WinDirStat, it's a graphical representation of the contents on your harddrive, highly recommended if you're looking to free up some space
Also Everything, it's a program that instantly finds files on your computer, it's much quicker than the built in windows one since it indexes shit. It's very quick and light weight
That totally depends on the culture of the area you're in. Here in the Netherlands there are a lot of dolmen (we call them hunebedden) and people (children and adults) climb on them and sit on them all the time while visiting them. Same with the burial mounds we have here. It's not considered tasteless and offensive at all here. In fact I have very happy memories of climbing on and under our dolmen as a small kid, as a teenager and as an adult...
It's different if that specific location has been a sacred place continuously, but most Dutch people didn't know our dolmen were actually graves, and if they did, they robbed them... (though most were robbed before current societal memory).
I should add that there are some organisations who do consider it disrespectful, but that is not the common Dutch consensus. It seems to be more a reaction to the shock/offense of foreign tourists towards the climbing than our own cultural inclinations.
Also if you can't do much, switch your defauly seatch engine (Google I presume) for Ecosia .
For each search you do, Ecosia plants a tree in an African country to halt desertification and thwart deforestation.
i'm a bit conflicted because i do like the photos and the idea surrounding them, but alot of people are claiming some of the hair is fake and he's selling a scam product?
I don't think i care about the fake hair, but the products seem iffy.
DDG results stink for me. Google has the best but only because they know and track everything about me. Second best IMO is Ecosia (
It uses Bing but outside of MS and without the need for an account. They also plant trees from searches.
PowerToys is set to include a Video/GIF capture tool in the future. Hopefully this will be integrated into the OS as other toys have been after it's fully developed.
For those who don't know, PowerToys is Microsoft's experimental set of tools for power users, and the current windowing options in Windows 11 are based on work done for one of the tools called FancyZones.
> You can use everything.
You should at least capitalise that if you're not going to link, otherwise it's just confusing to someone who doesn't already know what it is.
Arguably it wasn't the best choice of name, but it did provide me with this amusing screenshot:
But IRL you should have carpet dividers under where the door would be, so it wouldn't look as bad.
It would also stop the door from catching on loose carpet and pulling it up.
while I agree that they do look stunning and ageless, I would love to see "aged" not as the opposite to beautiful, but just another expression of beauty. E.g. the character Jean Milburn, played by Gillian Anderson, is a great example of "aged" beauty
Everything by VoidTools. Very fast file search which builds an index for searching and is nearly instant. Can remember removable disks and search for files on them when they are off line.
And there are so many other amazing sculptures with that level of detail. Corradini's Modesty, Strazza's Veiled Virgin, similar 'veiled ladies' by Monti and a number of others.
This seems a convenient place to recommend that everyone use Ecosia as their search engine. It’s basically google, but they use the ad revenue to fund tree planting. Absolute no brainer.
> Apple does not have a good record of resisting such pressure in China, for example, having moved Chinese citizens’ data to Chinese government servers. Even some democracies criminalize broad categories of hate speech and blasphemy. Would Apple be able to resist the demands of legitimately elected governments to use this technology to help enforce those laws?
This right here and PRISM is why I've always kept one eye open with Apple. I think there comes a certain point when they will or have to give in somehow. Possibly be given a gag order to not tell the public about something either.
Over the past couple years I've been leaning more towards open source software and now I am even more. I got onto FF a few years ago and don't have any reason to switch. I looked into and started using cryptee. I'm willing to give up convenience for privacy and personal security. I'm rethinking what software and apps I use and working on replacing them.
For a second I started to actually think that Apple really was for the user. What goes on in China and the latest developments show that they really are not.
I don't think people really comprehend how badly we're destroying the planet. Everyone is aware of it, we each do little things to help like recycling, but overall it's not enough. One day things will be irreversibly catastrophic, and it's only once it's too late people will realise what they've lost.
Edit: Something that came to mind for anyone reading this. Consider using Ecosia as a search engine to plant trees :)
I have accepted that it just doesnt work, I installed "everything" it gives you literally everything and is amazingly quick.
It's the first thing I install in a fresh windows installtion, I don't even touch that search bar.
> Alles und jeden akzeptiert
Ja. Also, alles und jeden. Bis auf Homosexuelle, Dunkelhäutige, Polen, Sinti und Roma, und Migranten halt. Aber das sind ja fast gar keine.
Idk about the other person, but I tweeted exactly once about him (only called him j*, no mention of his actual name) when his warehouse got broken into and added this meme and soon after, I was blocked lmao
I feel the same. ): I do my best to donate to NGOs which help the elderly. I don't know how much it helps but that's all I feel is in my capacity.
Some NGOs that work with the elderly. Give India, Ketto and DonateKart are also some platforms that have NGOs that work with the elderly in their catalogue.
Ripgrep is faster in many cases. And it can also be used outside of Git.
What I personally like is that ripgrep automatically searches recursively. And it combines well with fzf.
I don't think they're a satire religion. I think they're as real as any other.
I mean, if you can believe in zombie jews and talking snakes, why is the TST suddenly satire?
Or did you mean Satyre
The problem is they are treated like a raw material. And the consumers just don't want to fucking know about it. Punish the transgressions, and realize that we can simply choose not to support it.
Fun fact: The houses in Sanctuary and a few construction sites in the Commonwealth appear to be modeled on the Lustron brand houses produced by the Lustron Corporation of Chicago. Nearly 2500 such houses were constructed between 1947 and 1950.A group of them in relatively good repair still stand along the 5000 block of Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
Shoutout to Search Everything, an alternative to Windows Search. Only 1000x better. Searching for a translated version of a Windows app won't give you any results though. In order to find 'Kladblok' with Search Everything I have to search for Notepad but I guess that sort of makes sense.
Linked issue:
Monaco Preview enables preview in the File Explorer for over 100 source code file types (like .php, .cs, .h, etc.). It's based on the same code render engine like VS Code.
A quick Ecosia search brought this up:
.su is an Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that was designated for the Soviet Union (USSR) on 19 September 1990.[2] Even though the Soviet Union itself was dissolved a mere 15 months later, the .su top-level domain remains in use today with over 100,000 .su domains as of July 2020. It is administered by the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN, or RosNIIROS in Russian transcription).
I love mlocate in Linux. try Everything for Windows. Yeah, you could poke around in the word processor's settings and find the default save directory, but the tools I mentioned are great for finding stuff fast.
"Everything" is one of the first things I install. Builds an index using the NTFS file-system, effortlessly keeps the index updated (can index NAS as well), and then presents results instantly as you type. Wouldn't know what to do without it.
Oh no that simply won't be enough its a frozen wasteland here. Good luck with the inevitable frostbite
Actually though, your list is quite nice. You're far more prepared than most natives, I think you'll be fine. The Cities aren't quite as cold as up here, and they recently haven't had a lot of snow from what I understand. That coat you have already will be just fine with a base layer or sweater on the really cold days.
Honestly haven't heard of many people wearing base layers like smart wool unless they're actually going to be outside for a long time. But use those when you go skating or walking in the woods, for instance.
Dont underestimate the importance of warm socks and gloves. I always regret it if I forget gloves/socks. Hats? Something like this will be plenty warm and help you fit in with the locals.
Those boots look nice. They'll suit you fine. Remember warm socks for extended outdoors time.
Sometimes the temp won't seem bad, but the wind/windchill will be much much worse. Scarves will help immensely. Just today in Duluth, the "feel" temp was quite a bit colder than the actual temp, with a pretty strong wind. So be ready for that!
Oh, and have a shovel, jumper cables, and ice scraper in your car. You never know when that sucker is covered in ice/snow in the morning or just won't start. Let it warm up a bit too.
Visit up north when you get a chance.
Know this documentary stone cold. I can't speak entirely for the Cities, but this is 100% how people actually are from my neck of the woods.
You seem very prepared. Welcome to Minnesota, its a great state and we're glad to have you.
Using Ecosia is a simple and free way to help that change! It’s a search engine that uses its profits to plant trees where forests used to be, and they just reached 100 million trees planted!
Instead of sending ad revenue to Google, send it directly to the environment.
Please consider using Ecosia. It is a search engine that uses the ad revenue from searches to fund tree-planting efforts around the world. I have it on my laptop and on my phone.
It isnt as good as google- but what I'm looking for is usually there. If I cant find something I still use google from time to time.
There are many alternatives, Launchy is a good one but I will insert my two cents.
For blazing fast file searches go for Everything Search.Everything Search. You'll love it. I don't know why Windows' file search still sucks after all these years.
As for a launcher, try WoxWox. It has a variety of plugins and is themable. Although I would recommend you downloading a fresh build instead of the latest release. 183 is still buggy with Windows 10 (I contrib on github to it, and yes we need to make a new one like yesterday). There is a getting started guide there too so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Go to , download and install "everything". Never look back.
It is lightweight and incredible fast, it finds every file on your PC everywhere.
I never got why the win10 search sucks so much. I mean, google is able to search the whole world internet for anything in milliseconds. The Win10 search does not even properly find files or apps that are installed on a single harddrive in my system.
> And don't get me started on the shoddy QA they do with Windows 10's search function... (Can't even find a application thats pinned to the damn start menu)
Everything Search picks up the slack.
The terrain on that trial is challenging and can be very dangerous if its raining. There are steep drop offs as you hike, and can get slippery. There are deep canyons and impenetrable jungle.
In May the found a woman who had been wandering the jungle for 2 weeks after just walking a few yards into the jungle and getting turned around.
The 'rumours persist' is easy to write, but makes no sense here. They'd have to fly off the island and there would be a record of that. If they lived on the island, someone would have put 2 and 2 together over the past 30 years. The full time population on Kauai is small.
They fell, or got lost. Mount Waialeale has more rain fall than anywhere else on the planet and this is the terrain.
I also add this to my ~/.bashrc
# Don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options. # ignoredups - causes lines matching the previous history entry to not be # saved # ignorespace - lines which begin with a space character are not saved in the # history list # ignoreboth - shorthand for ignorespace and ignoredups # erasedups - causes all previous lines matching the current line to be # removed from the history list before that line is saved export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth:erasedups
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it shopt -s histappend
These settings keep the history clean, let you add to it from multiple terminals at once, and they help when searching history with Ctrl-r
or fzf.
And that's a Nazi haircut
The difference is pretty big between both and this one was obviously what he was going for
I use fzf plugin to open files really fast:
call plug#begin(stdpath('data') . '/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
call plug#end()
map <leader>b <cmd>Buffers<CR>
map <leader>f <cmd>GFiles<CR>
map <leader>F <cmd>Files<CR>
map <leader>l <cmd>Files %:h<CR>
Good meme
In Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, etc) go to File > Options > Save
and see where the autosave location is set to (it should also have a button to open the folder)
For everything else, install Search Everything (it has a portable version, if you're on a school computer) and just search for "autosave" or similar.
Yes , I’ve used it for a while. I tried to spread the word with sarcastic rants/information. I could think of a way to meme it. (Congrats OP, this post is very environment friendly)
Whoa, a fellow Ecosia user in the wild!
For anyone curious, Ecosia is a non profit search engine that uses ad revenue to plant trees around the world. Its not perfect but is a good alternative to google for the privacy-minded.
As the maintainer of fzf, I find this feature very intriguing. fzf is an ncurses program that takes up the whole screen, so I'm using some hacks involving tmux splits or external terminal emulators when launching fzf from inside vim or gvim. With this, I might be able to integrate fzf into native vim splits and it would be great, especially so for gvim.
I meticulously sort my data into different folder systems so that I know exactly where ever file should be located.
But if you want to be able to search all your data, I would recommend Everything. It indexes all your files, making them instantly searchable, and the even have guides for setting Everything up with a network drive.
Engineering life hacks = Excel tips & tricks = Learn all of the search and lookup functions like vlookup, match, etc., learn how to array formulas and learn how to use VBA
Also with presets to all of your commonly used folders
Also, this?
Using google for unit conversion:
Thought of another: for a variety of things (see the the examples)
Kinda strange, but Neiafu, in the Kingdom of Tonga. I was there ( and the surrounding islands) for a month plus. It was so different from other places I've been, very colorful but at the same time kinda run down. But it gave off a genuine "off the grid" feeling. It's definitely not known as an adventure seeking type place, but it felt like a "real" one. Idk how to explain it well. There was a cafe in town where the owner was a British expat, and he was the kind of guy who knew everyone and everything. You'd go to him for gas, food, clothes, anything. We'd walk around, and all of the stores are kind falling apart yet still standing. It had a classic market, and it wasn't just geared towards the sailors and tourists. It had real, homegrown food from the outer islands, and homemade mats, baskets, garments, etc. It was interesting, and everytime I went into town, Id see someone I know. The Italian pharmacist, the cafe owner, every Tongan friend I'd made, a couple other sailors I met while there. Felt like I was on the edge of the world. I'd love to include pics, but my phone broke :(ʻu)
Heres the harbor, and google images seems to only have hotels/nicer buildings on it. It was an amazing place.
to install:
Then Everything to find files.
I don't have time to do a real review, but I did read the online version of the book and I have some things to say about it.
I've been writing C off-and-on for almost 20 years now. I'm also the author of The Silver Searcher (aka ag), a popular search tool written in C. One might agree that I have some experience in this field. So please believe me when I say that Zed Shaw's LCTHW is a waste of time regardless of your skill level. It contains many inaccuracies. Worse, it doesn't contain information on important aspects of the C language and its ecosystem of tooling. The best criticism of the book is probably this post by Tim Hentenaar. The post also shows Zed's unprofessional behavior in response to criticism.
I cannot stress it enough: Avoid this book.
You might try the plugins fzf or ctrl-p.
From the fzf github:
grep --line-buffered --color=never -r "" * | fzf
ag --nobreak --nonumbers --noheading . | fzf
So yeah, give those a try. I don't know about ctrl-p from experience, but I seem to remember seeing some people do something similar.
I share an office with one coworker (my teammate/supervisor). We both prefer lowered lighting and dark OS themes to minimize eyestrain.
My main PC is an HP somethingorother laptop-parts-in-desktop-formfactor provided by helpdesk. with Core i7, SSD and 16GB of RAM. Dual monitors (1 portrait, 1 landscape) with an ergotron mount.
I run CentOS 7, with a Windows 7 VM. (Our department gets to run whatever OS and software we want, but get only best-effort helpdesk for it.)
Major tools:
Good headphones are essential. My travel pair that I take to the office is a set of Jabra Move wireless headphones. I also like Audio Technica and AKG.
I was provided a Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse by helpdesk. I opted to bring in a mechanical keyboard from my collection (using a quieter type of switch such as Cherry Red or Cherry Brown).
I also have a Macbook Air 4GB for on-call and the occasional work-from-home (I haven't met an extremely lightweight, durable laptop that runs Linux well). I run the same tools (most installed via Homebrew), subbing iTerm for urxvt and adding Alfred.
I rock an Osprey Metron backpack, which pulls triple duty as a work laptop bag, a motorcycling backpack and a 24 hour emergency bag. (/r/edc, /r/ultralight). You'll usually find that and my motorcycle helmet on top of one of the guest chairs :)
EDIT: Oh, I forgot that you're never more than 15 feet from a mini-fridge on this floor. My workplace keeps them stocked with energy drinks, soda and flavored water, and I stock mine with sandwich materials as well.
I think you should install this tiny program called Everything. Basically, It's a search engine that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows. Unlike Windows search "Everything" initially displays every file and folder on your computer.
You should try Joplin. "Joplin is an open source note-taking app. Capture your thoughts and securely access them from any device".
Did I mention, it's an open source project with a heavily active community.
You can also pay the Dev to host your encrypted files for a small fee. More options and services are available, check their website.
Edit, didn't read correctly, as you tried? Joplin ? Not sure what you mean about the external structure. But one note = one file one Joplin. Also, as the files are encrypted folders are irrelevant.
If I understand you correctly, you won't be able to edit your files with another editor without Joplin (even if within the app you can launch and edit with your favorite editor). Files are encrypted.
Now without the encryption you could edit them but still no folders. Sry
Check out Ben Garrison's cartoons. Looks like it should be ironic, like a lampoon of how they think. Nope, the real deal. But you see worse on r/ForwardsFromKlandma.
If you're upset at Google for removing your Robinhood reviews, switch to using Ecosia. They're just as user friendly and effective, and put 80% of their profits into green energy and planting trees. I've racked 2k+ searches and only needed to return to Google about 8 times because the results on Ecosia are awesome.
It's the same one:
It definitely does do contents searching: >Yes, "Everything" can search file content with the content: search function. File content is not indexed, searching content is slow.
ok. how about taking a step back for a bit. look at what Everything is doing. how they do it. Buy it if you must!. Compare it to what you are doing. Is there anything you can make better/more effective/more efficient with what you learned? can you integrate some of their features into Windows search/Cortana?
I know you have a good eye for good software. for instance, you realized Swiftkey was doing all the right things and you bought it and integrated into Windows, now would be a good time to send David a check and integrate that as well.
I never liked Windows file search, I use Everything (look at the faq for full info). I know this does not fix the problem in Windows but wanted to share something that works for me and might be a solution for you.
cause trees aren't like humans, they ain't no bitch.
Also in a recent study they found out that trees actually cool a lot more than was initially let on. With increasing temperatures, the fear is that trees will go through respiration rather than photosynthesize adding to the CO2 emissions. However it is trees that are needed to help cool localized temperatures to begin with.
Also, if you are not already signed up, please make Ecosia your go to web browser. They plant trees
If it were me, I'd search my drive to see if I accidentally moved the folder.
If you run Windows, an invaluable tools that I use daily for finding files is Search Everything. In seconds it catalogs every file on your system, and lets you search for specific filenames.
Here is a screenshot of a search for "2018 .png". The space causes the display of all files with "2018" in the name, with the extension .png. (Picture)
Best of luck in your search.
Depending on which type of reset, a Windows reset can include a backup of user files. Before losing hope, load a comprehensive search tool and look for "level.dat". I suggest Search Everything.
Best of luck.
Wox and Everything. Install both, set up a key combination to open Wox, and you can search for everything in real time, no lag. Will even find those files you forgot you had from a year ago.
That's not true. A lot is, but a lot is also sequestered in the soil. Living trees are a huge biological reservoir of carbon, and we've been deforesting like motherfuckers around the world for the past 150+ years.
Growing trees is probably the easiest thing you can do to fight climate change.
Install Ecosia search engine in your browser, donate to orgs like the Arbor Day foundation, or just grab some seeds and get going yourself.
They put blinders on their horses (flaps attached to their heads made of leather or metal that blocked out their peripheral vision.)
Source: Witcher 3.
It sounds like Joplin would be a good fit, unless you need OneNote-style drawing/handwriting support. Joplin can be entirely offline, or you can sync with a local folder, self-hosted network drive, webdav, or nextcloud server (it also supports regular ol’ dropbox, onedrive, etc.)
It’s FOSS, actively developed, and has great mobile and desktop apps.
It supports client-side end-to-end encryption as well, so even if you choose to use dropbox/onedrive/AWS to facilitate syncing, you can mitigate any privacy concerns.
>White-passing is when someone perceives a BIPOC person (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) as a white person, for whatever reason. Some BIPOC people labeled white-passing are viewed as having more privilege than other individuals in their community.
>Back in June, singer Halsey was called out for never publicly claiming her Black side. She didn’t hesitate to speak out and acknowledged that yes, she’s white-passing, but at the end of the day, she’s still a biracial woman that embraces her Blackness.
Rom... kurz vor dem Fall
sweet bread isnt a problem, I love my suikerbrood.
the problem is that when normal bread tastes like cake, its too much. But it all comes down to the fact that sugar and other sweet tastes are very addictive and when your government dosntt have laws banning it or people enforcing it, companies will use this addictive property to sell their product.
combine that with the fact that High Frutose Corn Syrup is not only cheap, but also addictive and you get perfect recipe for obesity. meanwhile sugar is pretty expensive compared to it and the fact that using FHCS is banned in most of the EU for because of its far worse negative effects on health than normal sugar (beet or cane)
Most of the time I just need logs or have to exec into a container. Therefore I enhanced my zshrc file and since Im already an fzf user it wasnt much I had to add. You can find my stuff here:
Everything Search:
It's a Windows program that indexes all your files across all drives in real time (runs as a service, or just in the background), and lets you search for folder/filenames instantly. By default when you open the search window, it lists every single file and folder on your computer, then filters down as you type each letter. So much smoother/faster to use than searching complete terms (and hitting enter) multiple times by trial and error when you're not sure of the exact name of something.
The nice thing about this project is that you can just build the GUI part. Shouldn't be a great deal of work, so well suited to a hackathon.
Instead of building the filesystem indexer/database yourself, you can just utilize an index database from another program, like /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db (not real time), or maybe even rlocate (real time).
For me the real time indexing aspect isn't so important, more the filter-as-type aspect, and a nice simple & efficient GUI where you can right-click on results and quickly do stuff like:
And of course like with a file manager, you can sort columns on: folder name, filename, modtime etc.
I'd suggest combined inside and outside calipers, but I must say that I have not seen a combination quite like that before.
That was also the reason why Alexander II (Alexander III and Nicholas II's [Yeah, that Nicholas] predecessor) was assassinated, to advance Anarchy.
Whether the assassins succeeded or not... depends on how similar/different you think Anarchy and Chaos are from each other.
It's here, and it's free. Enjoy!
I guess that's the unfortunate thing with calling your app "Everything", it makes it tricky to Google for it! For future reference, I found it by Googling "everything search".
This is a stupid map, it's basically just the "Basic System" Amtrak runs but faster.
I will not rest until the rail map looks like this again.
Alfred (Mac free with $26 for powerpack). The price may sound high at first but the application is by far my most used program. It is a replacement for spotlight that offers far more functionality. It allow
Spotlight for me: Cmd + space. Or, rather, Alfred, using the same shortcut.
But then I don't really like using the mouse for this stuff - my "dock" is just Finder, Chrome, Photoshop, and Sublime - things I need to drag stuff onto to open.
I think there used to be an Applications folder that was pinned to the dock. That was pretty much the same as Launchpad, but in alphabetical order.
I keep hearing and reading studies that we need to plant 1 trillion trees or something like that to start reversing climate change. Someone on Reddit actually told me about the search browserEcosia , for every number it searches it uses the ad revenue to plant a tree It actually seems legit and pretty bad ass
If you like this you will love ag, the silver searcher. There is also a vim plugin. I bind <leader>t
to :Ag \(todo\|TODO\)
EDIT : the correct config in vimrc is nnoremap <leader>t :Ag '(todo\|TODO)'<CR>
, the line above is misleading.
> can you get more than one variant at a time…?
>>Yes, You Can Contract 2 Coronavirus Strains at the Same Time
Its like Genjustu from that funny anime Naruto. I love that show omg so good. Do you know it? If you have not have watched, don't worry. I'll explain to you plot of it. Click on this link to understand that reference I made. Hehehe. 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Edit: I sincerely apologize for my actions. I understand that I may have mentally hurt many people with my behavior. I'm so sorry. I now understand the error of my ways and I will promise to change the error of my ways. The link below contains a picture of a handwritten letter I wrote addressed to anyone negitively effected by my decision. 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "fzf"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
Since many of you guys are facing issues with ctrlp (I didn't; but I also did not use its advanced features) you can try fzf
Works well and also for your shell.
Boot into safemode, navigate to %windir%\System32\drivers
and delete the ESEA driver(s) manually from there. After that also empty your temp folder by navigating to %temp%
, pressing ctrl+a (to select everything) and then shift+del (to permanently delete everything bypassing the recycle bin).
Restart your PC and run driverquery | findstr ESEA*
again, it shouldn't find anything now. I also suggest downloading Everything and searching for "ESEA" with it. Great program for other uses too since unlike Windows Search it actually finds every single file on your PC and does so instantly.
I found plenty of photos of this, and we learned in school here in Norway that the stones were found laying down and raised like they thought they used to stand. There even used to be a road cutting straight through it! The carbon dating was obviously not done on the stones themseles, they're ancient. You can only carbon date for example volcanic and man-made stone. What was dated were some antler picks that were used to dig. So it's very possible it's much older, and maybe even stood somewhere else??
I think raising the stones was a great business opportunity. If there's a conspiracy, it's to keep the repairs forgotten.
Part of the Sailsbury Plains are still military grounds.
Here's the image search I made,
One small side note that might be of interest for people reading this article. I used the silver searcher for awhile, but I recently discovered another tool called ripgrep which is much better. It's faster and it doesn't have the issues with gitignore behavior that have plagued silver searcher.
Controlled environment agriculture and vertical farming are booming. They just don't work for all crops.
A simple way to help restore the planet would be to use the Ecosia search engine. They use at least 80% of the money generated from ad revenue to strategically plant trees in degraded ecosystems. They have planted roughly 79,940,000 trees so far. They also publish monthly financial reports to show how they use the money. If more people used the search engine, think of the impact it could have.
Yes, and fzf works beautifully inside it. That means Neovim can have extremely performant fuzzy-search across very large file trees.
For comparison, try fzf in emacs ansi-term (don't bother with eshell).
Yeh they more or less left the app store: - that old version is there for those who want it. Apple shouldn't be promoting apps that aren't being maintained.
Don't forget this one:
It's a search engine (looks and operates a lot like Google) that uses ad revenue to plant trees. I've got it on all my home and work computers, as well as on my phone.
Sir Google McCuntface. Osa jenkkien kyyläyskoneistoa. Sakkojen haalija. Yksityisyydenloukkaaja. Suurkyylä. Veronkiertäjä. Mainostenpakottaja.
Kokeilkaa Googlen sijaan Ecosiaa hakukoneena:
He lahjoittavat enimmät mainostulonsa puiden istuttamiseen (tai siten väittävät). Kerrankin hyvä syy ottaa blokkeri pois päältä.
La mafia è un atteggiamento, una forma mentis. Hai già fatto benissimo ad informarti.
Buone pratiche quotidiane per combattere la mentalità mafiosa rientrano nella lotta all'illegalità. Illegalità è terreno fertile per la mafia.
Partecipa ad eventi ed iniziative. Ti consiglio di tesserarti a Libera e di cercare iniziative nel tuo comune o nei comuni limitrofi, di entrare in contatto con attivisti e gruppi di lavoro.
Proponi iniziative di legalità nelle scuole. La cosa migliore da fare è diffondere la cultura della legalità! Non porti limiti, se hai in mente qualche bella idea per qualche iniziativa, proponila. In particolare, puoi dialogare con le scuole della tua zona che fanno parte del Centro Promozione Legalità
Total Commander can do this - and soooo many other things (OOTB and through plugins)
Can’t live without it on any Windows machine and still miss it on my macs.
See all features here:
No. You lost.
And it's sad, because you are usually so good.
I understand not wanting to believe it, but you gotta face the scary stuff.
And the scary stuff is: we don't know.
Sure, the earth is not gonna turn into Venus.
Be we are looking at entire ecosystem collapse.
Now, what happens to food chains when food crops no longer get pollinated?
Oh yeah, and there's climate change. That's there too.
A LOT of people are going to die. If we are lucky, it's gonna be half of humanity.
The Steam version saves in the Steam folder so you'd have to find where the MS Store version saves (doesn't mention it on that page) and move it over.
Doesn't look like it uses cloud saves so it should be in the same format as Steam. It'll probably be saved in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\ or maybe WpSystem - easiest way to find it is with Everything.
Even then there's no guarantee - unless someone answers that's already done it.
A while ago I found an app called Everything that works really well - the search is pretty much instant and can find anything, is really customizable and works full-text. Highly recommended, haven't used Windows search since (as I wasn't really able to find any files on my 3 disks without waiting a year or two)
^^also ^^paging ^^/u/vikramdinesh ^^in ^^this ^^reply
Looks great. How is it to work with?
I recommend Microsoft Powertoys along with the fancy zones functionality to split large screens into areas for each app (e.g. I used that app to automatically setup an area for the Console 1 bar).
There's a really nice one. Download Everything and find literally any file super fast, better and faster than Windows search even. It's even faster than if you let windows preload all file names, it can preload terabytes of files names very fast somehow.
>You search the web, we plant trees. Ecosia is like any other search engine, with one major difference: we use our profits to plant trees. (Scroll down, make it your default in your browser)
Yes! +1
Maybe this could go beyond just the shading and actually create different blooms in different biomes. Bright large blooms in snow biomes look weird imo. In my experience, blooms in harsh environments are rather small, example, so mb bloom sizes could be adapted to biomes. Con: People may dislike having small blooms when they set up base in harsh biomes and want to decorate. So mb potted plants should be excepted from that.
I can recommend open source Joplin. It supports end-to-end encrypted notes and is available for Windows, OSX, Linux, Android and iOS.
Using Bitwarden for notes feels a bit clumpsy if you have a lot of them.
Joplin is a free, open-source, and fully-featured note-taking and to-do application which can handle a large number of markdown notes organized into notebooks and tags. It offers end-to-end encryption and can sync through OneDrive, Dropbox, and more.