easy.
I just gave mine to Libreoffice:
Blender is a free 3D software.
SFM is short for Source Film Maker.
Basically, the incel here is saying that there aren't any porn of Geralt from the girl's PoV because women are unable of using those softwares. Standard misogynistic bullshit.
Try LibreOffice. But I don't recommend their opendocument format for saving and instead prefer .docx format.
I've heard to export your resume in pdf format to ensure prospective employers see the file as you intended (LibreOffice has an Export as pdf option).
You can download Open Office or Libre Office. They're open source versions of Word and several other Microsoft Office products. The two are basically identical, but Libre Office is updated more often and Open Office is now being run by Apache. You'll find people who prefer one over the other (due to the way development is going), but they're both nearly identical. Both will open Word files as well as save documents created in the software as a Word file.
You might be interested to hear the story about Blender, the 3D modeling software. Website text version or FOSDEM presentation version In summary Blender was first proprietary software, then the company of lead developer and entrepreneur Ton Roosendaal went bankrupt. He had the parties handle the bankruptcy put a price on the software, and then got the community to crowd-fund a free software version.
As others point out, the promise of continual development seems important here. Too many startup projects started with a free software license, only to stop developing them on favor of proprietary 'enterprise features' that fill the same need. Elasticsearch and Neo4j for example. From that original code community-maintained were branched off, but it is often difficult to keep that going unless there is serious money involved.
Another interesting idea in this space are licences that only keep source code proprietary for a limited amount of time. IIRC Elasticsearch is licensed in such a way that the source code is readable but pretty much proprietary for 2 years, after which it becomes available under an Apache 2.0 license. Perhaps it was a different software, I don't now.
> Blender
The Librem 5 does not meet the minimum hardware requirements.
> Wine (for Windows software) is entirely unavailable
Most Windows software do not have ARM-compatible versions.
> no true shortcuts
Phones don't have keyboards anymore, except in some very rare exceptions. Though, someone with Pine64 is working on a keyboard attachment for the Pinephone, so that's good.
The Blender project refused to monetize their videos. Here's a post about it:
At the same time, Youtube deleted all of MIT's opencourseware videos too. For the same reason.
This is the fifth bugfix release of the 5.2.x branch of LibreOffice which contains new features and program enhancements. As such, the version is stable and is suitable for all users. This version may contain a few annoying bugs which will be fixed in the next bugfix versions to come. Detailed release notes can be accessed from the list below.
Nice work! Did you trace or draw by eye?
if not, is this why:
*citation needed.
Youtube is so big they have bots running most of their video actions. The occams razor of Youtube is probably the simplest: the bot fucked up. I don't think it's helpful to assume ill intent when incompetency will fit.
EDIT: After an update, seems it's a combination of "bad UIs, wrong error messages, ignorant support desks and our non-standard decision to not monetize a popular Youtube channel."
I use Inkscape. It is a vector graphics editor. It has a nice feature where you can do File > Save As > PDF and there is a checkbox: PDF + LaTeX: omit text in PDF, and create LaTeX file. Include this in your document and then it will render the PDF in LaTeX along with any text you put in while in InkScape, but the text will be generated by LaTeX at compile.
There was a post here a while ago that showed this off (albeit it showed a number of cool things off, so it may be confusing.)
> The person who comes up with an idea like that won't be very excited on their own un till they find out that people are willing to pay a good amount to buy their technology.
Why do you think this? Is it because money is the only thing that would drive you, so you assume that will be true for everyone?
This is Blender. It is industry-leading 3D modelling software developed by the best and brightest in the field, and it's entirely open source. It's free to anyone who wants it, and it is continuously updated and improved by a community of passionate and dedicated people. Blender stands as a shining example that legions of people are motivated by things other than monetary gain.
> Why does LO have all of the MS Office software equivalents....except for OneNote?
Because... nobody has volunteered to implement one :-) New features don't just appear by magic, and someone has to work on them. As an open source project, LibreOffice's features are implemented either by volunteers who are "scratching their own itches", or by certified developers working on behalf of customers.
If you really want a OneNote equivalent in LibreOffice, get involved and make it happen! Or consider funding a certified developer to work on it. Those are the best ways to make wishes a reality :-)
Fwiw this might be an option in the future:
Free, entirely browser-based. ISTR the author talking about it in Reddit in the past. I've never used it beyond taking a quick look at it, so ymmv.
Also, kudos to you for your pic! Loved the concept and execution! Literally did a squee and showed my wife, who has far more experience than I in such things. She liked it too :)
I'll run the blender benchmark in both Configurations. Is there anything else you're particularly interested in?
My build is this:Ryzen mini ripper but I've changed the ram: I have 2x8gb sticks of Kingston hyper X 3200mhz and 2x16gb Kingston hyper clx 3000mhz but I'm pretty certain I can set the XMP so the ram performs the same except being in dual channel or not.
Are there any other synthetic benchmarks you particularly want me to run?
At least the Blender Foundation block is an unrelated issue. They refused to turn on monetization & ads on the channel since it is non-profit. Youtube has not given a proper response.
Really nice work!
Definitely learn Blender as you clearly have a talent for 3D modelling/scene creation. BlenderGuru's Tutorials are a great start!
You'll do way more in a fraction of the time very quickly!
Much more interesting read about size, memory and speed improvements, lines of code removed and servers load decreased:
And don't miss last link from original article:
Have you looked at ? It has open sourced options to MS office products and some other stuff too. As long as you aren't using really esoteric features, it's essentially fully file compatible. Totally free. No subscription.
Office: Libreoffice (forked from OpenOffice quite a while ago)
Corel Draw: Inkscape, perhaps? (I've never used Corel Draw, but it seems to be vector drawing.)
Intelligence and ignorance are two entirely different realms, because there are plenty of smart people with dumb political views and vice versa
I’m not gonna be one of those libs that goes “durr higher iq is correlated with liberalism, read dis study dat proves i’m smarter than you” because i don’t believe that to be true either
If it's going to need a CC sub (like I gather it will), I'm sure Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer are better deals.
It is vector image which I made in Inkscape (graphics editor) :P
But you can make panel like that in polybar:
If you want such a feature, join in and help the volunteers to make it, or consider funding a certified developer to work on it! See here:
So, no 'professional-grade tools that may not be available to the rest of the class', but what about something like Blender, which is completely free? Or would he then say that the 'rest of the class' doesn't have computer access?
Erinnert ein wenig an die Sache mit youtube und blender. Ist ein Produkt auf googles Plattform erfolgreich und weigert sich zu monetarisieren wird es halt rausgeschmissen.
Apparently it's a misunderstanding: YouTube requires the Blender channel to accept new Terms&Conditions, but that requirement is only visible on a page they never visit ("Content Manager"), and the error message was just confusing.
Ton accepted the new Terms&Conditions, videos are already visible, but playing them doesn't work for me yet.
Obviously it's still great if the Blender Foundation don't need to depend on YouTube to stream their videos, but at least they don't have to figure things out in a hurry and can take their time while their YouTube channel is up.
He built it with Lego Digital Designer, a software dedicated to Lego building. He then exported the model to Blender, a 3D rendering software.
Wow!!! That's so exciting. I'm wishing you the best of luck on your first job and this new chapter of your life! The art is from It's an open-source design project which allows you to use their svg images for free and without attribution. Also, I'm not a software developer haha. I'm actually a quantitative analyst for an investment company, but I dont think I can really use my job skills to make ncity more enjoyable.
Yes!! That's a wonderful suggestion so thank you for that.
Simple answer: no you don't need to worry.
This is an important reason to think about switching to LibreOffice. It's not just a better choice because it's free. The software freedom philosophy that underpins it is the most important thing- because writing is a human right, and no company should be allowed to be a middle-man to this process.
Libre Office is a popular free program that is compatible with Microsoft Office. It's basically an updated version of Open Office since it's based off Open Office. It doesn't use the ribbon interface though.
The Kingsoft Office website says they support MS Office documents, but I've never used it so can't say how well it works. Since it's free you can test it out to see.